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Old 07-09-2023, 08:51 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

Whether men or women, those who say thing like, can I have 2 minute of your time, I will be ready in 5 minute.. Those like to specify usually can't stick to them.
Somehow it's kinky to have a female friend who goes to shower while I wait. It shows she's comfortable. Thoughts can run a little wild, unless she's super unattractive.
Imagine a to be married GF like Milly, already looking for flings or FB. After marriage might become worst. Sorry for her bf. Why bother to get married? Not as if she hooks a rich dumb dude.
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Old 07-09-2023, 09:02 AM
haikim999 haikim999 is offline
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Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Whether men or women, those who say thing like, can I have 2 minute of your time, I will be ready in 5 minute.. Those like to specify usually can't stick to them.
Somehow it's kinky to have a female friend who goes to shower while I wait. It shows she's comfortable. Thoughts can run a little wild, unless she's super unattractive.
Imagine a to be married GF like Milly, already looking for flings or FB. After marriage might become worst. Sorry for her bf. Why bother to get married? Not as if she hooks a rich dumb dude.
In sg many get married for housing, buy bto or resale together as couple...

Agree with u if she likes to fool around might as well stay single... Likewise for guys too...

Anyways for all you know, they might be having an open marriage?
Old 07-09-2023, 09:33 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

Open marriage is one I really cannot understand. While I know housing is expensive in Singapore but not beyond reach. If for the sake of housing or even a shared car to get married but maintain an item marriage, then the home is like a hotel where the couple can each bring their FB or partner home.
It might be cheaper to just rent a one bedroom or if eligible, to buy a small size HDB flat, life will be simpler then.
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Old 07-09-2023, 09:52 AM
guyorgirl guyorgirl is offline
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

Originally Posted by timeliness View Post
Sheepish coz need to ask your help to get her clothes..

Then who knows what will happen when you enter the bathroom with her naked. 🤣
Smart boy, close but not that close. LoL! Coming up !!! Go read!

Originally Posted by cisecov84 View Post
Monday Blue…
Thursday liao la, where got blue, please don't anyhow. Hahaha!!!

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Whether men or women, those who say thing like, can I have 2 minute of your time, I will be ready in 5 minute.. Those like to specify usually can't stick to them.
Somehow it's kinky to have a female friend who goes to shower while I wait. It shows she's comfortable. Thoughts can run a little wild, unless she's super unattractive.
Imagine a to be married GF like Milly, already looking for flings or FB. After marriage might become worst. Sorry for her bf. Why bother to get married? Not as if she hooks a rich dumb dude.
This part here I cannot answer. Similar to guys, why do we get married and still fuck around?

Answer is simple - thrill & variety. What you're citing is simply, society stigma, that casts this prejudice on women that guys fucking around is alright, but girls, no. Even married or not, the stigma is there, it can't be shrug off.

That's why girls will never admit they are sluts or they have many partners or even come to you as a friend ask if you have 30mins to fuck them for leisure. I'm pretty sure many girls would want to do that to some guy they want to try and not get held at gunpoint to be married to them or have any further stings sewn in the relationship.

It's just pure fucking, not love, not looking for more, guys can do it, why can't girls? Look at my poor Janice, all those years of pent up sexual exploration, exploding after I came into her life. Where did all the years of fun go? We can't answer.

As for Lindi, hers are due to needs, but she doesn't fuck around, she chooses her partners carefully, VERY carefully and with her knowledge of men, I was a good pick because we fuck and go. Simple as that.

Milly wise, she knows her market value, she is not lacking in suitors, what she wants is accompaniment, a friend to listen to her, sit down with her, chat, laugh, do similar things (shopping, walking, coffee etc). However, such friendships often do devolve into more, unknowingly or unwantedly.

I shared before, a girl often looks for

a) Good boyfriend
b) Good husband
c) Good father
d) Good lover

Any man would at max be (a) and (d) or (b) and (c) worse, maybe just (b). The criteria they have for partners like looks/wealth etc, is actually classified into these 4 eventually.

When you have (a) and (b), you lack (c) and (d) and you will lookout unknowingly to fill that void. That's why affairs happen.

Same for guys.

a) Good gf
b) Good wife
c) Good mother
d) Good lover

Girls usually comes as (a) and (b) but devolves into (c) and then men get tired of begging for sex or at their pussy's mercies.

So what do guys do? You know the asnwers.

Originally Posted by haikim999 View Post
In sg many get married for housing, buy bto or resale together as couple...

Agree with u if she likes to fool around might as well stay single... Likewise for guys too...

Anyways for all you know, they might be having an open marriage?
That's the common proposal question these days - "Shall we get a BTO?". BORING... but it works.

No matter how somebody fools around, we all want to go back to our own family, whereby we call home.

When with another girl, we just want to enjoy their body, put our cock in, thrust until we cum, then BYE.

At home, you get homecooked meals, family warmth, a soulmate, kids and more. It's actually kind of different.

I've seen people with open marriages, but I don't know how it works, sending your own wife to their dates, or dropping your husbands off at Geylang for 2 hours while you shop, or meeting friends and asking if they want to fuck your spouse.

Honestly, I'm not turned off, it's their preference in lifestyle, it helps boost their relationship and variety to stay fresh.

So, I won't judge them, after all, here we are on SBF, open marriage, fooling around, staying single/married. Does it really matter?

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
Open marriage is one I really cannot understand. While I know housing is expensive in Singapore but not beyond reach. If for the sake of housing or even a shared car to get married but maintain an item marriage, then the home is like a hotel where the couple can each bring their FB or partner home.
It might be cheaper to just rent a one bedroom or if eligible, to buy a small size HDB flat, life will be simpler then.
If I may touch on a sensitive subject to explain this, think of it this way.

Why do people enjoy DOM, Daddy+Daughter, Incest, Siblings, and other forms of kinks including LGBTQ+-ABC123XYZNowIKnowMyABC?

Open marriages permits the sexuality in each other to be harnessed and openly expressed. Go out, "ooo, cute guy, let me fuck him before I go home". Or "My boss wants me to fuck her for promotion, why not? I'll tell my wife later".

We cannot understand what people see in their preference. Just like my preference in girls and options. There are call girls, sluts, and more, why do I like what I like?

Was at Emerald hill years ago in a pub, there were MANY SG girls, and funnily, I noticed a lot of Caucasians frequent that pub. I tried to talk to a table of 2 ladies, they just smiled and declined further conversation. I felt weird.

Sitting outside was a Cauc, alone watching passerby walking by them and I saw a SG girl walk out, and asked if he is alright and if she can buy him a drink and join her friends.


This hit me, this pub is for SG girls to pick up Cauc men for ONS or more.

The table not too far from me was having some birthday bash or something. SG girls mostly. A Cauc went up to them and joined them easily, soon the birthday girl was kissing the Cauc and him feeling her all over.

I heared the conversation:

Cauc: Want to head to hotel?

SGgal: Can't, my boyfriend's coming over soon, but I'm free tomorrow after 4pm.

They exchanged numbers, she's going to get a long white sausage while her boyfriend is getting leftovers.

I pity the boyfriend when I saw him arrive.

We cannot judge and understand people's preferences. LOL.
Old 07-09-2023, 09:56 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

Good Thursday, bad traffic despite school holidays. Stopped next to an Audi, expecting him to accelerate and move off when the light is green, end up both of us didn't accelerate.... LOL...

I just sped up and filtered into the merging. Weird sometimes how we drive and be overly courteous.



M(illy): Erm, little help?

gog: Why? Got cockroach? Lizard?

Oh yes... Mr Cockroach, you'll be so welcomed right now.

M: Can't reach... behind.

Milly turned around and between the door's gap and frame, I could see a red (thick strapped) sleeveless blouse that carried a zip down the middle, the zip is obviously undone. I can never understand why ladies buy such a piece of clothing that demands one to be a contortionist to reach the zip and pull it all up.

At least she managed to get it up and above her bra's band. I was tempted... to pull it down instead of up. I wonder what would have happened.

Being a gentleman, I just pulled up her zipper. Remember guys, I AM A GENTLEMAN, NOT SOME PERVERT!

M: Thanks!

Milly quickly turned around and closed her door fully again. So modest, good to know I'm going to get nowhere with her.

Finally, she emerged from the room in a nice red dress and put on those big round ear rings. Looks cute styled. Tad formal for a movie date. She has a small sling bag across herself, not big one, but enough for wallet and tissue. Dresses were not designed for pockets I guess...

She went over to her shoe cabinet and opened up... WOW... I think she has enough shoes for a month or so. And because of that, she stood there arm around her body, with the other hand's elbow resting on it.

Walked over, I chose a flat heeled, open toe black shoes.

gog: Try this.

Milly looked surprised at me but just took them and tried them on.
Old 07-09-2023, 10:16 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

GNNBCCB Gog, you are not only a GNNBCCB, you can go and teach in uni or poly courses such as Sociology or Social Behavioural Science.
Btw, I wasn't asking a question, hence, you need not worry when you said you have no answer for me. Also, I wasn't targeting at female, it's just a general remark about not able to understand why people would want to marry and be in a open relationship. Worst, to have kids and still say they love each other. Love is selfish and can't be shared, at least that's for me.
About Janice, while you thought you saved her and introduced her to a world she never knew exist. I reckon it's more like someone who could have stayed in hell for all these while, then was given a heaven break, then back to hell again. Another analogy, a woman who never once had an orgasm, then got it once and never able to have another one, ever again. Yet got to pretend it's fine to continue to have stereotyped, lousy sex.
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Old 07-09-2023, 10:54 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

GNNBCCB Gog, you are indeed a TMD gentleman. For most, will forgo the movie and pound on Milly. She might also be secretly wishing it. Too bad, you were too gentle. So lame until I nearly puke.
You better update soon and don't be too brief. Then give excuses about proof reading. That one you can send to me, I help you, FOC.
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Old 07-09-2023, 01:37 PM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Being a gentleman, I just pulled up her zipper. Remember guys, I AM A GENTLEMAN, NOT SOME PERVERT!
We all here know you aint no gentlemen... JUST PRETENDING to be one only. you just dont want to rush things... slowly but surely get her trust.. then BAAMMM she dont know what hit her...... THE LITTLE GOG CAME!
Old 08-09-2023, 09:22 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
GNNBCCB Gog, you are not only a GNNBCCB, you can go and teach in uni or poly courses such as Sociology or Social Behavioural Science.
Btw, I wasn't asking a question, hence, you need not worry when you said you have no answer for me. Also, I wasn't targeting at female, it's just a general remark about not able to understand why people would want to marry and be in a open relationship. Worst, to have kids and still say they love each other. Love is selfish and can't be shared, at least that's for me.
About Janice, while you thought you saved her and introduced her to a world she never knew exist. I reckon it's more like someone who could have stayed in hell for all these while, then was given a heaven break, then back to hell again. Another analogy, a woman who never once had an orgasm, then got it once and never able to have another one, ever again. Yet got to pretend it's fine to continue to have stereotyped, lousy sex.
Wah lao, just sharing my thoughts and life experience become a behavioral scientists? LOL!

Just trying to share more la, not say answer or question, but threads are meant to be informative and responsive, if I wanted points or whatever shit, I'd have been upfront and just write like no tomorrow. I didn't I choose to take it slow and provided insights as well as thoughts and process.


Originally Posted by junior_cannibal View Post
GNNBCCB Gog, you are indeed a TMD gentleman. For most, will forgo the movie and pound on Milly. She might also be secretly wishing it. Too bad, you were too gentle. So lame until I nearly puke.
You better update soon and don't be too brief. Then give excuses about proof reading. That one you can send to me, I help you, FOC.
I want, I honestly want, but I said before, unfortunately, I'm not those kind of men where it takes minimal effort and same day I get to fuck the girl already. A lot of times is building up trust, relationship and also getting to know each other better before banging. Sometimes you just need to be patient, girls will see the good in you, and when they do, they will fuck you willingly.

Girls unlike men aren't visual creatures. However, don't be too disgusting or unpleasant, like didn't shower, or wash your cock etc. Presentable, fat, balding, etc, doesn't matter to girls. If they want your cock, they will get it.

If I had that kind of lure, I think I won't be here writing already, I'll be fucking every minute. So no, I'm not a hunk or sorts, I'm just a gentleman

Originally Posted by bowlofsoup View Post
We all here know you aint no gentlemen... JUST PRETENDING to be one only. you just dont want to rush things... slowly but surely get her trust.. then BAAMMM she dont know what hit her...... THE LITTLE GOG CAME!
Simi pretending, I AM HOR! I really am! You can ask Janice, Lindi, Penny and Milly!!!! No rush one, I take things easy... and ... nicely.

Little gog haven't come into picture.
Old 08-09-2023, 09:24 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

Gooooooood friday, wet morning, car's wet and looks dirty, thank goodness tomorrow is car wash day!!!

The build up is long, I don't get ladies like some of the more fortunate guys here, in a day or two, my fishing line is very thin and long


M(illy): Wow... looks nice. How'd you do it?

gog: Gut feeling, you're wearing red, flats would be more comfy for you since you always wear heels. And black would contrast your pretty dress.

M: I pretty huh?

Milly did the eyes fluttering thing at me like a little girl expecting me to say "yes". I just gave her the 'ha ha ha' look and shook my head.

gog: We are going to be late if we still don't hurry up.

M: Ooooo my captain america! Let's go let's go!

I purposely slowed my steps and Milly hooked her hands around my arm and pulled me faster.

M: Quick! I want to see him!

I always enjoyed these little touches, the cheap thrill for me.

Got into the car separately this time, didn't have to open the door for her. She reclined her chair back slightly more and buckled up. I think I said it before in my other thread - I wish I'm the seat belt...

Managed to reach Vivo before 7.10pm, the show won't start in time any way, at least 15mins of advertisements. Comfy to slowly stroll. Parked slightly further but in a nice big lot.

Milly was definitely unlike Janice.

M: Why park so far?

gog: So that we can walk for a bit, talk and enjoy our movie night.

Well, you folks know I'm very picky about my car, so therefore, parking further, away from others and in selfish lots, help to prevent dings on the doors. This was simply a lie also to make Milly walk with me. Spending some time together.
Old 08-09-2023, 09:36 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

After movie then go for dinner and drinks, just nice nearby got hotel to "rest" for the night 🤭
Old 08-09-2023, 10:09 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

very nice story ... camping for more
Old 08-09-2023, 11:05 AM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

Originally Posted by guyorgirl View Post
Simi pretending, I AM HOR! I really am! You can ask Janice, Lindi, Penny and Milly!!!! No rush one, I take things easy... and ... nicely.

Little gog haven't come into picture.
if i ask
Janice you bang her in church hitting her left and right
lindi in a park bench abusing her front back and top
penny in your room who was a innocent little girl
milly hotel room

now tell me again which part of you is a gentlemen?
Old 08-09-2023, 01:26 PM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

Gog, you are not only GNNBCCB, you are full of BS. Most of all, the most pretentious gentleman that actually wants to get into the panty of the women that you fancy.
Smart move to look passive, make the women gian and cannot wait but instruct you to poke little Gog in to their nests.
While you have fun, hope you remember what you did to Janice. If she didn't choose to keep the baby, you would have a very bad sin to have an aborted child. Your simple logic with her that you guys wouldn't be so lucky to strike the baby lottery so that you could have numerous CIP. This dumb logic should never be applied unless you plan to have a baby when it comes.
Maybe I am just an old fart that believes in karma.
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Old 08-09-2023, 01:32 PM
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Re: Milly - Air Stewardess

See, BS again. Parking nearer or further out not Milly would still be with you for that duration. Not as if she would spend with someone else's. Parked further when she walked, would hold on to your arm as though she's your GF. However, it's a very dangerous thing to do, never know who might you guys happened to know and in their cars looking at you. Worst, the super KPO type might even snap pictures and sent to your other half. At least a couple of my friends had that, when one in HK, the other in Jakarta. When they came home, had a hard time explaining to their OC at home.
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