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Old 02-02-2009, 10:23 AM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Hrmz....when i saw this msg i was can i say lol

Time organisation in Singapore sometimes its a little tough, espically in this line. No matter how well i advice her to organise the timing (i even gave her suggestions to it as much as possible to withstrain from having too much customer a day) but apparently its hard to keep up with the ppls request.

Also personally, I felt that this reply is a little harsh to her as she is practically struggling to keep up with the demands of everyone here. Hygiene, timing, service, so on and so fore. And no, she is not being big headed about her popularity, this i can vouch for her, reason is simple cos she was telling me for 2 days that the amount of clients is getting too much for her to handle. If i were to inform her of this thread, i can guarrente she will mentally break down.

She also has a problem as being unable to reject people. Shes trying to please everyone, she even squeezed up till 7 massages a day just to keep sammy bros happy, and she even gotten scolding from me for staying until 3am outside just to service everyone and over work herself and she actually cried from my scolding. I know if she overwork, she won't have the strength to massage. So for bros who could not get a appointment please blame me as i am the one who set her timing for her so that she has sufficent rest to beable to offer her best service to everyone within her limit.

I know kenl your being unhappy over it and i can only offer my apologises irregardless of whether i accept this thread or not. And after being set airplane for a couple of times is indeed very disappointing and fustrating events which no one wants to experience. But to put all the build up pented anger in a attempt to get back at someone by ruining her ricebowl is something i really cannot accept because its something that doesn't warrent this type of outrage. Its just a miscommunication and timing misunderstanding which is to keep bros happy ended up being ruined because of it.

I'm sorry but i will stand by Shuang shuang in regards to this thread and not to you Kenl bro, cos i feel she is still in the right regardlessly. For all bros still visiting her please do not let her know of this incident, she is stressful enough and i don't really want to deal with her crying over it.

Sorry for the long post and thank you for your Fr. Its something worth noting that shes really overworked now and maybe i will just ask her to take a few days rest and keep clients count low for the time being, what say you guys?

Originally Posted by kenl View Post
Dear Bro Uvlex,
Thank you for the introduction of this girl whom you feel is "a great find". In the essence of this forum, you are a nice samster because you wanted to recommend, share and bring business to this Shuang.

But I must say that she has a SERIOUS ATTITUDE PROBLEM. I have been trying to arrange for a simple appiontment from last week till today but with no success! I can understand if she is busy but she is not the least apologetic at all !!!!!

First day I called her. She told me she was busy. I can understand and she told me the day after. I agreed. But when I called her the next day, she said we never agreed to it!!!! What the fuck!!!! Fine, then I asked her what time she can do for me on that day, she told it will be late and it will be 12mid-night. I said okay. But she played me out!!!! She told me later that she cannot make it at 12midnight and when I messaged her to ask, she just kept silent. She did not bother to response at all!!!!! Today I messaged her again and asked for 8pm, she told me can I do at 9.30pm instead. I said okay. But when I reached all the way to Lavender, she called and said can she delay another half hr because the samster before me was late. In a normal circumstances, I would definitely be okay. But since she is so apparently hot after some samsters said nice thing about her, her booking is always full.

With no disrecpect to the earlier samster before me, please understand that if you are late, the following samster cannot be penalised becuase you are late. More so in her situation when she jammed pack her schedule in order to earn as much money as she can. All the samters down the chain will be affected.

The worse is to come.

She has the cheek to laugh at me in her message reply when I told her I will let you know about it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bro Uvlex initially I intend to PM you only but now that she has laughed at me after all the miseries she caused, I want to inform all samsters here. She is letting her popularity gets to her head. She is not showing any respect. She can laughed at the expense of not commiting to samsters who had fixed and confirmed booking with her !!!

If she can do this to me, I am sure she is fully capable of doing to other samsters who might choose not to voice their frustration.

Bro Uvlex, please feel free to comment, but I feel this Shuang is not worth all the praises some samsters are giving.

I welcome your comments.

Bro Kenl.
Old 02-02-2009, 10:25 AM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

hi bro ! care to share her contact with me ? kindly pm me . thank you !!
Old 02-02-2009, 10:28 AM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Oh something to add

The chances of her putting regulars airplane is harder LOL

Cos i told her her regulars are the most important clients in compare to new customers, so if time allow she will always try to squeeze u guys in. Brainwash by me le haha so those who rtm 2nd time most prob classify as regular le so don't worry

The only person she will be put airplane will be ME, nbz dua me 3 times liao, think my turn to write complain letter and let someone else solve the problem (-.-)
Old 02-02-2009, 11:13 PM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Bro Kenl, while I can understanding your frustration, I have to say that SS is not all to blame for this glitch in scheduling. TS is right, as I can also vouch that SS is a really nice girl. Many things are beyond her control, such as her customers coming late, or no rooms available etc. Also, she is very busy for the last 1 over week as I also have no luck in fixing an appointment and she keeps apologising for it. I am not sure what u mean by she laught it off when u said that u will report it to TS. It could be just an misunderstanding, maybe she thought u r joking with her. I really don't know and can't comment too much on that. So did u managed to have a session with her in the end? I am not trying to side her or what, but she is definitely one of the better one, in term of attitude not skill, that I have come across so far.

And to TS, personally, I don't think that u should apology on behalf of SS to all bros that complaint or feedback. U r a great TS that has gone beyond the normal call of duties liao.
Old 02-02-2009, 11:14 PM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Originally Posted by uvlex View Post

The only person she will be put airplane will be ME, nbz dua me 3 times liao, think my turn to write complain letter and let someone else solve the problem (-.-)
think she not so bad lah, managed to booked a session wth her tomorrow, so booking a day in advance does help. so bros that are keen to book her should plan early. cheers!
Old 02-02-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Bro Kenl,

Don't be angry. Really sorry for such thing to happen on you. As what Bro slx1957 says, she sometime very hard to control also. If the first Bro who book her is late, it will affected the other Bros also. I first time book her 5pm also late for half an hour, luckily she don't have customer till 8pm.

Maybe it also due to communication problem. I was her first customer yesterday 10am, halfway during the massage her hp ring. One of the Bro try to book her but unfortunately that day she was fully booked. When the Bro asked her what time she available, she just said 12am. But what she mean is she had booking till 12am and she don't want to take anymore. I quickly hint to her that she will caused misunderstanding. Luckily, she managed to explain to him, prevent a misunderstanding happen.

From what I observed, she don't really know how to turn down if she can't accept booking. She is trying to please every Bro here. But she cannot please every single one of us here.

Yesterday was my rtf after first booking one week ago. I must say I really enjoy the session with her very much. Her skills was really good, that's why I rtf so fast.

From what you wrote, she had caused a distrubance to you. Her sms don't really mean to laugh at you. Her sms to me always have haha(in chinese), even when talk about somethings which is not suppose to laugh. Like a young little gal's sms.

I apologise on her behalf for causing so much inconvenience to you. Do hope that you can visit her and enjoy her massage. Bro uvlex, maybe you can help out by talking to her and prevent such thing to be happen again. And hope we Bros here can help by trying not to be late and caused inconvenience to other Bros behind.

Thank you very much.
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Old 03-02-2009, 02:20 AM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Hi All Fellow Samsters,

Thank you all for your kind feedback. I understand where you are coming from, that she is a nice, playful and ignorant girl who also stress a lot on her service quality.

Having said that, with no disrespect to any, it seems like most of you who put on the defence for her are the lucky ones who managed to secure a booking with her without having to go through all the frustration I went through. I dont mean to be petty. But a back-to-back-to-back (3 backs) consecutive playout by her is not acceptable, however innocent and ignorance she might be.

Just for a short moment, imagine you are me -

You try to book her on Friday, she told you she was busy and understanderably you rebooked her the day after. Then when you called her the next day to confirm the slot, she told you that you never confirmed. Fine.....possibly she was too busy to note down my appiontment. So on the same next day, you asked her when she is available and she told you she would be available at 12midnight and you told her to put in that slot for you. But when it approached 12am and you were all ready to go and sms her as a gesture of courtesy to inform her first, she did not bother to respond. No respond.... Silent. Okay..... the battery on her handphone might so be coincidentally flat then. The next day you called her and never mentioned to her the 12am no-show the night before but instead just asked her if 8pm is okay. She told you she can but asked for 9.30pm instead. You confirmed to her 9.30pm is okay. Then when it was closing 9pm and you reached Lavender happily waiting to enjoy her much publicised service, she told you to wait for another half hour because the earlier samster was late......The you told her you will inform the TS about it and she replied to you that anger can cause a person to age earlier, then signed off her sms with Ha Ha Ha....................
Old 03-02-2009, 04:24 AM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

hi all,

just my little exp with her. like kenl, i have not manage to book any time slot with her. it could be due to the fact i always call in the afternoon around 5pm when i'm sure i got free time to book her as her answer is always fully booked. just my luck ba. point to note is she always very polite and really sound young and cheerful over the phone...... can hear cannot see zzzzz. since Rita left, have not had a decent rub down. go shop de all press press abit ask GQ liao. somemore kanna 1 prc 2 days ago, anyhow press press, end up my back now very stiff and aching zzzzzz press wrong button liao

gonna try booking in advance 1 day or early morning liao. hope i don't fly her kite due to my work

Anyone with Lobang to earn money? PM me!! Cos near broke now.
Old 03-02-2009, 11:39 AM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Lol you might be right, but i can't just ignore everything can I haha, I'm after all TS and its almost like, its part of my duty that the bros in sammy get the best since I recommanded a person =) I don't really like to get things half done and ignored, if i know i'm going to do 1/2 the job i might as well don't help in the first place or recommand haha

And apologising on behalf of SS? Well she can't type english nor can she find this bro and apologise so its better someone just do the job, wont lose a leg or anything. And indeed its partly my fault for not "educating" her properly in replying to ppl. I believe everyone had a good time, but you won't know the amount of effort that I did to get her to be what she is today. I want her to be really remembered by all, regardless of good or bad. So that next time she will want to come back and visit all of us again =)


Or someone wanna take over my job? -=D

Originally Posted by Maxcock View Post
Bro Kenl, while I can understanding your frustration, I have to say that SS is not all to blame for this glitch in scheduling. TS is right, as I can also vouch that SS is a really nice girl. Many things are beyond her control, such as her customers coming late, or no rooms available etc. Also, she is very busy for the last 1 over week as I also have no luck in fixing an appointment and she keeps apologising for it. I am not sure what u mean by she laught it off when u said that u will report it to TS. It could be just an misunderstanding, maybe she thought u r joking with her. I really don't know and can't comment too much on that. So did u managed to have a session with her in the end? I am not trying to side her or what, but she is definitely one of the better one, in term of attitude not skill, that I have come across so far.

And to TS, personally, I don't think that u should apology on behalf of SS to all bros that complaint or feedback. U r a great TS that has gone beyond the normal call of duties liao.
Old 03-02-2009, 11:45 AM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Hrmz....really a unfortunate turn of event.

Not meaning to be rude or anything

Personal opinon only

Actually she did mention about you when i met her 2-3 days ago can;t remember. She actually told me there is a angry customer who kept trying to meet up a timing but end up not being able to do so. She was kinda panicking as she really wanna slot you in but because of too much ppl she really didn't have a choice.

How about this way. If you like and trust me, maybe u can pass me your No. and i make a appointment for you? I feel thats the best I can do for anything lol I'm only a TS so thats the best I can do.

Sorry for the unhappiness caused and hope this will help you out.

Originally Posted by kenl View Post
Hi All Fellow Samsters,

Thank you all for your kind feedback. I understand where you are coming from, that she is a nice, playful and ignorant girl who also stress a lot on her service quality.

Having said that, with no disrespect to any, it seems like most of you who put on the defence for her are the lucky ones who managed to secure a booking with her without having to go through all the frustration I went through. I dont mean to be petty. But a back-to-back-to-back (3 backs) consecutive playout by her is not acceptable, however innocent and ignorance she might be.

Just for a short moment, imagine you are me -

You try to book her on Friday, she told you she was busy and understanderably you rebooked her the day after. Then when you called her the next day to confirm the slot, she told you that you never confirmed. Fine.....possibly she was too busy to note down my appiontment. So on the same next day, you asked her when she is available and she told you she would be available at 12midnight and you told her to put in that slot for you. But when it approached 12am and you were all ready to go and sms her as a gesture of courtesy to inform her first, she did not bother to respond. No respond.... Silent. Okay..... the battery on her handphone might so be coincidentally flat then. The next day you called her and never mentioned to her the 12am no-show the night before but instead just asked her if 8pm is okay. She told you she can but asked for 9.30pm instead. You confirmed to her 9.30pm is okay. Then when it was closing 9pm and you reached Lavender happily waiting to enjoy her much publicised service, she told you to wait for another half hour because the earlier samster was late......The you told her you will inform the TS about it and she replied to you that anger can cause a person to age earlier, then signed off her sms with Ha Ha Ha....................
Old 03-02-2009, 01:00 PM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Your lucky...i need to book 4 days in advance....and still kenna set birdy...nbz.....i feel that i'm being abused >.< someone get me a lawyer

Originally Posted by Willie View Post
think she not so bad lah, managed to booked a session wth her tomorrow, so booking a day in advance does help. so bros that are keen to book her should plan early. cheers!
Old 03-02-2009, 11:06 PM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Hi Bros, i had her twice, for these two times of massage, due to work, can only call around 6pm to book; i think i have called more than 10 days for this two slots,,,,,,

We are here to enjoy her service, just put our focus on her service and forget about other, feeling will be better; Overall she is a nice and polite lady, just to make a living here, don't be too hush with her.....
Old 04-02-2009, 12:12 AM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Originally Posted by uvlex View Post
Your lucky...i need to book 4 days in advance....and still kenna set birdy...nbz.....i feel that i'm being abused >.< someone get me a lawyer
just returned from my session with her, better than ever...seems that her massage has also improved. get your slots soon, frankly, this one is not to be missed. cheers
Old 04-02-2009, 02:42 AM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

Thanks to TS for her contact...

Book her 1 day in advance,

Looks: 7/10
Boobs: 7/10 (just the right size to grab )
GFE: 9/10
Body: 7/10
Massage: 9/10 (excellent)
H/J: 9/10 (unique type )
RTM: Yes, definitely. If u need a good massage
Damage: $100 + $20 hotel
Old 04-02-2009, 01:13 PM
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Re: 21 years old massager, Provides massage and Hj Shuang shuang

My turn to write Fr

3 days ago attempted to book for a rtm, too much customer and timing not right so changed to next day

2 days ago attempted to reattempt to book for a rtm, too much regulars booked her so lan lan changed to next day again....

1 day ago attempted to reattempt to attempt to book for a rtm......regulars and new customers booked her fully so lan lan can only have dinner with her.....

Today attempt to reattempt to attempting to attempt to book for a rtm......she say she tired rather save energy massage clients then service me.....

Final theory

She prefer bros more then me!

Thanks for all the continual support from everyone =) Hope you guys enjoy the massage and do continue to feed back Frs so as to keep thread bouncing, regardless if its good or bad =)
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