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Old 28-09-2010, 10:38 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by fizzer View Post
Wow bro, thumbs up to you for a very detailed FR on your happenings last night... I guess your colleague must be a very happy man, buy beer get free FL....haha. Any idea when is the promo untill? I will be in JKT next week maybe will stay at malioboro and try my luck at the lucky dip..keke
Bro fizzer ...

Thanks for the compliment ...

Yupz ... U are dead right ... My colleague was super happy ... Buy beer get free FL ... Where else in the world are u gonna get such a deal??? ...

hmmm ... I have no idea when this promotion will end ... FYI, most of the pple here dun speak english ... Even the hotel staffs of Malioboro can hardly speak any english ... Hence, one realli have to speak some Bahasa Indonesia or Bahasa Melayu to get around here ... Luckily my colleague can speak some basic Bahasa Melayu ... Hence, we have been able to get around pretty fine ... Thus, he is enjoying it more as he can flirt with the local gals whereas I can onli see him with envy ...
LiFe Is LiKe A PeNiS ... StRaiGhT, SoFt & ReLaXeD ... UnTiL A WoMaN MaKes It HaRd!!
Old 29-09-2010, 03:22 PM
DarkSith DarkSith is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Hi Guys,

Looking for some info before my JKT trip next week. Last visit to JKT, posted an FR on malio. Been to Sun City.

Looking for something different. I'm actually looking for soapy massage. Havent tried before. Pple are recommending Kartika and berlian but those places sound really rundown. Might try giving Grand Boutique Spa a try though. Not looking for straight forward sex...prefer some kinda foreplay (like massage etc) before main event.

Any recommendations? Might give hotel travel a try, if i know where it is though.
Old 30-09-2010, 10:49 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by DarkSith View Post
Hi Guys,

Looking for some info before my JKT trip next week. Last visit to JKT, posted an FR on malio. Been to Sun City.

Looking for something different. I'm actually looking for soapy massage. Havent tried before. Pple are recommending Kartika and berlian but those places sound really rundown. Might try giving Grand Boutique Spa a try though. Not looking for straight forward sex...prefer some kinda foreplay (like massage etc) before main event.

Any recommendations? Might give hotel travel a try, if i know where it is though.
Its in Lokasari.
Old 30-09-2010, 02:20 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Thanks bro. Quick google was enough to find its location. Sian have to go alone next week. If anyone has a good clean place (unlike kartika or berlian), let me know. thx
Old 01-10-2010, 01:48 AM
prentice prentice is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

just tried alexis and suncity today

actually was in a jam going to alexis initially but thought of jam for 1 hour to there got the better of me, and i asked the taxi driver which was nearer, sun city or alexis, he said both far.

Then on the way, passing by he asked again where i want to go and i said sun city, wanted to get a proper massage so away i went.

tried the local package at 275000, still came up to 350000 after tax. nice relaxing massage considering i didn't bathe! was asked for the sensual massage if i wanted to take, some chicken and duck talk and writing on paper before i realised she wanted 300000, i was like if that comes with sex then i'll take. Tried to bargain for 100000 for just the HJ, then to 150000 for HJ, she said ok but no taking off clothes ,tried to bargain further to 200000 with the clothes off, she refused, transaction breakdown. sian!

Left without paying her tips, the cheek of her to ask for tips when she refused me! oh well, not a happy camper, debated going to hotel travel and decided on alexis since i brought the money with me this time around, roughly 1 mil.

Went to the eight floor of alexis and scanned around, shit no lockers available. ventured out further into the drinking area and so many punters around and many girls surrounding some sofas getting mirrored, this mamasan grabbed me and pulled me and asked which type of girl i want, i said local and she brought me there, cost was 950000, i scanned, asked if that's all, yes she said. Picked 1 gal who wasn't the tallest even though i asked for it and sat down on stool with her.

Called for a beer, bintang, local beer and sat down, looking around. Also chicken and duck talk and she kept asking me for room. Tried to feel her a bit and she said not here, malu...hmm, didn't get that much at hotel travel, perhaps it's well lighted and open air and also her colleagues are right behind her.

Eventually after like 20, 30 mins while i was trying to finish the beer, the mama san came around and grabbed me,asked me to go in, saying not enough rooms, i don't understand why i'm being forced to go so fast, something i regretted, maybe i should have said no cos i read about the pool and wanted to do that. I did mention something like that to the girl and she said no...wasn't too responsive.

Since i'm being pushed, i went with the flow and entered the room, nice one they had, quite big and settled down to biz.

Girl i had was called trecia or tricia
Looks: 8/10 (attractive fair looking indonesian type)
Body: 8.5/10 ( no fats, curves, can be taller)
Shower: 5/10 (quick spray at me and basically asked me to get out while she showered alone)
Frenching: not available, lips clamped tight, pulled away
BJ: 7/10 (covered though i asked for BBBJ, oh well safety is good)
FJ: 8.5/10 (went down to business and was worried since i was running full tank that i might burst early, that sorta went away when the condom was on, not much feel. Showed her some tricks and she became wet and more responsive while i did her hard and deep, maybe a bit too deep, she complained of pain later. After about 7, 8 positions in 30 mins time and about to come, she pulled out complaining of pain, guess she couldn't take it when ramming her standing doggystyle facing the mirror,good release although i think there are still armies in tank)
RTF: yes, she's quite cute but lack of BBBJ a bit of a downer, might return if flushed with cash but based on the rates i can probably get 3 gals in travel or classic, still i agree with reviews that there seems to be a higher quality of local girls here compared to malioboro, chinese gals weren't that attractive to me but there were some excellent gems which were taken early of course. Didn't really see foreign gals other than those 2 nationalities.

P.S upon leaving, i went around and saw the other side where the lounging chairs and the pool was, there were girls in the pool! shucks, i wanted that, advice for you is to insist on that but i think you need to be able to get lockers first.
Old 03-10-2010, 08:06 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by BascMOEK View Post
yo Bro, me staying Golden Boutique Hotel (5-8Oct), wanna meet to chiong??? LOL,, or be it any bros???
Sure Bro!
I will pm you.
Old 03-10-2010, 06:56 PM
naughty_goat naughty_goat is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Part II
Miss I...She Thought I wanted a 3some!

A follow up from my previous post. decided to try Miss I after my cheonging buddy gave me the thumbs up. for this FR, i will let the picture, or should i say the movie, speak for itself. 2 thumbs up for Miss I. really enjoyed the session.

here goes:

I hope i am not breaking any rules in posting a link to this video file. Mods, please be lenient. thanks.
Old 04-10-2010, 01:07 AM
randomness99 randomness99 is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Very interesting read of bros' experiences in Jakarta. I've been travelling there for work regularly and have hung out in the hotel bars quite a bit. Haven't really had much experience picking up girls in the bars, perhaps because I'm really shy and don't know how to approach them to set something up.

Am wondering, for the hotels such as Hyatt and Shang, has anyone tried the in-house in-room massage? Are the girls available to play and how much does it usually cost?

Thanks for anyone's advice in advance. Hoping to have a bit more fun on my trips to Jakarta next time!
Old 04-10-2010, 08:53 AM
naughty_goat naughty_goat is offline
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by randomness99 View Post
Very interesting read of bros' experiences in Jakarta. I've been travelling there for work regularly and have hung out in the hotel bars quite a bit. Haven't really had much experience picking up girls in the bars, perhaps because I'm really shy and don't know how to approach them to set something up.

Am wondering, for the hotels such as Hyatt and Shang, has anyone tried the in-house in-room massage? Are the girls available to play and how much does it usually cost?

Thanks for anyone's advice in advance. Hoping to have a bit more fun on my trips to Jakarta next time!
welcome to the jakarta thread bro. almost anyone here is available. it all depends on ur SSD (Speak Speak Devil) and charm and dough. my advice, dun take it too seriously. just have fun and if the girl refuses, then laugh it off and try again with another TO.
Old 04-10-2010, 11:58 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Went to classic hotel on a slow moving traffic day, wanted initially to try bro naughty's recommendation but she wasn't available.

Initially wanted a massage to relax my muscles but after going down and looking at the rates, i asked if i can choose a gal and the recep say no, can choose number only, i felt discouraged, getting someone who i do not like or baby elephant didn't seem a very good idea, any bros know if the gals can be choose when you are inside? and the rates for a good time?

Went to terminal and it was packed with punters. So much so that i had to standup for the majority of the time i was inside and only getting a seat when some people left. Seems like there was a lack of girls when i went there, at least on the left side of the room, the right side of the room seemed more.

Waited almost an hour before spotting my target or what i call can do gal. She was located at the rightmost corner sofas and i picked her, a gal called yuyin

Looks: 8/10 (innocent look type, but dark or rather chocolate creamy, not fair)
Body: 8.5/10 (great curves for her look type, didn't disappoint)
Boobs: 9/10 (solid round boobs, natural, spent some time here)
BBBJ: 7.5/10 (had some tissues cleaning up, making sure there was no saliva which sort of spoilt it without much lubrication but whatever time she spent licking, it was great)
Frenching: 6/10 (not much frenching and seriously she smelt of smoke all over her body, especially the face as they don't like ppl to touch them on their face, as they need to apply makeup after that)
FJ: 8.5/10 (very accomodating in the positions but complaint of pain in woman on top position, actually she pulled out when cannot tahan and went to shower alone, i was like what? and couldn't understand her, anyway continued with missionary and shot while doggying her)
RTF: yes if you like the cute brown type with solid boobs

Rested a while and asked mamee for the gal i saw with golden dyed hair i spotted earlier, wanted to bonk her and the first girl together but realised different stables.

Gal name: Jennifer (came after 30 mins when she finished her session)
Looks: 9/10 (fair, seductive type, the one you will look for in a club and honestly the best looking one from the stable she was in, others were looking as i rubbed her up and down while seated)
Body: 9.5/10 (for me, the best type of body, everywhere tight and slim)
Boobs: 8/10 (boobs were a handful although not as round as the previous girl)
BBBJ: 8/10 (good foreplay previously leading to enthusiastic return of favour, good sucking)
Frenching: 7/10 (slight kissing but not to the extent of frenching)
FJ: 9/10 (one of the best sessions i've had and we bonked for some time with her quivering and coming in her pussy for a number of times, finished up hot and sweaty and her lying down resting from the multiple orgasms she had, even when i pulled out)
RTF: big yes
Old 04-10-2010, 04:29 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by prentice View Post
Went to classic hotel on a slow moving traffic day, wanted initially to try bro naughty's recommendation but she wasn't available.
sorry for that bro. she was rather disappointed you could not make it the next day. hehehe...
Old 04-10-2010, 08:45 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by prentice View Post
Went to classic hotel on a slow moving traffic day, wanted initially to try bro naughty's recommendation but she wasn't available.
Bro if you go terminal try to go around 7pm because the rest of the people will go after dinner which is about 8 plus. Plus this week the men got salary so there are a long of honey men there
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Old 05-10-2010, 12:48 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Dear Bros,

I will travelling to JKT next week and think of going to Alexis over the weekends and bros has any tips when going to Alexis?
Old 05-10-2010, 01:07 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Hi bros......anybody been to CJs lately??......after my last trip there which was disastrous, to put it mildly, I'm thinkin of giving it a shot on WED night again. I have only 1 night in JKT on business and I'm putting all my chips on CJs .

I'll put in a FR once I checkout this place ......after my last trip , I guess anything would be a improvement.
Old 05-10-2010, 02:32 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Hi bro naughty_goat,

will contact you again when i'm back

thanx for the advice bro axeman24
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