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Old 05-07-2010, 11:15 PM
Stalkerme Stalkerme is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Thank bro smallfish for jia jia contact.

Arranged a session with jia jia last Monday.

Shld not go into the details, just a summarized FR.

Look - 6.5
Age - 30 plus, never ask
Body - 7
Bbbj - 7.5, just like duracell battery, never say die....
Painting - never try
Fingering - never try
Fj - 8, able to control her vaginal muscle, splendid sensation....
Moaning - loud.....
Gfe - 7, willing to please, wore a nurse uniform for me
Damage - $ 60 + $20 tip + cd + room
Overall - 7

Thank all, worth a squirt....
Old 06-07-2010, 11:37 AM
tepan2001 tepan2001 is offline
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Met up with Jia Jia last saturday, not a very good session to me. Quite a rush session. She was late and need to finish early as she have another appt.

My short summary as follows:
Look - 6
Body - 7, especially the boob (plus point)
Bbbj - 7, not bad
Fj - 6, she is not proactive. complained tired. Style: missionary and doggie.
Moaning - loud
Damage - $ 60
Overall - 6
RTF - No

Anyway, thanks brother for the contact. Mayby I do not have the luck on that day.
Old 06-07-2010, 08:33 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bro, upped u for FR!
Originally Posted by Stalkerme View Post
Thank bro smallfish for jia jia contact.

Arranged a session with jia jia last Monday.

Shld not go into the details, just a summarized FR.

Thank all, worth a squirt....
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Old 07-07-2010, 12:58 AM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Originally Posted by tepan2001 View Post
Met up with Jia Jia last saturday, not a very good session to me. Quite a rush session. She was late and need to finish early as she have another appt.

My short summary as follows:
Look - 6
Body - 7, especially the boob (plus point)
Bbbj - 7, not bad
Fj - 6, she is not proactive. complained tired. Style: missionary and doggie.
Moaning - loud
Damage - $ 60
Overall - 6
RTF - No

Anyway, thanks brother for the contact. Mayby I do not have the luck on that day.
Nevertheless, thanks bro for your FR.

Sorry to hear you're not sex-isfied.

I sms-ed Jia Jia out of concern. She told me she was feeling down after her friend Ting Ting flew back to China. She felt lonely, and she is trying her best to get used to working/living alone again...

One thing i seek your attention/understanding, some bros are not punctual for the stated appointments which caused her some inconvenience in her time management/appointments with other bros... which was why she was late and have to rush with you so that she can meet another bro's appt on time.

I feel sorry for her, but there is nothing i can do to help her... What i admire her is her positive outlooks despite the tough and stressful work to sex-isfied all the bros' lusts.

So i seek your understanding on her case.

Thanks, and best of regards.
Old 07-07-2010, 09:57 AM
motorxiao2000 motorxiao2000 is offline
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Thanks bro spermswimmer for Jiajia contact.

Given all the positive FRs, sms and fixed up a 2 hour slot with her. When i sms her rm no., she messaged back and asked me to bath first. Small let down as ive always enjoyed being bathed. Good thing is she popped in shortly after my bath. First impression was ok. Tall fair and slim looking gal. She wasnt pretty pretty but she had a strikingly cute smile which was always on her face. In a one piece purple dress which makes her look sweet. She has sharp facial features that make her look eurasian from an angle.

She put on her nurse uniform for our session. Wow!! She has a fantastic sexy body..the purple dress earlier doesnt do her justice. Eye popping boobs..natural fair slim legs and meat in the right place. She was quite good at this role play thing inspecting my body for 'illness' and saying she has to heal my bloated rod etc etc. Arousing like Jap AV..In fact if she was in j-land she could probably qualify as jap av..She was very hardworking in bbbj, examing every portion of my cork w her tongue. Never say die!! She was also quite horny, fingering herself as i serviced my cute nurse..its like she needs to be satisfied. Wow man. Damn sextisfying

Looks : 6.5/10(very slight eurasian looks altho had eyebags/tired)
Body : 7.5/10 (8.5 in her nurse uniform heehee)
bbbj: 7.5/10(dammn duracell bunny)
fj : 7/10 ( hardworking)
frenching : 6/10 (i know she can be passionate if she wants to, got a while of deep tonguing during 1st round but it came w a lot of effort and i couldnt convinve her the second. Just heay kisses only. Session w almost be perfect if i could )
rtf: yes (to see her OL attire)

It was subtle but could tell she was in a rush. I was probably squashed between bros. She went to wash herself quickly after the second shot and was dressed to go before i had really got out of bed. No complaints, i knew she's hot property.

Overall felt worth the money. Been feeling unquenchable horniess lately so end up writing quite a few FRs of late, but somehow after the sexxion with Jiajia, i felt really sextified. Heehee, can rest for a while now to reload. Great recommendation bro!!
Old 07-07-2010, 08:59 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bro, thanks for FR! Upped u!
Originally Posted by motorxiao2000 View Post
Thanks bro spermswimmer for Jiajia contact.

Overall felt worth the money. Been feeling unquenchable horniess lately so end up writing quite a few FRs of late, but somehow after the sexxion with Jiajia, i felt really sextified. Heehee, can rest for a while now to reload. Great recommendation bro!!
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Old 07-07-2010, 09:30 PM
best1a13s best1a13s is offline
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

yeah, she is really the best milf i ever met.
requested school uniform and ol attire but she told me the school uniform get wet so she bring nurse uniform in stead.

she appeared with a piece black evening dress.
really surprise me. hugged and found that she didnt wear bra haha, the first impression after she took off her dress for me is....HUGE

she service is really good and patience. too bad i little bro having bad mood on that day. but she is very patience to give me a long bbbj. just i feel that the uniform can make me high but it become redundant during the 'businees'.

half time she went to wash her hair then i just enjoy to see she dry up her hair with the air blower in nake. second part i served by a nurse, too high liao finished in 5 minutes.

overall its worth. damn worth!

will return again! thanks bro smallfish!
Old 08-07-2010, 01:08 AM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Sorry for the late FR on jiajia because been very bz on work,

My short summary as follows:
Look - 7
Body - 8, especially the boob (plus point)
Bbbj - 7, not bad very hardworking plus quite long
Fj - 6, she is not proactive; missionary and doggie.
Moaning - surround sound; loud
Damage - $100/2/2
Overall - 7
RTF - most probably will cos normally 2nd round hard to cum....but she manage to do it.
Old 08-07-2010, 12:34 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Thanks ManuelFerrara for sharing the contact moons ago. Finally manage to try JiaJia "Liang Cha" to cure the heatiness. Since I got mouth ulcer and I notice she got pimples, minimum action. Simple summary of FR

Looks : 8/10(with make-up,like her long hair and nice perfume, Chanel?)
Age : Guesstimate early 30s
Boobs : 10/10 ( . )( . ) tongue licking good
bbbj: NA
bj : Many different tongue actions
bf : soft and nice (for a while only)
fj : NA (retire from fj)
frenching : NA (I dont french)
Damage: S$60+10+room+cd
rtbj/rtbf: yes (trying her cosplay)
Old 08-07-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Can TS give me her contact? Lost it previously.
Old 08-07-2010, 07:24 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Brother TS may I have Jia Jia ctc thanks
Old 08-07-2010, 09:04 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bro, thanks for FR! Will up u tomorrow!
Originally Posted by best1a13s View Post
yeah, she is really the best milf i ever met.
requested school uniform and ol attire but she told me the school uniform get wet so she bring nurse uniform in stead.

overall its worth. damn worth!

will return again! thanks bro smallfish!
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Old 08-07-2010, 09:05 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bro, upped u for FR!
Originally Posted by Overdosed View Post
Sorry for the late FR on jiajia because been very bz on work,

RTF - most probably will cos normally 2nd round hard to cum....but she manage to do it.
10 FLs Tried Recently:
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Lele (Ahboy); Evelyn (Cindy C);
Rae (Cindy C);Akemi (Yeehaa);
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Old 08-07-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Bro, thanks for FR!
Originally Posted by airbux380 View Post
Thanks ManuelFerrara for sharing the contact moons ago. Finally manage to try JiaJia "Liang Cha" to cure the heatiness. Since I got mouth ulcer and I notice she got pimples, minimum action. Simple summary of FR

rtbj/rtbf: yes (trying her cosplay)
10 FLs Tried Recently:
Baby (Darkload); Betty (Cindy C);
Lele (Ahboy); Evelyn (Cindy C);
Rae (Cindy C);Akemi (Yeehaa);
Qianqian (Nohorserun69); Bingbing (Littlefat1);
Linda (Littlefat);
Rourou (Shanghaifun);
Old 09-07-2010, 12:06 PM
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Re: Demure Jia Jia “Liang Cha” to COOL your FIRE (pictures says a thousand words)

Any kind bros to share her contact with me. TS offline now...
Remind me to up you back if I forgot.
Sure back up.
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