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Old 08-01-2014, 01:42 PM
Sexseekerman Sexseekerman is offline
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Re: W16 House # 6

Originally Posted by Gigolodick View Post
Today I went to this house at 1130am and just open door for business. So I went inside saw okt lek so I ask him I looking for xx which is real name of Wl. Okt lek say hub? Then I said the WL nickname . He told me today no working and my heart sunk. The objective today for me is not to bonk her but to use the 45 mins to ask her to marry me and talking about our marriage plan. So I can't meet her so later in the afternoon I went to other house trying to book her but was told she not working today. So no choice then I still in geylang thinking of how to propose her. So I SMS her a few SMS but no reply. In my SMS I told her I want to marry her. After a few min of waiting I decide to call her. Her hp ringing ringing ringing ........then she pick up my call and my heart is pumping very fast like crazy... So I ask her can I go look for her now. She say do u have BMW car , 1 million cash? My heart sunk like titanic ship. As I hear it turn out to be her friend speaking to me. So I bluff her friend I have everything and can give her anything. In fact I am just a normal salary guy who take mrt to work and not rich man. So her friend ask me drive my BMW to their house but then I told her I only have two wheel bicycle. Then her friend suggest that I go to her house and call 8 Wl at the same time. In my mind I think if I do that I will be the first victim in geylang history to be rape by 8 WL. So her friend drop my call. So I send SMS to her again telling her that I am going to her house to meet her. As I walking I saw many Okt outside their own house. When I reach her house I sent her another SMS saying that I am outside her house and I wish to meet her a few mins. if she ever come out her house to meet me a history will be create cos u see me kneeling down to propose her and with so many Okt nearby surely can see me proposing my marriage to her. But I wait and wait and wait my heart almost broken into pieces she never come out. finally I send her my last SMS saying that I am disappointed that I can't meet her today. From today onward I told her that I am her hubby and her my wife in SMS. I already told her I love her and want to marry her. I am waiting for her reply.

Bro, money to these girls are very important. So you want her, you have to make your career and cash more. Then you be nice to her and be matured. You are embarassing her in front of everyone till she also dare not to come and see you. Thats the fastest way to put them off. Anyway even if you have money, you wont know if she truly love you or your money. Maybe both. The point is work hard and succeed in life. The rest will become easier. But also be smart in chasing girls. Embarassing them in front of everyone doesn't help. Wish you good luck bro. But I think you forget abt her for now. She is obviously avoiding you. It hurts and I know but...
Old 08-01-2014, 02:28 PM
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Re: W16 House # 6

Originally Posted by King.Cobra View Post
I prefer WL oyster leh!
Excellent pun! I am not sure about the rest but I enjoyed your pun a lot.

If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 08-01-2014, 10:33 PM
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Re: W16 House # 6

bro thank for your advice. i have done some research and found out that most of girl from her hometown will marry someone who are not rich and as long as she is happy with a guy she will marry him. She is now 23 and by the her yellow card expire in 2 years she will be 25 yr old. In her hometown most girl will want to marry at age of 26. So i believe i still have a chance to marry her cos she currently dont have a boyfriend when she reach 25 Therefore i think she can kill two bird in a stone means that she earn enough money fr sg and go back hometown with a hubby like me if she marry me.

Originally Posted by Sexseekerman View Post
Bro, money to these girls are very important. So you want her, you have to make your career and cash more. Then you be nice to her and be matured. You are embarassing her in front of everyone till she also dare not to come and see you. Thats the fastest way to put them off. Anyway even if you have money, you wont know if she truly love you or your money. Maybe both. The point is work hard and succeed in life. The rest will become easier. But also be smart in chasing girls. Embarassing them in front of everyone doesn't help. Wish you good luck bro. But I think you forget abt her for now. She is obviously avoiding you. It hurts and I know but...
Old 08-01-2014, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Gigolodick View Post
bro thank for your advice. i have done some research and found out that most of girl from her hometown will marry someone who are not rich and as long as she is happy with a guy she will marry him. She is now 23 and by the her yellow card expire in 2 years she will be 25 yr old. In her hometown most girl will want to marry at age of 26. So i believe i still have a chance to marry her cos she currently dont have a boyfriend when she reach 25 Therefore i think she can kill two bird in a stone means that she earn enough money fr sg and go back hometown with a hubby like me if she marry me.
Aiyo, dude, not sure if you are real cute or playing cute... Vi Vi and you are two worlds apart. No hope de...
Old 08-01-2014, 10:45 PM
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Re: W16 House # 6

Originally Posted by Gigolodick View Post
bro thank for your advice. i have done some research and found out that most of girl from her hometown will marry someone who are not rich and as long as she is happy with a guy she will marry him. She is now 23 and by the her yellow card expire in 2 years she will be 25 yr old. In her hometown most girl will want to marry at age of 26. So i believe i still have a chance to marry her cos she currently dont have a boyfriend when she reach 25 Therefore i think she can kill two bird in a stone means that she earn enough money fr sg and go back hometown with a hubby like me if she marry me.
Obviously you are referring to ViVi ... I find it rather pecculiar as you were criticizing her physical outlook brutally at one time and now you are keen in trying your luck to tie the nuptial knot with her ... Hmmm ... Look at your earlier posts below on ViVi ... May I ask what is your ulterior motive for your action thus far?

Originally Posted by Gigolodick View Post
My last bad experience is vivi. w1606

If you think you paying 150 to have sex with a pimple holes face is good then pls go ahead and try. There is so many pretty WL with smooth face why choose her? Secondly I made a mistake she fr Shandong and Kilimanjaro, she a smoker. If you like frenching with a smoker then go ahead and try. I am non smoker so I feel bad when I smell her bad breath with smoke
Originally Posted by Gigolodick View Post
Pls lah! vivi I don't like, how to bonk a pimples holes face Wl,
There's a dark side to male sexuality that operates on an intrinsically primitive level. Unleash it and you can't help but see evidence of raw, uncontrollable emotion ...

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Old 08-01-2014, 10:48 PM
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Originally Posted by max_priest View Post

Obviously you are referring to ViVi ... I find it rather pecculiar as you were criticizing her physical outlook brutally at one time and now you are keen in trying your luck to tie the nuptial knot with her ... Hmmm ... Look at your earlier posts below on ViVi ... May I ask what is your ulterior motive for your action thus far?
Old 08-01-2014, 11:57 PM
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Re: W16 House # 6

ok let me tell you the truth. i say bad thing about her cos i really really love her!!!
it hurt me so badly to know that she working so hard for money especially in this trade. i dont want her to be stress out and tired every night serving so many customer. MY heart really painful cos i believe i can provide her a better life and it my duty to work hard and earn money for her if she marry me. if you are in my shoe will you do the same thing for the one that you love?

i wish she can immediately cut her yellow card quit this job and i marry her and bring her back to her hometown, enjoying life and start a new happy family together.

when i first book her i really fall in love with her. So at that time i intend to book her everyday. i thought if i book her everyday i can help her to recover her payment to agent fee faster. But it turn out to be she avoiding me. i really mess up the whole thing and giving her a bad impression on me. i am really sorry about this but what happen already happen and the past already past. As some people say after i bonk her she will be sick for 3 days it is really not truth. i really wish that someday i can book her and tell her all this.

Originally Posted by max_priest View Post
Obviously you are referring to ViVi ... I find it rather pecculiar as you were criticizing her physical outlook brutally at one time and now you are keen in trying your luck to tie the nuptial knot with her ... Hmmm ... Look at your earlier posts below on ViVi ... May I ask what is your ulterior motive for your action thus far?
Old 09-01-2014, 12:21 AM
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Re: W16 House # 6

Originally Posted by Gigolodick View Post
ok let me tell you the truth. i say bad thing about her cos i really really love her!!!
it hurt me so badly to know that she working so hard for money especially in this trade. i dont want her to be stress out and tired every night serving so many customer. MY heart really painful cos i believe i can provide her a better life and it my duty to work hard and earn money for her if she marry me. if you are in my shoe will you do the same thing for the one that you love?

i wish she can immediately cut her yellow card quit this job and i marry her and bring her back to her hometown, enjoying life and start a new happy family together.

when i first book her i really fall in love with her. So at that time i intend to book her everyday. i thought if i book her everyday i can help her to recover her payment to agent fee faster. But it turn out to be she avoiding me. i really mess up the whole thing and giving her a bad impression on me. i am really sorry about this but what happen already happen and the past already past. As some people say after i bonk her she will be sick for 3 days it is really not truth. i really wish that someday i can book her and tell her all this.
Ha ha......bro....i almost choke reading yr should post yr thoughs at matter of the heart section,i think u will find kakis over there.......dont say prositutes....even normal singapore girls also open eyes big big choose husband.....PRC Wls will run away from customer like u.....let bros here enjoy her first before she run away becos of u....or marry u.....i suggest u wait 2yrs first n propose to her at changi airport when she flying.....make it international news....
Old 09-01-2014, 12:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Gigolodick View Post
ok let me tell you the truth. i say bad thing about her cos i really really love her!!!
it hurt me so badly to know that she working so hard for money especially in this trade. i dont want her to be stress out and tired every night serving so many customer. MY heart really painful cos i believe i can provide her a better life and it my duty to work hard and earn money for her if she marry me. if you are in my shoe will you do the same thing for the one that you love?

i wish she can immediately cut her yellow card quit this job and i marry her and bring her back to her hometown, enjoying life and start a new happy family together.

when i first book her i really fall in love with her. So at that time i intend to book her everyday. i thought if i book her everyday i can help her to recover her payment to agent fee faster. But it turn out to be she avoiding me. i really mess up the whole thing and giving her a bad impression on me. i am really sorry about this but what happen already happen and the past already past. As some people say after i bonk her she will be sick for 3 days it is really not truth. i really wish that someday i can book her and tell her all this.
I have seen your messages to her. But, Here is the truth, maybe hard and cold, yet you would have no choice but to accept it --- You can make love to her, but you cannot make her love you...
Old 09-01-2014, 12:26 AM
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Re: W16 House # 6

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Ha ha......bro....i almost choke reading yr should post yr thoughs at matter of the heart section,i think u will find kakis over there.......dont say prositutes....even normal singapore girls also open eyes big big choose husband.....PRC Wls will run away from customer like u.....let bros here enjoy her first before she run away becos of u....or marry u.....i suggest u wait 2yrs first n propose to her at changi airport when she flying.....make it international news....
Wah brother, have some pity on the poor guy la.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 09-01-2014, 12:41 AM
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Re: W16 House # 6

sigh....emotions running wild
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Old 09-01-2014, 12:49 AM
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Re: W16 House # 6

Originally Posted by comm View Post
sigh....emotions running wild
I thought it would hormones running wild instead of emotions.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 09-01-2014, 12:51 AM
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Re: W16 House # 6

Originally Posted by Nato17 View Post
Wah brother, have some pity on the poor guy la.
Sometimes i wonder why last time so many pretty girls this type of things never like no girls then all funny things come out.....
Old 09-01-2014, 01:05 AM
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Re: W16 House # 6

Originally Posted by nakamitchi View Post
Sometimes i wonder why last time so many pretty girls this type of things never like no girls then all funny things come out.....
Where got don't have lei? Got la. Just that all the pretty ones have a lot of suitors so did not spend so much time with each guy lei.
If you want to screw another man's wife, take a look at the consequences!
Old 10-01-2014, 08:16 PM
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Re: W16 House # 6

Today is another sad day for me because today I send her sms and informb her that I am coming down to book her. If she never reply my sms I told her that means she allow me to come book her. So after my work I went to her house. Okt lek told me she dont want to do with me and my heart sunk. Wow I am very sad cos I don't have a chance to propose her. Okt lek told me geylang so many Wl and advise me look for other. wow I told him I can.
wait for her but he told me no point cos she dont want me. She the only Wl I love and it is no point for me to look for another.
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