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Old 05-03-2012, 03:31 AM
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Re: Changping field reports

Disclaimer: My FR is based on my personal experiences and preference. Please take it with a grain of salt. And BTW, this FR might be quite long as a wall of text. If you need to get some popcorn or take a restroom break in between, please remember to bookmark. kekeke

I also in the other thread, but decided to post here as well for people interested in a little FR.

I have been back home for over a week from my last trip and finally got some time to sit down and reflect back on the wonderful experience I had. Since I don’t have much useful information to share with all the bros, I decided to give a little insight on my personal experiences, expectations, and what made my trip so special.

First of all, I want to say a big “Thank you” to my taikor FGG. He helped my booked my room at Walter (Huatai) Hotel, a business SUITE for only 360 RMB a night. That means I get to bonk once in the bathroom, once in the living room, and once in the bedroom with all of them being a different experience. Or if you prefer to sleep alone, you can throw the MM in the living room and watch TV while you get the bed all to yourself.

Not only that, he was generous enough to be the local pimp and called up 7+ MMs for us to view from the nearby BBS joint. No need walking through the shady alley way or risk getting our carrots or didi chop chop. Picked a short, decent size boob SYT. Bonked till song song and only paid 250 RMB. I even repeat her my last day before flying back to reality.

Also, I finally had a good time at Yihao after having cold feet there the first few times I went. End up going the Yihao a total of 4 times this trip. The most memorable one was when we had a grand total of 18 bros and 40+ MMs party in the CEO room. Bro c2b2 also brought 7 DJs from Ouya over to play games. Seems like everyone had fun that night. I also found a gem there that night. She is what I called so imperfect she is perfect. I will go more into that later. As a suggestion to bros, go to Yihao on weekdays and try to avoid on weekends unless you are prebooking a MM. The selection on Friday was horrible while on the weekdays were many gems around. But do keep in mind that many of the MMs came from Ouya and the MMs often choose the customers more than the customers choosing the MMs. Don’t be surprise if some of them are perma code red.

During this trip, I also had the chance to visit Ouya, Mayflower, and Miraton KTV. Went to Ouya on Valentine’s day. Although I did not walk the flower street, but the MM selection back in the room by other bros were excellent. No one throw pattern and I was eyeing up one of Oyking’s MM. She was tall, slender, nice big boobs (at least C cup but most likely push up bra), very fair and smooth complexion. I didn’t find out that was a MM he sat till the next day, because she was playing dice with Oyking’s friend and he didn’t talk to her at all. Haha Looks like I need to make a trip or two to Ouya next time I am CP. That night Fatt Kor’s birthday and of course he got drunk liao. Took 4 of us to take him back to the hotel, but that is a story for another time.

Went to Mayflower on a weekend and it was a pure disappointment. Had at least 500+ MM on the flower street but couldn’t pick any after many rounds. End up picking a “red” MM and after seeing back in the room, I realized she was the same MM I picked from December 2010. I guess my taste in women has not changed much. Kekeke Let’s just say I most likely won’t be back to MF unless I need to be there for a bro’s party. Even the models are CMI.
The surprise of the trip was when we went to Miraton. It is a small KTV with maybe 150 to 200 MM total. Not a very popular ktv, so even when we went at 7pm+ the selection was very good. My friend and I easily picked 6. Overall price of drinks was reasonable, MM selection was good and no need to rush to be there like 5:30pm. In the matter of fact, my friends went to Miraton last year and they also found the selection to be quite good. Note to self, I will be back for sure. The plan for next trip will be to check out some of the smaller KTVs to make some comparisons with the larger KTVs like Ouya, MF, and Yihao.

Now back to the MM I found at Yihao. I mentioned that she is so imperfect she is perfect. Of course most of it has to do with me.

1. She snores and grinds her teeth when she sleeps.
2. She likes to play hard to get.
3. She smokes. Only 1 or 2 a day, but still smokes.
4. She is not a good drinker.
5. She doesn’t sing.
6. She gets phone calls, QQ, and text all the time.
7. She has an imperfection on her body. (I will leave out the details on this one, but you can see it right away in plain sight. This is just to show she is human. Or else, she will be too perfect.)

However, even with all these, she is awesome. Very tall at 167cm. Yet slim and curves at the right places. B cup, not too big, not too small. Flat tummy and most importantly, no daikon legs! Very sexy long legs always wins first prize by my book. Have the most seductive voice. Very girlish without sounding like a dumb blonde. Wet French kiss and even BBBJ. Willing to go all positions and after a little convincing, we had three rounds the first night. What won the Grammies for her was her skin. Silky smooth but touching her was like magic. It has all to do with the composition of her body fat.

Speaking of body fat, I can go on and on, but typically, there are 3 types. First type is the type of MM with body fat that is just too soft and saggy. Not only are they unpleasant to look at, they are not good to hug and squeeze either. I am sure many bros experience this when the MM took off their bra and the boobs just sagged like 60 year old ladies or those love-handles that make you want to puke. Then there is the second type of body fat that is so compact, it is solid. Those larger looking MMs with arms and legs that are just plain round. The fat is so compact together, when you squeeze it, it doesn’t budge at all. Feels almost like squeezing muscle but it is fat. Not a good feeling at all. Then there is the third type where the fat is very evenly distributed. They look slim but when you squeeze their arm or leg, it feels like butter and you just want to eat it. It is one of those feeling that is very difficult to describe because it is so close to perfection. You just want to hold her tight and rub a dub her all over.

Sorry for side tracking, but this MM, in my humble opinion, has the best body composition of fat distribution that makes me just want to hold on to her all day long. Her breasts, her arms, her long fingers, soft tummy, inner thighs, calves and the plump azz. In fact, that was what I did. For my last two nights. Knock me off my feet with a one, two, three combo. Thank goodness I don’t fall in love with MMs in CP or I might end up in some serious trouble.

Met a lot of bros this trip. Thank you bro FGG, Luzareth, Icemanlow, c2b2, Oyking, prcsytlover, Willie, pacificboy21, kent-do, fatt kor, nohairsam, southbank388, autoroam and his friends, and many bros who are not from the forum, all for the company and it was a blast. If I left out your name, please pardon me, as I had too much fake liquor and it is definitely bad for the brain cells one. It was a shame I missed bro Coolmanks, Oolouis, Mayday, Birdie, ah boi, Vertu, XXHF, and CK. Next trip will be end of May. Hope to meet up.
Make love, not war. At the minimum, just appreciate, don't discriminate.
Old 05-03-2012, 07:12 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

Gd evening bros....

can bros here intro a manageress at silver holiday spa to me pls, bcos i m going on this wed night n previously the girl who arranged for me hv left the place...

tks bros....

gd luck
Old 05-03-2012, 11:34 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

any chance of girls being around in changping for a pick at that time?
Old 05-03-2012, 11:44 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

What's the issue? Contact the local agent lor! Didn't u ask for the gal's QQ?
Old 06-03-2012, 09:09 AM
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Re: Changping field reports

Originally Posted by thomas008 View Post
any chance of girls being around in changping for a pick at that time?
wah .... u r everywhere asking this question ...
Old 06-03-2012, 01:45 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

Originally Posted by OldRooster View Post
Gd evening bros....

can bros here intro a manageress at silver holiday spa to me pls, bcos i m going on this wed night n previously the girl who arranged for me hv left the place...

tks bros....

gd luck

Got pm!

Old 07-03-2012, 12:43 AM
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Re: Changping field reports

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
wah .... u r everywhere asking this question ...
Haha..Thats funny

12 more days to go!!! CP here i come!!!
Old 07-03-2012, 01:11 AM
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Re: Changping field reports

Will be in CP 7th to 9th Apr. Any bros keen on partying together, please PM me. Cheers!
Old 09-03-2012, 12:59 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

Hi Bros,

Just curious what do you all do in the morning/afternoon before the partying starts?
Old 09-03-2012, 01:09 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

Originally Posted by farastein View Post
Hi Bros,

Just curious what do you all do in the morning/afternoon before the partying starts?
so many things to do :

taking mms to have lunch and then go shop for dvd and clothes
have footie massage in PZL with fellow brudders
have body massage in PZL and enjoy 水底撈月
go silver holiday spa and enjoy DFJ
have coffee in tommyboy or ucb or starbuck
have haircut/wash face/堆油 in 千支花
go sauna in various hotels and enjoy various steps of service

last but not favourite....have an afternoon bonk with ur favourite mm with curtain wide open....kekeke!
如果有錢也是一種錯, 我寧願一錯再錯...大錯特錯.
Old 09-03-2012, 01:13 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
so many things to do :

taking mms to have lunch and then go shop for dvd and clothes
have footie massage in PZL with fellow brudders
have body massage in PZL and enjoy 水底撈月
go silver holiday spa and enjoy DFJ
have coffee in tommyboy or ucb or starbuck
have haircut/wash face/堆油 in 千支花
go sauna in various hotels and enjoy various steps of service

last but not favourite....have an afternoon bonk with ur favourite mm with curtain wide open....kekeke!
Sounds like a list to do on my next trip.
Old 09-03-2012, 01:14 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
so many things to do :

taking mms to have lunch and then go shop for dvd and clothes
have footie massage in PZL with fellow brudders
have body massage in PZL and enjoy 水底撈月
go silver holiday spa and enjoy DFJ
have coffee in tommyboy or ucb or starbuck
have haircut/wash face/堆油 in 千支花
go sauna in various hotels and enjoy various steps of service

last but not favourite....have an afternoon bonk with ur favourite mm with curtain wide open....kekeke!

Add on.....

Buy Porn DVD ....go back hotel room pcc....

Go sex toy shop .... buy some toy and enjoy it back in room....
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Old 09-03-2012, 01:16 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

Originally Posted by RotiPrata Man View Post
Haha..Thats funny

12 more days to go!!! CP here i come!!!

19th March is not a good week to visit CP...........
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Old 09-03-2012, 03:32 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

Originally Posted by FeiGohGoh View Post
so many things to do :

taking mms to have lunch and then go shop for dvd and clothes
have footie massage in PZL with fellow brudders
have body massage in PZL and enjoy 水底撈月
go silver holiday spa and enjoy DFJ
have coffee in tommyboy or ucb or starbuck
have haircut/wash face/堆油 in 千支花
go sauna in various hotels and enjoy various steps of service

last but not favourite....have an afternoon bonk with ur favourite mm with curtain wide open....kekeke!
taikor ... u forgot these ....
go and play Go-Kart
go 鐵路公園 with meimei
go to ken office and drink tea and sain yaoyao
go and have 糖水 dessert at 福星
go to huihua hotel convenient store and buy fake Viagra, Levitra, Cialis or spanish fly or indian magic oil ..

Originally Posted by Vertu View Post
19th March is not a good week to visit CP...........
totally agreed .... but why har, taikor ???
Old 09-03-2012, 06:27 PM
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Re: Changping field reports

Originally Posted by adidas88 View Post
totally agreed .... but why har, taikor ???
Bcos both of you are not there.... kekeke
un R.E.T.I.R.E.D............
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