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Old 16-12-2007, 09:07 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Joeblackcat88 View Post
that is to enter thailand through mae sai and travel up to chiangrai where i will meet her there and take a flight back to singapore.
fantastic........ i can see from your travel plan that you really love your wife-to-be alot...............

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Old 17-12-2007, 12:41 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

hi guys! im filipina here and will travel singapore soon i want make friends with u and have fun!
Old 17-12-2007, 02:40 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Joeblackcat88 View Post
My soon to be wife is from taichilek,can i apply visa for her at the ica here rather than fly all the way to yangon? Because from taichilek to yangon is a very long distance, and myammar is totally not safe at all,you never know what will happen there, so i intend to ask her to use another alternative route to singapore, that is to enter thailand through mae sai and travel up to chiangrai where i will meet her there and take a flight back to singapore.us100 for the passport? she told me its ard 2 k singapore, now i worry most is when it comes to applying pr for her because she commit an offence in another country few years ago
bro, dont do it the aleternate way cuz that;s illegal entry for her.
my girl's from kengtung and although it's nearer coming through thailand, they are not allowed to travel past a certain distance beyond maesai's border.

either u spend the $ and have her go the longer and safer way. or save ur money and risk her getting frisked on the way from maesai to bangkok checkpoints, and see her getting questioned like mad, and see her go back tachilek.

a few hundred extras is ok for her safety..

as for the pp, did it in july. costed me about 30k thb and took her 1 month to get it done. moved her to bkk and have her stay in bkk on legit ED visa which costed 40k a year.

hai maynmar girl mafun lol
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Old 18-12-2007, 02:11 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Thanks to all the bros here who PM me recently, i think there's no much hope fo r my wife, and here's a brief account onto what happened.

Some time in 2004, my wife (who was my gf then) PVP pass ended and have been told that she's not allowed to come back to Singapore between 6-12mths. Some of you may know how it feels like not being with your love ones, she came back with a different passport just to be close to me.

In 2004 December, she was waiting for me in her brother-in-law's pub with some other friends, I was held up some where else and was suppose to meet her for dinner around 6pm but I got delayed till 930pm. By 10pm a raid was conducted ** location withheld ** and every one was rounded up, even some of our friends' wife who are married with PR status was also rounded up like dogs with cuffs, throw in a tour bus and hauled away. Fortunately, she was the first to let go. She explained herself to the police officer, the officer in-turn called me to verify the story and it tallied and was released *without charges whatsoever* but she was thumbprinted

After the 30-day expiry of passport chop, she returned to her country and came back later with her Real passport. 2-years later, we got married here in Singapore and Philippines. We checked if she had any record and NONE came up in ICA or Police. 3months after we got married, she was pregnant.

I wanted to re-start my family life sooo badly. I have a daughter from ex-wife (local) and she's horrible... (This is another long long story). My first daughter even calls my 2nd wife "mommy" and they are sooo close. My 2nd daughter is extremely attached to the mother. I thought its going to be smooth sailing from here on, until ICA came knocking on our door.

An I/O officer came personally to our home a few times, but I've told her not to open doors to people she don't know. There are so many cheating cases these days. I/O even popped in to my office to locate me, so I was quite curious and this NOT normal of ICA procedures. We proceeded to ICA building next couple of days and this is where my NightMare starts.

ICA shows her previous entry to Singapore with another passport, with her thumb-print etc. Not sure where they got it from but according to the officer, its from anti-vice. ICA has now proceeded to charge her even after telling them we have a daughter. Court proceedings will be some time end of December 2007.

Sadly, I was initially told that ICA won't deport her and there will not be any jail term etc. The said officer is now "on-leave", and now being handled by another officer, and he has concluded that ICA 'will' proceed with the charge.

My only concern now is our daughter. 9-mths, breast feeding, no-maid, no help, and I am working... How am I suppose to care for my daughter ??? We admit we were wrong, guilty as charged... but what about our daughter ? I looks like they did not take her into consideration. I was also told that after she serves her jail-term, she'll be returned to ICA for deportation. And Again, what about our daughter ? Do they mean that I have to send my daughter out of the country for good ? Once deported, it'll be extremely hard for wife to return to Singapore.. and AGAIN, wat about our daughter ?

I've gone to see my MP for help, and from the sound of his tone, there's nothing he, as an MP, can do .....

Old 18-12-2007, 03:09 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Joeblackcat88 View Post
My soon to be wife is from taichilek,can i apply visa for her at the ica here rather than fly all the way to yangon? Because from taichilek to yangon is a very long distance, and myammar is totally not safe at all,you never know what will happen there, so i intend to ask her to use another alternative route to singapore, that is to enter thailand through mae sai and travel up to chiangrai where i will meet her there and take a flight back to singapore.us100 for the passport? she told me its ard 2 k singapore, now i worry most is when it comes to applying pr for her because she commit an offence in another country few years ago
The right way is u have to send her to yangon n go to the singapore embassy in yangon get a vise for her to come to singapore.They cannot use their passport to leave masai cos only in yangon they will submit a form D to leave their country.Remember that.(Taichilek to yangon then singapore).No shortcut.
Old 18-12-2007, 03:52 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by cereal-killer View Post
Thanks to all the bros here who PM me recently, i think there's no much hope fo r my wife, and here's a brief account onto what happened.
Bro you are lucky those assholes din charge you also.....thanks for sharing your woes with heart goes out to you but I dont think there's anyway out of this now.....just pray & hope for the best that your wife got a light sentence. In the meantime turn to family & close friends for support during this ardous can try pleading your case on humanitarian grounds....maybe approach her country's embassy's help to appeal. All the best.....
Old 18-12-2007, 04:04 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by cereal-killer View Post
I've gone to see my MP for help, and from the sound of his tone, there's nothing he, as an MP, can do .....

maybe u can seek advice from a good lawyer?
Old 18-12-2007, 05:07 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by cereal-killer View Post

I've gone to see my MP for help, and from the sound of his tone, there's nothing he, as an MP, can do .....
All the best to u. U have to plan for your future cos I seriously doubt these MPs can do much.
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Old 18-12-2007, 10:43 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Sha_Gua75 View Post
I do not know about the 30k requirement....there is another samster here who is in better position to answer u if he is going to answer u

Anyway my personal opinion about u completing degree then easier to apply for LTSVP or PR seem not logic....getting a degree although i think is one of the deciding factor...but I think your earning power and your job status is far more important....

I have a colleague who is just a diploma holder earning around 2.8k got his wife PR 2 months after ROM...he didnt even try to apply for far he is the fastest I have seen....
i just started work not long ago.
about 2k per mth
at the same time, still taking my degree. (completed next yr june)
i had already booked a date at ROM with my prc gf.
after marry, she will go back to china
and come back around june.
so when she come back then apply LTSVP or PR for her.
possible right?
if cant, apply STP also can. cause she coming back to study eng also.

Special thanks to Red_Tirak1099 for his advice.
Old 18-12-2007, 10:56 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by mercuryking View Post
i just started work not long ago.
about 2k per mth
at the same time, still taking my degree. (completed next yr june)
i had already booked a date at ROM with my prc gf.
after marry, she will go back to china
and come back around june.
so when she come back then apply LTSVP or PR for her.
possible right?
if cant, apply STP also can. cause she coming back to study eng also.

Special thanks to Red_Tirak1099 for his advice.
Bro, just to add how come after marry go back China? Like I say after marry can apply LTSVP liao.....right after marry go back to China for so many months dont look good leh, ICA might think yours is a scam marriage.
Old 18-12-2007, 11:58 PM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Joeblackcat88 View Post
us100 for the passport? she told me its ard 2 k singapore
usd100 you'll have to wait very long time, sometimes will even have application rejected. And I think you'll have to be in Yangon and know how actually the application process works, and do most of the running around yourself.

sgd2000 will buy you some quick and firm signatures, plus a runner that knows how to do the dirty job. Heard from a local that for some people, it's easier if they married a foreigner in Myanmar first ... can't remember reason she gave me, too long ago.

Ok ... sorry for intruding ... question is, she tried the Maesai route before?

Err, if things don't work out in Singapore, what with PR and stuff ...
Won't beat around the bush, but due to the recent problems in Myanmar, Thailand MAY have amnesty for refugees. If she knows people around Maesai, might wanna ask around. (Careful of cons)

Then you can hug your Beautiful Myanmese Wife in Bangkok while drooling at Thai puyings ... wonderful.

Last edited by Th4r; 19-12-2007 at 12:07 AM. Reason: tipo
Old 19-12-2007, 12:05 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Oh, don't forget too that if you haven't got your girl's pp ... most of the big shots moved near to Mandalay smoke opium liao. Affect many things but not sure about pp applications though.

pinmina, pyinmina ... pyin ... nevermind, forgot how to spell.

Good luck.
Old 19-12-2007, 12:55 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

A friend asked me this no sure the answer so throw it to the floor......

Was told that ICA now will not renew LTSVP after 3 years if the person still have not been grant PR.....any truth in this???
Old 19-12-2007, 01:08 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by Th4r View Post
Oh, don't forget too that if you haven't got your girl's pp ... most of the big shots moved near to Mandalay smoke opium liao. Affect many things but not sure about pp applications though.

pinmina, pyinmina ... pyin ... nevermind, forgot how to spell.

Good luck.
Pyinmana aka Naypyidaw (Royal City) ......they dont have a king so why the royal???
Old 19-12-2007, 01:33 AM
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Re: Foreigner Wife

Originally Posted by mercuryking View Post
i just started work not long ago.
about 2k per mth
at the same time, still taking my degree. (completed next yr june)
i had already booked a date at ROM with my prc gf.
after marry, she will go back to china
and come back around june.
so when she come back then apply LTSVP or PR for her.
possible right?
if cant, apply STP also can. cause she coming back to study eng also.

Special thanks to Red_Tirak1099 for his advice.
Yr salary pay can't made PR for yr PRC wife........min. $3.5k with 2yrs cpf......secondly, does yr PRC gf taking degree cert.? Now LTSVP is very strict....only for degree holder and approve by MOM....either both yr parent can gua. her with min. income 5k+....or either a 3yrs profitable company under yr name....then ICA will approve her stay long in singapore, if not, u can forgot it....they don bother u at all.......
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