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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 30-06-2005, 02:04 PM
XXX-AMD XXX-AMD is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Big_Dipper
Bros, Don't worry about taking care of sammi, just wait 4 her after work and u can c there is someone taking care of her everday.... same young handsome guy in a malaysian registered plate Benz coupe fetching her in and out of JB.

Ya ya .. Bro Big_Dipper,

I realized that too! Around 6pm... everyday!
Will only take care of her during the 45mins Session lo.

Old 02-07-2005, 12:28 PM
imaginative imaginative is offline
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Re: Legends 3 - FR on Ginny

Was at Legends yesterday afternoon for Rachel. Nb... the counter auntie accidentally assigned her to another customer. As I couldn't wait for her, and other gals either busy or on leave, i just made do with Ginny, as recommended by the counter.

Name: Ginny (Malaysian)
Age: ard 25? (didn't ask)
Looks: 6/10 (Office gal look, sharp features)
Body: 6/10 (quite fair, some tummy, short - but I like tall) (boobs: B-, light brown nipples)
Massage: 7/10 (with strength, not bad in HCs)
BBBJ, AR, FJ: didn't try (as she's not my type of gal)
HJ: 6/10
RTF: No (basically not my type of gal)...
Old 02-07-2005, 01:23 PM
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Re: Legends 3 - FR on Ginny

Originally Posted by imaginative
Was at Legends yesterday afternoon for Rachel. Nb... the counter auntie accidentally assigned her to another customer. As I couldn't wait for her, and other gals either busy or on leave, i just made do with Ginny, as recommended by the counter.

Name: Ginny (Malaysian)
Age: ard 25? (didn't ask)
Looks: 6/10 (Office gal look, sharp features)
Body: 6/10 (quite fair, some tummy, short - but I like tall) (boobs: B-, light brown nipples)
Massage: 7/10 (with strength, not bad in HCs)
BBBJ, AR, FJ: didn't try (as she's not my type of gal)
HJ: 6/10
RTF: No (basically not my type of gal)...
oh r u the one who sits at the sofa in front of the counter for quite some time one???? cos over heard the counter and a brother +++ing about something like tat!!
Old 03-07-2005, 12:08 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
Wrong!! shes on leave lah... and wat do u know?? shes right below me right now!! heheheh give me a blow while i was surfing sammyboy!!!???
U very CAN ah !! l do wat... u oso follow....Getting BJ while surfing...... from my dearest some-more !!

ME very angry liao .... I share share my 5 mins with "Ann Kok/Priscellia Chan" with you... you neber share share ah....

This time I come back...determined to get Sammi when she returns from Leave... pitch tent liao....
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 03-07-2005, 02:37 PM
imaginative imaginative is offline
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Re: Legends 3 - FR on Ginny

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
oh r u the one who sits at the sofa in front of the counter for quite some time one???? cos over heard the counter and a brother +++ing about something like tat!!
maybe it's me. trying to look at the girls. so maybe next time you can say hi to me.
Old 03-07-2005, 10:34 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
This time I come back...determined to get Sammi when she returns from Leave... pitch tent liao....
Mai angry mai angry. u enjoy holiday in hongkong wif yuki-san mah so now i enjoy wif sammi in sillypore not too much rite!!!???? hheheheh the most hor i but u kopi when u pitch ur tent there!!!
Old 04-07-2005, 03:39 AM
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Re: Legends 3 - FR on Ginny

Originally Posted by imaginative
maybe it's me. trying to look at the girls. so maybe next time you can say hi to me.
Next time we go together lor!!! heheheheh and invite all the HC gang for a gang bang there!!! hehehee
Old 04-07-2005, 12:04 PM
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Talking Re: Legends 3 - FR on Ginny

Just tried Peggy over the weekend. Wow, her BBBJ & AR were fantastic, leaving my shaft & anus almost bone-dry.
Old 04-07-2005, 03:11 PM
fisheagle683 fisheagle683 is offline
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Re: FR on Joey

Originally Posted by imom
OK, here's my take on Joey...

First impressions as she walked in - very girl-next-door with no makeup, slim, fair and of reasonable height. As I'm very much a legs-man, I was quite happy to see those slim, fair and flawless legs on her...

RTF: Yes, but not so soon...
Had my 2nd time with Joey recently and agree with bro imom.
She gave me quite a long AR while I lifted up my bums. Wah lau eh...sibei song man...i found her to be more GF this time round. duno why....maybe less customer dat evening so better service. she's definitely in the top 5 in L3 for me.
Old 04-07-2005, 03:38 PM
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Re: FR on Joey

Originally Posted by fisheagle683
Had my 2nd time with Joey recently and agree with bro imom.
She gave me quite a long AR while I lifted up my bums. Wah lau eh...sibei song man...
You lucky man... My AR was a short one...
Old 04-07-2005, 05:05 PM
XXX-AMD XXX-AMD is offline
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Re: FR on Joey

Originally Posted by imom
You lucky man... My AR was a short one...
Me too .. but short one with warm tea!
Old 04-07-2005, 05:21 PM
fisheagle683 fisheagle683 is offline
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Re: FR on Joey

Originally Posted by XXX-AMD
Me too .. but short one with warm tea!
Guess I am the lucky one. before the action, we did tcss a lot.
i guess must put in some effort to reap the fruits lor...
i even taught her some english words like 'orgy', which she said she din know.
Old 04-07-2005, 05:49 PM
XXX-AMD XXX-AMD is offline
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Talking Re: FR on Joey

Originally Posted by fisheagle683
Guess I am the lucky one. before the action, we did tcss a lot.
i guess must put in some effort to reap the fruits lor...
i even taught her some english words like 'orgy', which she said she din know.

Cool bro fisheagle683, my sexercise needs some english language to spiced up the fire .... hehhehe! Shiok shiok....

I spoke to her in Cantonese! She tough me a few good lines too!
Old 04-07-2005, 09:53 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by HC_Cheongster
Wrong!! shes on leave lah... and wat do u know?? shes right below me right now!! heheheh give me a blow while i was surfing sammyboy!!!???
Sianzzzz dunnoe which bro minus me pt for this and dun even dare to leave ur name or at least a reason why mah!!! doubt its bro OP cos he is one who can take jokes one! pui pui Cannot take jokes meh!!!!

Last edited by HC_Cheongster; 04-07-2005 at 10:07 PM.
Old 05-07-2005, 12:27 AM
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Re: Jolene


Just try a session with kym,sitting outside at the sofa drinking kopi and taking a smoke and saw a pretty lady walking to the counter,wanna to ask counter wats her name? but sit beside me the bros, more faster than me ask the reception wats the gal name y never recommend to him ?reception answer him she was jolene, hot-gal here,hard to bookin'! Oh'oh' I C...

2~3day later, try call 2 bookin' jolene at 1:++p.m,but they told me jolene available at 10:45p.m,WOW ! cannot waiting coz 2moro need 2 early working....

the 4th day,call at reception 10:30a.m to bookin' Jolene at 6:30p:m...
finally can bookin' her,came to legend around 6p:m sitting outside to wait for her,saw her walking to the counter, all sit beside me the bros, all look at her..bwahahaha, bros,don't jealous me, i'm the guys who will tryin' her the next..

I went to the room to shower she knock knock & came inside put the towel on the chair and ask me, 'sir', wat u 1 2 drink wit a nice sound..after with her massage quite good oil massage,than, i told her my neck was really tired, she ask me turn around sit in front to me ,good position can really see her face and damn good sexy body...Didi cannot tahan standing up already,maybe she know, she smile than popped the question want a special or not?i say yes lah.. tryin to hug her but she say 1 2 wash hand first, after that ask me 1 2 smoke or not, i say yes, thought her will give me 1 cigarettes but she lying beside me &blowing the smoke towards my mouth & she use her finger touch around my body wif a gentle style, she give a feeling of first love,after she gave me a cat bath,i look at her, she look at me also.i feel her eyes can really seduce me..and then a bj,cannot tahan liao,tried to stop her.after tat she signal me to basin tried to doggy style,look at the mirror felt like in a blue film really cannot tahan liao & i unloaded...
she told me 2gether to shower coz i told her my back was too oily,she help me to wash back legs and didi ,feel like wankin her again...

lucky to tried her, with a A1 service..
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