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Old 16-11-2020, 04:45 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Originally Posted by pussluver View Post
Dont forget, the more chapters that are being updated, the quicker the story will end
It's OK to end but do must help us by churning the next new story out soon also bro pussluver..
As I gets older, my waist gets wider.. Life of a 40 plus uncle..
Old 16-11-2020, 10:38 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2


We had already woke up at 8am. I waited until I heard the doorbell when our breakfast was delivered and waited for a 5 minutes before I went out. She remained in the room.

Xi was sitting by the dining table and I went to join him. He was smiling happily.

Xi: good morning Scott..... Where's Jamie?

He looked around but turned back to me when she did not appear.

Me: I want to talk to you.....

Xi: haha.... you want to repeat what I did to your girlfriend last night again?

Me: no..... I want to talk to you about the deal you made with her....

He frowned and mumbled under his breathe.

Xi: I reminded her not to say anything about it......

Me: She won't hide stuff to me..... I've also told her about what I wanted and how you lied to her....

He started to get aggressive.

Xi: what do you want then?! I've her photo!.... I can just post it on the internet if she doesn't do what I wanted!....

I had been in such situation before when I was doing my business and I did not show him any fear.

Me: cool it.... I'm here to strike a deal with you.....

Xi: what deal are you talking about?! Don't give me shit here!

Me: can you calm down and listen first?

He was still agitated but stopped his aggressiveness.

Xi: Say!

Although I still did not know whether it was due to money or his pride, I decided to ask him about money first.

Me: So, how much have you lost in gambling?

He stood up and slammed his palm on the table loudly.

Xi: What has it got to do with that?!

Me: If you cannot control your temper, then I'll just walk away from this table..... after what we allowed you to do to her last night, do you think if we care even if you post her picture on the internet?.... by then, you'll not get the money to repay your debts.... or pay for your grandma's bills.....

I called my bluff and when he sat again, I knew that I had all the cards in my hand now.

Me: Good..... so, how much?.....

He replied grumpily.

Xi: 10k.....

Me: I'll tell you what.... I'll offer 10k to buy the photo back and you can use it to settle your debts....

I knew he would not be happy with just the 10k that I had offered and although I only had 15k with me, I still offered him an additional 3k.

Me: on top of that, I'll give you another 3k...

Xi: Don't fuck with me Scott!.... why would you offer me an additional 3k?!.....

Me: use it to settle your grandma's bills.... I know it won't cost that much but use the remaining amount to buy her some good food.....

It worked. His anger was all gone and he blinked his eyes, disbelieving what he was hearing.

Me: So if you agree, once I pass you the money, you've got to delete the photo and whatever you plan for tonight will not take place any more..... also, remember not to stare at her when she comes out..... Deal?

He nodded sheepishly.

Xi: How did you know that I needed money?

Me: I made a guess..... but I've a question in return..... Did you placed your bets with Nan?

Xi: no... boss don't allow us to bet internally.... so I've to place with external parties....

Last night, he told me he called Park to ask him to bring over some T-shirts for her. Since their conversation would have been in Hokkien and she was unable to understand, I wanted him to confirm.

Me: What time is Park coming over with her clothes?

Xi: After dinner.....

He stood up and offered his hand across the table. I shook it.
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Old 16-11-2020, 10:39 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

I went back to inform Jamie about it and she was relieved. Thereafter, I handed Xi the amount that we had agreed on and he showed me that he had deleted the photo.

Since she was still insisting on not eating in the room, she came out wearing the flimsy pink nightie. Even though a fair bit of her cleavage could be seen but she was wearing one of the bra underneath and her pokies only showed up slightly on the fabric. The nightie was shorter than the skirt she wore last night but she was wearing last pair of shorts that she had, the other silky one.

Overall, she looked decent enough and as per his promise, he did not ogle at her. Initially she was still rather awkward but since he did not bring up anything about what had happened last night, gradually she became comfortable with him again.

Since the clothes had remained in the washer after she washed them yesterday evening, they had started to stink. After breakfast, she placed all the other used clothes that we wore last night and together with those already in the washer, she started the machine.

We retreated back to our room and called up my parents so that we could speak to our boy.

Although I still had 2k remaining after giving Xi the main bulk of the cash I had with me, I was not too comfortable with the amount in case of emergencies.

Since it was too short a time for Beth to conduct an investigation and find out I was involved in Jamie's getaway yet, I told my dad to help me go to the bank and withdraw another 10k for me tomorrow. After that, I would ask Jason to get one of his henchmen to help me collect the money from dad.

Before we hung up, I also reminded him to go alone and not bring the boy out or my mum out. He agreed.

Jamie: sorry baby.... because of my foolishness, I caused you to spend some unnecessary money.....

Me: Don't worry.... its fine....

Lunch was delivered shortly.

We had our lunch and after she hung the clothes up to dry in the kitchen, we went back into the room again and spoke to our child once more.

At about 5pm, we heard the door bell and hung up the call.

Still in our room, we heard Xi opened the door and exclaimed loudly.

Xi (H): Park! Why are you here so early? I thought you said you were coming over after dinner?

It was obvious that Park had arrived. However, Xi lowered his voice thereafter and with the door to our room still closed, we were unable to hear them any more.

Considering that Xi was planning to touch her in front of Park, I was curious about their conversation and asked her to remain in the room while I went out.

To my surprise, a rather pretty woman was standing in front of him. She was about the same height as Jamie and was equally slim.

Unlike the rest of Jason's guys, she had no tattoos on her limbs. Her long wavy hair that was dyed in streaks of yellow and she had heavy make-up on. She was wearing a plain grey T-shirt coupled with a pair of fbt shorts and looked like any normal Office Ladies out there.

Somehow, even though I had not met her before, I found her to be rather familiar but I was still overwhelmed by my initial surprised that Park was actually a woman.

Park (H): aiya.... I've nothing to do anyway..... and I'm so curious to see how they look like.... so I come over lo.....

Xi (H): where's the clothes I asked you to bring?

Park (H): I already got someone to bring them over later......

She caught sight of me and spoke in perfect English.

Park: Hi.... you must be Scott....

Me: erm.... hi....

I had not closed the door and was still holding onto the knob. Jamie must have heard a woman's voice and was curious to see who it was. She came out and stood beside me.

I heard her gasped under her breathe.

Jamie: nn!... She's the girl that Xi had used to compare the photo from the first and second folder in his phone last night....

Now that she mentioned it, I remembered.

Park: and you must be Jamie..... Hi, I'm Park.....

She walked over to Jamie and they started talking. I went over to Xi and mumbled softly so that my words could only be heard by him.

Me: why didn't you tell me Park was a woman?!

Xi: I thought you knew.....

Suddenly I realized that since Jason and Dong spoke in Mandarin, there was no tone differentiation to indicate any differences in sexes. So, Jamie and I had always assumed that Park was a man.

Me: You were going to touch Jamie in front of her?!

He whispered back.

Xi: Eh.... She's a lesbian...... since our secondary school days, she already likes girls.... Also, her girls told us that she took care of them well even though she had never touch them before.....

Now that he told me about Park sexual preferences, it started to make sense to me.

After their short chat, Park realized that she had not bought the clothes that told Xi told her to and went off again while we retreated back to our room.

I told Jamie what Xi had told me and she was surprised.

At around 7pm, Park returned with dinner and Jamie's clothes.

We had a peaceful dinner and an hour later, Xi came to me

Xi: erm.... Scott.... can I leave now?

Me: so early?

Xi: ya..... if you don't mind, I need to go and settle my payments....

Me: I see.... ok.... remember not to gamble the money away.... think of your grandma.....

He smiled warmly.

Xi: I won't..... you're so kind to me even though I was an asshole..... thanks for your help.... I won't forget that.....

After he left, she turned to me.

Park: hey Scott.... did you lend him money? If you did, you can kiss your money good bye..... he will just use it to gamble again.....

Me: nope, I didn't.....

She studied at me for a moment.

Park: well, good.....
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Old 16-11-2020, 10:41 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

With Xi gone, we settled down in the living room.

Park was curious and wanted to know how we met and Jamie told her the story. After the story was completed, Park shook her head in disbelieve.

Park: wow.... it's like you 2 are fated to meet.......

Jamie: yes but also no.....

Since she was one of Jason's right hand man and a woman, Jamie trusted her enough to tell her about Cory and his parents, she looked surprised.

Park: Oh, I see... I know who your in-laws are from the internet..... but I didn't know you are married.... sorry..... now I understand.....

Jamie: It's ok....

The night was hot and humid and even with the fan, we were all perspiring. The girls decided at the same time that they will take a shower first before resuming their conversation.

I waited alone on the sofa and switched on the TV.

10mins later, Park came out and went to the kitchen. She brought out some beers with her.

I was surprised that she did not take the armchair but instead sat beside me. I could feel her thighs touching mine but she did not appeared to mind and I suspected that perhaps she might be the alpha in her all female relationship.

Park: Hey Scott..... I know how lecherous those guys were..... so did Xi try to do anything to Jamie?

She crossed her legs and wriggled her toes. I could not help but to notice how immaculately those cute little toes were being painted.

Me: No.....

Park: hmm.... I guessed he wouldn't..... after all you're boss close friend......

Suddenly she crossed her legs under her on her seat and turned to face me.

Park: so how did you and Jamie make love when the guys were outside? Did she moaned loudly and if so, did they say anything?

Since she was a lesbian I was not surprised that she would ask such a question to try to find out more about Jamie. However, it was an extremely personal question but I was sure that Xi would tell her when she asked him.

Me: erm.... yes..... we did..... and Xi just laughed at us.....

She placed both her hands on my thigh excitedly and I jolted.

Park: so what did he say? tell me quick.....

I was uneasy and automatically turned and looked back at the corridor.

Park: hehe.... no need to get so scared..... just treat me like how you treated Dong or Xi..... so what did he say?

I was reluctant to tell her everything but she was now leaning slightly forward excitedly and her face was only a foot from mine.

Me: erm.... he said he heard everything..... and that we were so overly passionate....

Park: then? did he do anything?

The collar of her T-shirt had opened up and sub-consciously, I looked down. I had not noticed it earlier since I was not staring at her but when I saw her tiny brown nipples through the opening in her collar, I was surprised that she was braless.

I remembered that she was wearing a bra before she bathe. She must have removed it since.

She saw where my eyes were looking at. Embarrassed to be caught, immediately I stood up and went over to the armchair awkwardly even though she was not kicking up a fuss.

She giggled at my reactions and at the same time, I heard the opening sound of my room door.

Jamie had changed to the light blue spaghetti nightie but she was still wearing the same pair of shorts she wore earlier since the clothes she washed this afternoon were still damp. However, she was also braless.

Park: come.... have a seat beside me.....

When Park shifted from her seat and took over the place that I had just vacated, I knew she was smart. The seat where I had just vacated was warm and if Jamie was to sit on it, she would know that I had been sitting there for some time.

She patted on the empty seat and Jamie sat on it.

Park: hehe.... I see that you've also decided not to wear a bra......

Jamie: ya.... it's too warm to wear so many layers..... and since it's only us, so I'm fine with it.....

Park: quite true.... Actually the room you are currently staying in was mine..... since it's not air-conditioned and on nights when it's too warm, I sleep naked.... what about you? do you sleep naked as well?

Jamie: erm.... actually no........ my previous room was airconditioned.....

She picked up a can of beer and started drinking.

Jamie: I've told you about us..... is it ok to tell us about yourself?

Park: sure.... ask me anything you want to....

Jamie: why did you join Jason?

Park: well, my mum was someone mistress and so I can't acknowledge my dad..... after giving birth to me, she returned to Korea......... but since I'm a citizen here, she wanted me to continue studying.... and I stayed with an aunt here for sometime.... but then I got into a fight and was sent to a home......... when I was released, she didn't want to be my guardian any more...... luckily those 3 asked me to join them.... and Jason took care of us like his own siblings since then....

Jamie: I see.... so your dad is also Korean?

Park: hehe.... I see what you mean.... nope.... my dad is local.... and I took after my mum's surname....

Jamie: sorry....

Park: eh, don't worry about it..... Oh.... by the way, my boss asked me to tell you the plans tomorrow.....

She gave us a briefing about what Jason had planned.

His plan was straightforward. Dong, Nan and Park would travel with her to the lawyer while Xi and himself would stay with me. It made sense because Dong was the driver, Nan appearance was the most intimidating and Park could accompany Jamie.

I would remain behind because if I appeared, then Cory would know that I was involved and that might put my parents in danger.

I agreed to the proposal and she informed him.

Since Jamie and I had slept at 4am last night, at 11pm, we retreated back to our room.
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Old 16-11-2020, 10:41 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2


We woke up at 8.30am and breakfast was ready.

At 9am, the clinic called me and told me that the results had been sent to my email. As expected, Jie Lun's results and mine were a match. I got Park to help us to print out a copy of our boy results while Jamie took a quick shower and changed back to the clothes that she wore on Friday.

At 10am, Jason arrived with the other 3 winds.

Jason (M): ok bro..... don't worry..... she's in safe hands.....

I nodded.

Me: baby, remember to bring our boy's hair samples as well.....

Jamie: yup.... I've got it with me and also my DNA results.....

The idea was simple.

We knew that Cory would want to contest for the kid else there was not a need for them to meet. Thus, she was to pass him our boy's results and also our boy's hair. This was to allow him to get a DNA sample done for himself and the strands of hair. Based on our boy's results that she was giving to him, he could verify that the strands of hair belonged to our boy.

Once the results were out, it would convince him that the boy was not his and he would give up on him.

After we hugged each other, they went off.

Jason stayed back and accompanied me, chatting about random stuff so that I would not be worried.

At 11am, Jason's phone rang. After he hung up, he updated me about his conversation

Jason (H): bro, Nan said that they have arrived at the lawyer's office..... and Cory is already there with his lawyer..... Jamie had went into the lawyer's room with them.....

Me (H): Is there anyone else one else?

Jason (H): No.... he said that there's only Cory and his lawyer.

I nodded.

An hour later, his phone rang again. This time he placed his phone on speaker so that I could also hear the conversation.

Park (H): boss.... we're on our way back....

Jason (H): Is everything ok?

Park (H): I don't know.... she said it's fine but she seemed angry....

Jason (H): ok.... keep your eyes open.... check if there's any cars following you.....

Park (H): ok....

She hung up.

30 mins later they were back and just like what Park had said Jamie looked angry. I went to her immediately.

Me: baby.... is everything ok?

Jamie: ya.... he was insulting me all the way until Tiffany gave him a warning.....

She shook her head.

Jamie: he's really an asshole....... I blamed myself for being blind and getting involved with him in the first place.....

Me: Beth was the one who planned for it to happen.... don't blame yourself.... anyway, don't worry.... we're getting you out of it soon.....

Jamie: anyway, just as we expected, he wants to contest for our boy..... and so I gave him the report and our boy's hair.... but he didn't want to take it.... Tiffany got his lawyer to take it on his behalf....

Me: ok.... maybe you go and have a shower first? I can see that you're tired....

She nodded and went in. The rest of the guys had left after they gave Jason their updates. Only Jason and Park remained behind.

Jason (H): bro.... they said that no one followed them.... also they didn't see anyone suspicious.... Cory also didn't make any moves towards her..... I'll make my move first.....

Me (H): thanks bro.....

After everyone left, Park came to me.

Park: Do you want me to talk to her?

I saw a gleamed in her eyes.

Me: no thanks.....

She smiled

Park: well, Scott, I think that the boys had told you something...... don't always believe what they told you about me.....

I did not know what she mean and continued to pacify Jamie on my own. By late afternoon, she was back to her normal self.

Dad called me to inform me that he had already withdrew the money and Jason asked one of his henchmen to collect it on my behalf.

At 11pm, Nan came over to take over the shift from Park and Jamie was already asleep by then.


Since Nan was in the house and she did not want to get into the same situation with Xi again, she re-wore the same clothes yesterday.

She did not want to speak to him too much and only came out for her meals. He looked disappointed and I suspected that Xi might have told him something about what had happened on Saturday. However, he did not asked me anything about it.

Dong took over the next shift from him.


The clothes that Park had gotten for Jamie were dried and so she wore those clothes. Throughout the day, she wore those pad-less bras that I bought for her and Dong still did not stare at her. It was another uneventful day for us.

That night, we made love again before Xi came over.


Perhaps because I had helped him with his debts, Xi was nice to her. He did not attempt to stare at her or irritate her at all.

Dong took over the shift from Xi instead of Park, since he would be busy over the weekend.


An uneventful day with Dong.

We made love again that afternoon.


Park came over since she had changed her shift with Dong and Nan.
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Old 16-11-2020, 10:42 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Originally Posted by water_boi View Post
It's OK to end but do must help us by churning the next new story out soon also bro pussluver..
The next story will take some time. For the idea I had, it's rather difficult to put into words.
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Old 16-11-2020, 10:55 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Ts, how many more updates? Till it ends
Old 17-11-2020, 09:02 AM
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Originally Posted by pussluver View Post
The next story will take some time. For the idea I had, it's rather difficult to put into words.
Will it be dark and taboo? Looking forward to those genre. Haha
Old 17-11-2020, 09:36 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Is there going be to girl-girl play from Jamie and Park?
Old 17-11-2020, 10:11 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2


That morning, Jason joined us for breakfast.

He told us that based on his surveillance over the past week, there were no suspicious characters in the vicinity.

After breakfast, the girls went to Park's room for some girlie talk while I remained in the living room with him.

Just when he was about to leave, my phone rang and it was a private number.

Man: Scott....

Me: Hi.... who is this?

Man: I've got your dad.....

Me: What do you mean?

Dad: Scott!!... call the uggooff.....

Dad let off a groan. It sounded like he was being punched.

Me: DAD!....DAD!.... ARE YOU OK?!

Man: Scott....


Man: ........ stop shouting and listen....


Man: ...... or I'll punch him again.....

Me: FUCK YOU!!!!

Man: do it.....

Dad: uggghhhhhhooffffff............

Me: DAD!!!

Man: are you ready to listen?


By now, Jamie and Park had came out from the room due to my shouting.

Man: good.... what I want is simple.... I want the kid.....


Man: don't fuck with me Scott.... I know you are the mastermind for everything..... so I want the kid in exchange for your dad.....

Normally, I would be calm in such any situation but now, my dad was in danger and I was unable to control myself.

Jamie put a hand on my shoulder and made me realized that losing my temper will not help in any ways. I took in a deep breathe and before speaking again.

She indicated to me to put the phone on speaker.

Me: Kidnapping is a capital offence.....

Man: I know.... so it won't make any difference if I kill him.... if you call the police and he'll be dead......

Me: so what do you want?

Man: I've already said..... I want the kid.....

Me: he's not with me now......

Man: well, then you need to get him...... it's either him or your dad..... make a choice......

Jamie typed a message on her phone and showed it to me.

Me: I need 1 hour..... where to exchange?

Man: Good.... I'll call you again in 45mins.... then I'll tell you the location..... remember, if you call the police, I'll kill your dad.....

He hung up.

I was panicking and my first thought was that Avery had betrayed me since my parent's place was rented by her.


Jamie: baby... calm down.... I'm pretty sure she didn't......

She had always been jealous of Avery and I was surprised that she was defending her.

Jamie: they could have just check on the latest rental transactions over the past few months and send people to the various locations..... hmmm..... but it would take a lot of time and manpower to make the thorough investigations...... I didn't know that they were able to find out so fast.......

After hearing what she said, I realized that I made a fatal mistake.

Me: SHIT!!!...... I know how they did it..... my parent's place was just 4 street away from where I rented my place...... it's not difficult for them to send people down to check on those newly rented units around my place.....

I dropped my face into my hands.

Jamie: wait.... but how did they get your dad? and how's your mum?

Me: I don't know! I don't know!....

She picked up the phone and called my mum.

Mum told Jamie that they had ordered some milk powder and also diapers for our child but the items did not arrived with the delivery. Since I had asked my dad to go out to the bank previously, they thought that it was safe for my dad to go out to get the items.

Thus, that was how my dad was being kidnapped.

When mum asked Jamie about where dad was, she told her that she would get someone to deliver the items to her instead as he was meeting his friends for coffee since he had been cooped up in the house for some time.

Mum started to grumble a little before they hung up and Jamie turned to me.

Jamie: baby..... see.... that's what happened..... so cool it and stop blaming yourself....... the most important thing now is to think of how to get your dad out.....

Jason (M): sis..... was it your ex-husband?

She shook her head.

Jamie: no.... It's not him.... I'm not too sure but he sounded like one of the guy who is working for Beth.....

Jason (M): so it must be Beth who did this then....

Jamie: There's no one else..... I've a plan.... but bro, we'll need your help from your men..... once the guy give us the address, we'll inform you where it is before going to the location..... after that, we'll let you know if Scott's dad in on the premise... if so, you'll rush in and save us....

Jason (M): har? you want to go as well?.... sis, it's too dangerous! you don't know what those guys might do to you!

Jamie: it's Scott's father and my future father-in-law! furthermore, he is in danger because of me! Don't try to stop me! I'm going!.....

He was about to dissuade her when Park interrupted him.

Park (H): boss... I'll take her aside and try to convince her not to go.....

He nodded.

Park: Jamie.... come with me..... I have something to talk to you....

Jamie: what is it? can't we talk here?!

Park: give Scott some time to calm down first..... come with me....

Jamie unwillingly followed her into the room.

Jason (H): bro.... are you ok?

I nodded quietly. I was clouded with worry and nothing came into my mind.

Jason (H): I think Jamie's plan is good..... we'll follow it..... but we shouldn't let her go.....

I did not have any ideas at that moment and nodded again.

He made some calls and 5mins later, the girls came out again.

Park (H): boss.... she said she wanted to hear your plan first....

He frowned and turned to Jamie.

Jason (M): eh sis..... I'm serious.... you shouldn't go.... it's dangerous.....

Jamie: Tell me your plan first and I'll decide after that.....

He repeated the same thing he told me and she shook her head.

Jamie: that was my plan..... and let me ask you, how can Scott inform you if his dad is on the premise when he's there? Do you expect him to just pick up the phone and call you?......

Jason (M): erm......

Jamie: you haven't thought about it right?

Jason was a triad leader. He knew how to get around in his trade and protect his businesses. However this was something that he had never encountered before and was unable to think out of the box.

He looked embarrassed.

Jason (M): but we'll find some ways.....

She shook her head again.

Jamie: So, does Scott bring our child along?

Jason (M): no... of course not.....

Jamie: then what if they ask him where's the child?

Jason (M): erm.....

Jamie: look at Scott.... do you think he'll pull this off in this state?

He looked at me and kept quiet.

Jamie: I am calm..... Scott needs me to be with him.....

A few moments later, he spoke.

Jason (M): hais..... sis.... you know it's dangerous right?

Jamie: yes.... when I made the decision to escape from them, I knew that it would not be so easy.... furthermore, my father-in-law is with them because of me..... I can't hide here and do nothing.....

She turned to me.

Jamie: baby.... what's the PI number who you asked to investigate me?

Me: What has that got to do with this?!

I was still in a daze and snapped at her.

Jamie: Give me his number if you want to save your dad.....

I gave her the number and she called Chen.
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Old 17-11-2020, 10:11 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

15mins later, I had composed myself.

Jason told Park to take care of of getting the items to my mum and stay with her since he did not want Park to be involved in the operation.

The other 3 "winds" arrived at my place and after Park had told Xi of who to call from her henchmen, she went off.

Thereafter, the "winds" started making their calls, gathering as many people as they could.

30mins later, one of Jason henchmen arrived. He had collected an item from Chen and Jamie told me that she took 3k from my stash to pay him.

It was a hair-clip but its main function was really a transmitter. Basically, once the hair-clip was opened, the separate transponder device would lit up.

Her plan was simple, once she saw my dad, she would open the hair-clip and Jason could rush in with his men.

At exactly, 11am, my phone rang. After ensuring the group had changed their phone to silent mode, I switched to speaker mode and answered it.

Me: where is the transaction location?

The guy gave me an address in Benoi.

Me: I'm in the East.... I can't make it in 15mins.....

Man: where's the kid?

We had already prepared for this.

Me: Hi Jie Lun.....

Jamie started a video of our child that she had taken previously and place the speaker of her phone to the microphone of mine.

Man: ok.... you've half an hour..... one minute late and you'll know what will happen.....

Me: What if there's a jam?

Man: Take the AYE..... I don't see that there's any jam now on the map now......

Me: ok..... I want to hear my dad's voice.....

Dad: Scott.... I'm fine....

Man: you've heard him.... make sure you come alone...... and no monkey business...... you've 29mins left.....

He hung up after that and Jamie had already gotten the map of the location on a tablet that Jason had passed to her.

Apparently it was an empty factory and I suspected that it would not belong to either William or Beth. They would not be so stupid as it would implicate them.

I looked at the surroundings.

There was a road in front of the factory and it was flanked by other factories. However, the location did not appear to have any back gate leading to the heavy vehicle park behind.

The premise was surrounded by a concrete fence and there was no barb wires on it.

Me: bro, split your guys into 2 groups..... prepare to come in from the front and also the back......

He nodded and turned to the 3 "winds" who had started making calls again as we talked.

Jason (M): oei.... how long will our guys take to reach there?

Xi (M): boss, I've only have this guy with me now....

He pointed to the one who had returned with the hair-clip.

Xi (M): the other 7 are on their way.... also another 14 from Park are on their way.... they can reach in about maybe 40mins....

Nan (M): I've also have only 1 here..... I've 20 on the way.... also maybe 40 mins to reach here....

Jason (M): Xi, Nan, take these 2 with you first........ the remaining of them, ask them to meet you at the heavy vehicle park directly.....

He turned to Dong.

Jason (M): Dong, how many you have?

Dong (M): only me now..... 6 are on the way....

Jason (M): nevermind..... you come with me...... also tell your men to meet us at this place.....

He pointed to a location about 400m away from the main gate of the factory, around a bend.

He turned back to me.

Jason (M): bro, you need to delay them for 15 minutes..... but make sure you remember to confirm that your dad is there..... once we're ready, we'll rush in together.....

Me: ok bro.... I'm counting on you.....

Jason (M): take care sis.....

Jamie: baby..... we need to leave now......

The both of us got into our car and made our way towards the location with Jason and Dong following in another vehicle. Xi, Nan and their 2 men left in a 3rd vehicle.
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Old 17-11-2020, 10:12 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Traffic was light along the AYE and even though I was anxious, I made sure that I drove within the speed limits. Dong was driving Jason and their car was behind us.

Me: baby..... who is the guy that was on the phone?

Jamie: If I didn't recognize the voice wrongly, his name is You Fa and he's from Malaysia..... He's one of the foreman for Beth's companies and I've spoken to him a few times.....

Me: He should know that kidnapping is a capital offence..... why is he even doing this for Beth?....

Jamie: She must have done something for him...... just like how she sponsored my education and paid for my parent's care giving....... She takes in people who needs money on the pretext of being generous but in fact she has some uses for everyone......

Me: Does he really thinks that he can escape after this?

Jamie: The location is in Tuas..... I assume that he'll head straight back after this.... so even if we make a report, it'll be too late for the immigration to stop him.....

Me: isn't he afraid that we'll call the police?

Jamie: no.... since he even have the guts to kidnap your dad, he won't hesitate to harm him....

There was a silent between us.

Jamie: Don't worry..... we'll make sure he doesn't....

Me: I don't think you should be going in with me.....

Jamie: I know him..... so it'll be easy for me to delay him until Jason's men are ready.....

I knew she was adamant to be involved and I was just trying my luck again.

When I exited the AYE and turned into Jalan Ahmad Ibrahim, we stopped talking.

Since it was a Sunday traffic there was not many cars in the area. Only a few heavy vehicles passed by us.

I turned into the lane where the factory was and Dong stopped their car at the junction before the bend.

I intentionally drove passed the one-story building before stopping a few meters after the main gate so that we could provide a brief scout report of the area to Jason.

We had noticed that there were 6 guys who were smoking by the main gate but none could be seen on the flanks of the building. However, we did not know how many could be hiding at the back.

She was already on the phone with Jason and told him what we saw.

Jason (M): ok.... got it.....

Next, she tested the hair-clip.

Jason (M): ok.... the signal is working..... take care sis.....

After he hung up, she clipped the hair-clip to her hair.

We left our phones in the car and got off.

As we walked towards the main gate, the 6 guys stood up and watched us. They were South Asian and looked like they were either working in the marine repair or construction industry. She did not recognized any of them.

When we were at the gate, one of them stopped us.

Guy1 : who you?

Me: I'm Scott.....

He looked around and frowned. Then he stepped away to make a call.

Once he hung up, he spoke to his guys and they let us in.

Just as we expected, 1 of them searched my pockets to make sure that it was empty while another 3 searched Jamie.

She was wearing the same clothes that she wore when she went to the lawyer but still one of them squeezed her tits as another caressed her butt. There was no way that she could hide something in her crotch but the 3rd guy stroked between her legs.

She frowned angrily but she remained still as they continued to molest her.

Another 3 other guys, who seemed to be from China, appeared from the side of the building and her molesters finally took their hands off her.

This new group led us towards the building with 1 of them leading the way while the other 2 followed behind us.

They brought us to the entrance of the building, opened the door and shoved us inside before closing it. 4 other guys from another South Asian country took over and led us deeper into the building.

The interior was much darker than the outside and it took me a few seconds to accustom my eyes.

Rows of huge floor racks decorated the large interior but they were empty now. Apparently this was some kind of a storage warehouse previously.

A few rooms sat on the right side of the interior and I assumed that they had served as the offices when this place was in used.

2 of the 4 guys held my arms on either side while one of them held onto Jamie. The last one went to a door and knocked.

A bald skinny guy who looked to be in his fifties emerged from within.

Jamie whispered.

Jamie (w): it's him alright.....

We were brought forward until we were 3 meters in front of him.

Youfa: Scott.... you said that you've the kid with you..... but where is he?

Me: I want to know that my dad is safe first.....

He ignored me and seemed to notice her for the first time.

Youfa: Oh... Jamie.... I see that you're here as well......

Jamie: Youfa..... if you want the kid, show us Scott's father first.....

Beth came out from the room that Youfa was in previously.

I was surprised to see her there as it would implicate her.

One of her henchman brought a chair out and she sat on it, staring at us.
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Old 17-11-2020, 10:31 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Finale lai liao....
As I gets older, my waist gets wider.. Life of a 40 plus uncle..
Old 17-11-2020, 11:55 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Originally Posted by water_boi View Post
Finale lai liao....
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Old 17-11-2020, 11:57 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Originally Posted by plok View Post
Will it be dark and taboo? Looking forward to those genre. Haha
Like what?

The most taboo stuff I could think of is incest which I had touched on, previously in "the unwanted".

I won't want to touch on this topic at this point in time, at least not in the short term.

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Last edited by pussluver; 20-11-2020 at 12:58 AM.
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