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Old 07-01-2006, 07:33 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Vigour
After reading all the post for the past morning, i found that some of u guys really gd man, u can joke.......hahaha....
My love one just leave me, i very sad also. but end of the day i found out one thing dont know whether u guys agree anot.
We guys go for Gan Qing, yi qi, but gals go for FEELING.
So oneday if the feeling is not right, that it.
Girls are intellectually imperceptible creatures. Pretty ones are, as far as my office is concerned, either attached/ married or left on the shelf (cos' of some obvious reasons).

Worse is when you don't like her and she like you. But, when you decided to fall for her, she don't you anymore. Honestly, difficult to understand.

There was this girl in my office. She is quite pretty and single. Her colleague hinted me to try. But, whenever I asked her out (for lunch/ dinner/ coffee), its always the same reply "need to do shopping lei." or "got appt with friend".

Finally, on her birthday, her good pal let the cat out of the bag, "oh, she got to meet someone later." That was good enough a clue to me. Someone = one person.

Lesson I always bear in mind is that guy should only put in half of his love for the girl. Never fall too deeply for a girl. Historically, women are a cause of the downfall of great nations and men. For man to fall too deeply for a girl, he will have difficulties recovering, if girl ditch him. It is so damn true. I'm sure a lot of the guys know what it is like.

And, always find out when the girl last break up, cos' you will never want to be the .... "standby" man. Yea, I kenna this one before. Girl went back to ex-bf, after I bought her stuff and flowers. -_-
I'm not an idealist, but one who had an irrevocable contract with faith. Being cynical is not a choice, but a result of idealisms which had failed man too often. A lack of faith is not only due to failures, but caused by man's decision not to have faith, as well.
Old 07-01-2006, 07:45 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by andyhp
moral of the story.. even reply properly also kenna from the girl. might as well dont answer.
Light travels straight. But, mind of a girl always meander and scatters at random.

Allow me to use this analogy (from physics)

Alpha particles travel in straight lines, but has weak penetrating power.
But, gamma particles travel in no fixed patterns, but has tremendous penetrating power. Sounds familiar?

Taken from my nephew's text.

One girl (chio bu) used to tell me that girls need to be listened to. So, I tried my best to listen to her whenever she talked to me. One day, she stopped calling me. I checked out her blog.... only to discover that she already had a bf for a while. Listening ear?

Chio bu 2 came into my life. Talked to me often about her problematic bf. Conversation with her almost always carried a strong hint that she wanted advice from me. So, I told her to grow out it. After that, she broke up with her ex. Went back to her ex. And, then broke up with her ex. -_-

Girls don't need answers, sometimes. Pretty ones need some verbal thrashing, occasionally (but, only if you already have someone). Those you don't like, just be frank. Now, I learnt the power of lying.
I'm not an idealist, but one who had an irrevocable contract with faith. Being cynical is not a choice, but a result of idealisms which had failed man too often. A lack of faith is not only due to failures, but caused by man's decision not to have faith, as well.
Old 11-01-2006, 12:06 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

its quite wierd these days, it seems the reasons/objectives of having a spouse has warped. Becoming no different from the good-old match making days. couples married for financial benefits, trend that friends/relatives getting settled down, cant wait to co-own a pathetic pigeon coup... etc. where's the love??

criterias of finding a prospecting bf/gf too is fast becoming an irony of the mental projection often shared in secular conversations too. if its not based on interests/past-times, then its simply just based on sex. guy attracted to the gal's sets of curves, gal attracted to guy's sets of wheels...

from which both, co-exploit 1 another for whatever they're worth... until a new target comes along. sigh.. damn jialat
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

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Old 11-01-2006, 12:32 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

This rant was written for the Wharton Undergraduate Journal and contributed by another bro. Let us propose a toast to the Nice Guys.

Ode to the Nice Guys

This is a tribute to the nice guys. The nice guys that finish last, that never become more than friends, that endure hours of whining and bitching about what assholes guys are, while disproving the very point. This is dedicated to those guys who always provide a shoulder to lean on but restrain themselves to tentative hugs, those guys who hold open doors and give reassuring pats on the back and sit patiently outside the changing room at department stores. This is in honor of the guys that obligingly reiterate how cute/beautiful/smart/funny/sexy their female friends are at the appropriate moment, because they know most girls need that litany of support. This is in honor of the guys with open minds, with laid-back attitudes, with honest concern. This is in honor of the guys who respect a girl’s every facet, from her privacy to her theology to her clothing style.

This is for the guys who escort their drunk, bewildered female friends back from parties and never take advantage once they’re at her door, for the guys who accompany girls to bars as buffers against the rest of the creepy male population, for the guys who know a girl is fishing for compliments but give them out anyway, for the guys who always play by the rules in a game where the rules favor cheaters, for the guys who are accredited as boyfriend material but somehow don’t end up being boyfriends, for all the nice guys who are overlooked, underestimated, and unappreciated, for all the nice guys who are manipulated, misled, and unjustly abandoned, this is for you.

This is for that time she left 40 urgent messages on your cell phone, and when you called her back, she spent three hours painstakingly dissecting two sentences her boyfriend said to her over dinner. And even though you thought her boyfriend was a chump and a jerk, you assured her that it was all ok and she shouldn’t worry about it. This is for that time she interrupted the best killing spree you’d ever orchestrated in GTA3 to rant about a rumor that romantically linked her and the guy she thinks is the most repulsive person in the world. And even though you thought it was immature and you had nothing against the guy, you paused the game for two hours and helped her concoct a counter-rumor to spread around the floor. This is also for that time she didn’t have a date, so after numerous vows that there was nothing “serious” between the two of you, she dragged you to a party where you knew nobody, the beer was awful, and she flirted shamelessly with you, justifying each fit of reckless teasing by announcing to everyone: “oh, but we’re just friends!” And even though you were invited purely as a symbolic warm body for her ego, you went anyways. Because you’re nice like that.

The nice guys don’t often get credit where credit is due. And perhaps more disturbing, the nice guys don’t seem to get laid as often as they should. And I wish I could logically explain this trend, but I can’t. From what I have observed on campus and what I have learned from talking to friends at other schools and in the workplace, the only conclusion I can form is that many girls are just illogical, manipulative bitches. Many of them claim they just want to date a nice guy, but when presented with such a specimen, they say irrational, confusing things such as “oh, he’s too nice to date” or “he would be a good boyfriend but he’s not for me” or “he already puts up with so much from me, I couldn’t possibly ask him out!” or the most frustrating of all: “no, it would ruin our friendship.” Yet, they continue to lament the lack of datable men in the world, and they expect their too-nice-to-date male friends to sympathize and apologize for the men that are jerks. Sorry, guys, girls like that are beyond my ability to fathom. I can’t figure out why the connection breaks down between what they say (I want a nice guy!) and what they do (I’m going to sleep with this complete ass now!). But one thing I can do, is say that the nice-guy-finishes-last phenomenon doesn’t last forever. There are definitely many girls who grow out of that train of thought and realize they should be dating the nice guys, not taking them for granted. The tricky part is finding those girls, and even trickier, finding the ones that are single.

So, until those girls are found, I propose a toast to all the nice guys. You know who you are, and I know you’re sick of hearing yourself described as ubiquitously nice. But the truth of the matter is, the world needs your patience in the department store, your holding open of doors, your party escorting services, your propensity to be a sucker for a pretty smile. For all the crazy, inane, absurd things you tolerate, for all the situations where you are the faceless, nameless hero, my accolades, my acknowledgement, and my gratitude go out to you. You do have credibility in this society, and your well deserved vindication is coming.

Old 11-01-2006, 01:20 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
The nice guys don’t often get credit where credit is due. And perhaps more disturbing, the nice guys don’t seem to get laid as often as they should. And I wish I could logically explain this trend, but I can’t. But one thing I can do, is say that the nice-guy-finishes-last phenomenon doesn’t last forever. There are definitely many girls who grow out of that train of thought and realize they should be dating the nice guys, not taking them for granted. The tricky part is finding those girls, and even trickier, finding the ones that are single.
Haha This is a nice one.

So what nice guys are suppose to do?

Go GL?
Old 11-01-2006, 02:03 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by vesfreq
Light travels straight. But, mind of a girl always meander and scatters at random.

Girls don't need answers, sometimes. Pretty ones need some verbal thrashing, occasionally (but, only if you already have someone). Those you don't like, just be frank. Now, I learnt the power of lying.
I disagree bro. Girls dont need answers, they just need to hear what they want to hear, irregardless the fact or the truth. To them, the truth is what they think.
Old 12-01-2006, 12:44 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Five Stone
.......Girls dont need answers, they just need to hear what they want to hear, irregardless the fact or the truth. To them, the truth is what they think.
come to think of it, sometimes the gals dont even know what question to ask, dont know what they themselves really want etc. without a proper question... i guess there's hardly any logical/rational answer from us guys.

no hard feelings, but just some analogies of our typical sg gals:

she wanna go havoc in md sultan, yet forbids her guy to patronize those haunts. she dourns revealing attire when out partying (strangers feast their eyes & fantasy on), but forbids her guy to even turn his head to glance at another female passing-by (not pretty - pardonable, sexy or pretty - he gets it from her)...

.... and at the end of the day, she sulks saying: "is it too much to as for? all i want is just a man whom i can cherish, and that him to love & protect me... bla bla bla"
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

a beauty; a blessing... a pauper; a curse... a beautiful impecunious; not sure if its a blessing or a curse
Old 12-01-2006, 01:20 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
just some analogies of our typical sg gals:

she wanna go havoc in md sultan, yet forbids her guy to patronize those haunts. she dourns revealing attire when out partying (strangers feast their eyes & fantasy on), but forbids her guy to even turn his head to glance at another female passing-by (not pretty - pardonable, sexy or pretty - he gets it from her)...
Well when i was still serving NS, i got a friend whose gf are like what u just describe. The best method he used are learnt from the army. F&FO (F**K and F**k Off)
Old 12-01-2006, 01:24 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
.... and at the end of the day, she sulks saying: "is it too much to as for? all i want is just a man whom i can cherish, and that him to love & protect me... bla bla bla"
At some point in time, we will cross this path, time and again we will be lost and find the relation aimless, pointless. At this cross road junction, I can only hope love can hep us alive.
Old 12-01-2006, 01:30 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

I still remember I used to know a girl who i thought was damn happening. She was also damn good in bed. So me being me decided to ask she wanted to do a threesome.... wah lau all hell break loose and even broke up with me saying that I am a pervert, I dont love her etc etc etc Im sure u know the rest what I mean
A few years later i got to know a guy from work and we became quite close. went to his house one day and saw some home made VCDS he did. Guess what the bitch was in one of them screwing him and his two friends with another gal!!! Imagine my shock!!! Recognised her from the tattoo she had on her body.. So much for being decent and rightous hahaha
Old 12-01-2006, 01:40 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Hound
A few years later i got to know a guy from work and we became quite close. went to his house one day and saw some home made VCDS he did. Guess what the bitch was in one of them screwing him and his two friends with another gal!!! Imagine my shock!!! Recognised her from the tattoo she had on her body.. So much for being decent and rightous hahaha
It is a small world outsie, people change over time. So much so can be said only......
Old 12-01-2006, 04:30 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
she wanna go havoc in md sultan, yet forbids her guy to patronize those haunts. she dourns revealing attire when out partying (strangers feast their eyes & fantasy on), but forbids her guy to even turn his head to glance at another female passing-by (not pretty - pardonable, sexy or pretty - he gets it from her)...

.... and at the end of the day, she sulks saying: "is it too much to ask for? all i want is just a man whom i can cherish, and that him to love & protect me... bla bla bla"
yo bro you are not the only one... my ex actually got the cheek to scold me for being angry when she said she will be spending sat nite playing mahjong with her ex instead of company me!!!

but when i told her i going with a groups of friends(guys n gals) and 1 of them used to like me alot, she nearly kill me!

so much for the 'equal' treatment...
I Am Number Four!!
Old 13-01-2006, 02:47 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by beck7777 much for the 'equal' treatment...
its just wierd i reckon. its quite noticeable that they demand alot from the guys, enjoy all the attention, love & affection etc. but when it comes to reciprocation... more often than not... end up with anti-climax.

not so much of national discrimination, but as i've observed... the upbringing & environment plays a big sublimal part in their behaviour, character & expectations.

correct me if i'm wrong, but its often those that've undergone humbling experiences, or, have less complicated backgrounds, that are likely to demonstrate/reciprocate/display their affection/appreciation for the guy. whilst those that havent.. well... u know the rest.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

a beauty; a blessing... a pauper; a curse... a beautiful impecunious; not sure if its a blessing or a curse
Old 13-01-2006, 02:50 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by iloveoversea
Haha This is a nice one.

So what nice guys are suppose to do?

Go GL?
not trying to suggest anything here, but sometimes, good things are found in places least expected. rare, but can still be found.
爱一生中不多不少,会有一次不得了,其实没人比我知道 你就是我的不能不要。如果黑夜太难熬,我陪你日夜颠倒,一场该付出多少-因为你我不计较

a beauty; a blessing... a pauper; a curse... a beautiful impecunious; not sure if its a blessing or a curse
Old 14-01-2006, 03:16 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by suteerak1099
not trying to suggest anything here, but sometimes, good things are found in places least expected. rare, but can still be found.
Lots of effort and time needed but people nowadays prefer to choose the easy way out.......
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