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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 04-01-2012, 04:54 AM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

[QUOTE=Ichigo_Kurosaki;6743322]Next time, don't go empty handed la, bring some apples or orange

Lol, gd one Bro IK.

Two days back I went down to Lavender HFJ opp 女神。 Though never bring oranges but tabao 4 packets of Wan Tan Noodles after my dinner, and before going in, I went toilet sprinkle water on my face. The singers and mgr asked me :wah, just bathe ah?? I replied: All becoz of u gals I queue for 30 mins damn crowded,as I m afraid u gals are hungry and no strength n energy to work, so I rush here lor !!!!WAH, their pussies oso wet!!!

They quite kam tongs and one singer even sign the drinks for me!!!! Later before the going off for PPC I commented, wah hang flower time ah, they said :看在你的面上,不用了,反正没人 I said :噢,我很乖的,我很听你们的话!

Eventually I only hang the one that treated me the drinks with $50 flower. Total damage for 4 gals $66 for 4 hrs, pretty value for money!!!

So before I left I also stage my next visit: 下次我打包鲍鱼大虾面但不吊花,好吗!
(Chai Chee Bar Chor Abalone Mee $5 + 人人大虾面 $5)kekekekee!!!!

“开心就好,但要好吃”. was their reply. Again I reaffirmed, 我很乖很听话的!!!

We parted with joy n laughter, donno and dont care if they felt the same but I did enjoy though!! So indeed Bro IK, bring oranges does have its priviliges!!!
Old 04-01-2012, 05:16 AM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Went down to 小沈阳, heard take over by 188's female boss.

Quality of singers not bad, a few syts! Ambience not bad either.

Quite surprised that the biggest flower during PPC was $300! Although the place is quite full with around 80% full, mostly hang 100 bucks for their cais. Hmmmm,, either all hold on to bullets ready to retaliate if challenged or undertable covering the gals. But heard last night got some flower battle! Got one Dage hangs various singers and female boss few thousand each, even the cashier da jie who went up to sing on stage gets one thousand!!!

Just one of those moments like the good old days!!!!!!
Old 04-01-2012, 09:09 AM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by ahlang1919 View Post
But heard last night got some flower battle! Got one Dage hangs various singers and female boss few thousand each, even the cashier da jie who went up to sing on stage gets one thousand!!!!
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Old 04-01-2012, 09:41 AM
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Will you pity HFJ singers ?

Originally Posted by 花场Escapefrom View Post
That is the truth, i went back to one club to take a look, it was a show, the singer clocked about 20k + 30k two banner, than loose flowers another 20k.

Her so called boyfriend was sitting one corner not doing much, the old man sitting in the room hanged the 50k.

One year already and they have latched onto a gravy train, every night the old man will go and hang 500 1000.

Day before phone rang and a singer says she is back, please come down to take a look

I did, went down and guess what...

Sng. I booked a table for you, so you must hang flowrr.
Me. Ah, never asked you to book
Sng. You must help to hang, i only earned 50 bucks today, i am going to sing again...
Me. Congratulations, me not hanging..
Me went off and had supper with my buddy instead.
No way to waste money on singers, 100/200 nothing to them.
Buys plenty of groceries and food.

Not rich, not earning more than 20k a month, can avoid the hang flower scene.

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
Actually hor bro, u already old hand in this liao.
I find it VERY hard to accept that you accepted an invitation to go without even knowing her intention is to make you hang.
Quite hard to believe this lor.
Maybe Bro ESC treated this singer as long time friend dun talk money and talk kam cheng only

Never expect when he went down and the disappointment was to ask him book table

I read about many old hand bros posting here and I think Bro ESC is the only one that will pity these HFJ singers

Last edited by reserves; 04-01-2012 at 09:58 AM. Reason: grammar
Old 04-01-2012, 10:20 AM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

I hope every newbies of HFJ realized this hardhitting honest truth and fact:

With all these ghosts, there are no rubbished phrase as catchup for old time sake on mutual well-being, it's always about reactivating of your flower account and their sole well-being Your Kum Chang is their Kum Gong accounts
Old 04-01-2012, 10:43 AM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
I hope every newbies of HFJ realized this hardhitting honest truth and fact:

With all these ghosts, there are no rubbished phrase as catchup for old time sake on mutual well-being, it's always about reactivating of your flower account and their sole well-being Your Kum Chang is their Kum Gong accounts
To put it bluntly.

HFJ singers is no different from KTV hostess and other type of WL. When they see you one time they expect to receive money or other assistance from you one time.

HFJ singers are just high class prostitutes. Hope some chaps can see the points here
Old 04-01-2012, 12:51 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by reserves View Post
To put it bluntly.

HFJ singers is no different from KTV hostess and other type of WL. When they see you one time they expect to receive money or other assistance from you one time.

HFJ singers are just high class prostitutes. Hope some chaps can see the points here
Well bros, apparently a lot of guys are not seeing these guidanced or happenings. Worse, some do not even learn their lessons. HFJs are a kind of scam business, singers are their commodities and their pussies are like reusable toilet-paper. Would you clean your ass with shit tinted toilet-paper? Change the situation to dipping your cock into well abused singers pussies. Remember bring 10k RMB to a china village and you can purchase a virgin. Why spend the same shit here unless you got loads of money to whack.

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Old 04-01-2012, 01:18 PM
jitlong69 jitlong69 is offline
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Reading this, I would like to share a little of what happened to a good friend of mine on his relations with a singer aka prostitutes.

His end result, he lost his family, and he is now in the mental hospital. Sad, really sad. There were times we (friends and I) feel like exposing this bitch whom we think will be back in Singapore soon but what's the use because there are still many many blind stupid cock heads here.
Frankly even my previous Fb (I have none now) from China who is not in the night life trade are not that far off from night life whores and that is......if "no money no talk" you are lucky but if it is "no BIG money no talk" and fuck off, you better fuck off before you end up in the drain.
The fact is nothing is free and that we all agree but these bitches will go over board to drain every penny you have. However Heaven have eyes and some of these bitches also get screwed jialat jialat back in China by their so called boy friend. They deserve no pity. None at all.
Old 04-01-2012, 01:42 PM
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Question HFJ singers are drug pushers in mainland china

Originally Posted by Loving_Dickhead View Post
Well bros, apparently a lot of guys are not seeing these guidanced or happenings. Worse, some do not even learn their lessons. HFJs are a kind of scam business, singers are their commodities and their pussies are like reusable toilet-paper. Would you clean your ass with shit tinted toilet-paper? Change the situation to dipping your cock into well abused singers pussies. Remember bring 10k RMB to a china village and you can purchase a virgin. Why spend the same shit here unless you got loads of money to whack.
I even heard that some singers in Jalan Sultan joints are actually drug pushers back in mainland china. When they xia dang and returned to China, they used the money they earned here, to purchased ectasy pills from the main distributor, re-supply and sell them their disco outlets for a profit

If 10k RMB is only about SGD 2000 plus and that is enough to buy a virgin in mainland china why so many dumb dumb here spent a huge fortune on them

Last edited by reserves; 04-01-2012 at 01:59 PM. Reason: add on
Old 04-01-2012, 04:43 PM
DanAbb DanAbb is offline
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Re: HFJ singers are drug pushers in mainland china

Originally Posted by reserves View Post
I even heard that some singers in Jalan Sultan joints are actually drug pushers back in mainland china. When they xia dang and returned to China, they used the money they earned here, to purchased ectasy pills from the main distributor, re-supply and sell them their disco outlets for a profit

If 10k RMB is only about SGD 2000 plus and that is enough to buy a virgin in mainland china why so many dumb dumb here spent a huge fortune on them
Because men's brains in thier balls. See like and throw money, no need to even think. And the singers know it. The men think they like them, even looking for love in this kind of joints so what to do.
Old 04-01-2012, 05:22 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by AmericanCowboy View Post
even brought me to a famous HFJ in one of the hotel around City Hall, sat me down and walked me through the drills. No, we did not hang a dime but I came out much wiser after seeing all the stunts on stage and the singers who came by our table to greet this bro. The word ghost is too nice to paint them but I would choose the word demonic to describe them.
Ah yes, Club Macau, where the WORST of the WORST dwell.
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Old 04-01-2012, 05:29 PM
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Re: HFJ singers are drug pushers in mainland china

Originally Posted by reserves View Post
I even heard that some singers in Jalan Sultan joints are actually drug pushers back in mainland china. When they xia dang and returned to China, they used the money they earned here, to purchased ectasy pills from the main distributor, re-supply and sell them their disco outlets for a profit

If 10k RMB is only about SGD 2000 plus and that is enough to buy a virgin in mainland china why so many dumb dumb here spent a huge fortune on them
Everything is expensive in Singapore, including used toilet bowls and paper. Even our ministers salaries are highest on the world. Our mata also well paid that their bums are glued to their seats - you think they don't know all the shit happening in HFJs meh? It is they choose to ignore and let them get away or maybe there are insider deals. Everything is a possibility, as long as netizen and citizens do not see they are doing anything, you can expect a Wukan uprising at worst or another aliumied GRC replay.

And and and, hanging flowers can be a form of money laundering or XXxx fundings. And and and what you see may not be real flowers, there are fake flowers by joint owners to bait customers to hang bigger. Everything a possibility again. Be discerning bro.

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Old 04-01-2012, 06:05 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by AmericanCowboy View Post
Dear Bros,

Bro Loving_DickHead brought me out for coffee and he gave a bit-by-bit lesson on on HFJs, the singers, the bosses and not forgetting the other customers. He mentioned that everyone has a game plan and everyone has an agenda of being there and seeking what they want (often a hidden agenda).

This bro even brought me to a famous HFJ in one of the hotel around City Hall, sat me down and walked me through the drills. No, we did not hang a dime but I came out much wiser after seeing all the stunts on stage and the singers who came by our table to greet this bro. The word ghost is too nice to paint them but I would choose the word demonic to describe them.

wow- - must be MACAU lor ....

First tour of Duty - 就去大场,嗯....慢慢看..看他们怎么出手哈哈..

The best is seeing the flower war - eye wide opening show time

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ View Post
It is good that he brought you out to see 1st hand.
Like they say, still water runs deep my friend.
Yes, he told me about you too.
Never look at surface, cos all looks so real and peaceful.
It's the underlying currents that are most DESPICABLE and thus it's the actual face that all nite scene folks try to hide!
You have a good teacher, learn well.
大哥的一言你要牢牢记住, 用一本小册子记下来,每当你要去的时候,随身带着它,包你万无一失,,,金玉良言啊....哈 哈
^^ 一天为魔 ^^ 终身为魔 ^^


Last edited by K9696; 04-01-2012 at 06:17 PM.
Old 04-01-2012, 06:21 PM
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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints

Originally Posted by Ichigo_Kurosaki View Post
Next time, don't go empty handed la, bring some apples or orange

Btw, did you receive text message of a ghost departure Xiu on Monday?
lolz. 这样也可以.. 能省则省..

秀 - 每个礼拜都有啦.. 也不差那几个.. 真是的..
^^ 一天为魔 ^^ 终身为魔 ^^

Old 04-01-2012, 06:31 PM
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Re: HFJ singers are drug pushers in mainland china

Originally Posted by reserves View Post
I even heard that some singers in Jalan Sultan joints are actually drug pushers back in mainland china. When they xia dang and returned to China, they used the money they earned here, to purchased ectasy pills from the main distributor, re-supply and sell them their disco outlets for a profit

If 10k RMB is only about SGD 2000 plus and that is enough to buy a virgin in mainland china why so many dumb dumb here spent a huge fortune on them
Wah so serious ah. True what's their back ground no one knows.
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