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Old 25-08-2011, 09:42 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by upmountain View Post
Hi bros,

I will have to be in Jakarta next month for a business meeting. Just wondering if the Hotel Nikko is a good choice of hotel in terms of location to Sparks Hotel? (I want to try the thematic room la ).

I am not sure how it works in JKT but are the hotels girl-friendly or will I encounter any problems trying to get an FL from CJ's at Mulia (for example) to go back to the Hotel Nikko with me?

Will really appreciate some advice on JKT as I am totally green to the city.
Hotel Nikko is a bit further south from Kota. Taxi will take about 20mins depending on traffic. Otherwise take the Transjakarta busway northbound and get off at Olimo, from there, its about a 10min walk to Sparks Hotel.
FYI, the best hotel to stay if you intend visiting Sparks is Hotel Mercure, Kota, not as posh as Nikko but the location is fantastic for cheonging in Kota and Ancol.

This is not a problem, you don't even have to make the first move! Just make initial eye contact and the rest will follow. Picking up gals at CJ is never a problem if they know you have $$$ and even if you're old, bald, fat and ugly like me...
Old 26-08-2011, 10:31 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by upmountain View Post
Hi bros,

I will have to be in Jakarta next month for a business meeting. Just wondering if the Hotel Nikko is a good choice of hotel in terms of location to Sparks Hotel? (I want to try the thematic room la ).

I am not sure how it works in JKT but are the hotels girl-friendly or will I encounter any problems trying to get an FL from CJ's at Mulia (for example) to go back to the Hotel Nikko with me?

Will really appreciate some advice on JKT as I am totally green to the city.
Bro, NIkko is located next to the famous Jakarta Roundabout popularly known as Bunderan HI. Its is just opposite the Grand Hyatt / Plaza Indonesia and 5 minutes walking distance to the Grand Indonesia Mall. I would say its a good location and a resonably good hotel. FLs not a problem with Nikko Hotel but best to escort your lady guest out when she leaves. At least she will not be harassed by the security staff.

Distance to Sparks at Mangga Besar is roughly 20mins but that depends on the traffic. If you are going to Sparks, there is a SYT called Widiya (Wi-di- ya), my colleague said she is friendly.
Old 26-08-2011, 10:33 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by Sparco21 View Post
staying near sultan hotel, any places of interest?
Near to CJ - Hotel Mulia.
But traffic is usually bad in that area.
Old 26-08-2011, 10:36 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by BobGuccione View Post
Hotel Nikko is a bit further south from Kota. Taxi will take about 20mins depending on traffic. Otherwise take the Transjakarta busway northbound and get off at Olimo, from there, its about a 10min walk to Sparks Hotel.
FYI, the best hotel to stay if you intend visiting Sparks is Hotel Mercure, Kota, not as posh as Nikko but the location is fantastic for cheonging in Kota and Ancol.

This is not a problem, you don't even have to make the first move! Just make initial eye contact and the rest will follow. Picking up gals at CJ is never a problem if they know you have $$$ and even if you're old, bald, fat and ugly like me...
Please Bob, I am sure you are better looking than that. Next trip in J - CIty, sound me off, yah.
Old 26-08-2011, 10:38 AM
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Smile Re: Jakarta Info

Thank you for all your answers. They were very helpful.
Old 26-08-2011, 12:56 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by batty View Post
Thank you for all your answers. They were very helpful.
KliK sInI >>>IndO C3W3
Old 26-08-2011, 03:29 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by S.B.Y.1 View Post
Pak you going to mudik.

I am going to mudik this evening. Will be back on 31 Aug 2011.

Selamat hari Raya, Idul Fitri
Mohan maaf lahir dan batin
Old 26-08-2011, 07:46 PM
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Red face Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by newbird9403 View Post
Pak you going to mudik.

I am going to mudik this evening. Will be back on 31 Aug 2011.

Selamat hari Raya, Idul Fitri
Mohan maaf lahir dan batin
Not this Lebaran . Just went back Mei.

Check yr PM

Selamat Hari Lebaran to all Mas of Jakarta Info thread
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Old 28-08-2011, 02:37 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Went to KING CROSS during the 2 weeks ago (fasting month). Surprisingly the gals did stripped, when i buy 5 shots of drinks (Rp 250K). Most gals are at least 7/10 looks. After 2 hours at the lounge (3rd floor), cannot take it anymore and go to pick a gal at the first floor. There are about 50 gals to choose. Managed to choose one gal, cost Rp 300K for a FJ.

Quite an eye opener for a novice to Jakarta.

Welcome to Jakarta !
Old 28-08-2011, 04:02 AM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Went to KING CROSS 2 weeks ago (fasting month). Surprisingly the gals did stripped, when i buy 5 shots of drinks (Rp 250K). Most gals are at least 7/10 looks and SYT. After 2 hours at the lounge (3rd floor), cannot take it anymore and go to pick a gal at the first floor. There are about 50 gals to choose. Managed to choose one gal, cost Rp 300K for a FJ.

Quite an eye opener for a novice to Jakarta.

Welcome to Jakarta !
Old 28-08-2011, 06:22 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

Again I'm repeating this for the sake of safety & to avoid being conned by this con artist@ aakumu/long dick/adver & God knows what other clone nicks;

I'm so glad you pointed out to me & all forumers that you're were previously on Moderation! Guys you decide whom you wish to believe ??? Con Man with previously negative (xxx) points or Seniors with many years on the forum, well respected & above all +++ points! It shows who you should trust & whom you shouldn't!!! The Mods are doing thier job to protect the forum from such con man & let's keep it safe! I agree that the choice is yours to partake or to avoid but do think twice becoz your action may result in not only lost of hard earned $ from being conned to not only pay above market prices based on past FRs but more importantly would you trust your safety to a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum??? I definatly WONT!
Originally Posted by klguylate30s View Post
LOL now he admits after being caught~!

A word of caution if you noticed by now this is a thread started by aakumu to promote an agent which i believe it's him personally based on the manner of his/agent/clone's posting & several mistakes including postings @ whereby he forgotten he's using aakumu nick and made a mistake & posted this & since he's under moderation for his many errors he tried to do some whitewashing by coming back with the following post @ . He is a proven FAKER/PROVEN MULTIPLE NICKS/PROFILE/THREAT ISSUER TO INNOCENT PARTIES/PROVEN ABUSER OF SAM'S forum!!!

Be very cautious when reading postings or recommendations from this thread as it could be him/his clones (proven @ ) only to promote his fake services & be WARNED guys just imagine if you take his tour & he doesn't like your face = you may end up in BIG TROUBLE instead of being assisted! I WOULD STAY AWAY FROM THIS CON MAN SERVICES! Please read the links to judge what kind of a pretender he is! Please feel free to contact seniors with reputable points for verification instead of those with immense negative points!

The constant postings by me is because he has issued physical threats to the other tour agent even though he wasn't involved in this as a few seniors started questioning him as to why he posted a FR which was copied & edited & posted as his own! Reference of a senior who caught his mistake @ Please visit the other Jakarta thread for a non commercial@ & you may save yourself from being cheated & abused physically by this conman if he doesn't like you! I will continue to protect innocent fellow SBF members from this dangerous person!
Old 28-08-2011, 10:23 PM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Hi all seniors!

I'm going to Jakarta for 2 weeks. stay in hotel mulia. I guess I will only go CJ then... all other places seemed very scary to me ... I'm a newbie so won't take risk
Old 29-08-2011, 03:03 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Btw ill be there a week, n I have read many valuable info from others. I think will only go on wed night.

since some said this place might have office ladies coming for fun or one night stand, I hope I dun offend anyone if I ask "how much"

what is the standard rate now after the hari lebaran?

Maybe after holiday the pussy is fresher? haha
Old 29-08-2011, 11:59 AM
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Re: Jakarta Info

Originally Posted by velenma View Post
Btw ill be there a week, n I have read many valuable info from others. I think will only go on wed night.

since some said this place might have office ladies coming for fun or one night stand, I hope I dun offend anyone if I ask "how much"

what is the standard rate now after the hari lebaran?

Maybe after holiday the pussy is fresher? haha
I believe the ladies will be offended if you ask the question right away. Come up with terms like 'donation' or 'taxi money'. Drop it casually at the front if she asks, discreetly, or at the end of your fun, even if she never asks, if you are willing. Good luck.
Time to go with caveat emptor. Searching for good providers all over the world.
Old 29-08-2011, 10:37 PM
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Re: Jakarta's trip

JAKARTA, The government finally decided to start a Shawwal 1432 Hijri falls on August 31, 2011. Thus, the celebration of Idul Fitri or Lebaran nationally set on that date.
This result is obtained through the Council of sanctions which is leaded by the Minister of Religious ministry Suryadharma Ali in the office on Monday (8/29/2011), after listening to a variety of input. "The Council sanctions Shawwal 1432 Hijri decided a fall on Wednesday August 31, 2011," recalls.

This decision was taken based on the outline of the four participants view Council sanctions, especially the point that the majority of the suggestions in the conference he called specific attention to reports from various points ru'yah, while agreeing that the MUI fatwa 1 Syawal falls on 31 August.

Before the conference starts sanctions, ministries and the Islamic religious leaders listen to the expression of the hilal, or moon position on the afternoon in various districts by the members of the Ministry of Religious Bodies Rukyat Mathematics from the Planetarium Cecep Nurwendaya RI. During his presentation, Cecep said the positioning system 22 hilal, hilal majority see the position has not reached 2 degrees as a condition of it start the new month. Therefore, Eid is expected to fall on 31 August.

When the conference started, Suryadharma mempersilahkan Managing Director of Syariah Islam and the Construction of Religious Ministry to deliver a report Ahmad Jauhari ru'yah results from various regions of the archipelago. Ahmad said reports from 30 locations, from West to East Indonesia Sumatra have not seen mentioned hilal or months as the early signs of the new moon. Thus, 1 Shawwal 1432 Hijri and the date of the Idul Fitri celebration of a national official to fall on Wednesday (08/31/2011).

But so too, David says there are about two reports claiming to have done ru'yah and see hilal or months, namely from Jepara, Central Java and Cakung, East Jakarta. This means that Love can be celebrated tomorrow, Tuesday (08/30/2011).

The present religious figures is allowed to give input. The Muhammadiyah ask ru'yah in Jepara and Cakung come to be considered. Meanwhile, others felt that ru'yah can not be trusted.

Sanctions conference is an annual ritual that made the Ministry to set the Idul Fitri celebration on monitoring hilal or moon position on the afternoon in various districts. Apart from various ormas Muslim leaders and representatives from DPR RI, sanctions conference this year was attended by Ambassadors of friendly countries, including from Yemen, Brunei Darussalam, Palestine, Lebanon, Malaysia, Kuwait, and Egypt.
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