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Old 29-05-2013, 12:09 AM
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Re: 六字真言

Originally Posted by KinderBueno View Post


那若一个人每天念很多遍 OM MANI PADME HUM, 能为他消除或减少他自己的坏Karma吗?
Old 29-05-2013, 12:59 AM
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Re: 六字真言

六字大明咒(Om mani padme hum)-觀世音菩薩心咒(觀成法師)

section 3 : CHANT A MANTRA - Om mani padme hum
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Old 29-05-2013, 07:00 PM
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Re: 六字真言

Originally Posted by corm View Post
那若一个人每天念很多遍 OM MANI PADME HUM, 能为他消除或减少他自己的坏Karma吗?
意义甚多。受持六字大明咒的无量功德,即使是诸佛亦无法尽诉。受持者的身体疾病及障碍将会被净除。所造的语 业被净化,种下妙音的种子。所有意念之无明、愚痴将被净除,得到佛菩萨智慧的加持。

话说回来,一个人早上吃牛肉面,中午吃鸡饭, 晚餐吃Filet-O-Fish, 三餐饱食肉类都吃进肚子里,念上一千遍‘唵、嘛、呢、叭、哞、吽’刚好给这些鸡、牛、鱼统统领走了。那么, 之前所造的罪依然没消。


我认识一人,白天念《地藏经》晚上吃KFC,发生意外之后,才埋怨菩萨没有保佑。罪业没消除,难道怪菩萨没 应验?
Old 30-05-2013, 12:28 AM
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Re: Fortune Telling

I just saw this thread which touch on Buddhism.

I am now very troubled and in a dilemma. I don't know is this the right thread to post my troubled thoughts. I don't know who can help me.

I'm now very confused between choosing Buddhism or Christianity.

Actually, I considered myself a christian although I had never been baptized before and I also haven't gone to church for a long time already. But I do firmly believe that Jesus Christ die on the Cross to take away our sins and any one that believe in this will be saved.(Christians believe this).

BUT there is one part in Christianity that I cannot accept, I was told there is NO reincarnation in Christianity, they said after a person die, his soul will either go to heaven or hell, but he will not be reborn into another human being in his next life.

Whereas Buddhism believe in reincarnation.

I had recently just entered middle-age and looking back on my this life, from my childhood all the way to now entering middle-age, I realized my this life is very 命很不好,很不顺利。Hence I want to have another chance to become a different human being in my next life to start all over again. To be born into a different In buddhism there is a next life to be reborn into another human being. But Christianity don't believe in Reincarnation in the next life.

Hence I'm now very confused and troubled and in a dilemma
Old 30-05-2013, 10:11 AM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Originally Posted by numbercruncher View Post
I just saw this thread which touch on Buddhism.

I am now very troubled and in a dilemma. I don't know is this the right thread to post my troubled thoughts. I don't know who can help me.

I'm now very confused between choosing Buddhism or Christianity.

Actually, I considered myself a christian although I had never been baptized before and I also haven't gone to church for a long time already. But I do firmly believe that Jesus Christ die on the Cross to take away our sins and any one that believe in this will be saved.(Christians believe this).

BUT there is one part in Christianity that I cannot accept, I was told there is NO reincarnation in Christianity, they said after a person die, his soul will either go to heaven or hell, but he will not be reborn into another human being in his next life.

Whereas Buddhism believe in reincarnation.

I had recently just entered middle-age and looking back on my this life, from my childhood all the way to now entering middle-age, I realized my this life is very 命很不好,很不顺利。Hence I want to have another chance to become a different human being in my next life to start all over again. To be born into a different In buddhism there is a next life to be reborn into another human being. But Christianity don't believe in Reincarnation in the next life.

Hence I'm now very confused and troubled and in a dilemma
There is one sentence in the bible that points to reincarnation. There is.
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Old 30-05-2013, 12:27 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Originally Posted by micmac888 View Post
There is one sentence in the bible that points to reincarnation. There is.
which bible you talking about bro?

anyway i got this info thru google

The Bible also contradicts the belief in karma by emphasizing grace. According to the Bible, atonement and forgiveness may be gained only through the death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Salvation is based solely upon the work of Jesus Christ, not upon our own merits. The concepts of reincarnation and karma are in clear contrast to Hebrews 9:27, "For it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment." Paul clearly states that the soul does not transmigrate into another living body, but goes to await judgment.

For the Christian, Paul promised that death is the means to being in the presence of Jesus, "we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord (heaven). 2 Corinthians 5:8" It is clear that the Bible does not allow for the concept of reincarnation.
(Que not in order)
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Old 30-05-2013, 12:47 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Originally Posted by numbercruncher View Post
Hence I'm now very confused and troubled and in a dilemma
There is no right or wrong. Just choice.

So what if you believe in Christ or follow the teachings of Buddha? None of them tells you to do bad things.

Rebirth? Yes, there use to be teachings of rebirth in church in early days, until someday, someone cannot explain it and therefore write it as it does not exist.

Since you say your life have been very bad, might as well start doing more good deeds to help yourself. Both buddhist and chirstians have a common saying of "what you reap is what you sow", and "KARMA". Perhaps, you do good now, you got get return of what you did now, but the saying is the same, you get what you sow. You are suffering for what you did in the past, not this life, but previous lives

Just an advice to you

1. If one does good, and does not get good rewards, it is becos his bad karma is too heavy, and when the bad karma is cleared, good things will come.

2. If one does bad, and does not suffer for it, it is becos his good karma is great, and when the good karma finish, bad things will start to come.

Also a very good saying that goes like this

1> When one does good, even he does not get good returns, the bad things that are coming are departing already

2> When one does bad, even he does not suffer from it, the good things that are coming are departing already
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 30-05-2013, 03:40 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Originally Posted by numbercruncher View Post
I just saw this thread which touch on Buddhism.

I am now very troubled and in a dilemma. I don't know is this the right thread to post my troubled thoughts. I don't know who can help me.

I'm now very confused between choosing Buddhism or Christianity.

Actually, I considered myself a christian although I had never been baptized before and I also haven't gone to church for a long time already. But I do firmly believe that Jesus Christ die on the Cross to take away our sins and any one that believe in this will be saved.(Christians believe this).

BUT there is one part in Christianity that I cannot accept, I was told there is NO reincarnation in Christianity, they said after a person die, his soul will either go to heaven or hell, but he will not be reborn into another human being in his next life.

Whereas Buddhism believe in reincarnation.

I had recently just entered middle-age and looking back on my this life, from my childhood all the way to now entering middle-age, I realized my this life is very 命很不好,很不顺利。Hence I want to have another chance to become a different human being in my next life to start all over again. To be born into a different In buddhism there is a next life to be reborn into another human being. But Christianity don't believe in Reincarnation in the next life.

Hence I'm now very confused and troubled and in a dilemma
i might be wrong, but one is a religion that requires blind faith, the other is a teaching. one ask you to believe in him and you'll be saved. the other tells you whatever you do has consequences. one tells you only he can save you, the other tells you, you have to save yourself.

ask yourself, are you a lazy fucker? if you are, then leave the saving to someone else, or are you motivated? if motivated, do the fucking work yourself and help yourself, things not smooth normally points to bad initial planning and poor implementation.

i only believe in myself, i work smart and hard, i get my rewards, i slack, i get shit all. talk to me about heaven and hell when you been there and come back, no picture no count. lol
Old 30-05-2013, 07:18 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post
There is no right or wrong. Just choice.

So what if you believe in Christ or follow the teachings of Buddha? None of them tells you to do bad things.

Rebirth? Yes, there use to be teachings of rebirth in church in early days, until someday, someone cannot explain it and therefore write it as it does not exist.

Since you say your life have been very bad, might as well start doing more good deeds to help yourself. Both buddhist and chirstians have a common saying of "what you reap is what you sow", and "KARMA". Perhaps, you do good now, you got get return of what you did now, but the saying is the same, you get what you sow. You are suffering for what you did in the past, not this life, but previous lives

Just an advice to you

1. If one does good, and does not get good rewards, it is becos his bad karma is too heavy, and when the bad karma is cleared, good things will come.

2. If one does bad, and does not suffer for it, it is becos his good karma is great, and when the good karma finish, bad things will start to come.

Also a very good saying that goes like this

1> When one does good, even he does not get good returns, the bad things that are coming are departing already

2> When one does bad, even he does not suffer from it, the good things that are coming are departing already
Then how do you explain the case of that young Army Regular that got both his legs and 1 arm amputated due to a horrible accident? Why did such a horrible thing happened to him?

Are you saying he had his 3 limbs amputated is due to his karma? (what you reap is what you sow, you said this in your above post)
Old 30-05-2013, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by numbercruncher View Post
Actually, I considered myself a christian although I had never been baptized before and I also haven't gone to church for a long time already.


Originally Posted by numbercruncher View Post
BUT there is one part in Christianity that I cannot accept, I was told there is NO reincarnation in Christianity, they said after a person die, his soul will either go to heaven or hell, but he will not be reborn into another human being in his next life.

Originally Posted by numbercruncher View Post
Whereas Buddhism believe in reincarnation.

I had recently just entered middle-age and looking back on my this life, from my childhood all the way to now entering middle-age, I realized my this life is very 命很不好,很不顺利。Hence I want to have another chance to become a different human being in my next life to start all over again. To be born into a different In buddhism there is a next life to be reborn into another human being. But Christianity don't believe in Reincarnation in the next life.

就看看夫妻好了,夫妻本是同林鸟。能不能做夫妻是前世修来的。婚姻美满或者离婚两散是上辈子带来的。甚至, 生出来的孩子有报恩和讨债。阿公阿嫲/父母做了缺德事,会殃及子孙牵累后代。

你有相信轮回,那是很好!今世得知深信因果轮回者,上辈子有做了点好事。在大街上随便丢块石头,打中的那个 人未必相信轮回!所以,你能相信轮回已经难得了。深信因果轮回不是什么坏事。

我当完兵之后,就去了美国念书。当时口袋没有什么钱,只好请师父恩准我用玄术赚点钱。其实,天生神通眼过于 严重才拜师。也就这样,在美国正式进入玄学驱鬼以及八字命理。I did exorcism while I studied full-time. I handled most cases on 'house cleansing' - to dispel unwanted and/or unseen entities. 曾遇过无数冤魂讨债、孤魂厉鬼、因果实报、神明显化等等案例。至于,民俗学的‘因果与轮回’千真万确,并非 童话。

I lived in outerskirt of a city in the Mid-West region. 住在我对面的屋子,是一位个刚离婚不久的ang-mo。由于路上退冰潮湿,ang-mo摔倒特别严重,下体大量出血。Call了911之后,ambulance就把她送入了医院。当晚,我去探访她的时候,病房内有小男孩的灵体。Ang-mo精神差情绪低落。后来,才知道她流产。难怪baby的魂魄会留在病床旁。

隔天我开车接ang-mo出院,原来baby的魂魄一直没离开妈妈跟她着上车。Ang-mo一直责怪自己,时不时流泪哽咽。我看到她这个样子,实在于心不忍,决定给baby的魂魄超度。一天一个 小时,作足了七天回向。On the eighth day morning, ang-mo来敲我的大门。

Megan: I dreamt cuddling a boy. He repeatedly insisting me to thank you for your wonderful prayer. I played with him for a long time before I place him in the baby-walker. He strolled out of the house and never returned. I never had a dream looked so real.

In my heart, I was thinking,“要不是你有忏悔之意、爱子心切,加上baby魂魄可怜,不然我也会不管”。 既然ang-mo与我缘,特为她详细解读紫微命盘,该女命确实是有离婚命,子女宫折煞难怪有产厄之兆也就是流产。经我开导之 后,ang-mo从此吃素,相信因果轮回。

以上是真实故事,并非虚构。婴灵若没妥善处理,他没法继续他要走的路。婴灵的去处或者是否有机会轮回为人, 交由上天安排。

Anyway, after returning to Singapore, I only do baby naming, cesarean section/r.o.m. auspicious date selection, baby gender prediction/selection and occasional bazi reading when I am free,多半是分文不取。目前自己有份安稳的full-time job,再也没有踏入玄学命理这行赚吃了。

Originally Posted by numbercruncher View Post
Hence I'm now very confused and troubled and in a dilemma
Old 30-05-2013, 11:51 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Hi bro kinderBueno, I have somethings i would like to ask you about but as your account don't allow receive of private message. Is there anyway i can contact you thanks.
Old 31-05-2013, 12:48 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Talking about reincarnation , then have to explain why some Ang Mo claim they have previous life.
Old 31-05-2013, 02:15 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Originally Posted by newyorker88 View Post

1. If one does good, and does not get good rewards, it is becos his bad karma is too heavy, and when the bad karma is cleared, good things will come.

2. If one does bad, and does not suffer for it, it is becos his good karma is great, and when the good karma finish, bad things will start to come.

Also a very good saying that goes like this

1> When one does good, even he does not get good returns, the bad things that are coming are departing already

2> When one does bad, even he does not suffer from it, the good things that are coming are departing already
If I were looking for a mantra to live by, this would be good
Old 31-05-2013, 08:04 PM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Originally Posted by CIM-FJ-BBBj View Post
Hi bro kinderBueno, I have somethings i would like to ask you about but as your account don't allow receive of private message. Is there anyway i can contact you thanks.

Originally Posted by xgal69 View Post
Talking about reincarnation , then have to explain why some Ang Mo claim they have previous life.
Old 01-06-2013, 12:23 AM
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Re: Fortune Telling

Originally Posted by KinderBueno View Post

你有办法帮人改运吗?不是说中马票,是指把一个人的运气改得好一点,让我的人生走的比较顺利些 , 让小人远离我, 和让多一些贵人出现在我人生。


奏巧的是,属我生肖的, 我的十二生肖是属猪,这几年里每年风水师都在节目上都说属猪的朋友范太岁, 还说今年会破财和有血光之灾。 我这两年很道霉, 尤其今年特别残, 我也在两个月前经历了一段很倒霉的血光之灾

Last edited by corm; 01-06-2013 at 12:34 AM.
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