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Old 05-01-2005, 12:11 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by lawry
I made the above post (the post is to Ah DEZ).. and someone minus my rep points.. The reason for the minus is

"FUCK U for tokking bad about my IDOL!"

HA ha ha ha ha ha ha.. .Ah Dez is an IDOL in SB!!! my toes are laughing... hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha
Ya i kanna the same shit that fucker called Ah Des
Old 21-01-2005, 02:04 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

any guy here manage to bed a waitress from DNP??

I have a target but I dunno weather worth it if i invest on her??

can DNP gal be beded??
Old 21-01-2005, 09:51 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by alantan27
any guy here manage to bed a waitress from DNP??

I have a target but I dunno weather worth it if i invest on her??

can DNP gal be beded??
how do u define worth brother, you only live once, as long as you are happy.... go for it, no pain no gain, never try never know

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Old 22-01-2005, 04:51 AM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by Malaysian Datuk
how do u define worth brother, you only live once, as long as you are happy.... go for it, no pain no gain, never try never know
fully agreed with u... so FAR... so BAD... for me... haix... too ugly and dun noe how to sweet tok to ger... haix...
Het Tien Roi...
Old 22-01-2005, 11:13 AM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by fcukger
fully agreed with u... so FAR... so BAD... for me... haix... too ugly and dun noe how to sweet tok to ger... haix...
Bro, u are being too modest. Actually, it may be because u are going for the hottest gals in the house. So naturally more difficult. Nowadays, I just go for the average nes. At least, there will be some pay off.

As for the other brudder that asked if u shd invest, just make sure u know where ur limit is, in terms of time and $$$. You may not receive not payoff in the end, but at least, u are kept occupied. Something to look foward to. So why not, go for it. And good luck, keep us updated.
Old 22-01-2005, 01:06 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by fish76
Bro, u are being too modest. Actually, it may be because u are going for the hottest gals in the house...
everytime the ger i go for not syt or a beauti lehx... haix... next time must go wif the "old bird" here to c c look look liaox... c can gain some POWER from them or not... hehehehexx...
Het Tien Roi...
Old 22-01-2005, 01:29 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by fcukger
everytime the ger i go for not syt or a beauti lehx... haix... next time must go wif the "old bird" here to c c look look liaox... c can gain some POWER from them or not... hehehehexx...

I am giving uo liao
spend abt 1K during my two nite there
and I dont think this can go further
Old 22-01-2005, 01:40 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by alantan27
I am giving uo liao
spend abt 1K during my two nite there
and I dont think this can go further
maybe ask a small group go lahx... all target on 1 or 2 ger... than split cost... like that not so siong mahx... juz mi pt of view...
Het Tien Roi...
Old 22-01-2005, 10:53 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by alantan27
I am giving uo liao
spend abt 1K during my two nite there
and I dont think this can go further
Huh? spend 1k in 2 days? sing or rm? If u r going to sianz her juz to bed her.
I advice u can save yr $$, they r smarter than we think of them.
They noe what we guy think as they everyday they meet so many guys
and most of them is very much richer than us. But if u really love that waitress u muz show u r differ from those others customer who only want to bed them....which again depend what u wat to do it.
Old 23-01-2005, 03:08 AM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by alantan27
I am giving uo liao
spend abt 1K during my two nite there
and I dont think this can go further
Wah lan, paiseh, not i dun believe u, u really spend 1k there in 2 nights? How the hell u end up spending soooooooo much? Dun tell me u give her ur credit card to zap LD.

Whether it's rm or sing, 1k is still way too much. Can fly to bkk, get models to sleep with u for at least 2 nights in 4 star hotel man.

Sorry hor, but like that, quite chai tao man. I feel darn bad for you man, really. Come lar, next time we go cheong together, let me blanja u 2 buckets.
Old 24-01-2005, 07:34 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by fish76
Wah lan, paiseh, not i dun believe u, u really spend 1k there in 2 nights? How the hell u end up spending soooooooo much? Dun tell me u give her ur credit card to zap LD.

Whether it's rm or sing, 1k is still way too much. Can fly to bkk, get models to sleep with u for at least 2 nights in 4 star hotel man.

Sorry hor, but like that, quite chai tao man. I feel darn bad for you man, really. Come lar, next time we go cheong together, let me blanja u 2 buckets.
bro, not meant to sound 'tua kang' but customers spending 1k in 2 nights at DNP is not any big news. And most will have you know 90% of it was spent on LDs only. If not for these big spenders how else can these girls earn in excess of RM10K every month? Btw in case you are wondering, my average spending at DNP is always under RM150 per night (guess I'm the small guppy)

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Old 24-01-2005, 07:56 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

come to bukit bintang there is nice young girls....
Old 24-01-2005, 09:23 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

Originally Posted by Malaysian Datuk
bro, not meant to sound 'tua kang' but customers spending 1k in 2 nights at DNP is not any big news. And most will have you know 90% of it was spent on LDs only. If not for these big spenders how else can these girls earn in excess of RM10K every month? Btw in case you are wondering, my average spending at DNP is always under RM150 per night (guess I'm the small guppy)

No lar bro, not that i dun believe, but i thought this bro know how to ask means know how to control, wrong presumption on my part.

Yes i also hear before. But to me, a stingy fellow, this is really tooooooo much. 1k, even if it is RM, can get me a gooooooooood holiday in bangkok.

You are not alone in spending below RM150 man, me too........control lar, and the bulk of the $$$ goes into my drinks, mine, not the LD.
Old 25-01-2005, 08:27 PM
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kenneth1979 kenneth1979
Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

me wanna check out with those regular cheongsters here.
me thinking of going there this friday night. wanna check out stefanie pub.
me wan to know estimated damages.
heard ladies drinks cost approx RM$30.
usually, one would spend about how much there. (to have reasonable fun)
is it gals come sit talk to u and u buy them drinks.
any other activities can be done?
thanks to those bros who provide advice. can pm me info.
Old 26-01-2005, 06:00 PM
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Re: DNP Plaza (Johor)

I don't abt u, I been working in JB for more than 9 years now, been pub hopping in JB all this while and finds that it is very unnecessary to buy LD cos if you start , you will be a robert in their list.
IF guys assume that money can moves them, you are damn wrong. There are tons of people with more money than you and me thats there and the girls there probably earn more than you.
No point trying to impress these girls with your credit card. you still hav to pay your debts when statement comes. So DNP is the place I will not go unless it absolutly necessary.
I believe I can get better reception any where else provided I don't throw that " I am singaporean and I am better than all you malaysian " attitute around.

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