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Old 24-09-2007, 01:38 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

Apologies to JNWY for off topic here 1st..

i just dont want to open a new thread just for sharing 1 file so.. dont mind me posting this here ok bro?

Recently downloaded this movie, i'm pretty sure bros here will want it, non-xxx, non-thai though.

Here's a sample:


this is a sample, if interested den i go upload the full version..
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Old 25-09-2007, 04:20 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread


as you all know i am a big, if not the biggest, fan of Natt Chanapa here in SBF...happened to see one of her real acting films and just share with you all. See if you guys can spot my favourite heroine. Think it was direct to video, if i'm not mistaken ~ did not hit big screen (anyone kind enough to verify?)


Princess Of The Beasts - สัตว์สาวคงกระพัน

Director - Shek Dawus

Starring - Chalomjit Juntaked / Nat Kesirin / Chokchai Charouensook /Yoko Takano


Three close friends, Nakprapa, Sakuna and Naree. When a mysterious women gives them ech a colorea stone necklace, strange things start to happen. When Nakprapa's sister, Lek, comes to town, the three friends hold a party for her, but things to horribly wrong, when Nakprapa's fiance, Rames buriers the three in coffins, forcing certain death upon them. The magic and mysterious power of the stones given them saves their lives, but with one frightening catch, they are forever more half women, half beast and must fight crime and protect the innocent. But when their plight brings them in the path of Rames fury for a second time, the three must fight for a second time, the three must fight for revenge and fight to death.


drink water
Old 25-09-2007, 04:36 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

This one is 3 stories....I liked Corpse Oil the best....this DVD can find in rental shops

Director: Pisuth Praesaeng-Iam ("Legend of the Drum" and "Black Magic Woman")
Oxide Pang (" Revenge")
Year: 2002
Starring: Pimsiree Pimsee (Jieb), Dawan Singha-wee (Pan), Kalyanut Sriboonrueng (Gunya), Pete Thong-juer (Nop)
Time: 2 hrs 10 minutes

A film clearly has to be more than a few memorable images that capture your imagination. I had seen the trailer for this film a few months ago and was knocked out by it – a series of fast moving images of an eyeless woman, a corpse in a morgue blinking, an eerie traditional Thai dance, long razor sharp fingernails searching for a victim, a woman hanging from a rope – that made the film look both exotic and inviting. Unfortunately, after finally having the opportunity to see it the film’s quality does not match those retina-retaining images. The film contains three supernatural tales – all told by three modern women sitting around a table at a Bangkok bar. One problem that the segments all have is they all run a bit long – all over 40 minutes – and feel slightly padded. Another issue is that though I thought all the stories had a definite potential, they somehow fell short of it – either by ending on a lackluster note or simply not making a lot of sense.

The word of mouth on the film has been pretty negative – in fact one web site I came upon had a poll and 87% of the nearly 100 respondents voted that they “hated it”. I can’t quite understand this reaction to the film – perhaps I have suffered through too many Troublesome Night films, but I thought there was a lot to enjoy here. The production standards are high, the cinematography is excellent, the locales are interesting and the stories are intriguing and original even if lacking in scares and finally being disappointing. The first two episodes are directed by Pisuth Praesaeng-Iam while the final one was directed by Oxide Pang.

Legend of the Drum (44 minutes) – Jieb accidentally receives an old drum in a shipment that appears to have an angry history behind it. She begins seeing apparitions and wonders if there is a connection to the drum. The story flashes back to 1917 Bangkok in which a love between a Thai dancer and a musician comes to tragedy – somehow the drum seems to have carried a spirit inside that is looking for something – but exactly what is never made clear.

Corpse Oil (40 minutes) – Pan isn’t having much luck of late with the opposite sex and so when her not so attractive next door neighbor - who seems to have lots of male lovers - tells her that it is due to a love potion, Pan skeptically gives it a go. The results are amazing good – much too good it turns out - the contents for the potion come from the local morgue and seem to carry all the bitterness of their former owners. Be prepared for a lot of vomiting.

Revenge (45 minutes) – a policeman is sure that an apparent suicide of a young woman by hanging has to be murder – where is the chair – why are there marks of a struggle - and he sets out to find the killer. As he proceeds it becomes clear that the ghost of the woman is helping – or is she? This one had a pretty good plot and a clever ending that I didn’t see coming till the very end and neither did the cop.
Old 25-09-2007, 04:40 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

Not seen this one but from the review like not bad.....will go search for it

Dang Bireley & The Young Gangsters
Director: Nonzee Nimibutr (debut film)
Year: 1997
Starring: Jessadaporn Pholdee (Dang), Noppachai Muttaweewong (Lam Sing), Attaporn Teemakorn (Piak), Chartchai Ngamsan (Dum), Suppakorn Kitsuwan (Pu), Champagne X (Wallapa)
Running Time: 1 hr 45 minutes

Dang Bireley's mother is a prostitute, and he kills his first man at the age of 13 (a customer that got violent with his mum). One might say that fate had him down for the gangster lifestyle from the start. In 1950's Thailand, under a corrupt military government, it seems that the only options for the youth are to become a gangster or one of their bitter rivals, the engineering students, so maybe it didn't take that much of fate at all. At the age of 16 he starts his first business, a protection racket, and from there goes on to become one of Thailand's most famous gangsters of the era.

DANG BIRELEY has a lot in common with the Korean movie FRIEND - in fact, if Thai cinema has penetrated Korean shores at all then I have no doubt it strongly influenced the latter movie. Despite FRIEND'S record box office, I found it to be a rather dull affair - perhaps due to over-high expectations. Perhaps my expectations for DANG BIRELEY were not quite so high, or perhaps it's just that it's a better movie because I definitely enjoyed it more.

Friendship is the theme, as the movie follows the lives of Dang Bireley and his close friends, not all of whom will remain close friends as inevitable conflicts come between them. DANG BIRELEY pays quite a bit attention to recreating the 1950s mood, and it is pretty evocative, if not quite down to the finest detail that FRIEND manages. This is balanced with a very modern filming style though - a very kinetic camera and edgy framing/editing, not over done but there are some very cool and interesting visuals.

The movie comes from writer Wisit Sartsanatieng and director Nonzee Nimimbutr - the director and producer of the transcendent TEARS OF THE BLACK TIGER, with which it also shares some key cast members. A testament to the great talents of these film makers is how completely different the two movies are though (with Nonzee's NANG NAK being utterly different again). The movie is pretty serious in tone, though not as dry as FRIEND and definitely not suffering from the vaguely sickly nostalgia that permeates the Korean movie. It is presented as the occasionally narrated memories of one of Dang's gang - and though he obviously remembers Dang very fondly, his memories of the times are not particularly cheerful. There's a lot of violence, corruption and hardship around.

The story of Dang Bireley's life is a touching one. The bonds between the friends are very strong, and the characters mostly well painted and believable. I think the performances are top notch, though my unfamiliarity with the Thai language makes it difficult to judge this completely accurately. Script is great, direction great, cinematography great... generally a quality movie, though it is let down a little by an ending that feels a little awkward (though presumably this is due to the inconvenience of the real world having ended that way). Whilst not flawless, the movie still comes with my recommendation.
Note: When it was released in 1997 it broke the box office record for Thailand at the time. It also won the Thai award for Best film that year as well as being the Grand Prix Winner at the 1998 Brussels International Film Festival. The film is based on true events and was sourced from a book (The Mafia Route) written by one of the gang members many years later.
Old 25-09-2007, 05:05 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

i have rush hour 3, who want?
Old 25-09-2007, 05:56 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

are we just sharing the intro of thai movies or are we allow to share the full movies?

i'm now downloading this movie,and it will be on thai lover club soon,if anyone wish to watch.

title: sick nurse
Old 25-09-2007, 11:05 PM
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aviliable at TLC
Old 26-09-2007, 09:30 AM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

Originally Posted by korb View Post
i'm now downloading this movie,and it will be on thai lover club soon,if anyone wish to watch.
Thanks bro. You still strumming da guitar in GM? Cheers!
Old 26-09-2007, 04:18 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

i play it in jamming studio,not pro enough to play at GM.

nong teng maa har hia.

update new links at TLC
Old 26-09-2007, 05:02 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

Originally Posted by handsome2000 View Post
I wonder you guys have tried this site
I always go to this site to watch Thai's news, sports news, TV dramas at 6..45pm and 8.30pm daily from Ch3 and Ch7, others Ch 5,9, 11 and TITV also available here. If you want to listen to Live Radio FM Channel, it is available here too. All are Live programme. Hope you guys find it useful! Cheers!
i can't seem to "register" at the website.. anyone else managed to gain access?

the "register for new member" doesn't seem to respond with a valid link
Old 27-09-2007, 03:03 AM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

I have been surfing this website for several months but need not register. This thread is truly more meaningful than many other threads here. Registered to express my support for this thread and hope to continue to see meaningful information on Thai's movies.

I watched some Thai movies when I was living in Bangkok earlier this year. I am out of the country now. Will see if I can contribute when I get back home to Singapore.

I am going to Bangkok again in October. I will definitely want to see if some of the DVD of these movies are available (hopefully with English substitles).

Old 27-09-2007, 11:11 AM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

Originally Posted by prizzi_65 View Post

I watched some Thai movies when I was living in Bangkok earlier this year. I am out of the country now. Will see if I can contribute when I get back home to Singapore.

I am going to Bangkok again in October. I will definitely want to see if some of the DVD of these movies are available (hopefully with English substitles).

Watching movies in BKK is indeed much cheaper & an overall better experience....when I was working there few years back they have these promo offer when it cost only 80bahts, compared to Singapore its really cheap.
Old 27-09-2007, 04:49 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

to all bro

any bro can advise where can i get thai dvd with english subtitles for the below thai films in bkk:

1. Bangkok Dangerous, เพชฆาตเงียบ อันตราย
2. Monrak Transistor, มนต์รักทรานซิสเตอร์
3. 6ixtynin9 (Ruang Talok 69), เรื่องตลก 69
4. Ok Baytong, โอเค เบตง
5. One Take Only
6. Fun Bar Karaoke, ฝันบ้าคาราโอเกะ
7. Midnight, My Love, เฉิ่ม
8. Tropical Malady, สัตว์ประหลาด
9. Tears of the Black Tiger, ฟ้าทะลายโจร
10.One Night Husband, คืนไร้เงา

tried few dvd stores in bkk, was either couldn't find them in dvd format or find them in dvd but with no english subtitles ...
Old 27-09-2007, 09:52 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

Originally Posted by keane16 View Post
to all bro

any bro can advise where can i get thai dvd with english subtitles for the below thai films in bkk:

1. Bangkok Dangerous, เพชฆาตเงียบ อันตราย
2. Monrak Transistor, มนต์รักทรานซิสเตอร์
3. 6ixtynin9 (Ruang Talok 69), เรื่องตลก 69
4. Ok Baytong, โอเค เบตง
5. One Take Only
6. Fun Bar Karaoke, ฝันบ้าคาราโอเกะ
7. Midnight, My Love, เฉิ่ม
8. Tropical Malady, สัตว์ประหลาด
9. Tears of the Black Tiger, ฟ้าทะลายโจร
10.One Night Husband, คืนไร้เงา

tried few dvd stores in bkk, was either couldn't find them in dvd format or find them in dvd but with no english subtitles ...
u already prepared a DVD shopping list, just show it to the shop attendent and hope for the best. then of course, if the show was way too long ago, its obvious that your chances of finding is alot tougher.

if u're roaming siam area, then the places u can try r typically; MBK, siam central, siam square. dont underestimate some of the smaller joints, they just might have what u're looking for, sometimes might also have bootleg productions. eventually, if the DVDs don't have english subtitles... then i guess u'd just have to make do with it, or learn thai to better appreciate it.
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Old 27-09-2007, 10:12 PM
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Re: Thai movies/drama thread

Originally Posted by keane16 View Post
to all bro


tried few dvd stores in bkk, was either couldn't find them in dvd format or find them in dvd but with no english subtitles ...

When I was staying in BKK earlier this year, I bought a lot of 100 baht or 2 for 100 baht DVDs. I only select those with English subtitles. However 2 of the DVD did not have English sub despite stating on the cover of the DVD.
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