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Old 23-08-2013, 06:01 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Damm good story, I could just imagine and Pcc... please continue
Old 23-08-2013, 10:03 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Thank you your interest in my story. This is part II, the 10th instalment. Enjoy!!


She gave me a peck on my cheeks and went to dry herself up leaving me in the shower feel proud, happy and very...very satisfied.


After that Faithful day, we continued with our lives. Everything seems to be in where it should be. Running smoothly without hiccups.

Kate and I got married a couple of years later and set up our own small business, life is stable and sustainable. We travelled when we could, sometimes with Faith and the gang but nothing happened.

Day in day out and after a few years our business expanded. We got even busier. Yes, life became easier. However, we felt something was still missing.

We decided to complete the family. Tried for a couple of months and she was pregnant but had a miscarriage into the 2nd month of her pregnancy. It is a natural way for the body of rejecting bad fetus; we consoled ourselves. Tried again and again but still in vain after 6 to 7 months. We were very sad but never had the thought of giving up.

In March 2012, Kate bore me a beautiful boy. His arrival has made our family complete. Renovated a room as his cozy cove, buying all sort of miniatures stuffs. Tiny shoes, tiny socks, tiny shirts but it was underused. Kate would not let the little one sleep on his on. The idea of him climbing out of his cot and fall changed her mind. Our love nest also became a little toy house. Everyone is so happy especially our parents. He is indeed our bundle of joy.

With things now revolving around the baby, it took a toll on our sex life. During Kate's pregnancy, I dared not touch her, with the memory of her miscarriage still lingers. We stopped doing it from the day we knew about her 2nd pregnancy till our boy was around 8 months young. With our angel sleeping in our room, we don't feel at ease to do it. Moreover, everyday after work and taking care of the baby, we are always tired and slept early.

How do I ease the urge in me? I do it myself or ask for contacts in here for a quick rub on my shoulders and my southern dweller. I do not fuck outside.

After 1 year and 5 months since her pregnancy, we went to NZ with a very close buddy and his fiancé for their wedding photo shoots without our boy.

I was bathing in the hotel while Kate was ready for bed and getting cozy under the quilt watching NZ channels. It did not cross my mind that we would be having sex that night. So, in the toilet, I whipped out my iPhone and started surfing the pornography video website a friend just recommended, I masturbated.

I came out, climbed onto the bed and slipped under the quilt in my usual pyjamas, birthday suit. Kate came close to me, cuddling me and kissing me all over while tickling my balls. I had an instant hard on. I missed her tender lips on me. We went into a sexual frenzy. She disappeared under the comforter and my dick met up with her mouth like old-time flame reunited. She was really high that night. After less than a minute of blowing, she climbed back on top of me and started her rocking aggressively.

Before giving birth, her vagina was usually very hugging and wrapped around my dick with the right tightness I cannot feel anything.

I don't know why, the scene of the doctor snapping her vagina for my boy to exit started to flash back. I did not witness the cutting but I saw her blood squirted out and splashed on the doctor’s surgical apron. Till now, I still remember the snapping sound “snap…snap”. 2 snaps.

Go to any pasar malam and buy a pack of muah chee (rice cake topped with pounded peanuts) and listen to the ”snap snap snap”. That is exactly what I heard in the delivery ward.

“Ok, I need you to push now. On the count of 3, 1…2…3, push! Again, push…push…push. I can see the head now. Last push…push,” the doctor said.

I literally heard it again and again in my head.

I could not concentrate and maintain the hardness required for intercourse. I kept saying sorry to Kate. That night I became worried and could not sleep.

Another chance came when a friend invited us to attend their wedding in Bali. Determined to have a fruitful trip with Kate, I came up with some excuse to persuade Kate not to bring our boy and I did not touch myself for a week prior to the trip. However, the trip also ended up in non-ejaculation.

What has happened to me? Is Kate no longer attractive to me? I still love her a lot. She and the baby is currently the most important people in my life. I'll die to let anything happen to them. But why? Why am I not able to have normal sex with her like before?

I had been thinking what to do. Talked to close buddies. They asked me to seek the help of a psychologist but I am reluctant to do that. Most nights, in my bed, I looked over to Kate, I felt helpless.

Until that day, Faith came to sleep over and things started to change.

-To be continued
My stories

My wife's good friend's sleep over

A Short Story
Old 23-08-2013, 11:20 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Old 24-08-2013, 12:43 AM
citygo88 citygo88 is offline
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

nice one brooo, keep going plz
Old 24-08-2013, 03:05 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Originally Posted by @h-BeN View Post
Originally Posted by citygo88 View Post
nice one brooo, keep going plz
Thanks for liking my story. More to come!
My stories

My wife's good friend's sleep over

A Short Story
Old 24-08-2013, 06:08 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

now the 'real' story starts.... dang....!!!
Old 24-08-2013, 02:47 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Thank you bros for the encouragements. This is the 11th instalment, its getting hotter~ Enjoy!


Until that day, Faith came to sleep over and things started to get interesting.


Faith had her threesome experience and we all know about it.

Shane on the other hand, was not as lucky. He could not find anyone that was willing to help. So, to fulfill at least part of his fantasy, they engaged the help of a “professional” during their trip in Bangkok. Kate said it was just some strip teasing and hand job thingy. Seriously, bravo Faith, Bravo!

Faith and Shane got married shortly after us but their marriage was short-lived. They have stable job and money is not a problem. They have no kids but Faith loves children. She is the first person to register to be our boy’s godmother and would often come to our house after work just to play with him. She dotes on him a lot. Most of the toys in his room are from her. We actually got to stop her from buying any more stuff.

I cannot say much about Shane because he was always missing from the gatherings. He was in finance. From what I have gathered, he had something going on with a colleague from work. They would go for "tennis" after work, have supper and come home really late. Faith saw a photo on the Facebook posted by a lady who in turned tagged Shane. It was a photo of him and the lady taken in a club, hugging, while on a team building trip to somewhere.

We all knew the motive of the lady by tagging Shane the intimate photo of her and himself in Facebook. Unfortunately, Shane chose to be in denial. Kate showed me the photo. The lady was wearing a very revealing dress. With curvy figure and big boobs. She dressed to kill.

An anonymous email was sent to Faith one day. It showed the itinerary from an airline. With Shane details and a lady named Jil. The dates coincide with the days that Shane was "supposed" to be having his reservist.

Faith confronted Shane and he admitted he had an affair with Jil. Their marriage lasted only 8 months.

Shane moved out and let Faith have the apartment. There were a lot of tears flowing and tissues used but Faith got on with her life eventually and became my son's godmother. Recently, she is allowed to sell the house and started looking for a new place near us.

2 weeks ago she came over after viewing a couple of units in our area to play with the little one. The ladies were in the baby room with the baby for the whole night while I was working on a stubborn tap in the kitchen, which refused to cooperate.

About 11pm, I passed by the room and heard laughing. I opened the door and was surprised to see Faith still around. Upon seeing me, Kate informed me that Faith would be staying overnight. They would be sleeping in the baby room with the baby. I can have our room for myself. Faith then said,

Faith: "Can or not, darling? Hahaha."

Me: "Aiyoh, of course la. You can stay for good if you want."

Faith: "Wa! I take your words for it huh! Yay! No need to buy house already. Hahaha," hugging and kissing my boy.

I do not know why or what hit me. The moment I saw how she kissed and hugged my boy made me think back how she did it on me on that Faithful day.

"Mmmmm...yes. Don't stop ok. I want more."

"You can do whatever you want."

The sex talk I had with her started flowing back. I felt something crawled down there. I quickly excused myself and shake myself out of the thought in the bathroom. I tried not to think about it and had a cold shower.

I was surfing the Internet on my tablet on the bed when Kate brought Faith into the room with the baby monitor. Kate loaned Faith her old pyjamas. It was a pair of cotton shorts and white tee. I could see 2 round patches at the nipple area under the nightshirt with the help of the dim warm light in the room. She had pasties on while Kate was in her slightly above knee length nightdress. I took down my reading specs and asked,

Me: "How's baby? You girls still not sleeping ar.

Kate: "He is sleeping already. Tomorrow is Sunday; we don't want to sleep so early. Let's do something together?"

Faith joked: "Hahaha, 3 legs majong?" Both of them laughed and pushed each other.

Me: "Wa...better don't la. The last time we did that, something else happened, remember?"

Faith: "You don't like meh??"

Me: "It has became a legend. Still want to talk about it ar."

I told the guys about it and nobody believed me, thinking I was just bluffing. Until one day at a party, Faith was drunk and spilled it out loud in the group. "Remember the time we did it? You were so horny!" Kate had to stifle her. Since then, the guys have been joking about it. Till now, they will still stir up the old story.

Kate: "Hahaha, ok la, ok la. Think of something, please."

Kate sat beside me and Faith was at the foot of the bed. Half of her body was on the bed and the lower half was out. She used her elbows to support herself. I could vividly see the stretched mark on the shirt across her chest and the shape of the 2 pasties at her nipples. There were 2 little pea-shaped-thingy protruding out in the middle. Those were her nipples, still as cute as before.

Instinctively, my brain sent a signal down to my little bro, which slowly awakened. We chatted and Faith went on to make herself comfortable on the bed. She rested on her side and supported herself by her left elbow. She slid herself against the sheets to position herself to the middle of the bed. By doing so, her cotton short shorts was some how pulled upwards and revealed her bikini line and I think I saw her camel toe. She had nothing on.

Kate warned: “Hey! Can see your bikini line!”

Faith: “Wa…luckily you warned. If not your husband here cannot take it.”

I shook my head in disbelieves that she just said that. We are no longer in our early 20s, yet these 2 ladies on my bed are behaving and playing like 1 whenever they are together. I put my specs on and continue on my tablet. Then Kate said: “Hahaha, he was staring lo. I saw.”

Kate reached down under the quilt and touched my little brother. It was semi erected.

Kate reported: “Wa, someone’s getting horny!”

Totally surprised by Kate’s attack, I jumped and hurried to protect my little brother by wrestling Kate’s hands to submission. I can easily fend off Kate’s attack like Superman fighting Tweety Bird. Upon seeing this, Faith jumped on me to the aid of her buddy. "I'll help you," she cried, pulling down my comforter to my knees and revealed my tight brief that I was wearing. “Hahaha, someone is naked!” Faith exclaimed.

I release Kate’s hands, cover myself up again and said: “You 2 are matured women already. And you, you are a mother of 1. Still acting like kids. Well, yes and no. Yes, I’m getting some hard on down there because its cold in here but no, I’m not naked. Semi naked to be exact.”

Kate then closed in to my neck and said: “Horny ar? Want to go back in time? Back to 8 years ago.”

I could not believe what just came out of her mouth. “What?!” I asked.

“Yes, you heard me. Back to 8 years ago, when you did your thing on Faith and me," Kate said while licking my unshaven chin.

I think the presence of Faith gave Kate the courage to start saying sexy things to me again. She had not said anything of this sort for a very long time.

Kate started kissing my neck while giving my thigh her gentle strokes. I was dumbfounded. I could not react. I wanted it to happen but at the same time, I was afraid.

-To be continued
My stories

My wife's good friend's sleep over

A Short Story

Last edited by Thug; 24-08-2013 at 05:28 PM.
Old 24-08-2013, 09:22 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Great Narrative FR from Thug.. Serve us more..
Old 24-08-2013, 11:10 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

nice read. Keep it up. Upped you.
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Old 24-08-2013, 11:23 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

*clap clap clap*
Old 24-08-2013, 11:35 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Bravo, you can really write very well !
Old 24-08-2013, 11:47 PM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Waiting for the next installment !!
Old 25-08-2013, 01:09 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

Old 25-08-2013, 01:12 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

camping for more!
See this pinoy MILF HERE !
Old 25-08-2013, 01:14 AM
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Re: My wife's good friend's sleep-over

bravo bravo... clap clap.
Happy new year to all bros..
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