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Old 15-05-2013, 10:18 AM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

sweet revenge.

I always liked your writing style. Clean with solid visual evoking copy.

Looking forward for more visual treats from your words!
Old 15-05-2013, 10:23 AM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

I must say u r really good!

Can't keep quiet n be a silent reader. Up ur points
Old 15-05-2013, 10:32 AM
BBBBW BBBBW is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Wonderful, wonderful writing!! Hope that your passion as a writer continues to burn as bright!
Old 15-05-2013, 02:11 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

clap! clap! clap!
Old 15-05-2013, 11:34 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Another great story by bro OCK. Great read where sex is not the main focus
Old 16-05-2013, 08:44 AM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Sylvia burst out laughing , hitting me on my left arm which was nearer to her.

Sylvia : you very funny la James, haha. No wonder Gillian always so happy.

As the laughter died down, I told her it’s late and we should all go rest.

James : Don’t think so much, what has happened already happened.

I saw the corner of one of the plaster peeling off and I reached forward to stick it properly into place.

I stood up, offering my hand to pull her up from the couch and she took it.

I rotated her to face the corridor with my hands on her shoulders, with a gentle push and nudge, I guided Sylvia towards her room.

She paused outside the guest room where Gillian was in and turned towards me.

Sylvia : Can I sleep with my sister ?

I opened the door and went into the room with her.

Gillian’s already asleep, buried under the blanket as far as I could see in the rather dim room.

I grabbed my laptop and told her I’ll take the living room.

Sylvia : Don’t la. If you don’t mind you can take the bed in my room.

I just nodded and closed the door behind me as I left the 2 sisters alone.

I struggled a little with my decision. Then thought of being to sleep in Sylvia’s bed, to smell the pillow which she laid on every night, to be covered with the same blanket is too tempting. Yet I must be logical in my decision.

I gave up the bed but instead I took a pillow. I went for the one on the side which I saw Sylvia sleeping on few months ago and cautiously took a whiff. It smelled exactly like her, her unmistakable womanly scent.

I brought it out to the living room and almost immediately knocked out when I hit the sofa.


My biological alarm rang and I felt a little ache on my back as I struggled to open my eyes. Although I was feeling rather exhausted, I knew once I wake up, it’s hard for me to fall asleep again.

I washed up in the guest bathroom and made coffee after I collected the papers.


Sylvia came out and I was halfway through the news.

James : Morning.

Sylvia : Morning.

I saw her head towards the window at the living room, stretching herself as she looked down the estate into the courtyard below. The higher her hands reached up, the corresponding amount of her lower back I saw.

Damm those PE attire is fucking with my mind early in the morning.

I did not know if Sylvia noticed the conditions of her shorts, it must have shifted or moved or whatever the hell you call it, it rode pretty high up, almost to the point it looked like a wedgie, but from my view, it looked like a really gorgeous and tight package waiting to be unwrapped.

I quickly turned away when Sylvia walked towards me, pretending to be interested in the news.

She took a seat across me and I offered her coffee.

7.45 am

After some small talks I went to the yard and was about to start on the laundry when I realised that there were no detergent and no softener.

I opened and checked the cupboards, all I could find was a bottle of mama lemon.

I can’t wash her clothes with that.

I took a piece of paper and briefly wrote down a shopping list which I think Sylvia would need and I went over to the dining table.


James : Sylvia, I need some stuff, do you happen to have them ?

I pushed the list across the table , she took a brief look at the list and asked.

Sylvia : What is softlan ?

My mouth gapped opened before she hit me with that list of paper.

Sylvia : I’m kidding. Haha. Gimme a minute.


Sylvia came out of the room with her wallet and her phone, but she was still in her secondary school PE attire. What was different was I noticed a light blue coloured bra that seemed a little obvious from her white t-shirt.

Sylvia : let’s go .

I burst out laughing and asked if she’s sure.

James : Haha, are you going out like that ?

Sylvia took a look at her dressing and asked what’s wrong

Sylvia : Looks ok what, I don’t have much clothes left anyway. It’s all in the pile in the yard.

I offered to go on my own as I could managed but Sylvia insisted to join me.

She did not want me to pay for the shopping.


It felt a little weird walking out of the estate with my sister in law that Friday morning. I saw a few pairs of eyes on us as we chatted along the small street towards East point.

I felt my dick pushing constantly against my pants, ok not my pants, but Joe’s pants since I borrowed from his wardrobe.

Sylvia looked good, cute in fact. Her hair was tied up and the colourful flip flops made her look younger than she really was.

It might sound like a good scenario, walking with a girl in her old pe attire during a weekday morning, but don’t forget the bruise she had on her left lip.

It seemed to have swell a little more overnight.

There were visible bruises on her arms as well.

Sylvia paid no notice to them and I tried my best to ignore it as well, although the eyes that greeted me were not as kind.

I bet someone almost call the cops about a guy and a young girl in uniforms which looked like she was abused.

As we near the traffic light to go across to the mall, our conversation stopped and the silence was a little awkward. I racked my brain to think of something to jump start the chat and something came into my mind.

Right after crossing, I spoke as we passed by the outdoor café.

James : Feels weird eh, walking with a secondary school girl to the mall on a weekday morning.

Sylvia laughed and replied as we passed through the mall’s auto door.

Sylvia : How would anyone believe I’m still in school… old already.

James : Not true, you look good in your uniforms… sorry, I meant pe attire.

It was a slip of my tongue and thankfully Sylvia paid no note to it.

Sylvia : Haha, rubbish la James, I feel so old and distant from my school days.

James : Nonsense, you looked just like a school going girl..

We went into the supermarket and I got a trolley. I bought a small trolley as well as I have no intention of lugging detergents all the way back.


Sylvia did not really know what was required and she let me do the shopping. I filled the cart with the things which I felt was needed. I stocked up a little on canned food and noodles as well. I considered buying some fresh vegetables but thought the better of it.

I chose some fruits which are easy to go down as a snack and I got bread and spreads as well for breakfast.

Milk, yogurt followed shortly after and we got into queue.

As the items were being scanned, I whispered into Sylvia’s ears.

James : Ask for a packet of Dunhill menthol for me.

She gave me a look before placing an order form the auntie who was doing the scanning.

The auntie paused for a moment, unsure of whether to get her the smokes. I definitely looked above 18 but the request came from a bruised girl in pe attire.

As the auntie passed the yogurt across the scanner, she asked for Sylvia’s IC.

Sylvia smiled broke into a grin, saying it’s ok.

Sylvia : Nevermind auntie, don’t want already.

She proceeded to pay for the purchase and we left the mall together.

We spent some time arranging the groceries into the shopping cart I bought and left the mall.

After crossing the traffic light, I finally asked.

James : So…. Happy ? haha

I could see she was smiling shyly and she refused to look at me.

Sylvia : You are full of nonsense James .

James : No I’m not. Haha


I unloaded the shopping in the kitchen and Sylvia went to check on Gillian in the room before coming out to say she was still out cold.

We sat down for 2nd round of coffee and this time round we had bread to go along with it.


My phone rang and I went aside to speak with my boss who called to ask me what’s wrong.

Boss : Oei James , what’s wrong ?

James : Sorry ar, a bit of family matters.

Boss : Mai kay kay go interview hor, anything we can talk.

I laughed and reassured him that I’m not, it’s really a personal matter.

I was not surprised he called, afterall I have never been away from work before for the past 3 years unless I’m on holiday. Being a small family run business, he kept an eagle’s eye over all his staff.


Gillian woke up and joined us at the table. Shortly after they retreated into the room again.

I left the girls to talk and I went to the yard.

It felt a little different that day to look at that pile of worn and unwashed clothes belonging to Sylvia, it felt a little more arousing compared to the first time I laid eyes on them few hours ago.

I knelt down and took the first piece off the basket. I saw some of her undies intertwined with her pants, sometimes skirts, and one that was tangled with her stockings. There were tights as well, her undies unglamorously twisted into the fabric in her attempt to take it off.

I felt my dick rise to the occasion, my mind tempting me to indulge myself yet at the back of my head I was worried about the girls coming out suddenly.
The room door was not close, and they could pop out of my blindspot any moment, I felt dejected, such a good harvest of treasure, yet I could not enjoy them.

I took my time to sort out the laundry, the dark coloured pants and jeans, the light coloured tops and blouses, the lingerie of course, socks, sports bra, running tops and singlets. That was perhaps the first time in my life I sorted laundry pieces with an erected manhood.
Old 16-05-2013, 08:51 AM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

It took me a good 20 minutes to sort through the piles of laundry and I was perspiring by the time I was done.


Right when I was about to load in the first batch of clothes, Gillian came running out with her phone in hand.

She said her dad is coming over at 12.30pm, we should be going for lunch together,

I heard Gillian tell her mum over the phone to pack some clothes for her and Sylvia as they have a bit of supply issue at the moment.

I loaded the first batch of dark coloured clothings into the wash.


When the melody sounded for the first cycle, Sylvia joined me at the yard as I taught her how to use her own washing machine. We loaded up the second batch of darks together and I told her I’ll leave the lights to her later.

The dryer got working and the sun was great that morning.

11.30 am

I watched Sylvia load in the first batch of light coloured laundry and gave an applause when she’s done.

She laughed and hit me on my arm.

James : Well done girl ! You deserve a Tiger.

Sylvia : don’t be silly. Haha

Gillian helped a little with the laundry and we hung up all those that we could onto the poles, loaded as much as we can into the dryer, even the living room was not spared, with hangers hanging from the TV console and display cabinets.

The 2nd batch of lights went in next before the 3 of us looked at the pile of lingerie together.

Gillian : Sis, you got to be kidding me man. That’s a lot.

Sylvia : Usually the weekend Auntie bao everything for us. Not cheap leh.

James : Wah, how much you paying her ?

Sylvia : About 150. For 3.5 hours.

James : Wah ! You kena kotok is it ? so ex ar. Why not you pay me 150. I come every weekend.

I meant it as a joke of course but Sylvia seemed like she was actually considering my suggestion.

Sylvia : Hmmm.. might as well let own people earn hor, better.

I shook my head and asked if she knew how to deal with the remaining pile and she said ok.

Althought i would have loved to help with the pile but i had no intention of revealing my fetish.

She seemed a little embarrassed at the sight as well. How many sister in law will be engaged in a conversation with their brother in law about a pile of unwashed lingerie.


I sat in the living room with an apple alone and I slowly took in the whole house, there was the sudden thought of being alone in this place. All the nooks and cronies for me to explore, it’s not a big place but there were still so many aspects of this apartment that I have not gotten my hands on.

There was the small study which I haven been inside before, there was the storeroom which I’m sure had some secrets in it.

Then there’s the big wardrobe in the masterbed room, the amount of private information it holds, the dressing table, the master bath.

Every room, different stories.


The girls’ dad arrived at 12.30pm that afternoon with a bag of clothes for his daughters, I was working on my laptop in the living room.

There was a commanding presence when he entered the house. The girls seemed to quiet down a little and they sat at the table.

My father in law to be was very straight forward and he said he’s taking the girls out to lunch to have a talk.

He did not mention I was invited and I did not ask.

12.55 pm

The girls washed up got changed, looking closer to their age once out of their pyjamas.

Sylvia passed me a set of keys, reminded me to lock the door if I’m heading out.

Before she left , she added a quick whisper

Sylvia : bolt the door James , I don’t want Joe in the house.

I nodded and watch them enter the lift.

I bolted the door, leaving me alone with a pile of Sylvia’s unwashed lingerie, socks and running gear.

And of course, the privacy , and the freedom to slowly explore the place.

That was the moment I really knew I had an angel looking out for me somewhere high above.

I stood facing the corridor, considering my next move, unsure how long should i wait in case they came back for something they missed.

I stood like a block, pacing up and down the corridor, feeling a little lost.

Then a sudden calm came over me.

1.00 pm

I entered the masterbed room.

And i knelt down in front of the PE attire Sylvia just ditched moments ago.

I brought it up slowly , feeling the texture of the fabric, sick thoughts started hitting me again as i felt my manhood rise.
Old 16-05-2013, 09:02 AM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

good work bro !! very timely update of the nice story...... my humble 3points
Old 16-05-2013, 10:30 AM
tripleaxe tripleaxe is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Now this is what i call a well written realistic story.

Well done.

Future & current writers (you know who you are) should take pointers from him.
Old 16-05-2013, 11:36 AM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

TS.. I wanted to say I love you but afraid of what others might think ..

nice story !!!
There are no saints in a sex forum... if you can read this, despite your claims of merely being a passerby/lurker/silent reader, you are already tainted and have been corrupted.... welcome to the darkside !!!
Old 16-05-2013, 11:58 AM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Originally Posted by sean69 View Post
TS.. I wanted to say I love you but afraid of what others might think ..
seanie bro.....mai kay kay hor.....
Old 16-05-2013, 12:09 PM
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Originally Posted by sean69 View Post
TS.. I wanted to say I love you but afraid of what others might think ..

nice story !!!
confession? lols
I judge myself
Old 16-05-2013, 01:28 PM
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Thumbs up Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Old 16-05-2013, 02:02 PM
icenite icenite is offline
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Re: My Brother and Sister in law

Walao, damn shiok this story..full of fetish..
Old 16-05-2013, 03:42 PM
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Smile Re: My Brother and Sister in law

If this is a real life situation, my hearts goes out to ur sil. But if this fiction: damn good writing skill and really salute u.
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