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Old 18-07-2008, 03:29 PM
iluvpiakpiak iluvpiakpiak is offline
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Thumbs up Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Wah i drooling liao...! Can PM me her contact? Thanks bro!
Old 18-07-2008, 04:09 PM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Originally Posted by andrew101 View Post
Is Ok bro. Will PM u when i’m ready. BTW, is this the Xiao Yan Zi fro Bro Lopo?
bro andrew101.... ya TS is bro lopo for xyz... me assisting lopo
Target ~ 1111 points nia
Old 19-07-2008, 04:29 PM
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Smile Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Hi to all SBF brothers, I would like to continue the part 2 field reports with ‘Point rating’ system to another 2 ladies which are definitely worth bonking.

My part 1 field reports have posted under the threads “fresh 34D beautician prc, TS brother fl slayer”,’ Xiao Yan Zi Returns To Engage You in Fierce Bed-battle- from TS Brother lopo’ and Full Service Milf Cim, Ar, Cob,Massage,AJ)- from TS brother AM55

You could compare my ‘point rating ‘system and have a rough guide regarding my individual preference among those five ladies that I have tried.

Once again, all these FDs are purely base on my own frank opinion and my own years of bonking experiences. I wouldn’t go into specific details, as our brothers have already mentioned those details in the threads.

The following additional 2 ladies are:

1) Anqi (36D prc from Guangdong, from TS,Brother sparco365)
Look: 6/10
BBBJ: 7/10
Body: 8/10
Boob:9/10(you could refer to the breasts featured under the SBF forum ‘Beauthaiful Gems)
Painting: 7/10 (By licking and sucking her huge breasts was already very fulfilling)
Frenching: 5/10 (She allowed little access)
Cathbath: 7/10
FJ: 7/10
Attitude: 8/10
GFE :7/10

Bonus points:

1) As a start, she put in some effort to show her finger press skill with mediocre strength kind of massage Follow up with some sexy massage on your body with her big boobs. What I trying to stress was-such a 36D FL was hard to come by with this kind of stimulating sexy massage on your body with her 36D big boob. Obviously, my shaft became super hot rod after her 20 min of sexy massage. For her great effort in overall massage- 15 points

2) While she was riding on top of me. I realized she kept on lifting up my hands to squeeze on her boobs. At times, when my small palms (obviously can’t cover her whole big boobs) were quite tired after all the squeezing which I need to lift down just to relax and hold on to her butt. But, as the riding process did last for almost 15min, I could feel her movement and shaking was getting more violently and the more she lifted up my hands to squeeze her boobs harder. Such a natural response from her by lifting up my hands to squeeze on her boobs for a few times did leave a deep impression (never happen from a Fl before)- Another 5 points.

3) After trying various FJ positions, I still can’t ejaculate (that night don’t know what happen to me) so I requested for Boobs Job. After I have removed the CD and placed my shaft between her big boobs. Amazing, my ejaculation came within 10mins after the thrusting between her big boobs and occasionally with my shaft reaching her soft lips.
If my memory still intact, most of my previous boobs Jobs never manage to ejaculate. This should be my every first time- another 15 points.

Her total – 112 points

2) Xiao Huan (A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks- from TS Regza, but you could get the contact from bro Monkey 4)

Look: 5/10
BBBJ: 9/10
Body: 6/10
Boob: 6/10
69 Position/Painting: (no chance to do it, by enjoying her performance was already beyond imagination)
Frenching: didn’try
Cathbath: 8/10 (the highest scored among all the 5 ladies that I have tried recently)
FJ: (didn’t try, will explain later)
AR: 11/10 (the best in my entire life. I try to give within the max 10/10, but my conscious said 11/10)
CIM: 10/10- Was really perfect
Attitude: 7/10
GFE: 6/10

Bonus Points:

1) By giving her AR: 11/10 (base point) was definitely not enough. Those ladies who perform extraordinary acts or skills compare to other ladies will deserve bonus points from me. For example, Xiao Yan Zi deserved bonus point from her Acrobatic bbbj.

There were few brothers have already elaborated Xiao Huan AR stunts in the threads.
By I will just like to add on that those AR stunts you will probably not going to receive from other FLs (I think so, so far never happen to me).

For example - Ass hole being raped by her drilling machine tongue, right leg turned and lift up towards to the left hand side of the body; follow by her drilling machine tongue poking at my ass hole from her acute angle positioning (Vice versa, left leg turned and lift up towards to the right hand side of the body). Her various positions to perform AR were simple amazing. Bear in mind, her various positions to perform AR while turning your body at different angles will create different sensations to our mind. The whole AR job last about 25mins.

My best AR Queen- 20 points.

2) After CIM, we were both laying down on the bed. At that time was around 2am in the morning (I engaged her service around 1 am in the morning). She told me she ever worked till 4am and started work the next day at 8am. She told me currently that was a guy waiting for her at the ‘Kov**’ coffershop(was true, because that guy kept on calling her) and tomorrow she have another appointment in the early morning.

After hearing all this, I really salute to her working attitude that she is willing to serve clients around the cock. But, I felt really bad to hold back her resting time even though I could spend another one hour with her so as to try out her FJ. So, I decided to pay her at full price and asked her to leave one hour early to serve her next client.

But, working attitude to serve clients around the clock really impressed me a lot. To find such Fl who is willing to serve clients even at 4am in the morning is really hard.

So brothers, if you want to engage a Fl at such a late hours. You could always look for her.

Another 5 points.

Total – 93 points. .

Ps: If FJ and 2nd round is involved, XH will deserve a much higher points.

These are another 2.good gems for those brothers who want to try different kind of service.

While, last but no least. Once I have tried other ladies, I will continue with my point rating system.

Those who have read my previous posts will know which lady is still my recent favorite.

All thanks to TS brothers Monkey4, sparco365 and Regza for these 2 good gems. I really appreciate it.
Old 19-07-2008, 04:56 PM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Originally Posted by toyking69 View Post
Hi to all SBF brothers, I would like to continue the part 2 field reports with ‘Point rating’ system to another 2 ladies which are definitely worth bonking.

My part 1 field reports have posted under the threads “fresh 34D beautician prc, TS brother fl slayer”,’ Xiao Yan Zi Returns To Engage You in Fierce Bed-battle- from TS Brother lopo’ and Full Service Milf Cim, Ar, Cob,Massage,AJ)- from TS brother AM55

You could compare my ‘point rating ‘system and have a rough guide regarding my individual preference among those five ladies that I have tried.

Once again, all these FDs are purely base on my own frank opinion and my own years of bonking experiences. I wouldn’t go into specific details, as our brothers have already mentioned those details in the threads.

The following additional 2 ladies are:

1) Anqi (36D prc from Guangdong, from TS,Brother sparco365)

Her total – 112 points

2) Xiao Huan (A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks- from TS Regza, but you could get the contact from bro Monkey 4)

Total – 93 points. .

Ps: If FJ and 2nd round is involved, XH will deserve a much higher points.

All thanks to TS brothers Monkey4, sparco365 and Regza for these 2 good gems. I really appreciate it.

Bro Toyking69

Thanks for your good detailed FR.....

Will up u 5 points
Target ~ 1111 points nia
Old 20-07-2008, 02:49 PM
HENG81 HENG81 is offline
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Bro monkey4, thanx for the ctc, had a session with XH on fri, not really gd with fr but here is it:-

Met her at the hotel, was on the line when she comes in, did not even realise tt she already strip all nude until she gave me a hug from behind, damp gd feel, juz like ur gf would do so.

Bath was rather sop skip tt, then she start the catbath with my back, the the water-in-mouth "spa" was gd, which she then do the ar, knn one of the best ever had, super long stroke, and the way she do it is really fantastic!!

BBBJ is incredible, thing in the mouth and tongue on your balls, superb feeling, honestly her attitude is first class, she try her best to cim, but me kanna disturb by my numerious phone call, nvr come. overall she did bbbj for me a whole 45 minutes without my thing leaving her mouth, salute to her.

After that she try to HJ me to cum, FJ, BBBJ again but really pai seh to say nvr did so, she even mentioned that this is her first time to fail. I would recommend her in high confidence that she is really worth it even though I nvr hav the chance to persent her to cum, really a pro with 100% attitude.

All bros must gv her a try.

Some ratings for the summary:-

BODY 7 very fair
BOOBS 7 "tilting"
BATH 6 normal
CATBATH 8 really enjoying
AR 9
CIM nvr hav the chance, but can see she seems like damp thirsty for it
HJ 8
FJ Never really try
SVS 10 First class
Old 20-07-2008, 03:36 PM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Originally Posted by HENG81 View Post
Bro monkey, thanx for the trust, will pose "honest" FR after try, good or bad, no worry.

bro Heng81.... thanks for the honest FR and luckily I trusted u...

will up u my 5 bananas points.....
Target ~ 1111 points nia
Old 21-07-2008, 03:03 AM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Bro monkey4, thanx for the trust, anyway i'll only post honest FR's, even the pai seh ones, that will only be a gd guide for all the "fxxking" horny bros the real impression of the gems, thanx for the upcoming pts too!! By the way, if there is anymore gd gems, pls let me know, I simply like those beh beh PRCs, especially from NE, ha ha
Old 21-07-2008, 08:05 AM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Originally Posted by HENG81 View Post
Bro monkey4, thanx for the trust, anyway i'll only post honest FR's, even the pai seh ones, that will only be a gd guide for all the "fxxking" horny bros the real impression of the gems, thanx for the upcoming pts too!! By the way, if there is anymore gd gems, pls let me know, I simply like those beh beh PRCs, especially from NE, ha ha

bro HENG81, heard 2 confirmed GEMs are Bai Xue and XiaoYanZi for good specialty skills.... but I am only authorised to give u XYZ contact. Go read TS lopo's thread on XYZ and pm me if u want her contact.

Wait for me to regain RP ok ?

Target ~ 1111 points nia
Old 21-07-2008, 05:20 PM
tamatiger tamatiger is offline
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Thanks Monkey4 bro for super fast response .... so that can have the session within 1 hrs after contact .... on a hot afternoon....

Heres my FR ....
Quick Summary : Value for Money with Dammed Good Licking Job with a white snow smooth MILF. Love those boobs. And very hygiene person.

Name: Xiao Huan
Looks: 7/10
Boobs: 8/10
Body: 7.5/10
BBBJ: 9/10 (Sucking till I dry)
AR: 9/10 (Got a Migrain next day .... wonder due to over stimulant.... haahaa)
FR: 8/10
GFE: 8/10
Highly recommended to all bro.
Damage: $60/2/2hrs
RTF: Yes
Old 22-07-2008, 12:43 AM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Originally Posted by tamatiger View Post
Thanks Monkey4 bro for super fast response .... so that can have the session within 1 hrs after contact .... on a hot afternoon....

Heres my FR ....
Quick Summary : Value for Money with Dammed Good Licking Job with a white snow smooth MILF. Love those boobs. And very hygiene person.

Name: Xiao Huan
Looks: 7/10
Boobs: 8/10
Body: 7.5/10
BBBJ: 9/10 (Sucking till I dry)
AR: 9/10 (Got a Migrain next day .... wonder due to over stimulant.... haahaa)
FR: 8/10
GFE: 8/10
Highly recommended to all bro.
Damage: $60/2/2hrs
RTF: Yes
bro tamatiger, thanks for your FR.... will up u couple of days later.

Bros Heng81, toyking69 and tamatiger.... wait for me to regain power ok?
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Old 23-07-2008, 10:54 AM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

bros tamatiger and toyking69, please pm me your latest posting so that I can up your points cos nowadays after 2 days cannot up liao

bro brian33... u still no post FR ytd still ask me for her contact for RTF.... me going to zap u soon just joking

for those who din manage to contact XH cos hp off... soli... me cant help u... cos me not her okt
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Old 24-07-2008, 11:09 PM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Originally Posted by Monkey4 View Post
for those who din manage to contact XH cos hp off... soli... me cant help u... cos me not her okt
i also leh...afternoon till now trying...hp off...duno what happen...maybe she got a new contact number already?
Old 25-07-2008, 08:37 AM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

To all bros who could not contact Xiao Huan....

Soli... I tried this morning and the hp is off too. Will update u guys if there is any updste.... paiseh... me not her OKT and me din even RTF her yet on her return cos me got new GEMs to bonk...
Me last spoke to her last week and she told me that AV raids machiam very often and fierce recently.... sincerely hope she is ok.

Hope u understand

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Old 25-07-2008, 05:13 PM
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Re: A piece of GEM not to be missed...34C SYT looks

Hi sorry guys, i have been real busy for the past few weeks....a few days ago i have received a sms from xiao huan, basically due to some unforeseen circumstances, she has left the shore to malaysia liao...
Old 21-09-2008, 07:27 PM
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Smile prc xiaohuan

Good news, commando XiaoHuan is back to serve all brothers.
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