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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 02-11-2011, 04:09 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

so I could have met him before la

Originally Posted by jackbl View Post
1plus only u ask me go where....????

He knows that. He went to the same pub as me
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Old 04-12-2011, 11:31 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Hi bros,

Just been to one of the pubs along Joo Chiat called S ***.

Got to see a vb very pretty. I would rate her:

Looks: 7.5/10
Boobs: 8.5/10 (very proportionate to her body frame)
Playable: 9/10 (tune radio, hug hug, put her and inside your pants and you know la)

She offered to go hotel but the rate she quoted was 200. It's rather steep and I did not take up. Her name is "Ah ha" (yes, think some of you might laugh, but that was what she really tell me).

Just to share this with all bros.

Old 04-12-2011, 11:34 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Finally I get to see this thread come up
Old 04-12-2011, 11:42 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by cheongster84 View Post
Hi bros,

Just been to one of the pubs along Joo Chiat called S ***.

Got to see a vb very pretty. I would rate her:

Looks: 7.5/10
Boobs: 8.5/10 (very proportionate to her body frame)
Playable: 9/10 (tune radio, hug hug, put her and inside your pants and you know la)

She offered to go hotel but the rate she quoted was 200. It's rather steep and I did not take up. Her name is "Ah ha" (yes, think some of you might laugh, but that was what she really tell me).

Just to share this with all bros.

Mkt rate for ST, $70-80
Old 04-12-2011, 11:50 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by charming888 View Post
Mkt rate for ST, $70-80
Bro charming888,

Mind sharing what does ST means?

I paid her tips for 20, then she a bit sian, do I add another 5 bucks. Know it's not alot anyway, but following a few other post I know that 20 is the market rate. She really quite pretty so I didn't bargain that much.

Anyway, didn't know the standard is around 80.

But sometimes v hard to communicate with the vb, their Chinese and English v poor, and the loud music is not helping. She know "hotel" then I ask her for how long, she also don't get it. Wah piang..chicken talking to duck, lucky can play. Haha

Old 05-12-2011, 12:05 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by cheongster84 View Post
Bro charming888,

Mind sharing what does ST means?

I paid her tips for 20, then she a bit sian, do I add another 5 bucks. Know it's not alot anyway, but following a few other post I know that 20 is the market rate. She really quite pretty so I didn't bargain that much.

Anyway, didn't know the standard is around 80.

But sometimes v hard to communicate with the vb, their Chinese and English v poor, and the loud music is not helping. She know "hotel" then I ask her for how long, she also don't get it. Wah piang..chicken talking to duck, lucky can play. Haha

ST = short time
LT = long time [in viet, it means lam tinh (make love)]

$20 is standard rate for accompany in places likes S****
she sianz becoz you no go hotel, she lesser income

save this text in you hp..
"di khach san, $100, 2tieng dong ho duoc khong" - go hotel, $100, 2hours can or not?

"di khach san, $80 duoc khong?" - do hotel $80 can or not?
Old 05-12-2011, 02:57 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

hello bros. i was also there S *** on saturday night but early.. from 7 left at 8plus to other place..

i also took this ah ha but actually her correct name is Ah Thao that is why sounds like ah ha when she said it.

nice boobs, grey spagetti strap right?boobs spilling out, 100% natural just arrived, chinese and english also cannot make it. can tune radio, cannot communicate much with her but gfe is there but cannot communicate.

got another gal when we eating at viet restaurant opposite, we chatted her up, also working at s ***, big natural boobs, very nice looking boobs but she go back to s *** late after dinner so never get to try her, surely will look for her on next visit. she was drinking heineken with a straw and eating "zuzu" before her work, and yes alone!

lolz.. have fun guys..
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Old 05-12-2011, 03:10 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by police View Post
Being to 51 Jazzy a few times. Not bad. You buy a drink & gals will come to you & rubba rubba.
FR copied from ghostray dtd 01-10-2003 post #49 found here.

Police is tankup cupyou liatioler and is out to sabo joints through copying other peoples' FRs. Please don't up him for his fake FRs.
Old 05-12-2011, 09:47 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by LLSC View Post
hello bros. i was also there S *** on saturday night but early.. from 7 left at 8plus to other place..

i also took this ah ha but actually her correct name is Ah Thao that is why sounds like ah ha when she said it.

nice boobs, grey spagetti strap right?boobs spilling out, 100% natural just arrived, chinese and english also cannot make it. can tune radio, cannot communicate much with her but gfe is there but cannot communicate.

got another gal when we eating at viet restaurant opposite, we chatted her up, also working at s ***, big natural boobs, very nice looking boobs but she go back to s *** late after dinner so never get to try her, surely will look for her on next visit. she was drinking heineken with a straw and eating "zuzu" before her work, and yes alone!

lolz.. have fun guys..
Hi bro LLSC,

Indeed, her gfe feeling is gao gao. I must say she is considered the top 3 in terms of look over there. I rejected like around 6-7 girls. Alot really cmi. Actually i went to S**** not because of her. There's this girl, i think her chinese is still not bad, I ask her go to B****R but she insist of going to S*** so bo bian i go S***, then when i got in, she got held up by the boss outside, talk talk awhile, but after a long while, she still nv come in. I think in terms of looks and body, she could be better. "Ah ha" is quite good looking in the pub cause quite dark, once go toilet, i see her in the light, she drop to 7/10. haha

I think she leaving in 2 weeks time or something like that, was asking her when she leave, but can't really able to communicate with her well..
Old 06-12-2011, 12:33 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

bro chiongster, there is 2 more gals pretty one.. my friends took, one boob small but face pretty.. 8/10, for me i see ah ha only 6/10 i only go for her dressing only. got another gal 7/10 and can tune radio nicely.... and their gfe won't lose to ah ha one..

it was my first time to s***, should return soon... =D

upz u cheongster bro.
upz my points if you like my posts.
Free 3 point power up a day.
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Old 06-12-2011, 10:01 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by LLSC View Post
bro chiongster, there is 2 more gals pretty one.. my friends took, one boob small but face pretty.. 8/10, for me i see ah ha only 6/10 i only go for her dressing only. got another gal 7/10 and can tune radio nicely.... and their gfe won't lose to ah ha one..

it was my first time to s***, should return soon... =D

upz u cheongster bro.
Thanks thanks. paiseh i dont have power to up you back.

wah, ah ha is considered as 6/10!?! hahaha, can you tell me the 8/10 girl? to me boobs don't matter so much, okok can liao, but face more important.

Bro LLSC, mind sharing the 8/10 and 7/10 vb name?

kum sia kum sia.

usually which day you go s***?
Old 07-12-2011, 11:15 AM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by LLSC View Post
bro chiongster, there is 2 more gals pretty one.. my friends took, one boob small but face pretty.. 8/10, for me i see ah ha only 6/10 i only go for her dressing only. got another gal 7/10 and can tune radio nicely.... and their gfe won't lose to ah ha one..
Originally Posted by cheongster84 View Post
wah, ah ha is considered as 6/10!?! hahaha, can you tell me the 8/10 girl? to me boobs don't matter so much, okok can liao, but face more important.

Bro LLSC, mind sharing the 8/10 and 7/10 vb name?
wah... dun know Sxxx got so many 7-8/10 VBs Mostly I only took those 5-6/10 ones Maybe u guys handsome thats why they come to u
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Old 07-12-2011, 02:02 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by cheongster84 View Post
Hi bro LLSC,

"Ah ha" is quite good looking in the pub cause quite dark, once go toilet, i see her in the light, she drop to 7/10. haha

I think she leaving in 2 weeks time or something like that, was asking her when she leave, but can't really able to communicate with her well..
Bro, this gal "Ah Ha" you mentioned, is she short about 1.5M slim body with short hair? Also she always wear pant instead of a dress?
When things goes wrong, we always blame the opposite parties but have we ever sit down and ask ourselves if the fault lies with us?

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Old 07-12-2011, 02:12 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by zhu star View Post
Bro, this gal "Ah Ha" you mentioned, is she short about 1.5M slim body with short hair? Also she always wear pant instead of a dress?
Hi bro Zhu star,

Her hair is long until reaches the mid of her back leh.i don't know. Does she always wear pants instead of dress but last sunday was first time I saw her. She did wear shorts la, I prefer dress though. Haha

You trying to find someone?
Old 07-12-2011, 02:51 PM
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Re: Pubs along Joo Chiat

Originally Posted by cheongster84 View Post
Hi bro Zhu star,

Her hair is long until reaches the mid of her back leh.i don't know. Does she always wear pants instead of dress but last sunday was first time I saw her. She did wear shorts la, I prefer dress though. Haha

You trying to find someone?
No, I am not looking for anyone. I happen to know a gal from Hanoi with the same name, works most of the time in S and also going back soon. The name you mentioned is quite common.

Anyway, gal with short hair and wearing pants does not attracts me, they always turn me off whenever I see them. I love gal with long hair preferably up to her ass and wearing a short dress.
When things goes wrong, we always blame the opposite parties but have we ever sit down and ask ourselves if the fault lies with us?

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