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Old 03-12-2004, 03:47 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

I don't know if this is the right forum or not, and I don't care. I agree with you and think what you brought up is very important.

1) Legally you can refuse to do the HIV test. But 'can' you, really? I think in this kind of situation with this kind of company and in this kind of corporate environment and in this national environment—where you hear brought up contact tracing being used for containing the spread of HIV, and that we should be willing to part with the privacy of the infected for the sake of the majority, and where 'moral values' must be upheld and sexual promiscuity should be frowned on...—a refusal to do the test would raise eyebrows and having people wondering if you have it. I wouldn't be surprised if people lose their jobs if they refuse. Entire groups who refuse too would be let go.

2) Can you decline? I think that's for the company to decide. I don't see why not, since that means cutting costs—and we all know how important cutting costs is to companies, don't we?

Originally Posted by born_mean
To all bros,
My question is:

- can i refuse to do the HIV Test
- can i decline the "benefit" of this insurance coverage

I am not sure this is the right no offence just ignore this posting if so.

Old 07-12-2004, 05:33 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by perrymason32
I don't know if this is the right forum or not, and I don't care. I agree with you and think what you brought up is very important.

1) Legally you can refuse to do the HIV test.... I wouldn't be surprised if people lose their jobs if they refuse. Entire groups who refuse too would be let go.

2) Can you decline? I think that's for the company to decide. I don't see why not, since that means cutting costs—and we all know how important cutting costs is to companies, don't we?
Thanks for your input.

With regards to point (1), my question then is can I sue the company for unfair dismissal if I can prove that my dismissal is a direct consequence of my refusal to take the test?

Ultimately, we as individuals have to protect our own rights. I may be idealistic but if I do not stand for my own rights, who will?! So far, I have not taken the test as requested (but privately I have gone for my testing, thank god is negative!!) I'm bracing myself for the "showdown" with the HR.

Honestly, I don't know when it comes to the crunch whether I will buckle...but my resolve is still strong.

To me, the issue here is the protection of privacy rights. Where do we draw the line ? When does "for the good of majority" ends and discrimination starts? Today we concede in HIV-Testing, tomorrow it may be some other tests. Soon, only a person with zero defects is considered HUMAN.

Just my 2 cents.

Old 08-12-2004, 05:28 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Theoretically you can sue the company for unfair dismissal, if you can show it is a direct consequence of refusing to take the test. But a number of things will get in your way, especially in Singapore. Most have to do with the grey areas. Three examples: the company can choose to dismiss you using some other excuse (like pile too much work on you or give you something you cannot do, then say they're letting you go because you cannot perform or whatever); the company can restructure, retrench, then rehire a month or two ago; the tribunal or court will throw out the case saying HIV+ people are bad for the company's staff morale and business and therefore the company has to exercise its right to protect itself or whatever, and therefore has the right to insist on its people taking the test, especially if they refuse to take it.

This is one of those situations where if you refuse to take the test, people will automatically think you have 'it'.

The protection of privacy rights in Singapore? I can only think of one example as proof of my suspicions on that subject. In Singapore, you cannot be naked in your own house/flat, but the freak who chooses to look into your house/flat when you're naked can report you to the police for public indecency. Your privacy is not protected (why is the freak looking into your house?); but the 'morals' of the majority are protected (assuming the majority of people are freaks who look into houses in search of naked people to report).

Conceding to HIV testing, that's not the first concession, and it won't be the last concession we make here, where individual rights to privacy and civil liberties will always lose to the rights of the often 'moral' 'majority'.

What to do, what to do...

Originally Posted by born_mean
With regards to point (1), my question then is can I sue the company for unfair dismissal if I can prove that my dismissal is a direct consequence of my refusal to take the test?
To me, the issue here is the protection of privacy rights. Where do we draw the line ? When does "for the good of majority" ends and discrimination starts? Today we concede in HIV-Testing, tomorrow it may be some other tests. Soon, only a person with zero defects is considered HUMAN.
Old 09-12-2004, 09:57 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by perrymason32
This is one of those situations where if you refuse to take the test, people will automatically think you have 'it'.

Conceding to HIV testing, that's not the first concession, and it won't be the last concession we make here, where individual rights to privacy and civil liberties will always lose to the rights of the often 'moral' 'majority'.

What to do, what to do...
Well put bro....well all I can do now is to wait for the inevitable showdown.......

Worst case scenario for me?....get the sack and maybe time to strike out on my own (have always wanted to but am too chicken...may be a blessing in disguise hahahhahah)

Thanks for your input. Cheers.
Old 09-12-2004, 11:51 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

A question..

When we go for testing, if we have a partner with us can we go to the rooms together, see the results, test together etc? coz we will b scared
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Old 09-12-2004, 05:24 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Well, that's one way to look at it. But bro, why not just take it anyway, since you're already negative.

Reason I'm asking you to reconsider is fighting to protect your right to privacy in Singapore etc—that's not a thing you expect to do. Maybe in another country. Not here, and I would say not in most Asian countries, and quite a number of white people countries and other places round the globe...but that's another point. Point is it's not worth it. Never been worth it in Singapore. Least worth it now because the economy is not going to be better next year.

So tread carefully.

Keep safe.

Originally Posted by born_mean
Well put bro....well all I can do now is to wait for the inevitable showdown.......

Worst case scenario for me?....get the sack....
Old 09-12-2004, 06:29 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by perrymason32
Well, that's one way to look at it. But bro, why not just take it anyway, since you're already negative.

Reason I'm asking you to reconsider is fighting to protect your right to privacy in Singapore etc—that's not a thing you expect to do. Maybe in another country. Not here, and I would say not in most Asian countries, and quite a number of white people countries and other places round the globe...but that's another point. Point is it's not worth it. Never been worth it in Singapore. Least worth it now because the economy is not going to be better next year.

So tread carefully.

Keep safe.
Bro...I know where you are coming from and I appreciate your concern.

I'm not being "noble" and I understand ultimately reality bites. So often we give up on our beliefs and principles because it is less painful, more pragmatic, socially acceptable etc etc. I used to think the same way...but this HIV-Testing issue hits me hard and made me realised that by giving up on my beliefs and principles, I am giving up on myself. My rights as an individual (not just privacy rights but others such as freedom of speech and so forth) happens to be my core belief. All these years of conforming at the expense of erosion of my own humanity is really eating into me. Sometimes I wake up not knowing who I am anymore. Just a zombie going to work, conforming and faceless. I am not suffering from some manic-depression but I feel that I'm begining to lose sight of who I am anymore.

I know the path I choose will be arduous, ridden with pitfalls and treacherous....many would even label me a fool. Maybe, I will get knocked so often that I eventually give up and just conform. But I want to have made a least once. This is my own individual fight....not some macho-change-the-society grand plan.

Life should not be just about making a living....but more about living the way you should. Then again, this will really be a test of my resolve and character. Do I have the stomach to go through with this? Or is this just plain talk?

I will know what I'm made of soon.........

BM (A Fool.....maybe)
Old 10-12-2004, 10:39 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Yes, if you go for the AfA Anonymous Testing, you can go to the rooms together, have the counseling and testing done together, and get the results and counseling together.

Originally Posted by thecas
....When we go for testing, if we have a partner with us can we go to the rooms together, see the results, test together etc?....
Old 10-12-2004, 12:36 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

are you a male or female? i once organise a trip to the centre for a few bro here.. not too long ago...... thinking of doing another one... u want to come along?

Dont post your reply here... if you wish to remain anonymous ... just pm me..

Originally Posted by thecas
A question..

When we go for testing, if we have a partner with us can we go to the rooms together, see the results, test together etc? coz we will b scared
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Old 10-12-2004, 12:39 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

bro seems like you already made your mind up. wish you well then

Originally Posted by born_mean
I know the path I choose will be arduous, ridden with pitfalls and treacherous....many would even label me a fool. Maybe, I will get knocked so often that I eventually give up and just conform. But I want to have made a least once. This is my own individual fight....
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Old 10-12-2004, 05:08 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by Big Sexy
bro seems like you already made your mind up. wish you well then
Thanks bro....happy holidays.
Old 10-12-2004, 11:16 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by Big Sexy
are you a male or female? i once organise a trip to the centre for a few bro here.. not too long ago...... thinking of doing another one... u want to come along?

Dont post your reply here... if you wish to remain anonymous ... just pm me..
Me not sure yet.. but just 2 cents, if wanna go, tis better 2 wks later, say, 22nd Dec. Coz heard that theres a crowd recently due to all the focus on MSM/HIV.

Also, if I always do with cap on, and no slippage occur(like cd slip off etc) is it even necessary to test?
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Old 22-12-2004, 09:59 AM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Hi...all dear bros...btw where is the exact locations for such testing as in Afa clinics?
Old 23-12-2004, 07:49 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

Originally Posted by GreenHorny
Hi...all dear bros...btw where is the exact locations for such testing as in Afa clinics?

U can refer to my signature for the location of this Anonymous HIV Testing.

Be safe......

DSC Clinic
Old 31-12-2004, 02:48 PM
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Re: All you need to know about HIV

bro so how was your test? hope you are Ok..

Originally Posted by thecas
Me not sure yet.. but just 2 cents, if wanna go, tis better 2 wks later, say, 22nd Dec. Coz heard that theres a crowd recently due to all the focus on MSM/HIV.

Also, if I always do with cap on, and no slippage occur(like cd slip off etc) is it even necessary to test?
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