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Old 05-05-2009, 09:14 AM
Sexatronic Sexatronic is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Yes, to all bros here, pls be really really careful... Abort the mission immediately if u feel threatened, however kiasu/kiasi it may seems... we are afterall foreigners.
Old 05-05-2009, 12:13 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by Sexatronic View Post
Yes, to all bros here, pls be really really careful... Abort the mission immediately if u feel threatened, however kiasu/kiasi it may seems... we are afterall foreigners.
That's correct, actually I referred bro Sony2002 to a FL in Pudong, which had webcam with me. O/N appointment booked at 11pm and he was already in Pudong when the FL told him at 10.59 that something popped up and asked him to go Pu Cheng Lu for another FL.

Naturally alarm bells ranged and he headed for a backup FL in Lian Hua Lu Area. Sorry, brother sony2002.

For those FL that do not make house calls (do at her place) we need to monitor if they keep changing location or HP numbers, those that do, would advise brothers to steer clear.

To avoid disappointment, if would be best to get those that makes house calls, if dun like the look can give taxi fare and ask her FO.

For those affected by recession or no hotel to stay, it makes perfect sense to visit the FL at her place... O/N price - Hotel price = price of approx 3 bonks? Worth it leh.

Old 05-05-2009, 12:16 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by sony2002 View Post
Photo is fake
Actual person much older, complexion no good.
Boobs is big for her body, but saggy and only a C cup
Keep complaining painful and tired
Not recommended
Sorry Bro,
Too bad for first choice as i had webcam her.. do u know where to buy the 4Gb Video recording pen? Knn, this way we can record and build the database with real photos!

Old 05-05-2009, 06:59 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Can someone more knowledgeable answer my question about BBS takeout practice? Thanks!

Originally Posted by mark- View Post
It was mentioned here that BBS girls can be taken out for overnight for about 500RMB or more. How exactly is the payment made in this case?

I don't want to take a risk and pay everything in front. It is possible to pay part when taking the girl out and pay rest in the morning?
Old 05-05-2009, 11:21 PM
newbieboy newbieboy is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

i have tried Yangyang, thanks bro kelvin25 for going in so bravely, to tell the truth, the place was so bumfuck and hard to find that i'd have backed off halfway if not for his words in bold red "tried liao". navigating your way into a "nong" and climbing up so many flights of steps, it felt like a scamjob trying to tire you out so you have no will to fight when they rob you! but it's safe lah, plus i'm alone in shanghai, no brother to back me up so i won't try the ones not cleared. also had a bad experience a few years ago in shenzhen, got led to a blackshop ktv, slapped around a bit but at least manged to leave with 100rmb, my camera, hp, laptop. it's not funny, i was so angry i wanted to go back and murder them but of course, slowly you realise these things happen in China.

on Yangyang, yes she's not the one on the qq page, but i was so tried from all the walking (cab driver didn't know the place i walked for 20 minutes to reach it) that i couldn't fuck care, and in any case, she looks a bit older, but still pleasant lah.

Age: looks late 20s
Looks: 6.5 (she tries to hide that her upper row of teeth are a bit protruding, not very noticeable. also tattoo on right arm, small one no big deal. skin was ok, no marks or anything, and i should know she removed her makeup after we hit it off)
Body: 8 (boobs are definitely fake, C-cup, which is ok since you already know from experience it's usualy whatever they say -1 cup size. body is quite solid, not the skinny type)
BJ: 7 (a bit of teeth, see above)
FJ: 9 (no complaints, i bao ye and anytime i want even if she's sleeping... song!)
RTF: yes (not much choice i 1 person here don't like to venture also, better safe than sorry!)

all in all i had a good time, thanks again bro kelvin25. i haven't been active on SBF so i dunno why i no longer have power to give rep, but heartfelt thanks anyway. this was much better than my Zhenjiang experience where there was only ONE girl servicing THE WHOLE HOTEL... armpit hair small boobs no frenching somemore... KNN. i don't like ktvs and prefer not to do in public places like BBS and sauna for privacy reasons, so this was really a godsend. know what you want, don't expect too much, usually it'll be fine!

she actually chatted with me till daybreak, quite a nice girl once you get to know her la. apparently she has a jiemei staying next door, but not to worry, you don't want to see her, she don't want to see you also right? think she mentioned she worked in HK for awhile before, so hygiene wise not bad. got wet tissues etc. safe also, as she (and i, also from bad experience) insisted on protection. the walk into her apartment quite creepy though, i dunno why i went ahead.

thanks again!
Old 05-05-2009, 11:29 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

oh yeah one more thing, the final address and the one posted is not the same, best to call and confirm.
Old 06-05-2009, 11:55 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Originally Posted by newbieboy View Post
oh yeah one more thing, the final address and the one posted is not the same, best to call and confirm.
Please do not post the final address, what is indicated is the approximate location... the block number and unit number should be left unpublished.

U are in China and using proxy to surf, so somehow unable to give points, i managed to find out that gotta click the 'balanced icon" and open in new window then can give points.... haha.

U want safer then get those that provide house call.. all those published i have chat with them on QQ, though most are very busy answering tonnes of messages on their QQ lor.

Old 06-05-2009, 06:48 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

sianz... msg in QQ with one of the girls for 3days... did not reply me... want to test water but water not dripping in...
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Old 06-05-2009, 06:55 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

call their mobile lor
Old 06-05-2009, 10:23 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

now i based in kunshan... sometimes can go back.. so must plan my trip appropriately... calling may not be a gd choice if kena fly A380...
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Old 07-05-2009, 01:25 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

thanks for the ups bros, appreciated!

yeah that's why I didn't publish the address, left out a few details already, just tried to capture the general feel of my experience... btw bro k25, I tried to give rep liao, does it work?
Old 07-05-2009, 03:11 AM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Yes bro, received with thanks.
So when u gonna try out the rest?
I'm back in wuxi already..
Old 07-05-2009, 09:08 AM
iluvktv iluvktv is offline
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

I have tried a handful of these house calls gals from QQ or Chatroom but without fail the gal at your door is not the same person you see in the photo they gave you. What you see is not what you get - have to discount at least 30%. Of cos, if you don't like you can give them taxi fare to send back but by the time they arrive at your door, you would be expecting them anxiously and siao chong nao already, it will be like "bo he hei ah ho" (no fish prawns also can (hokkien) - cover the face fire the base!

I found out from some of them that some actually works in BBS around your area and the person chatting with you in the chatroom or QQ is actually the OKT, once a deal is made, he will call the BBS to send a gal over to you.

I've stopped calling these gals because you always end feeling short-changed when the gal turn up and is not the person u expect.

There used to a chatroom 易聊 or something where in the Shanghai chatroom, its all these gals soliciting for business but this chatroom has since been shut down.

Happy hunting and be safe.
Old 07-05-2009, 05:17 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

bro Iluvktv,

U one hand say siao cheong nao, boh he hei ah ho.. then end of it still say short changed.. contradictory leh..

Basically, during that time, anti-vice activities are up, BBS shop all closed and brothers got no "fish tank" to pick and choose.. so the only way is to find these FL lor..

Their prices are between BBS and HC.. so it's still economical in these recession times.

Happy Cheonging.
Old 07-05-2009, 05:44 PM
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Re: ShangHai Recommendation!

Hi Bros,

Will be posted to PRC soon. Hope able to join in with you guys when in PRC.

happy cheonging!!!
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