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Old 23-10-2003, 09:06 AM
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Yep, been to thai at least few times a year, on business trip. In fact, just came back from phuket the vegetarian festival. Alot of rain...haha so did not went patong as too lazy. Stay hotel sleep, gamble with friends who r high rollers.

Bros who wish to know more about the zhuhai mass orgy thingy, well can try asking the new batch of china girls coming soon think end of this month, as my 'qing ren' just called me to update that she coming back again.
Old 23-10-2003, 09:50 AM
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Anyway, my advice to cheongsters out there, esp young guys who still have to depend on their parents for pocket money. Indeed there may be instances when love will blossom with a WL, but I have seen too much failures.

One more thing which I really wish to bring out is that pls….it is useless to message these thai girls in eng or chi, majority of them have to ask the customers what u msg to her as she can’t read! If u really want to msg, go pick up thai and sms in thai. Otherwise, a call is definitely better but I can assure u she will rather choose to catch more sleep than listen to your call. My advice is to get a good future, than travel around the world. Trust me, u will not regret. Take for instance, an ordinary a-go-go bargirl can perhaps earn about 10000baht a month.(Sing dollars around $440.) For 15000baht, 500baht per day, u should have no problem having a ‘long term companion’, but usually the girls will still go back to work whenever u not around. An ordinary girl will not come over to work in geylang. Most of them started out as young as 13,14 in Thailand. The girls are picked up at harvest time from their homes in return for maybe some electrical appliances or very little money from the rural areas.
Old 23-10-2003, 09:55 AM
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I was one of the old samsters who started out think when majority of the Cat40 houses have overnight services. Ha, was a student than. Miss the good old days. Just came back from the US. Started work recently. Was amazed that the forum still alive so decided to post something. Keep up the good work.
Old 27-10-2003, 10:38 AM
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Originally posted by Horny69
And BTW brothers i been to geylang always play $40 and heard some ppl say cna play overnight at fishtank at $120 or $130.
is it true? and wat time to wat time?? brothers pls dont scold me.. me newbie ABout overnight thing. pls enlighten me
Price is around $130. Overnight starts at 1am - 10am. Try L6.
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Old 21-11-2003, 02:01 PM
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milkman is one of the Best!milkman is one of the Best!milkman is one of the Best!
Originally posted by simnon
FR on L6H68

This house is next to H70, dunno if it is 68 or 66.
Took gal No. 17
Tall and playful gal..
Boobies a handful, speaks a bit english as she come from Korat.
That was where the US forces have their R&R..

BJ: 6/10
FJ : 6/10, a bit loose
RTF : Definitely
you got it right my friend. L6H68G17 fits your description
any other bros tried girls from this house? OKT is one hell of a nice guy :P

take care.

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Old 21-11-2003, 04:34 PM
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milkman is one of the Best!milkman is one of the Best!milkman is one of the Best!
Originally posted by simnon
U must be their regular supporter..

Used to be a regular at their old place before they shifted to this new place.
Most of favourite gals has oredi ORD..

not regular lah, just been there done that :P

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Old 21-11-2003, 04:38 PM
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double post, please help delete, sorry
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Old 28-12-2003, 04:03 PM
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Best parking

Bros where is it best to park car when going for CAT 40 houses?
Old 10-01-2004, 04:43 PM
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Re: Re: GM disco

Originally posted by vaxvms
tink need to drop by tonite see see
hope able to sian a few and see any action later
is GM (golden mile)?which disco?
Old 22-02-2004, 03:32 AM
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Re: Re: Re: GM disco


Originally posted by PaulVanDyk
is GM (golden mile)?which disco?
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Old 22-02-2004, 04:34 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: GM disco

Originally posted by sammyboyfor
Great, at least people can start posting FRs in this thread. But I see some of the recent FRs in Jan/Feb seem to be missing.

Anyway, this thread turning cookoo liao, probably the threads ROD with the Thai girls too.


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Last edited by siamcutey; 22-02-2004 at 04:44 AM.
Old 22-02-2004, 04:48 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: GM disco

Hi there buddy!

I'm really sorry but I have made a big mess of things.

I was struggling with the database for this thread for hours and when I thought that I had finally solved the problem, it turns out that I had lost a whole chunk of data.

However, I have at least 2 weeks worth of data backed up and I will do my best to restore the thread over the next couple of days.

In the meantime, I suggest that if there are new cat40 frs to post, please start a new thread. Otherwise, the new stuff will be lost when I restore the old stuff.

Once again, thousand apologies but shit happens once in a while. I promise to do my best to clean it up though.

Best regards.


Originally posted by siamcutey
Great, at least people can start posting FRs in this thread. But I see some of the recent FRs in Jan/Feb seem to be missing.

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  4. Whores are for fucking not loving. Just fuck them and be done with it.
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Old 22-02-2004, 04:59 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: GM disco

Originally posted by sammyboyfor
Hi there buddy!

I'm really sorry but I have made a big mess of things.

I was struggling with the database for this thread for hours and when I thought that I had finally solved the problem, it turns out that I had lost a whole chunk of data.

However, I have at least 2 weeks worth of data backed up and I will do my best to restore the thread over the next couple of days.

In the meantime, I suggest that if there are new cat40 frs to post, please start a new thread. Otherwise, the new stuff will be lost when I restore the old stuff.

Once again, thousand apologies but shit happens once in a while. I promise to do my best to clean it up though.

Best regards.

Nevermind, I think most of the FRs are way expired as most of the girls have RODed. Probably the updated ones you can try retrieving from June 2003 to now.

Some of the guys were itching to pen their FRs and couldn't do it.

Posting numbers mean nothing to me unless can be converted into cash vouchers. kekekeke


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1 is Money, 2 is Women.
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Old 24-02-2004, 07:56 PM
geylang88 geylang88 is offline
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7 down

7 Down

First one during CNY 2nd day. After read about FRs here cannot tahan, just want to go there and fuck any WL. Went there at 1plus, dun dare to go into any house, so shop for FL outside hotels. Saw a few Thai, all so so, so just chose one quite slim and wearing skirt. That was the FIRST I call a prostitute and fuck one. Her face actually ok but her teeth not nice, I think too much smoking. Checked in a hotel for $25 for 2 hours, she like very expert, switch on aircon, stripped and say letˇ¦s shower in hokkien. The whole experience wasnˇ¦t so nice maybe because I still too green, canˇ¦t relax. Pr maybe she no chemistry with me.

Den after reading thurˇ¦ more FRs, went in to L14 House 12. Girl dunno wad, always forget the number after I come out. Think of it actually not bad. Cosˇ¦ she can do bbbj, quite shiok also. GF treatment like wad they say. Give me a sweet and say eat already always think of her. Almost scared and dun dare to eat scare wait gana kong toa.

Then read about WH10 so go for it. Poon I think, super! After 5 mins of kissing and touching I knew that I wanted more. So ask her to extend. She called OKT and after that I felt more at ease and able to enjoy cosˇ¦ got more time. And also because she is Super. I think sheˇ¦s girl 9. Long hair and slim. Thick eyebrows, A cup. The way she did BJ was Expert, make me feel as though no cap. So good with her tongue. Cum once in her while doing doggie position. Den since extend ask for another shot. CIM becos she is so good at with her mouth. She agreed and Oh Boy! FANTASTIC! First time I shouted so loud before and during cumming.

Went back to WH10 for Poon again but she not there. SO try G16. OKT says new girl. She say sheˇ¦s Ice. New and no much experience. Said that she is here for 51 days, still got 2 more years before go back to Thailand. Felt bad for her so treat her very nicely and gentle. Think she touched also, gave me good service. Her body quite fat, but her face very pretty. When FJ kept looking at her, got chemistry. After cum rested and she gave me thai massage.

Wanted to go WH10 again but damned crowded. Really like wad the they say, like waiting to enter pub. I dun like to wait or talk to other guys so walk around anyhow. OKT of L18 H38 says got new girl, very fair, like Chinese. Gana conned by his words so went in. I always call a girl in any house I stepped in becos too paiseh to walk out after step in. Think must overcome that becos this is my worst experience in geylang. U can read my FR in newbie thread I think, title: dun try this one.

Sixth one is in Wh10 again. Wanted Poon or Ice or the G12 they say super chio one. But none are in the tank. Sian. Try girl? Forgot wad number. I think quite senior one cosˇ¦ experienced. Very cheerful but I think too cheerful for my liking. Kept singing. Even kissing, BJ and even FJ also singing. Buay tahan, like my didi fake one like that. So finished job and not much Sextisfaction.

Heard WH14 got wear uniform so curious and went there. Same, no one I like, but too paiseh to walk out. Hai, say must change but havenˇ¦t overcome. So anyhow choose one, console myself that face and body not nice maybe service and skill good. Tried girl? Shit! Forgot number again. Think 16, maybe. Mature look, nice tits, B-cup and nice nipples. Everything ok, her skill is good though. Rub her pussy against my thigh while licking me. Like slut, not bad, different taste. Her tongue quite good also, very fast and nimble, lick my balls well. Rode on top and skill quite good also, very fast and close to body. But maybe her face no chemistry so enjoyment so so only. After cum ask me want second shot. I Huh? Maybe, second shot, but not with you. Wonder how the girls in the tank will think if I go out and fetch another girl for second round??? Anyone did that before???

So guys, dun always scold new birds for not contributing and free riding. But I donˇ¦t want to do it the standard way by giving marks out of 10 cosˇ¦ no meaning now. PPle wont believe also. So just say wad I thought of and share with you all.
Old 24-02-2004, 08:37 PM
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Re: 7 down

Originally posted by geylang88
7 Down

First one during CNY 2nd day. After read about FRs here cannot tahan, just want to go there and fuck any WL. Went there at 1plus, dun dare to go into any house, so shop for FL outside hotels. Saw a few Thai, all so so, so just chose one quite slim and wearing skirt. That was the FIRST I call a prostitute and fuck one. Her face actually ok but her teeth not nice, I think too much smoking. Checked in a hotel for $25 for 2 hours, she like very expert, switch on aircon, stripped and say letˇ¦s shower in hokkien. The whole experience wasnˇ¦t so nice maybe because I still too green, canˇ¦t relax. Pr maybe she no chemistry with me.

Den after reading thurˇ¦ more FRs, went in to L14 House 12. Girl dunno wad, always forget the number after I come out. Think of it actually not bad. Cosˇ¦ she can do bbbj, quite shiok also. GF treatment like wad they say. Give me a sweet and say eat already always think of her. Almost scared and dun dare to eat scare wait gana kong toa.

Then read about WH10 so go for it. Poon I think, super! After 5 mins of kissing and touching I knew that I wanted more. So ask her to extend. She called OKT and after that I felt more at ease and able to enjoy cosˇ¦ got more time. And also because she is Super. I think sheˇ¦s girl 9. Long hair and slim. Thick eyebrows, A cup. The way she did BJ was Expert, make me feel as though no cap. So good with her tongue. Cum once in her while doing doggie position. Den since extend ask for another shot. CIM becos she is so good at with her mouth. She agreed and Oh Boy! FANTASTIC! First time I shouted so loud before and during cumming.

Went back to WH10 for Poon again but she not there. SO try G16. OKT says new girl. She say sheˇ¦s Ice. New and no much experience. Said that she is here for 51 days, still got 2 more years before go back to Thailand. Felt bad for her so treat her very nicely and gentle. Think she touched also, gave me good service. Her body quite fat, but her face very pretty. When FJ kept looking at her, got chemistry. After cum rested and she gave me thai massage.

Wanted to go WH10 again but damned crowded. Really like wad the they say, like waiting to enter pub. I dun like to wait or talk to other guys so walk around anyhow. OKT of L18 H38 says got new girl, very fair, like Chinese. Gana conned by his words so went in. I always call a girl in any house I stepped in becos too paiseh to walk out after step in. Think must overcome that becos this is my worst experience in geylang. U can read my FR in newbie thread I think, title: dun try this one.

Sixth one is in Wh10 again. Wanted Poon or Ice or the G12 they say super chio one. But none are in the tank. Sian. Try girl? Forgot wad number. I think quite senior one cosˇ¦ experienced. Very cheerful but I think too cheerful for my liking. Kept singing. Even kissing, BJ and even FJ also singing. Buay tahan, like my didi fake one like that. So finished job and not much Sextisfaction.

Heard WH14 got wear uniform so curious and went there. Same, no one I like, but too paiseh to walk out. Hai, say must change but havenˇ¦t overcome. So anyhow choose one, console myself that face and body not nice maybe service and skill good. Tried girl? Shit! Forgot number again. Think 16, maybe. Mature look, nice tits, B-cup and nice nipples. Everything ok, her skill is good though. Rub her pussy against my thigh while licking me. Like slut, not bad, different taste. Her tongue quite good also, very fast and nimble, lick my balls well. Rode on top and skill quite good also, very fast and close to body. But maybe her face no chemistry so enjoyment so so only. After cum ask me want second shot. I Huh? Maybe, second shot, but not with you. Wonder how the girls in the tank will think if I go out and fetch another girl for second round??? Anyone did that before???

So guys, dun always scold new birds for not contributing and free riding. But I donˇ¦t want to do it the standard way by giving marks out of 10 cosˇ¦ no meaning now. PPle wont believe also. So just say wad I thought of and share with you all.
withing one month you cheong so many.............i think u kena sex addiction liao
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