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Old 30-04-2011, 10:20 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

H i bro,
Are you one of these guys hahahahaha.....

Indonesian Girls & Expats: Why So Many Expats Will Start Cheating In Jakarta?

You may have noticed, men seem quite happy in Indonesia. No matter how dumb and ugly they are, there will always be a fair number of pretty and hot girls gravitating around them. Add to that the expat compensation package, the maid, the driver and the cheap flights to Bali and you have everything a man could dream of: Big pay, no chores, hot girls.

On the contrary, life is hard on expat wives or worse, on single women. Thank God (or unfortunately) most of them don’t see what is happening behind their backs. Among the expats that I know, I can tell you that 90% of them, married or not, have had an affair or cheated on their girlfriends with an Indonesian girl at least once. The only ones that are faithful have stopped partying or, it exists, are absolutely, truly, deeply in love. It’s not just some old, fat pervert working in oil. The more often, it’s the good husband, with kids and family. I’ve been out partying for years in Jakarta, 5 days a week, and in each bar I went to, I met tons of them. Go to Bats, go to Blok M, got to stadium, etc, etc, and you will see them, getting crazy on the dancefloor and enjoying their lives as they never do at home. Some will say that it’s just easier here with girls and I agree. But does it explain everything? My friends are handsome and cool; they could find girls to cheat with in France. They are rich too, they could pay prostitutes. I know they do it in Jakarta, but they would never do it in France. Why is that? Why do Expats start cheating their wives when they arrive in Jakarta? Is it specific to Jakarta?

I see 3 reasons for that:
- In Indonesia, many men can get girls that are way more attractive than what they could have had in their home countries. Not only more beautiful, the girls can be much younger too, and look much younger anyway. These girls are attracted to foreigners for various reasons: Financial stability, attraction for “white” people (and the perspective of having a mixed baby), and certainly also the desire to be with someone less conservative than most Indonesian men. As long as an expat is somewhat cute or nice, he will be popular among girls here in Jakarta, and for some of them, it means they will be able to date girls they are really fond of. When the guy is 40 years-old, just about to undergo a mid-life crisis, he is very fragile and it won’t take long before he thinks about what his life could be with a 25 year-old exotic beauty.
The nightlife scene in Jakarta is a lot of fun and excitement. There are great nightclubs in European cities, but few are as open and diverse as the nightlife scene in Jakarta. When you are an expat in Jakarta, you rarely have to queue, you always get admitted, you are at the center of the attention, and you can afford booking a table and opening Champagne. This makes the whole experience much more enjoyable. Many people party a lot more here, and therefore meet a lot more new people. As an expat, there is also a good chance that you will be far from your family on many occasions, because your wife didn’t follow you, or if she did, she travels back home more often. These periods are extremely dangerous because guys will go out more, and they will have many opportunities to cheat. Much more than opportunities I will say temptations. Temptation is everywhere, beauty, young-ness, easy relationships…Difficult to resist.
Traditional girls vs. Modern girls. Most people will tell you Indonesian girls are different. Their behaviours towards men are much more traditional and less independent than that of most foreign women. I think the authority of the man for instance is much more respected and it gives them the feeling of being in charge. The roles within the mixed couple are also more specific. Actually, they resemble those that were assigned to couples in Europe or the USA before the liberalization of women in the 70s. While we may regret that, many men feel uncomfortable with what they perceive as strong, independent, ambitious women. In Indonesia, they will meet girls that correspond more accurately to their ideas of the perfect wife. And once again, they may fall in love quickly.

These are the three main reasons which I think can explain why so many expats in Jakarta start cheating when they arrive in Jakarta. There might be a lot more explanations, but I just thought it was interesting to open the subject because I realized how crazy people become when they arrive here, and I’ve always wonder why this city can create such transformations on people.

My humble two cents.
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Old 30-04-2011, 12:03 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi bro,
The sad hard truth of dating an Indonesian.

Expats Dating Indonesian Girls: 4 Hardships You Need To Overcome
Expats dating Indonesian girls are numerous, and many will find that though certain aspects of their relationships are much easier than with a western girl, there are also some difficulties that men need to take seriously if they want to be successful. I listed the 4 main hardships expats have to overcome when dating an Indonesian girlfriend:

Money: Dealing with the gap in revenues between you and your Indonesian girlfriend is not an easy task. It may not be a problem at the beginning, but soon, some issues will appear: Who needs to pay for the restaurant? For the plane ticket to Bali when you go on holidays? How do you arrange her coming to your home country? Should you help her when she or a member of her family gets sick, and to what extent?The situation faced by many expats is that they don't mind paying, because they understand that the girl cannot afford some expenses that are clearly part of the "expat lifestyle". However, they do not want to be considered as cash cows or walking ATMs. The guy may also wonder if the girl is "interested", meaning that as soon as the money flow stops, the girl will walk away without any regrets.

To reach the perfect balance between giving money and being treated with respect, I would recommend you to follow a few rules:
- Pay for goods or services directly. Do not give cash.
- Even for small amounts, do not give the impressions that money isn't important for you. Always show that the act of buying something is a rationale decision, not an impulsive one. Make her understand that you worked hard for the money you earned.
- If she asks you money for her family, take the matter seriously. Visit them, and make sure that everyone is doing its share too, including all the relatives. If you find out she is lying to you, do not tolerate it and walk away from the relationship.
- Depending on her income, make sure you don't pay for everything, everywhere and never get anything in return. You should make her feel as if you paying is not an automatic thing.
- Control yourself: Adapt your lifestyle too and try to spend less than usual. It can be very uncomfortable for a girl to have everything paid for her, without being able to give something back. By going to less expensive restaurants, you give her the opportunity to treat you as well.
- Do not put her down and do not use the fact than she has less money than you to feel you are superior than her.

Religion: This is the second most important topic when dating an Indonesian girl because few of them will make a compromise about it. If you are catholic and no ready to adapt, then you will have some troubles finding an Indonesian girl who suits you. Even if she is not that religious, chances are her family is, and they will not tolerate anything but a Muslim wedding. If you find yourself in this kind of situation, I think you need to convince your girlfriend that the best you can do is "fake" the conversion to become Muslim in order to look good in front of her family, but keep your own religion without telling people except her. If you are not ready to do that, and if she doesn't understand it as well, then you should find a Christian or Hindu girl, they make up 10% of the Indonesian people so it's not that hard to find.

Age Gap: The age difference, quite common in expats/Indonesian girls’ couples, is less a problem than one could imagine. Dating older men for an Indonesian girl is not necessarily seen as a bad thing, because older men are deemed more adequate to provide girls with the security they need. Yet, the age difference may also be a difficulty because it adds to the incomprehension between the two partners. When you ask backpackers in Jalan Jaksa about the girls they sleep with, they will often tell you girls who are dating older men. Once again, you will have to be careful to respect her right to be young and to party/go out/etc. If you don't give her this freedom, she will take it behind your back anyway.

Cultural Differences: Different conceptions of love, of the role of men/women in a couple, etc..: This topic has often been debated on other websites and it is one of the most interesting when considering your relation with your girlfriend. Working out these differences will teach you a lot of valuable lessons and you will learn to understand another culture which is just as fascinating as yours. The thing you have to understand is: What does your girlfriend mean when she tells you "I love you". I don't believe love is universal. Western Love is a luxury that people can afford only after they've reached a certain level of security. But the "love" of an Indonesian girl is nonetheless quite interesting as well: It involves a lot of respect and expectations that are different. It will probably take you years to see how beautiful your relationship really is. Take the time and explore it!

Money, Religion, Age Gap and Cultural differences, these are the 4 main difficulties most expats have when dating a girl in Indonesia. What do you think about it? Do you see some issues not talked about here? Thanks a lot for commenting!

My humble two cents.
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Old 30-04-2011, 12:49 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi bro,
This article should be for any girl not only Indonesian....hahahaha

10 Signs Your Indonesian Girl Is Cheating On You

By Marc, a teacher who lived 5 years in Jakarta:

You are an expat living in Jakarta involved in a relationship with an Indonesian girl? Are you wondering how serious she is with you? We know that the bar scene in Indonesia is very adventurous, and though it is easy to meet a decent girl, you may also end up with someone whose only interest is to suck you dry.

Ayam, man-eaters, etc.. There are a lot of expressions to designate these girls but my favourite term is "Professional Girlfriend": Her job, the one activity that earns her revenue, is to be your girlfriend, or to make you believe she is. And they are great at it because they are pros.

There are some easy things to spot in her behaviour that will help you guess if she's faking the whole thing or not. I listed 10 of them and I hope they will help you realize if yours is on the game or not:

1) You met your girlfriend in a bar in Jakarta: To be honest, if it was a massage parlour, a club in Kota, a bar in Blok M, or a karaoke, there is a 99% chance she is a fake. All girls there will be after your money. Your only chance is that she was in such a place by accident, but that never really happens.

2) Your Indonesian girlfriend protects her phone in an abnormal manner. My ex (which I found out was cheating) was behaving very strangely with her phone: First, the screen was locked with a password. It meant that if she wanted to call someone, she had to type a password first... a real pain in the ass don't you think? Then, wherever she would go, she would always, always take her phone with her: In the toilet, in the shower, in the kitchen... She would never forget it, and if she did, she would come back in a hurry to get it, and she would ask me, worried: Did you take a look at my phone? Clearly, I understand the concept of privacy, but such behaviour is a clear indicator that your Indonesian girl is hiding something.

3) She, who once cheated, will cheat again. If you believe that, then you can ask her about the previous men she was dating. I remember my ex was very confuse about it: She was telling me about her Dutch guy with whom she had been for 3 years, her American guy she had dated for 2 and a half year, her German guy that she had loved for 4 years, etc. She was only 24, but she had had lots of relationships, and long ones. The secret for that, I discovered, was that all of them were dated during the same period of 3 years, at the same time. Don't expect a girl who did that kind of cheating to be nicer with you!

4) She lies all the time to you and to other people. The reason for that is simple: It's hard to be deceptive, and when someone's life is a lie, he cannot always find good excuses for everything. She cannot keep track of all the lies she is saying because it is not possible for a normal human being. Normal girls don't lie because they don't have to and if you indo girlfriend is lying to you; it means that she is not behaving normally. This is not something you want.
Be strict with her: First lie and she's out.

5) Another sign that can help you see if the girl you are dating is having multiple boyfriends: She refuses to talk to you about problems that make her mad/sad/depressed. Usually, she will say she has "problems at home", but don't take her word too seriously: Chances are she is angry because one of the expats she is dating stopped sending her money, or because she fought with her Indonesian guy.

6) When you meet your girlfriend's friends, you realize that all of them have a rich expat boyfriend, and most of them are cheating on him. When you talk about this to your girl, she demonstrates full support for her friends, and you even feel that she thinks it's normal. She will tell you that you are different, because your love is so special, etc.. Be smart and ask yourself if this is the kind of world you want to live in.

7) The sex part is tricky: It is very easy for a girl to fake orgasm, or at least pleasure. Also, it won't be difficult for her to make you believe she is attracted to you physically and that she enjoys having sex. I don't think you should put to much emphasis on it, but still, if you have the feeling that for her having sex with you is a chore, you are right to be suspicious. You may also see that she uses sex to get things from you or to make you forgive her. This is never a very good sign of a healthy relationship...

8) You feel in your gut that something is wrong. This is the most important sign of all. You feel that your Indonesian girl is not being faithful, for tons of reasons that adds up. You may be in love and you are doing everything you can to believe her lies, but it actually makes you feel down to think you can be that stupid. There are no reasons to feel ashamed because you love someone, even a bargirl/prostitute, but at one point, you need to protect yourself from your girlfriend because miracles don't happen: Trust your instinct, and make a courageous decision.

9) She is extremely jealous, and I mean jealous like crazy. She doesn't trust you one bit, and never gives you any freedom when you want to go out with your friends in bars or night clubs. Once again, it's not hard to understand her behaviour: How can you trust someone when you cannot be trusted?

10) She doesn't give a damn about you: She misses many of your calls, she does not reply to your emails, or she does not try to gain your trust... You feel you are giving her all the time but you don't get anything in return except sex once in a while (if she sees you're angry). This is not a normal relationship, stop listening to all her bullshit about love, and make an objective analysis of your relationship with her: Is this woman making you happy? What does she like about you exactly that other expats don't have? Do you feel that she values you?

Jakarta is a decadent city: Male expats cheat on their wife and they end up with local Indonesian women who cheat on them too. After 5 years leaving in Jakarta, I think I’ve heard 100 hundred of these stories. It is very common for anyone familiar with Jakarta nightlife. Prostitutes are not a precise category of the population like in Europe: Things are more complicated: In any given night club in Jakarta, you will meet many girls who will be ready to sleep with you without giving too much thought about whether they like you or not: You are an expat, presumably rich, and they know they may get what she wants later. Those “prostitutes” do not look like hookers: They are young, cute, and they seem so nice that it is hard to imagine what is behind their smiles: That doesn’t mean you should stop enjoying your time in Jakarta: If the sex with her is good and you are not emotionally attached, I say don't pay too much attention to it, but then protect yourself and do not fall in love. However, if you are looking for a serious partner, then do not tolerate a relationship based on mistrust and lies.

This is not an exhaustive list of all the signs that can exist showing your Indonesian girlfriend is cheating on you. If you have experienced or observed on other expat/bargirl couples some behaviours that could help other readers determine how sincere their relationship is, please feel free to share with us!

You have been warned....hahahahaha..............

My humble two cents.
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Old 30-04-2011, 02:46 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi bro,
I tried to pratice this but.....

7 Living Tips In Jakarta

Living in Jakarta is confusing, and it's getting at me: Here are 7 random tips for those of you living or travelling to Jakarta. I'm sure at least one of them will improve your life here.. at least I hope... Don't hesitate to add your own!

1) The best tip ever for avoiding the traffic in Jakarta:

Ok, I’m a little exaggerating here since you cannot avoid traffic in Jakarta. But trust me; you can save precious time by following this advice:

- ALWAYS position yourself on the good side of the street when you want a taxi. I mean that if you want to go to a building that is on the right side of the road, you should always take the taxi on the right side of the road. In other, normal cities it may not be that important, but in Jakarta it is essential because of what we call the "putar balik" (Turn back). Cars can rarely just turn on the right to go to a building. They have to go far, far away, and come back to go on the other side of the road. This is the putar balik and it explains why you have to position yourself correctly when taking a taxi. I have a small example here (with a small putar balik, but just imagine it is a few kilometres long, and that the traffic is horrible).

I guess you can easily see how you could save a lot of time on this drawing. Of course you have to use your legs a little but you can't have everything...

2) Money tip: High End malls are more expensive in Jakarta than in the US or Europe.
Many people completely lost the sense of reality being in Jakarta, and they go shopping in luxury malls like Senayan City or Grand Indonesia, just before flying back to their home countries. The common sense is that the stuff there is cheaper. Wrong: A Lacoste polo, a Levi's jeans, a Diesel T-Shirt, all this is more expensive. Save your money and go to middle class malls like Mangga Dua Square or Casablanca is you want to find a bargain... Another money tip: Don't buy cigarettes in the airport, you will find them twice as cheap right outside the gates..

3) Family means it's suitable for everyone: Family Karaoke, Family massage, etc... If the word family is not mentioned next to those words, you have a 95% chance to be offered sexual services...

4) Never bribe a policeman when you did not do anything wrong... The guy will try to scare you and make you wait maximum 10 minutes, but that's it... If you start paying him something, he will be under the impression that Bules are easy targets so do us a favour too...

5) If you don't have kids, don't go living in Kemang (except if your work there)! Don't be silly... Traffic is horrible nowadays in Kemang, and you should try to do anything you can to avoid it. Apart from following my tip number 1), you should always choose the location of your house or apartment according to your workplace ONLY. You have amazing houses in Menteng, twice as big as any house you could get in Europe for the same price; you don't need to go so far south to find a quiet, relaxing place to live. If you are not into houses, the best apartments in Jakarta are on Jalan Sudirman. If all your friends are in Kemang, don't worry, you will find new, saner people here in the centre.

6) For your weekends, save yourself some money and visit Indonesia. Come on: Have you seen how big this country is? Indonesia has 17,500++ islands, hundreds of ethnic groups, of languages, and travelling from tip to tip is like going from Madrid to Moscow. You have everything other countries in Asia have in here, no need to go anywhere else... You will save yourself the Rp 1M exit tax, plus the plane ticket.

7) If you like to party, try partying in Kota. People are often scared of venturing up North at night because of the bad reputation surrounding it, but I can tell you that this is where the heart of Jakarta nightlife beats. Kota has more clubs, with more variety, and greater music than in the south. The crowd is eclectic, young and loves to party. It’s not just about hanging with socialites and executives.

My humble two cents.
Please leave your nick when you up me, thank you.
Old 30-04-2011, 08:04 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Again I'm repeating this for the sake of safety & to avoid being conned by this con artist;

I'm so glad you pointed out to me & all forumers that you're on Moderation as I had forgotten the Mods need to moderate your postings before approving of your postings! Guys you decide whom you wish to believe ??? Con Man with negative (-) 129 points or Seniors with many years on the forum, well respected & above all +points! It shows who you should trust & whom you shouldn't!!! The Mods are doing thier job to protect the forum from such con man & let's keep it safe! I agree that the choice is yours to partake or to avoid but do think twice becoz your action may result in not only lost of hard earned $ from being conned to not only pay above market prices based on past FRs but more importantly would you trust your safety to a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum??? I definatly WONT!
Originally Posted by aakumu View Post that so............

My humble two cents.
Old 30-04-2011, 08:12 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Again he's copying & posting people's Tips as if it's his own! Shame on you! So easy to google & here are the links to original posting from tje original poster ; . Be careful of this proven con man he will continue to copy & paste others reports as if it's his own!

Originally Posted by aakumu View Post
Hi bro,
I tried to pratice this but.....

7 Living Tips In Jakarta
Old 01-05-2011, 12:56 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi bro,
Here is something from the net, hope you enjoy it.

I love clubbing in Jakarta because... (By Ashley Purcell)

For those looking to experience the best nightlife South East Asia has to offer, look no further than Jakarta. Combining the relaxed, easy going, laid back nature that the inhabitants of South East Asia are known worldwide for, with big city architecture and venue design, Jakarta is the epicentre of clubbing in South East Asia.

So if you are reading this at your desk between in between dealing with whinging customers and watching the hour hand inch ever close to 5.00pm, here is a brief summary of why you will love the bars and nightclubs in Jakarta.

Dress Code... What Is Dress Code?
The guys reading this know what I’m talking about. You’ve planned for an awesome night out, only to have it ruined by a bunch of angry megalomaniac bouncers looking to ruin your night. In Jakarta, the bouncers are friendly and no matter what you can get in as long as you wear a shirt and shiny shoes.. In Stadium, Jakarta's most famous clubbing haunt, they will even let you in with just a short and flip-flops.

Sooooo Cheap!!!!
After spending a weekend hitting the bars and nightclubs in Jakarta, you will never be able to look at bourbon and coke or Midori and lemon the same way. The drinks in Jakarta are so cheap compared to European prices... Just a tip however, there is a distinct likely hood they will be watered down, which is just an excuse to drink more. The only problem is that you ending spending a lot more money because you can afford paying the $5 entrance fees and the $6 cocktails...

The Locals
Without question some of the most friendly people on earth... People talk to you and you will finish the evening with the feeling you know everyone in the club. Enough said.

When You Pick Up There Are No Surprises When You Get Back To The Hotel
Everyone knows a friend of a friend who has met a great looking “girl” on the streets of Bangkok or Phuket, only to realise the next morning that “she” is not a “she” at all.

The Venues:
What sets Jakarta bars and nightclubs apart from the rest of South East Asia is the quality of the venues. Unlike some of the other countries in the region, Jakarta has some amazing club venues that rival that of London, Amsterdam and Tokyo.

So by now, it should be 5.00pm and time to go home. However if you’re looking to escape the daily grind for a week or two, a return trip to Jakarta will only set you back about $1,000. A small price to pay for the time of your life.

My humble two cents.
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Old 01-05-2011, 01:06 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi bro,
Here is an interesting reading.
By the way, to avoid any future misunderstanding I will stated if it is my writing, if not stated It should understood I took the article from the net, thanks.

Girls' Night Out: Jakarta Nightlife's Best Spots for Women

In this article, I will give you information about the best bars and nightclubs in Jakarta for women (both expats and Indonesians).
This blog may seems to be made for male expats since many posts talk about Jakarta nightlife's naughty spots like spas, massage parlours, girlie's bars.. I also wrote a few articles about the relationships between expats and Indonesian girls, or between expats and bargirls, or about dating Indonesian girls.

If you are a woman, expat or not, living in Jakarta, you should not think that partying here is a masculine thing to do only. On the contrary, there are actually dozens of places that I'm sure you will enjoy, which are clean, classy and where you will not find any prostitutes.

I asked some of my girl friends what were their favourite spots to go to in Jakarta before writing this blog article. I was actually surprised to hear that not all of them like the same bars and nightclubs, and that they may not always be scared to go to places where many ayam party as well. The reason for that is that many single expat women are looking for single expat men, and one of the best ways to get them is to go to the bars where lots of local girls are. B.A.T.S and Red Square are among these. Of course both are full of hookers, but it is also great to meet young expats. Other venues like Bartele's bars (De Hooi, Cazbar, EP), which are not girlie bars but still "bars for men" are very popular among expat girls, for the same reasons. The ladies night in Blu Martini on Wednesday and in MO bar on Tuesday night are growing in popularity too.

Many of my friends also told me that girls can be quite fed up with Jakarta's electronic scene. It is true that electronic music, in particular progressive, house and techno is played in 90% of the night clubs in Jakarta. If you enjoy "real" music and social dances, you may not be so pleased with that. This is the reason why many expatriate women told me they loved venues such as Mistere (Ritz-Carlton) or the Hacienda, which both have Latin/salsa nights. Other bars with "something else than electro" are BBs in Menteng (now closed), Black Cat in Senayan Arcadia, Nine Muses in Kemang (now closed also).

Another important criterion for many of my girl friends was that they appreciate when a bar or a night-club is well-decorated, stylish and clean. The favourites in this range are Immigrant in Plaza Indonesia, Buddha Bar in Menteng, Potato Head in Pacific Place, Dragonfly in Gatot Subroto. These bars always come spontaneously as the best places to go for having a drink with friends. For a date, I was told about Bibliotheque, Capocaccia, Domain, Cork & Screw , Loewy and Face Bar.

At last, good venues for clubbing seems to be South Jakarta's most famous discos, like X2, Dragonfly, Blowfish and Indochine. My friends are in average around 25-30 years-old so none of them talked about Kemang's club. Personally, I think that Amor, Venue and Nu China are quite popular among girls, especially Indonesian in their early 20s.

The lesbian scene in Jakarta is very discreet. I have little info about it so I welcome anyone to comment. From what I heard, the only lesbian club in Jakarta is Matra 21. Other venues are "lesbian-friendly", such as Comedy Cafe, Nine Muses and Burgundy in Grand Hyatt. Also, the One Tree Bar in Blok M has a "Lesbo Night" on Monday (or is it Tuesday?)..

I hope this post will help you decide where to party at night in Jakarta if you are a woman. I realize that most clubs and bars here target males, but if you aren't too picky, you should not have any trouble having fun here. If you know other venues of Jakarta nightlife popular with girls, please do not hesitate to comment!

My humble two cents.
Please leave your nick when you up me, thank you.
Old 01-05-2011, 01:08 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi bro,

A Bangkok Expat's Trip to Jakarta
Jakarta nightlife didn't mean anything to me until a few months ago, when a good friend living in Thailand had some business to attend to in Jakarta. When he came back, he couldn't stop telling us how Jakarta was better than Bangkok concerning the nightlife.. I made a small research, read this blog (Jakarta100bars), and decided it was time for me also to discover the bars and nightclubs of Southeast Asia's most populous city.

First of all, we went to Classic Hotel for a massage. The massage I would describe it as soapy without soap if you know what I mean. With the soapy massages the girl glide on your body by using plenty of water and soap. At the Classic Hotel, they don't apply all that however (at least the gal I was with), they do do the body kissing and body-to-body massage, the whole 9 yards! Price was reasonable: 550k for 1.5 hour with a tight and firm 19 year old girl!

Right after that we went to Alexis, drank and ate in the club while watching the shows. Then we went upstairs and did the pool and the rest. Prices are still the same as mentioned on this blog. 1jt for indo, 2 jt for thai and chinese. They hadeven a colombian girl running around. She may have been more expensive..

That all happened on Thursday which was scheduled as the naughtiest day of the stag do. Because following Alexis we went to Blok M. We went to My Bar after 3 am and only the leftovers were there as you can imagine. Following that, we headedover to Stadium till close (6 or 7 am) and even Mille's until Friday noon. I Had never been in a hole resembling Mille's before, and there are no such things in Bangkok. Hilarious though! Packed as well! My guys couldn't believe their eyes Jakarta was still going strong even on Friday afternoon:-)

I almost forgot the Wednesday before.. We had good times in Dragonfly, packed with nice looking high class girls. Finally, Friday we had a great group together in Red Square which all of my people really enjoyed.

For anybody living in Bangkok or Thailand, I need to say also that Jakarta is way better: The naughty nightlife is not as obvious and it is not a tourist attraction, but the atmosphere is completely crazy here.. I will be back!
Mark is an expat in Bangkok, Thailand, and this review is the feedback of the few days he spent in Jakarta for a bachelor party.

My humble two cents.
Please leave your nick when you up me, thank you.
Old 01-05-2011, 03:50 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi bro

nice review of yours. Can you pm me the contact details of your guide. Thanks nd keep it up
Old 01-05-2011, 04:39 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Hi bros,
If you are new to Jakarta, may we offer you our company's service.
We do a Jakarta sex tour, it is an in depth guide for new comers to Jakarta.
Once you used our service once, you would a vast knowledge to last you for about month (30 days) worth of cheonging; after than you may want to plunge for a brand new tour to try the next level of experiences.................
Here is the web address
or you may want to email us direct at
[email protected]
to get more info or to request for a customer fit tour to suit your requirements.
Thank you for reading.
Yes, we are a travel company and we do make a small profit.........please be aware of that.

Best regards.
Old 01-05-2011, 04:53 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Originally Posted by alwaysfunboy View Post
Hi bro

nice review of yours. Can you pm me the contact details of your guide. Thanks nd keep it up
Hi bro,
Thank you for the support, I will find and post relevant articles and news about Jakarta on this thread.

Here it the sex tour company's email address

[email protected]

If you any help any information, please let me know, I will try my best.

My humble two cents.
Please leave your nick when you up me, thank you.
Old 02-05-2011, 03:40 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Went to Sands spa at mangga Dua. charges as follow by local

Massage - 154,166, drink - 19,250, locker - 15,000 plus tax 20% . Total 223,099.

Recommend me one strong local no.85, massage goods, at the end of the massage ask me want didi massage, I asked her how much, she told me up to me, I offer 200,000. She said ok, to my surprise, she bj instead of HJ.

Any bro can try her but dun flame me if you are not offer BJ.

Old 02-05-2011, 08:19 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

LOL now he admits after being caught~!

Originally Posted by aakumu View Post
By the way, to avoid any future misunderstanding I will stated if it is my writing, if not stated It should understood I took the article from the net
A word of caution if you noticed by now this is a thread started by aakumu to promote an agent which i believe it's him personally based on the manner of his/agent/clone's posting & several mistakes including postings @ whereby he forgotten he's using aakumu nick and made a mistake & posted this & since he's under moderation for his many errors he tried to do some whitewashing by coming back with the following post @ . He is a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum!!!

Be very cautious when reading postings or recommendations from this thread as it could be him/his clones (proven @ ) only to promote his fake services & be WARNED guys just imagine if you take his tour & he doesn't like your face = you may end up in BIG TROUBLE instead of being assisted! I WOULD STAY AWAY FROM THIS CON MAN SERVICES! Please read the links to judge what kind of a pretender he is! Please feel free to contact seniors with reputable points for verification instead of those with immense negative points!

The constant postings by me is because he has issued physical threats to the other tour agent even though he wasn't involved in this as a few seniors started questioning him as to why he posted a FR which was copied & edited & posted as his own! Reference of a senior who caught his mistake @ Please visit the other Jakarta thread for a non commercial@ & you may save yourself from being cheated & abused physically by this conman if he doesn't like you! I will continue to protect innocent fellow SBF members from this dangerous person!

Last edited by klguylate30s; 02-05-2011 at 08:30 AM.
Old 02-05-2011, 08:35 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

I will continue to to protect the innocent from this proven Con Man who will still continue to con people who still to trust him! Like you I don't mind if he comes clean & promote his services but as you mentioned & I quote "but conning is no no here. " Allow me to quote Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto as saying after his attack on Pearl Harbor, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." (aakumu has done so to me !) & indeed I'm filled with a terrible resolve!

Originally Posted by naemlo View Post
U still act innocent or worse virgin.... how do u explain copying others FR in another forum and posted it here and give credit to yourself and your so called agent??? Keeping silence and let the matters rest and hopefully no one remember it? The main point here is u did shamelessly copied others FR and posted as yours!!!! U want me to dig it out as proof or u silently ignore it and after a few pages in this thread, others will forget it?

A person like u no dignity, shameless, tell me who is in the right mind to look for your agent?? I have no issue when u advertise for your so called agent, but conning is no no here.

Last edited by klguylate30s; 02-05-2011 at 08:51 AM.
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