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Old 19-03-2002, 05:51 PM
ah_john ah_john is offline
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You're right Moonface, the price should be slightly lower. But I think the last time I paid a bit more for the VIP room and drinks.

As for the extra.....just doing my bit for the economy

Delta is runned by the same management. So the setup is quite similar. The only difference lie in the "uniform" of the girls. Also, there are less choice of girls at Delta. Personally, I prefer Puri.

Heard about the mandi sus thing........definitely must try.

As for places like Central and Timung......too auntie for my liking lah.

Old 20-03-2002, 01:36 AM
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wah...just came back from outings with Rainman & Kiev.
achieved most of our schedule.
makan bubur ayam, tour of sin city, screw and pool

but i didn't get what i needed badly ! a massage a serious backache, i think from Stadium

really hurts when i play pool with Kiev

ah..doh!....sakit sekali!

Ah still in jakarta ??
maybe can join you for recovery in Puri

Old 20-03-2002, 11:47 AM
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Wink Message from Gentle Beast (copied)

Thanks guys for your tips and contacts

I was in JKT over the weekend and zoomed straight to LA Bar after contacting Stenly William (Captain). The physical condition of the place was better than I expected, the drinking place was nice and clean and that include the rooms upstairs as well. And best of all, the girls were young, pretty with fair skin and pleasant in character. Prices for drinks were reasonable and surprisingly most of the girls were too shy to even accept my offer of drinks! In short, it was totally and completely opposite of some 'rip-off' places that I have patronised in the past. This LA Bar is indeed a superb place for fun.

Speaking about fun at LA Bar, I tried 4 different girls, spread over the 2 day (each 5 hours) I was there. To be honest, I do not recall the names and do not intend to file a FR on each individual as 'one man's meat, another man's poison' could apply and will not be fair to the girls. Overall, I find the girls good natured, eager to please and each f**k was an experience by itself.

I strongly recommend this place for cheongsters not yet familar with the local scene in JKT. It will be a good starting point. My mistake was my previous visits to JKT had started in orang bule hunting grounds such as 'Tanamour' and 'JJ' which turn out to be quite a disappointment many a times for me. Oh by the way, I check out 30 puluh at Le Meridien, it is certainly the place I visited last time - you guessed it, I left without a 'catch' , ha!

Good luck guys!
Old 20-03-2002, 11:55 AM
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Hallo beast

glad you enjoy yourself.
we were there yesterday as well, but did not
patronise, just bringing Kiev a tour around sin city

I've never patronise LA Bar myself, only to MTR and Sari Ayu.
not that LA Bar is no good, but the whole complex there
are spoiled of choices.
and usually i like to drink and manja manja with the girl
before i go to the room. so LA Bar is bit small and usually full!

You can try this two other places, MTR and Sari Ayu.
same setup and pretty safe.
though the whole place looks very intimidating at first.

Don't post FR here lah, they are just pity kampung girl
making a living.

If you want to try picking up girls at diskotik or pub
you should go to Millenium or Hai Lai instead.

Old 20-03-2002, 12:54 PM
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Hi Kiev and Moon face.

Real nice to meet u guys last night but sorry for not been able to be there for part 2.

So what did I do. Remember the group of ppl u saw in the rest. at Grand Tower. Well. was sitting at the makan place at 1001 with my friend having beer after he lose Rup 3 million in the casino and saw the gang again. They were from Singapore and booked a room. Insisted that we join them as they were there for the first time.

So the usual as we got a VIP room upsatir. so 9 persons with 6 gals. Bored for me and me freind so they get the strip show. 2 very very beautiful women came and the usual. Got a BBBJ in the toilet for free. To think about it. Very cheap fun paying Rup 350k per gal. all the guys got either a hJ and me a BBBJ. So each person is only Rup77,777.

Anyway, let see and maybe we could meet up over the week end together with John whom I think is staying very near to my house in the south.

Cheers and sorry.
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Old 20-03-2002, 01:02 PM
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Originally posted by MoonFace
Hallo beast

Don't post FR here lah, they are just pity kampung girl
making a living.

If you want to try picking up girls at diskotik or pub
you should go to Millenium or Hai Lai instead.

Guess it is okay to post FR as there is just too many gals here and u might not see them agaiin when u next goes there.

Pick up???? Maybe must try someday....
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Old 20-03-2002, 01:12 PM
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Originally posted by MoonFace
HI ah john

1. Puri Handayani
2. Delta Spa and Shiatsu

the two place you mentioned are true enough.
highly recommended. with pool, hot cold
and sauna and steam.

If you find a girl you like!
you should try the 'mandi susu' "Milk Bath"
it's on the 4th floor (Puri)
where the girl will give you massage and a good bath
and shower naked!

I actually like the place we went last night but not the crowd. Maybe we should go in the afternoon and try the above....

Susu Mandi??? Must try I guess. Maybe this week-end as I am not playing golf??? Will call u...

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Old 20-03-2002, 01:46 PM
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You mean ah_john huh ?
wah..good good good! got more kaki already
need massage kaki cos i think i hurt my back
at Stadium last night.

I agreed the crowd at P.Jayakarta looks intimidating at first.
but after been there so many times, i got used to it.
they don't bother you really.
accordingly to the girls, many foreigners goes there as well
especially Taiwanese, Hongkee, Korean and Jap
so they are very foreigner welcome.
but not so for the bules though.
hardly see any there...

The 'Mandi Susu' is good at Puri
really treated like a baby when you dip into a bath tub of milk
and the girl clean you from head to toe naked
massage you with milk sand......reeeelaaa...xxxxx...

you must be free of work to relax there for 2 hours or more!
but weekend will be very packed!
i suggest we go during the noon at about 12pm
cos the crowd starts coming in at about 1-2pm
and by the time, most rooms are full and you have to wait.

usually i go during the weekday
relax in the hot and cold pool, have a good meal
and watch movie at the lounge

all in for about only Rp140k - Rp250k (2hr massage)
depends on room and other extra like food, mandi susu

They also offer authentic Foot Massage by a chinese guy.
very painful!!! (my friend tried..he actually cried)
but cured his cramped leg after that.

nice place to spent a afternoon
and if you are horny, just cross over to Sari Ayu or LA Bar beside
or just have a good bottle of Bintang beer (only 18k)


Last edited by MoonFace; 20-03-2002 at 01:50 PM.
Old 20-03-2002, 02:22 PM
Gentle Beast Gentle Beast is offline
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Originally posted by MoonFace
Hallo beast

glad you enjoy yourself.
we were there yesterday as well, but did not
patronise, just bringing Kiev a tour around sin city

I've never patronise LA Bar myself, only to MTR and Sari Ayu.
not that LA Bar is no good, but the whole complex there
are spoiled of choices.
and usually i like to drink and manja manja with the girl
before i go to the room. so LA Bar is bit small and usually full!

I just dropped by Sari Ayu, just opposite LA Bar rite? You are right, the place is larger and less crowded than LA, but since I was already quite 'settled down' at LA I kept in mind to visit Sari Ayu on my next visit (couple of months from now, sadly ) I can see there are renovations going on next to LA and perhaps in due time, it will be more room to move around then.

By far this is my best visit to JKT this time, and will be looking forward to more of it next time. Thanks again guys, cheers.
Old 20-03-2002, 08:04 PM
ah_john ah_john is offline
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Originally posted by Rainman
Hi Kiev and Moon face.

Real nice to meet u guys last night but sorry for not been able to be there for part 2.

So what did I do. Remember the group of ppl u saw in the rest. at Grand Tower. Well. was sitting at the makan place at 1001 with my friend having beer after he lose Rup 3 million in the casino and saw the gang again. They were from Singapore and booked a room. Insisted that we join them as they were there for the first time.

So the usual as we got a VIP room upsatir. so 9 persons with 6 gals. Bored for me and me freind so they get the strip show. 2 very very beautiful women came and the usual. Got a BBBJ in the toilet for free. To think about it. Very cheap fun paying Rup 350k per gal. all the guys got either a hJ and me a BBBJ. So each person is only Rup77,777.

Anyway, let see and maybe we could meet up over the week end together with John whom I think is staying very near to my house in the south.

Cheers and sorry.
1001....good place, but always lose money at the casino.

Anyway Rainman, I've move to another part of Indonesia as part of my job. But thanks for remembering me as I have not been particularly active contributing to this forum.

Keep postings the get-togethers. If I'm in town...pasti ikut !!!

If you guys are going Puri. Must try 19, 33 or 80. Pretty and slim.

Old 20-03-2002, 08:17 PM
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Originally posted by ah_john

1001....good place, but always lose money at the casino.

Anyway Rainman, I've move to another part of Indonesia as part of my job. But thanks for remembering me as I have not been particularly active contributing to this forum.

Keep postings the get-togethers. If I'm in town...pasti ikut !!!

If you guys are going Puri. Must try 19, 33 or 80. Pretty and slim.

So where are u and how we may contact u... Send u a few mail but u never reply?? Thought u have left and surprised to see your name again.

Anyway... Take care.

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Old 20-03-2002, 09:53 PM
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aiyah!...another kaki go already
but he left with good 'tips'

thanks ah_john, i will try your recommendation.

Beast: glad you enjoy yourself in Jakarta.
hopefully by the time you're back. LA Bar will be
expanded and try visit Sari Ayu or MTR. maybe this time
it will take you longer time to 'settle down'

Old 20-03-2002, 09:56 PM
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alamak!..tonight is ladies night.
but dunno where to go.

bosan sekali!... hmmmm stay at home watch cable lah!


Old 20-03-2002, 10:15 PM
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1st Outing in JKT

Originally posted by ah_john

Anyway, based on recomendations from this forum, I finally went to Stadium. As advertised, great place....
Stadium....yup, it's a nice place! Was there last night with Moonface after leaving Rainman with his group of friends in 1001.

4 storeys (Was I right? I was spellbound by so many chicks!) of 'Heaven'! Anyway, settled down at the lounge with Moonface at 3rd storey. That mummy ushered us in and in about 10 minutes, 2 chicks were in our arms, to my pleasant surprise!

Was really a goondu, asking Moonface about the charges, etc. etc. etc. Anyway, I thought the 2 chicks we had were alright. However in the dark lounge, we could not really see clearly their face. Chatted with the chicks for a full setengah jam.

Until, we brought them to our respective rooms, did I notice a big mole on the left side of the nose of my chick. Hahaha, no wonder she was facing me on her right in the lounge. However, that was a pretty good screw. Name: Rosie Age: 18 $$: Less than Rp200K/hour

Moonface, thanks again for the night! We shall meet again, shan't we? : )
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Last edited by Kiev; 20-03-2002 at 10:36 PM.
Old 20-03-2002, 10:34 PM
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Hi all,

I've read alot from Delphi's Hidung Belang about Kartika, and was curious to try it out. Have checked with Moonface by sms what time it opened, and was warned by him about the 'old' ceweks there.

However after my meeting and after lunch appointment, I have some spare time before I pulang ke Singapura, I paid a discreet visit there. Moonface, you are quite right, there were alot of 'old' ceweks, however there are quite a handful of muda ceweks dong!

I took a cab (Bluebird) there and stepped into that den alone! Hmmm...when have I became so berani??? Right before my eyes, I was stunned by so many chicks around, felt so intimidated but gradually get accustomed to the ambience. One 'old' cewek ordered a Coke for me, and urged me to try her with another nearby, but I kept my composure and said, "Lihat dulu!"

So I managed to get 2 chicks (muda lah!) and up to the room we went. Wow, that was a hell of an experience. Laid on the rubber mattress while the 2 chicks soaped and body massage me. The feeling was heavenly, maybe it's my first time experiencing.

So after that, they'll ask u to the kamar mandi and clean throughout and then lay on the dried and covered bed. After they cleaned and dried themselves, they performed whatever-you could-think-of on me. 2 chicks on 1 pitiful me, BBBJ, AR, then condom-screw them. Becoz of the excessive foreplay, I came sooner than expected.

So I bathed, paid them accordingly and off I went to my waiting cab and to the Bandara, amidst banyak banjir dan macet, just barely catching my 1500hours flight home.

Therefore I recommend a visit there. Just one time will do, to experience this kind of screw. It's really shiok. I paid Rp10K for the coke, Rp320K for that 2 chicks and Rp5K for that French cap.

So Moonface and Rainman, will u be going? I have became a guinea pig and came out alive, drained out of my last available drop of fudge.
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