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Old 08-11-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Your Excellency, Your writing is excellent! Has given u 6 UPs (though yes i knw it doesnt get redeemed for anything else)

Please continue wif the show!
Old 08-11-2010, 06:11 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Just finish reading from start...

Boy am i amazed!

Good work TS!

Camping for more!
Old 08-11-2010, 07:12 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by Ex-Vagabond View Post
How much more ego do you need to continue?? I thought the story itself has already made you shot through the heads (punt intended)
Originally Posted by YourExcellency View Post
I don't mean to be an ass, but I seriously do not understand what you mean

For the benefit of me and some other bros, maybe you can explain in simple english? Especially the 'punt' please!
I feel you should just continue with your story without the need to keep asking for response......I'd rather have no other post except yours so as to ease the troubles of having to turn pages to get to your latest post.

Already a bro has told you to continue as there're many silent readers. If every reader were to post a comment like you wanted for your every posting then this thread would've gone into the thousands of pages.
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Old 08-11-2010, 08:57 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Dear TS,

What can I say, I stayed up for 2 hours way pass my bed time to finish your story and today at work I had to skip lunch to catch up with my sleep..... So do you still need any confirmation if you should write?

Do carry on man.....
BigBoy 2
Old 08-11-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by Ex-Vagabond View Post
How much more ego do you need to continue?? I thought the story itself has already made you shot through the heads (punt intended)

if u wanna show off ya english.. pls go elsewhere.. can try we are here to read and appreciate what TS has written.. or.. maybe TS story made u shot thru ya head.. (the small one.. ) therefore you can't and didn't think properly before you write..
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Old 08-11-2010, 10:44 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by |GD_GeR| View Post

if u wanna show off ya english.. pls go elsewhere.. can try we are here to read and appreciate what TS has written.. or.. maybe TS story made u shot thru ya head.. (the small one.. ) therefore you can't and didn't think properly before you write..
i do agree with with u.
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Old 08-11-2010, 11:24 PM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by simple2kee View Post
i do agree with with u.
Me too , cheers bros .....................
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Old 09-11-2010, 01:02 AM
YourExcellency YourExcellency is offline
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by simple2kee View Post
i do agree with with u.
Originally Posted by |GD_GeR| View Post

if u wanna show off ya english.. pls go elsewhere.. can try we are here to read and appreciate what TS has written.. or.. maybe TS story made u shot thru ya head.. (the small one.. ) therefore you can't and didn't think properly before you write..
Originally Posted by eeemen View Post
Me too , cheers bros .....................
Thank you guys. I wasn't really ready to deal with comments like these. I like writing but after doing it for the first time, I do realize that it requires some encouragement and timely distraction from the readers. Having said that, thanks for your responses!!

I am currently still traveling and finding it harder and harder to find time to write except just before bedtime (or past bedtime :P)

Hang on for my next installment!!
Old 09-11-2010, 01:04 AM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by singexpat View Post
Your Excellency, Your writing is excellent! Has given u 6 UPs (though yes i knw it doesnt get redeemed for anything else)

Please continue wif the show!
Thank you for your encouragement, very much appreciated!!!
Old 09-11-2010, 01:25 AM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Liz: “Hmmmm… my weekend dose of protein…”
Me: “If this keeps up then the factory will be running low on stock really soon!”
Liz: “Don’t worry I will help you replenish stocks! I can cook you some herbal soup and birds nest… they are high in protein! Hahaa got to repay you for all the nourishment you’re giving me right?

She licked me clean and then proceeded to the washroom to wash up. I ate the congee at the table and turned on the TV. It was Hong Kong News, so I slowly enjoyed the tasty abalone congee while catching up on the latest headlines.

Liz: “Baby, what would you like to do today?” as she called out as she emerged from the bathroom.
Me: “Its a beautiful Saturday, what can we do?”
Liz: “Shall we go to Shenzhen? We can play golf there, I know a beautiful course in the mountains, feels like you’re in Europe!
Me: “Let me guess – 東部華僑城?Hahaha… I have played there before and it was nice! Sounds like a good idea but I don’t have my golf attire nor clubs with me!
Liz: “Don’t worry, we will think of something! What’s your waist and shoe size?”

She picked up her phone again and called her usual concierge service. Little did I know that this time, she was arranging for clothes for me!

Yes, hi, its Liz Cheng, My number is XXXXXXXX. Can I get some golf attire for a male, American size medium top, socks and American shoe size 9½, pant size 32, ad a Medium left glove? Where are your partnership stores? Ashworth? Taylor Made? Ok, sounds good! Bring it to my house in an hour please! Oh yes, I would also like to make a reservation for Wind Valley Golf course (風雲谷), East Overseas Chinese Town (東部華僑城), Shenzhen. Yes for 1pm please! Thanks!

Liz: “See? That was easy! Now clubs… what can we do?

Dialling another number, “喂? Brian? 唯!你幾好嗎? 我有個朋友來香港玩幾日, 我們今日念住去你那裡打golf, 但系佢無棍, 可唔可以借一套來打打下? 好, 唔該逝,我地一點既tee time!Bye!

I was amazed with this woman, she was capable of anything! I went into the shower and took a long hot shower. When I was done, Liz was in the walk-in closet, deciding what to wear when we heard a knock on the door. My clothes had arrived. Liz’s maid handed her the packages at the door and left promptly. She opened the packages and inspected the selection.

There was a long sleeved yellow Taylor Made golf shirt and matching dark khaki pants with a pair of all black Addidas golf shoes. The concierge even thoughtfully put in a white felt flat cap and a white J Lindenberg belt (can somebody say James Heath?) for me. The glove fit perfectly, it was Titleist Players with Cabretta leather, the same model I usually used too.

I changed into my new golf attire, everything fit perfectly and I was ready to go. Liz wanted me to help her pick out an outfit for her, so I went into her walk in closet. Gosh, it was more like a compressed "ladies only" department store! Rows and rows of shoes lined the bottom compartments of the closet, which was more like a 400 sq ft room with shelves and drawers on all four full length walls. On one wall was the sportswear, so I helped her pick out a light yellow top to match me and a fuchsia golf skirt. She picked out a pair of Addidas golf shoes and she topped it off with a white Taylor Made cap, to match mine. Then she went to the opposite wall and pulled open a drawer filled with watches, and pulled out a white Chanel J12 watch. Soon we were ready to go.

We decided to leave the room from the balcony to be more discreet, where there was a little spiral staircase leading from the balcony to the garage. Guess this could double as a emergency secret exit ☺ We got into the garage and immediately the S-Klasse signal light flashed once.

“We have to take this car because we are crossing the border and its either this or the Alphard. Don’t think you wanna take the Alphard do you? Hahaha”

I shrugged and got into the driver’s seat, adjusted the mirrors and seats and soon we were off. We had to first cross over to Kowloon and since we were running a little tight on scheduling, we took the West Tunnel as it was usually the fastest (and most expensive!) The S-Klasse was very responsive, being a S500, 8 cyclinders and hydraulic suspension, the ride was silky smooth, albeit boring and a little too predictable. I sped along and soon, we were at the Huanggang customs, waiting for our turn to clear immigration. I had to switch seats with Liz, as cross border cars had to have designated drivers, guess that’s to deter car thieves from crossing the border. When we were past immigration, we switched back and since I had spent some time in Shenzhen for a few years so I had no problem navigating.

I drove from Futian to Luohu, taking Binhai Dadao (賓海大道) and soon, we were headed east towards the eastern coast of Shenzhen on 羅沙公路 (Luosha highway). The new highway was amazing, much faster than what I was used to previously, where we had to drive along the coast in a single file. We chatted casually in the car all along the way. I found out from her more about herself and her childhood, why she was single all this while. Her family had always been rather well to do, and she attended high school in California during her teens and later UCLA, majoring in Finance. Happened that she was seeing a guy for the past 8 years, and she had given him capital set up his business, and when it was doing really well, she found out that he had been cheating on her. He left her last year for a younger girl from the Mainland and she had been single ever since. She had a couple of relationships after that, but nothing serious as she was taking a break from long-term relationships. Now she was concentrating on making investments using her inheritance and so far she had been doing well. It was unfortunate as I knew a few other female friends who were like that, having spent the best part of their lives with the wrong person, only to be left alone when everybody around them were getting hitched with a lifelong partner.
Old 09-11-2010, 01:52 AM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by BigBoy2 View Post
Dear TS,

What can I say, I stayed up for 2 hours way pass my bed time to finish your story and today at work I had to skip lunch to catch up with my sleep..... So do you still need any confirmation if you should write?

Do carry on man.....
I am honored to have been able to take up so much of your precious time
Old 09-11-2010, 01:56 AM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by thomas88 View Post
I feel you should just continue with your story without the need to keep asking for response......I'd rather have no other post except yours so as to ease the troubles of having to turn pages to get to your latest post.

Already a bro has told you to continue as there're many silent readers. If every reader were to post a comment like you wanted for your every posting then this thread would've gone into the thousands of pages.
With all due respect, very honestly, why do you think there are so many threads out there that;

1. Take a couple days for TSs to update? Co-incidence?
2. Span more than 30/ 40 pages long?
3. Have extremely short updates of ONE paragraph?

I dont know if you write, but it is actually quite tiring and as a TS, you feel obligated to update on a regular basis... so I don't think it is too much to ask for responses.
Old 09-11-2010, 02:05 AM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Praise the Lord you aren't affected by some discouraging comments but choose to churn out yet another captivating post. Heartfelt thanks to those guys who stuck by you. (Wasn't here in time. My sincerest apologies.)

As much as I want to be selfish and continue to read - with a lot of pleasure - your wonderful posts, my take is, since you're doing this for leisure, if it ever gets to you such that you're actually bothered by the dampeners, for your own good please pull the plug. But, until then, just wanna let you know you're still very much loved by many readers here, and you have a very healthy following.

I personally have a soft spot for stories with a more cosmopolitan flavour, with a seamless story flow - and your style fits the bill perfectly. Thank you for your time to pen (type) them down.
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Old 09-11-2010, 02:22 AM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by YourExcellency View Post
I dont know if you write, but it is actually quite tiring and as a TS, you feel obligated to update on a regular basis... so I don't think it is too much to ask for responses.
Just wanted to add a little something:

"Writers must fortify themselves with pride and egotism as best they can. The process is analogous to using sandbags and loose timbers to protect a house against flood. Writers are vulnerable creatures like anyone else. For what do they have in reality? Not sandbags, not timbers. Just a flimsy reputation and a name."

- Brian W. Aldiss

From time to time, people need the extra appreciation to feel inspired. This is much like, a teacher, nurse or social worker. I think it is fair the TS seeks "a couple sacks of sandbags" from time to time, just to know that even when there's a flood (external circumstances), it won't deter him from staying.

Besides, he has clearly stated the points aren't his perogative. We can see how some of the other authors blatantly ask for them after EACH of their posts. Not to pass judgment but comparatively, TS' style sits well with me.

I'm sure thomas88 meant well too - he may be concerned if the TS would end up being one of the "points-seekers". Clearly, he must be an avid reader, for his suggestion was to enhance his viewing pleasure by keeping other "unnecessary" posts at bay.

Both of you guys have tried to make sure this thread stays enjoyable. We should toast to that.
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1. Alicia

"In life, you either need inspiration or desperation."

Old 09-11-2010, 10:13 AM
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Re: The Scent of a Woman

Originally Posted by gigigagago View Post
Praise the Lord you aren't affected by some discouraging comments but choose to churn out yet another captivating post. Heartfelt thanks to those guys who stuck by you. (Wasn't here in time. My sincerest apologies.)

As much as I want to be selfish and continue to read - with a lot of pleasure - your wonderful posts, my take is, since you're doing this for leisure, if it ever gets to you such that you're actually bothered by the dampeners, for your own good please pull the plug. But, until then, just wanna let you know you're still very much loved by many readers here, and you have a very healthy following.

I personally have a soft spot for stories with a more cosmopolitan flavour, with a seamless story flow - and your style fits the bill perfectly. Thank you for your time to pen (type) them down.
To: [YourExcellency],

I agree with [gigigagago],

Your various posts in your The Scent of a Woman were more than interesting for me, because I spent some time before lunch and after lunch on Nov 8, 2010 to read it all.

I believe that you are meticulous enough to proof read and edit your posts. Based on your writing, it appears that you are a well educated (having a degree or degrees do not imply that an individual is educated) professional. Your effort, choice of diction, style, continuity, plot, as reflected in your posts indicate that you did spend the time to ensure that it is your best effort, regardless of the allegations against you.

Other than [B52bomber] captivating "Room at the Top of the Stair (sic)", your story as reflected in this forum, surely must rank in the Top 3, not just how you introduce it, slow build up, non-sexual to a little romance to more sexually explicit, but the suspense and intrigue, as well as the diction and style, with very few and minor "English" mistakes, in my humble opinion, is near the Top.

Although I dislike studying English (or English Literature to some people) when I was a student (more interested in Economics and Law at that time), as I grow older, I appreciate the opportunity to learn and study the poets of the Romantic Era (John Keats, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Percy Shelley, etc.), Shakespeare, and a fortiori, "critical appreciation" [taught by a Czech by birth]. Unfortunately, my work and career is overwhelmed by legalese, but I still do write good reports and correspondences. Rest assured, I have a Chartered Accountant friend who won a silver medal when he wrote the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants' Uniform Final Exams, but major in English.

Unfortunately, my life is not as interesting and colourful as many of you guys, dedicated to one tall blonde hair green eye spouse, and have no story to post.

[Still Learning]
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