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Old 05-09-2016, 01:30 AM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by aakumu View Post
Your posting reminds me of a friend of mine that got into a SUGAR DADDY/SUGAR BABY relationship....At least his sugar baby acknowledge that her sugar daddy support her; and that stroke his ego...
Honestly, how many men out there would want to support or marry any woman that do not need nor acknowledge their man as their bread winner???
There in lies the problem, when women in any society, so proof they do not need a MAN to support the them, there is always a LOBANG for these FLs to come in....
I do not think these FLs KCs us not as much with their GFEs but more with their have a weakness being the knight in shining amor....when cannot get in normal girls, they go get it from the FLs that will gladly stroke their ego....
Food for thought, would you "MAN" want a stronger, taller, richer, smarter, higher position job woman than you???
How many of you would accept the tittle "the General's husband", "The First Man", "The Director's husband"........ be honest be honest to yourself...LAH...
The moment we as man can accept, I am very sure the cases of being KCs by FLs will drop a predictions...

My humble two cents.
Haha yeah bro, u got this part to the point..stroke his ego.
That's why many bros r willing to open wallet.

I've no issues whatsoever with women being richer, or of a higher calibre.
I still earn my own keep, spend my own money.

N she's more than welcome to buy me expensive gifts from time to time.
Maybe a Lambo this year..n a Bentley the next?
Old 05-09-2016, 06:26 AM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by aakumu View Post
How many of you would accept the tittle "the General's husband", "The First Man", "The Director's husband"........ be honest be honest to yourself...LAH...
The moment we as man can accept, I am very sure the cases of being KCs by FLs will drop a predictions...

My humble two cents.
This is a very good point. But how many women are willing to accept a man that can accept this? Maybe "the General" and "the Director" will enjoy at the start, but over time won't they just look down on the man and find someone else.
Old 05-09-2016, 09:31 AM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Haha bro, relations with WL n those with GF or future wife...not the same?

Maybe I'm still a traditional guy, with GF, I'll settle all expenses, never go dutch.
If future wife, even more no need to say. Just be a stay home wife, my duty to bring home the bacon.

Agree with your last part, many women I've met, dun want money want status.. marry them.
Only got one shot at this, so how to make all the women happy?
Originally Posted by justl00king View Post
Haha yeah bro, u got this part to the point..stroke his ego.
That's why many bros r willing to open wallet.

I've no issues whatsoever with women being richer, or of a higher calibre.
I still earn my own keep, spend my own money.

N she's more than welcome to buy me expensive gifts from time to time.
Maybe a Lambo this year..n a Bentley the next?
For a traditional MAN, you sure have lots of wants and needs....hahahaha

Old 05-09-2016, 09:34 AM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by arth80s View Post
This is a very good point. But how many women are willing to accept a man that can accept this? Maybe "the General" and "the Director" will enjoy at the start, but over time won't they just look down on the man and find someone else.
Hi bro or sis???
For the most, there are women that are looking "small white face" excuse to punt.....for those that don't, I am sure they will be looking for those kind of man...lah

Old 05-09-2016, 05:35 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by sixnine696900 View Post
Hi bro or sis???
For the most, there are women that are looking "small white face" excuse to punt.....for those that don't, I am sure they will be looking for those kind of man...lah

Hi sixnine, bro here.

Dunno la, I guess in the end will come down to the couple involved to come to agreement. I suspect though that for the guy, even if able to accept, there is additional condition that the guy must have something else the gal respects (if not status/money). Not so simple as guy willing to accept then the gal happy already...
Old 07-09-2016, 01:32 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Sorry, noob here. What is the meaning of KC?
Old 07-09-2016, 04:41 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Originally Posted by samster101 View Post
Sorry, noob here. What is the meaning of KC?
roughly translate...
KC = have feeling or falling in love.
Old 22-09-2016, 05:02 PM
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Re: How to KC a WL without being KC-ed by Her

Hey fellow bros…

I would just like to share some REAL TALK from a few Thai FL I got to know through Dome 1 some time back. I employed their services a few times while they were here and through their candidness and our frequent meetings, I got to understand a little bit more about the complex (AS FUCK) world of being a working lady.

Some bros may know that I was in BKK recently for business, and I had some time to meet a few FLs (let’s call them C and G). There were many things which were shared between both of us, but I will only post about the more salient, relevant things which I am sure most bros here who have been KC-ed, or are being KC-ed want to know about.

- Disclaimer: This may not apply to all FL you come across, your experience may differ from what is shared about here -


Q1. My FL (or teeruk, darling, etc) is very nice to me, does she really love me?

A1. Yes and no. Bros, you have to remember: You first came to her as a customer, maybe gradually become fuck friend, and if you’re lucky, you get to be her lover. However, at the same time, let’s be clear on one thing: If she is currently still a working lady, it means that she (or by extension her family) is in need of money.

So to answer the question about love: Maybe she loves you, maybe she doesn’t, but she definitely loves your money more at this point.

Q2. But she is REALLY nice to me!!

A2. C was very straightforward to tell me that in order to earn money as working lady, she has to make sure her customers are happy not just during the paid interaction, but for many many days, weeks and months after that. In her exact words, “If customer not happy, no come back again, how to make money?”

Reason: Rather than taking the risk of uncertainty with every customer that makes a booking with her, she would rather be familiar and have a handful of regular customers (and even ATM boyfriends) who she can rely on to keep coming back to help her finances.

She has so-called darlings/teeruks in Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Singapore who all help to send her money when she needs it. At the same time, she also does not ask very often unless it’s a really big amount that she can’t raise working by herself. This is to prevent a situation when these so called boyfriends become suspicious so she only asks from one boyfriend every few months.

She is also smart, in a sense that each boyfriend thinks they’re the only one, and will sponsor her trips to their home countries, and give her the money that she needs. Of course, they will go through the whole BF/GF routine and when they part ways, she will have the money she needs (or as much as she can get anyway).

Q3. Can I “buyout” the girl so she never has to work anymore, marry them and start a family?

A3. Yes you can, if you are rich and more importantly to them, about the same age as they are. Let’s also get another thing straight: You can buy her out so that she doesn’t have to work as an FL (maybe get a regular job, even start a business for her etc), but you may never get her heart. Things done out of obligation and duty alone will never last forever. I don’t know if that makes sense to bros out there.

You see, money is a big thing, but not everything is about money. Although C and G are in need of money, they’re not as stupid to be lured in by money and have their lives controlled by their paymaster for the long term. Yes, that is what you are when you just dump a boatload of money on their feet and expect them to submit themselves to you for the rest of their lives. Maybe older generation Thai FLs are like that, but I find that many in their early - mid 20s now resist the idea of being controlled.

Over dinner, C made a very pointed remark at her boyfriends whom she gets money from. She said, “You must understand, I am looking for husband, not father”. At first, I didn’t understand, but she explained further, “They give me money ok, but they 15 years older, how to marry? How to start family? I also want to have children. If marry old guy, maybe (the) man die before children grow up. Fuck!” I assured her that life expectancy in first world countries is quite unlike Thailand, but I digress.

She also doesn’t like the idea of marrying a much older guy because like other Asian countries, face (面子) is of paramount importance. Case in point: When I brought C to a particular posh restaurant at the top of State Tower (some times I pay in kind rather than in cash, seasoned bros may know why), one particular incident that night really highlighted the issue of face:

Although C says she doesn’t look Thai with her platinum blonde hair, any other Thai can tell she’s Thai (I mean, come on, who you want to bluff lol). When the waiter(s) repeatedly spoke to her in Thai, and to me in English, I could tell she was getting very annoyed to the point she didn’t reply the waiters and waited for me to reply. It was getting a bit fucked up from my POV also, so I called the lead waiter in and said we only speak English. After that, she told me she didn’t like being looked down upon in posh places because Thai service people have knack of treating fellow Thais worse (Especially Thai ladies whom they suspect are being kept).

Q4. Why do they choose to become an FL, why not work a normal, decent job?

A4. KFC in Thailand pays about 50 baht / hour. A customer service officer pays about 60 baht / hour. A personal escort (not sure what they’re called really, non sexual kind) are probably paid between 800-1500 baht per night. For a university student, they don’t have much options when it comes to work. Most end up working in places like bars, pubs or FL jobs to put themselves through private university because they believe things will be better if graduate from private uni than government uni.

((((For reference: a semester in a private uni in Thailand maybe costs about $4-6k SGD. In government university, G told me that it costs 25 Baht per credit. Not sure how many credits they have to take. lol)))

It’s worse when they have younger siblings (especially younger sisters) because they do not want their younger siblings to go through what they’re going through now. It seems like the older sisters usually shoulder most of the family responsibility (well, except for G, because she told me that although she loves her older sister very much, her older sister is a good for nothing bum. LOL).

C was almost to the point of tears when I asked “Are you really happy doing this?”. Her reply was, “In front of customer - always happy. But alone, always crying, always thinking - I do not like this work. Many times, drinking alone.”

Q5. If they are truly unhappy, why do they carry on?

A5. For financial reasons above as stated, but also because I think they have developed some kind of numbness to the work that they view as the only means to the end.

For C, she is still in the trade, but I can tell she is thinking of doing other stuff, even becoming an agent for other girls to get connected to OKTs overseas. Apparently, being a mamasan pays well in Thailand too lol. As for the other things, she probably intends to carry on being a working lady until she can graduate from university and find a stable boyfriend who can at least help put her siblings through school.

For G, she has quit this work and now does a lot of different part time work. She is game to try everything at least once, but it seems that being a working lady is just not her idea of good work.


Sorry to all bros in advance for grammar mistakes, sentences that don’t make complete sense etc. Have to edit later when I sit down on my computer.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading it and understand a bit more of FL world. Don’t get KC-ed!

Broessex out.
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