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Old 30-09-2005, 03:02 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
When i stay in thailand, I compare my spending with the Thais.
If today the amount you earn in thailand is SGD and not in thai baht, then you compare with the standard of living you had in singapore. But the sad thing is most dun.

To me 315 baht is like $31.50 in sgd.

Wah lao, u seem to take my words to heart. I just say MONEY COME OUT FROM MY POCKET I FEEL THE PINCH. Maybe to you, you don't feel anything lah.

1 seafood meal 700baht, paiseh, I seldom spend this kind of money often even if seafood is cheap in thailand.

When I stay in thailand, I know must live like a thai, spend like a thai and not live like a singaporean.
I know in Indonesia, lagi cheaper than in thailand.

yah true unless u are earning spore income,then can spend and compare like spore.Perhaps i still regard everything comparably to spore.which i find it cheap for almost everything.I feel that when i am on holiday,I want to enjoy myself and not want to worry too much about money matters.I do not earn much,perhaps same as the average sporeans.But when i first come bkk in the first 3months,i really spent alot.In bars alone,I paid drinks for many ladies and bill comes up to 1k baht plus.I even BF my gf's good friend back then just to let her go off early as requested. Perhaps that's why i left a "good" impression by most in the nana bars.I believe in enjoying and not pinch and pick the money.

Seafood is darn cheap in bkk especially outside bkk.The area i am staying offers quality food same as hway kwang at 1/2 the price.Spore wants to eat seafood dinner will cost S$100 up for a steamed fish,squids,prawns or crabs.
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-09-2005, 04:06 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
Cheap meh? I think its expensive to eat MK, daidomon, Macdonalds

1 meal at Mac already 79 baht. Its like $7.90 to them

1 meal at MK for 2 also at least need 180baht unless you eat bah mee leung, and that costs around $18 to them

1 meal at daidomon also need roughly same as MK.

Maybe I never compare to singapore. I only compare with the living standards in thailand.

U ask me buy something for myself perhaps i very stingy and feel the pinch.But fortunately both my gf and i loves to eat and have the mentality,when it comes to food...we do not mind paying for quality food.That is perhaps the reason why i enjoyed being with her.She shares the same mentality for food.When it comes to paying something personal,me and her will Hee haw aiyah not cheap...hehee...last nite at hway kwang went shopping ard for cute stuffs,then she ask me can buy or not??I say why not since its ur own money.I even told her i pay for u okies??she say err dowan lah...mai mii tarng...haha..and still dare to suggest go eat at hway kwang market...
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-09-2005, 04:16 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by singrakthai
wats up with the above statement? I never say i earning big bucks in bkk.. Do u have to earn big bucks in bkk to afford seafood in bkk? Do u envy me? Aren't u the one coming here "sharing" with ppl about ur "stories" how u're "living off WL" as a self-claimed "piichai" and not having to give any $ to her, instead getting allowances from her and she paying for accomodation and travelling and ur visa and fucking her colleague for free? I should envy u instead leh... but i don't leh because i'm not like this....
U can do all that too if u want but i guess u will not because u will say u are of a different "league" as me.U will not stoop so low to rely on a WL rite?That used to be my initial thinking when all this did not happen to me.I was a "healthy" thinking person back then and not yet indulge in commercial sex.So much for the misunderstanding for the wordie "cheap".

P.S. timbella still waiting for u to up the link for SAve the WLs...make his wish come true lah...he believes so much in u lehz...
whoever got guts to use my nick should have guts to PM me back ..if not u are just a wimp who uses one's nick to put others into trouble...
Old 30-09-2005, 08:13 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
U can do all that too if u want but i guess u will not because u will say u are of a different "league" as me.U will not stoop so low to rely on a WL rite?That used to be my initial thinking when all this did not happen to me.I was a "healthy" thinking person back then and not yet indulge in commercial sex.So much for the misunderstanding for the wordie "cheap".

P.S. timbella still waiting for u to up the link for SAve the WLs...make his wish come true lah...he believes so much in u lehz...
Pls lah Jun, no need to be so offensive in certain issues, back to just now u mention Bro Singrakthai on the buying of drinks, I was there on that day as well and I also paid for the first round of drinks in Rainbow 2. Nobody will be so calculative like u say, we know your situation and we also never expect u to pay us back, we just treat it as a friendly gesture. Why u wanna tear your own face and say this kinda of thing?

I'm very sure that Bro Singrakthai is not that kinda of person that u mentioned but the fact is YOU, yourself cannot pass the stage whereby thinking others who will look down on u as a piichai. Frankly speaking, I'm not sure what is YOUR truth as all your words are subjective whereby it changes momentarily, only u know it.

I guess there's no point arguing over this issue and hopefully u can overcome all the barrier and back to Sg safely. Remember once I mentioned to u before even u dun think for yourself but think for your parents as well!
Old 30-09-2005, 09:12 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Cyberspace Nerd
I am not interested in discussion of the above cos it's not relevant to the topic, which is strategy and tactics.
Good morning.. since u're not interested in discussing the above i guess i don't have to waste time to cut and paste (quite difficult too since u got so many nicks)... and no point arguing too...
So stradegy and tactics? I guess u more expert... like buying gold watch and stand guard duty outside WH.... are those part of stradegies?

ok lah.. jus teasing u...
Old 30-09-2005, 09:52 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
haha somehow i had this feeling u going to bring up the previous time u paid for my drinks.As u know that time i was in a hurry to get out of that bar since u people insist on waiting on bro TV's girl inside.I could not possibly be staying in the bar as u know why.In the end i did pm u the next day telling u how much i owe u for the drinks.And told u that the next time will be my treat.
*phew* I'm glad u clear this up here... cos if u still have the cheek to call someone "cheap" when that someone ever paid for ur drinks then u really got a problem...

seriously, i don't wanna waste bandwidth here replying to u leh... but i think u're a funny character leh... u must be Gemini huh?
Jus a summary...
u quoted me last time when i say there're many decent hardworking Thai ppl here who rather work for mininum pay than sell body... and u say u know alot of decent Thai doing FL and make it sound like majority decent average or below are doing it... then after some "reasonings" u come back to say actually only "minority" doing it...
Then this thread I suggested to jc boy to spend mininum for a date with WL, and u quoted me again and saying its not possible to spend $20 on a "date"... then after some "reasonings" again u come back to say actually possible if u consider eating at hawker and sightseeing is a date too... and u added on that u so lucky to have "gfs" who spend on u on dates....
then u say i making big bucks cos i can afford seafood... then after some tcss, u say u assume urself and also tell SC seafood is cheap in bkk...
etc etc etc
not forgetting coming here to tell everyone u love ur gf very much for everything she'd done for u and on the other thread "sharing" how u fucked her colleague for free...
Alot of things u say here, actually i jus read and try to forget leh... even though i might think otherwise... like many of ur "stories" i also don't want to pichia lobang for u leh...
u're right when u say got ppl say u contridicting leh...

i guess i'm expecting ur many many replies this evening..... but don't be disappointed if i didn't reply hor...
sian hor? reply so long... if my boss knows i spend my time writing to sex forum i sure get fired... haha
Old 30-09-2005, 09:55 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Bangkok Master
Pls lah Jun, no need to be so offensive in certain issues, back to just now u mention Bro Singrakthai on the buying of drinks, I was there on that day as well and I also paid for the first round of drinks in Rainbow 2. Nobody will be so calculative like u say, we know your situation and we also never expect u to pay us back, we just treat it as a friendly gesture. Why u wanna tear your own face and say this kinda of thing?
Who dares ask him pay when he come here to "share" on how he's living off his poor gf who'd to work to let him enjoy his "long holiday" in Bangkok?
Old 30-09-2005, 10:09 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by siamcutey
I know in Indonesia, lagi cheaper than in thailand.

In Indo, got cheaper bargains depending on area & locations .. just like Sg lor, chicken rice got S$2/- or S$16+++ ...


Old 30-09-2005, 10:33 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Jun|ch|
I am not cuntfused but onli headache as i stated to her i want to go back to settle some issues in spore and bring her over in a couple of months perhaps,my visa ends next week.She told me this afternoon that she wants me to extend visa again as she do not want me to go back as yet.I miss spore.
Yoz Jun,
I have nothing against on you having a r/s with a Thai WL. I had my equivalent share of such too.

1. I must say I hate to see people 'describe' too much of his gf (esp. if she is WL or ex-WL) in an open forum. Why, this is because you never know when other people would obtain information from open forum and find chances to go and 'try' her esp. when she is still in the trade. So to avoid all the hassels, its best not to post at all.

2. Its about time (> 6 months) you ask yourself whether you are serious about this r/s, for all r/s so to speak. This is even more important if the gal involved is a WL (or ex-WL) cos if you drag on as in your case, both you and her financial resources will be depleted and you be lablelled as 'eat soft rice'. One can ignore that label but no one can escape from own guilt.
There is currently one legendary samster who claims that he currently tends to befrens and have romance with Thai gals instead of paying for sex. He lets things happen ..... You won't wanna be like him ya?


Old 30-09-2005, 11:46 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by singrakthai
Good morning.. since u're not interested in discussing the above i guess i don't have to waste time to cut and paste (quite difficult too since u got so many nicks)... and no point arguing too...
So stradegy and tactics? I guess u more expert... like buying gold watch and stand guard duty outside WH.... are those part of stradegies?

ok lah.. jus teasing u...
I not interested in what you wanna discuss doesnt mean others are not interested mah. Now people also talk about food and "financial planning" in this thread, which also doesnt interest me.

buying gold watch is part of the strategy, but i do not think doing guard duty has anything to romancing them, unless you bring along a guitar and sing to her outside her house
Old 30-09-2005, 11:48 AM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Cyberspace Nerd
buying gold watch is part of the strategy, but i do not think doing guard duty has anything to romancing them.
got lah .. guard duty is to safe guard the gold watch ... wahahahaha


Old 30-09-2005, 12:18 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by Cyberspace Nerd
I not interested in what you wanna discuss doesnt mean others are not interested mah. Now people also talk about food and "financial planning" in this thread, which also doesnt interest me.
buying gold watch is part of the strategy, but i do not think doing guard duty has anything to romancing them, unless you bring along a guitar and sing to her outside her house
Good! Since u can take suaning like a gentlemen... i apologise if i was rude to u. pai say..
Personally, I think there's nothing wrong in romancing a WL but its a big mistake trying to impress a WL with $ (of cos if u're millionaire then its another story)... there's nothing wrong with going cheap on dates with WL... if u can play guitar and sing, why not? Learn some Thai songs to impress her... buying gold watch will only make u carrot cake right?
Old 30-09-2005, 12:34 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by singrakthai
there's nothing wrong with going cheap on dates with WL... if u can play guitar and sing, why not?
haha .. I last time got teach a fellow samster to buy papaya salah and hor-yip fun ...


Old 30-09-2005, 12:39 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by DNAT
haha .. I last time got teach a fellow samster to buy papaya salah and hor-yip fun ...
som tum and? what is hor-yip fun?
Old 30-09-2005, 01:56 PM
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Re: Romancing cat40 Thai WLs- Tactics and schemes.

Originally Posted by singrakthai
som tum and? what is hor-yip fun?
hor yip fun (cantonese) = glutinious rice wraped with lotus leaf

I asked you something lah .. can or not ? Last time I asked my favourite cat40 WL: "what you like to eat, I buy for you?" She said: "You buy anything I also eat.." - like that means she luv me izit? .. hahaha


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