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Old 18-01-2020, 05:56 PM
HC_LOVER HC_LOVER is offline
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Originally Posted by subway73 View Post
Open mouth is 400
Yes, 50 more than our local mistress.
Anyway this rate is reasonable being an overseas mistress.This SM circle need more of these PRC mistress to come on board to satisfy us.
Old 18-01-2020, 10:59 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

A lil off topic, sorry if its in the wrong place. But anyone has any experience of finding BDSM mistresses in London?
Old 18-01-2020, 11:20 PM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by keeef View Post
A lil off topic, sorry if its in the wrong place. But anyone has any experience of finding BDSM mistresses in London?
London has quite a lot of famous dommes, one of the most well-known is Miss Foxx:

If you're into black dommes you can give her a shot.
Old 20-01-2020, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by HC_LOVER View Post
Message xue wang(雪王) and likely she will be back after chinese new year and still very much depending on the demand here. Wonder how many slaves served her before during her last visit in early to mid dec last year? I personally served her 4 times during her 3 weeks here. Hope she can return if not have to fly shenzhen to serve her leao.
Who ever interested please add this Wechat wanmei78999 for mistress Snow(雪王) and inform that we are local slave and if the demand are high, then she will come to singapore after chinese new year and the tribute is $4**
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Old 21-01-2020, 12:52 AM
ChateauLancer ChateauLancer is offline
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Dear Bros,

There is a new Dom in town till the 25th. You may address her as Ms M.

She's just back in action after retire for some time.

You may contact here thru here...

Fast hand fast leg before no more slots available. Have fun guys and Happy Advance Chinese New Year.
Old 21-01-2020, 04:20 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by ChateauLancer View Post
Dear Bros,

There is a new Dom in town till the 25th. You may address her as Ms M.

She's just back in action after retire for some time.

You may contact here thru here...

Fast hand fast leg before no more slots available. Have fun guys and Happy Advance Chinese New Year.
Oh wow, I remember her from almost 8 years ago.
Old 26-01-2020, 02:09 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by subway73 View Post
I hardly ever deleted any contact from my wechat but I deleted hers. That's speaks a lot.
Good! Cos I don't need subs like u! I am so glad that u are out of my Wechat cos "IT" save me the trouble of removing a pest! Stick to your decision cos "IT" makes me very happy/overjoy to know that I am safe from idiots! Good luck!

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 26-01-2020 at 09:20 AM.
Old 26-01-2020, 03:16 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
I find the description of professionalism to be inaccurate, as on wechat she's always raging at people. Even on this thread, she's always arguing and being abusive with people over minor issues, and I remember her even threatening to doxx other bros and "tear down this forum as well as the BDSM community" in her own words.

Hysterical loose-cannon behavior is something to avoid in a domme, or any sex worker. Or in a woman in general.

She may be a skilled domme, but calling her 'professional' is an insult to other dommes who actually are professional.
You never failed to piss me off whenever I check into this forum for gossips once in a blue moon. Let me remind u again that I am not A SEX WORKER! U bloody idiot love putting me down as SEX WORKER to satisfied your stupid and twisted mentality of being a more superior asshole than me. Oh ya, u are too poor to see me to understand that I don't engage in physical sexual activities nor go nude.

U think by being the pay master allow u to call me names or agreeable to those pathetic idiots in leaking my info? Stalking me? And I have to accept it in silent because u are my pay master?

Whether I am professional or not is not up to u to judge cos I have nvr meet u and reason for not seeing me because u can't afford so save your damn FR for those whom u can afford. My 2 cents worth for your USELESS pea size brain, u may have seen a lot of dommes, how many? 20? 30? 40? 50? 100?

Do u know how many subs/slaves/sluts I have seen in my 4 yrs of pro-domme career in SG and overseas?

If I see 3 subs in 1 week X 52 weeks a year =156 subs/slaves per year
156 subs yearly X 4 yrs = 624 subs/slaves in minimal total!

And this number is based on the most minimum and conservative calculation. So now tell me who has seen more and have more field experience? U or me? And U know what? I am still very active in this BDSM world where I am very sought after in S.E.A. U really think I'm a bimbo who got lucky to stay in this profession consecutively for 4 yrs? And u dare say I am an insult to other professional domme? Did anyone write u a review for being a good sub or a fuck up sub? I bet u don't have any right? And how many good reviews have u written for those dommes u have seen over the years? Do u really want a showdown? Because I am more than willing to meet up with u to verify your FR and my FRS. Do u have the guts to see me in person? If not, shut your fuck up! Don't think that u are allow to insult or rather criticized me as and when u like in this forum over issues u do not understand! IF u can have FREEDOM OF SPEECH in this forum, SO DO I!!!! Do not think that I will be afraid of u and your nonsense.


Another thing, what's consider minor issues to u? To have your info leaked, threatened to expose is minor? To have your child/family picture posted on BDSM forum is minor? Instead of condemning such actions, all u idiots keyboard warriors are condemning me when I threw a fit to want to protect my innocent child. Are u a parent or rather do u have the basic morality and integrity of a human being?

If any MOTHER can keep her cool then SHE is not in love with her CHILD! I can be that sweet little chick and kowtow to u for hanging out money to me. The truth is that I will turn into a fighting cock if u try to attack my family and the fact that u didn't give me free hangout means I don't fucking owe u anything!!! So I speaks my mind!

Another issues, WTF are u doing in my Wechat? Lurking in the dark to pick on my faults? But nvr once mention those "Thank You Note" written by my subs/slaves across S.E.A? Didn't u read that I posted more positive/fun stuffs than my raging posts? U seem to enjoy picking on those negative posts, magnified it and turn a blind eyes to see the majority good posts. Most important question, I honestly wanna know what are u doing in my Wechat when u couldn't afford to see me for session, doesn't agree with me in any and every way! Are u trying to be a SNITCH aka RAT?????

U better make sure I don't find out who u are in reality cos I will definitely return the favors of what u bestowed onto me aka those minor issues as u mentioned...It won't be expensive to engage PI if I really wanna report u. I have to emphasized that this is not a threat, I am really very sick and tired of dickheads like u who hides behind the screen to judge anyone especially me who are trying my best to make a honest living and strive to deliver fantasies for those who seek me up for sessions. In case u didn't realise, I am a dominatrix in BDSM and being tough/arrogant/fierce is what makes a Mistress. If U want soft gal who is hard up for your pathetic money, go find amateur lah! Stop hanging around here giving FR for knowing nothings!

There is a limits to my patient and I hope u don't cross me ever again. Like u mentioned " I am a loose cannon" so u better make sure I don't blow up ya!

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 26-01-2020 at 10:18 AM.
Old 26-01-2020, 03:46 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by doctor sex View Post
Agreed. I will never visit this woman after her outrageous behaviour on this forum last year.
Hey, I will nvr want to see a dickhead loser like u too. Ppl who has no conscience, no morality and no integrity are deem worthless in living. If u choose to follow the blind and deaf, don't expect any respect from me!

Do not ever think that I will be hard up for your little miserable money, I am not on your payroll and not at your mercy! Is a work/job that goes both way ya. If u can speak your mind then don't blame me for speaking mine! I am on equal status as u. And don't try to penalize me for speaking up for myself as some sort of OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR!

U know what? Go eat your own shit , stay out of my way and don't expect me to be nice towards ppl like u, NEVER!

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 26-01-2020 at 05:32 AM.
Old 26-01-2020, 04:55 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Havanna Slicks View Post
i believe we need to separate things inside of session and outside of session, yes she is skilled and whatever it is we pay her inside a session, she fulfilled her obligations, outside of session is her own private time and space, she can do whatever she wants, we didnt pay her outside session, who are we to judge her, unless u're saying there is a standard code of ethics and conduct that a domme has to observe before she is deemed a 'professional' domme? here and wehcat is public area, everyone and anyone can do or say what they want, u like can read, dont like move on, no need to wine like it...

turn it the other way round, a domme is 'professional' outside of session but cmi inside a session, would u pay for her? if cmi session think give u free also dowan right...

there is no professional body or guideline as to the skills, behavior or conduct of a domme, so how to define professional in this sense? is there certain qualifications or certification whether they pass teh bar or not? a prodomme ie PD is a domme who collects a tribute for a session, doesnt mean she is professional or not...

personally i find so as long a domme fulfils her obligations within a session, well groomed, observes hygiene, has a certain skill level, respect limits, she is pretty much her job well done, professional or not, doesnt really matter to me, juz my 2 cents... sexy and fun just completes my idea of a good domme...

that said flip the coin, contents of a session, quirks and kinks of a sub, personal particulars should stay pnc no matter what, similar to a lawyer/doctor - client privilege... imagine u had the most awesome and wonderful session ever only to have such info revealed, nobody will wan that to happen unless with explicit consent...

previously there was a group of students doing a project on BDSM, they approached me for a video interview similar to the one they did on eva, i accepted on the condition no photos or videos to be taken, if u had read the article, the sub at the end of the article, tonie, yup that's me... if i'm a retiree with no vanilla obligations, i would have agreed to do a video interview...

If a domme were to share pnc info freely, that is what I would deem unprofessional... a sub share with domme is because he/she trust her, she shld respect it instead of abusing that trust and use it against the sub... if we do not have trust or protection understanding that our info is safe, who will dare to share anymore...
Hey, I really appreciate u speaking up for me. And it has been almost 2 yrs since we met before Xmas that year. I still remembered clearly that I was woken by a sub who told me to checkout your post on Xmas morning. I know I am too expensive to see repeatedly but I thank u very much for remembering what we did that fateful day which have u being reasonable with me over the years and keeping me in fond memories...

Today I entered into this forum by mistake cos I thought it was another website saved on my chrome toolbar and since I'm in, I might as well check out the latest gossips. Sadly I found myself being the target board again, the last time I checked in Oct 2019 where one of my subs posted a reviews, I was being criticized by those dickhead keyboard warriors.

But it was very very comforting to have u voice your concerns for me, I suppose not many of my regular subs will go this far for me. I could understand because most wanna be discreet and tend to comfort me in private msg thru my Wechat. Is not just once that u have voiced for me and u really warm my heart and I'm teary at this moment when I type. I am very thankful for my diligence/work ethic in making sure I deliver your requirements when u seek me up for a 2 hours session 2 yrs ago. I suppose only those I have met for sessions knows how much I do to make sure it is enjoyable, clean and space comfortable for short intimate time I had with u guys.

I rarely meet subs outside my session for drinks/dinner because I had to be fair to those who pay to see me. And the past 4 yrs as a Prodomme, I have nvr engage in any physical sexual activities nor have a personal slave for my pleasure because I keep a strict rule to separate work and private life. Am so glad u understand this perfectly. Hence I would like to meet up with u for dinner when I'm back to SG for sessions on 3rd Feb. It would be my treat of appreciation for your fond memories of me. It is because of these fond memories which makes u stand on neutral ground and sees a clearer pictures of the situation instead of jumping in the wagon of uncalled accusations.

Session or no session aside, I must admit that U are a person undeniably worthy of having a coffee/drinks/dinner with and I am apologetic that it took me 2 yrs to realize this precious quality in u. I maybe late to be friendly but I hope I could make up for it. As U have been in my Wechat for yrs so u know that I have a busy schedule flying all over S.E.A for sessions hence making me difficult to be/make friends with anyone even in my private life. Sometimes for my obligations to my other subs, I don't get too comfortable or friendly with u guys. It may seem as arrogance but it was indeed a SOP for my work. At times, I do feel lonely being far away from home and all alone in hotel to eat or drink, rushing from session to session and destination to destination. But I will always make time for anyone who is nice towards me. As such, I really hope we could catch up during my next return to SG. PM me on my Wechat ya.

Btw, enjoy your CNY and I wish u every success in your future endeavor.

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 26-01-2020 at 05:41 AM.
Old 26-01-2020, 07:47 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Today is CNY and I would say I was pretty upset to have stumbled into here. I was suppose to click on the icon for Skyscanner to check on flights to China next week because I've got an invitation for sessions in China. Strangely, I clicked on the wrong icon on my chrome tool bar and ended up inside here. I then randomly go thru the posts and was pissed to find myself being the target board again.

I seriously don't understand those idiots keyboard warriors as to why they went to such extent to be judgmental towards me whom they have not meet because they couldn't afford to see me or for whatever fuck reasons they have for not seeing me ya. Perhaps their tiny pea size brain doesn't allow them to think nor understand why would I have good FRS or have subs enjoyed session with me. LMAO

They did see a substantial number of Prodommes but they have not the brain to think I have seen 10xs or more 10xs of subs multiple by the number of dommes they seen. Is like a swamp frog telling a fish from the ocean that he can swim better than the fish. Totally amused me... Hahaha

Being a Prodomme is a lonely job, there is no acceptance from family nor friends and definitely no academy certification. It is hard to maintain friendship or relationship cos this job is a taboo in reality. And to be outright honest, I do not have friends while I'm on this job cos it is hard to explain what I do and why I have to fly off suddenly for an urgent sessions. While on travelling, I don't have time to chat with friends cos I'll be busy in sessions and by the time I finish my work, I need to reply to last min enquires for session for the next day or following day or I'm rushing to my next destination and catching the 1st flight out. I would be late and mentally drained to chat with friends so it makes me hard to be friend. I am always on the 1st morning flight like 3am - 6am out to any countries for session and to avoid missing my flights, I sometimes do not sleep in order to be on time. I only catch a short nap when boarded. There is no colleagues nor peers to discuss the upcoming sessions, so most often than not, Prodomme works in their most understanding ways and the best they could to make the sessions enjoyable, learning from mistakes and striving for the best. It is a very subjective job because there is no guideline nor professional certification. Everyone has different fetishes and hard limits, is not like SK2 where 1 product fits all. And if u are in my Wechat, u will see my posts of being alone most of the time even when I get home, I will be so exhausted that I need to sleep for a few days to catch up my energy. So u the dickhead are telling me I have lots of raging posts? And why shouldn't I have some raging posts where I'm missing sleep, rushing like hell, lugging a 30kgs luggage to fly to the countries for session and had no show or last min cancellation??? How would u feel if u fly to another country for meeting just to be notify upon arrival that your prospective doesn't want to see u or worse no notification at all? I am in my own biz, no show or last min cancellation means no income! Do u expect me to smile and chat happily after all those efforts? Mind u! I am human like u and I have feelings, temper and disappointment too! Don't expect me to be a SAINT when u are the DEVIL!!!

I can't say I am nice because I can't be too nice in a high risk job with no protection bodies nor union to stand up for me. Being a sub in SG or overseas allow u to be an idiot to brag or criticize your experience in session and the dommes but being a Prodomme means I have to withstand all the negative elements and not being able to do likewise as those idiots keyboard warriors to criticize the subs. Honestly, what makes u think u are allow the FREEDOM OF SPEECH to be judgmental and Prodomme has to accept your shits and can't stand up for myself? Defending myself or protecting the ppl I love is considered OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR?

And the best part is that those idiots keyboard warriors like to consider themselves righteous! Fucking hilarious!!! Especially when they are lack of words for argument with me, they called me SEX WORKER. And when they find someone who can be soft towards them, they called those MISTRESS. Even go on to help get session and post for those MISTRESS in here. To me these keyboard warriors wants to be above the Mistress where they can control and PIMPING! They cannot accept anyone {ME} who is stronger in character than them whom is not for them to insult, control and judge!

Honestly, I don't give a damn what u dickhead have to say because I have proven myself for the past 4 yrs being in session every week or biweekly in SG and S.E.A. But I just couldn't sit back and let u think u can have the privilege to judge me with that pathetic miserable little money u have. And especially when I don't earn your little money, I won't give u the benefits of trying to be superior above me! For what I understand, U have done every ways to sabotage me when u can hoping I will be disqualify from being a dominatrix in BDSM. What doesn't kill me makes me STRONGER!

I am very grateful/thankful to my all subs who posted a FRS for me in here. Perhaps they wanna help me fight those uncalled negativity. But even when they do post FRS for me, there is always some dickhead to say I AM NOT WORTH IT!

Every countries I visited, I always get the remarks from overseas subs that they envied the SG subs for being able to see me regularly because they have to wait months to see me. I have to bite my lips and refrain from criticizing my fellowmen. Is nvr nice to tell another national that my homeland subs thinks nothing of me. Call it a patriotism or whatever, I just can't condemn my fellowmen because it is in SG where I became a dominatrix and moved on to be global/international Prodomme. Somehow, I have made a name for myself overseas and super proud of being a dominatrix from SG but sadly my fellowmen called me a SEX WORKER!

I don't wish to say much nor have u think that I brag about what my overseas subs think of me, I can only proudly say I rarely fail in my sessions. Go on and support Mistresses from overseas and condemn your homegrown dommes if it makes u think u are internationally wise. U clearly don't understand the qualities, strengths and abilities of being a Singaporean which was known to the rest of the world of being efficient, hard working, knowledgeable and responsible!

My final word to u dickheads, with or without your support, I will continue to make a name of myself GODDESS XENIA overseas and Europe/USA. Watch me ya!

Lastly before I pen off, I wanna remind "THE OTHER ONE" to watch your mouth ya. Call me a SEX WORKER or an INSULT again and I will make sure I splashed your photos or personal info in public! Btw, I have enquired about u and was told how u look like. It will not be difficult to find u if I want? I suppose u didn't know that PRC mistress has a group chat and I happened to be in it for yrs. And I also have a agent slave in China who handle some of my sessions in China and he is the one who intro me to the PRC Mistress group chat. So it won't be hard to find u out from the PRC mistress whom u represent or see in SG. Most importantly, ppl can be bought by MONEY as according to u! I am not normal in being so vengeful but if u humiliate me further, I may have to defend myself in the most OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR!

Last edited by Goddessxenia; 26-01-2020 at 09:46 AM.
Old 26-01-2020, 09:35 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by Goddessxenia View Post
Hey, I will nvr want to see a dickhead loser like u too. Ppl who has no conscience, no morality and no integrity are deem worthless in living. If u choose to follow the blind and deaf, don't expect any respect from me!

Do not ever think that I will be hard up for your little miserable money, I am not on your payroll and not at your mercy! Is a work/job that goes both way ya. If u can speak your mind then don't blame me for speaking mine! I am on equal status as u. And don't try to penalize me for speaking up for myself as some sort of OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR!

U know what? Go eat your own shit , stay out of my way and don't expect me to be nice towards ppl like u, NEVER!
I rest my case
Old 26-01-2020, 10:26 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Anybody tried mistress Mel before? Not sure if she's legit
Old 26-01-2020, 10:53 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by doctor sex View Post
I rest my case
I sincerely hope so. Cos u guys has made me stay up all night and fuming with fire off my eyes, nose and ears. I am like a raging fire/cannon waiting to explode! I am working hard to do my work well and is fine that u don't see/realize my efforts but that doesn't gives u any right to insults!

I don't check in here regularly, in fact I don't want to because I know SG subs rarely support SG dommes so no point hoping for recognition from fellowmen. Was expecting negativity but didn't expect outright insults and humiliation!

Mark your words and do likewise. Because I am not those SYT that will let the sleeping dog lie...

In case u wanna continue to be nasty, bring it on cos I am ready for war. Otherwise, we could be at peace and stay away...
Old 26-01-2020, 11:16 AM
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Re: Fetish/Role Play/BDSM in HC

Originally Posted by otherOne View Post
I find the description of professionalism to be inaccurate, as on wechat she's always raging at people. Even on this thread, she's always arguing and being abusive with people over minor issues, and I remember her even threatening to doxx other bros and "tear down this forum as well as the BDSM community" in her own words.

Hysterical loose-cannon behavior is something to avoid in a domme, or any sex worker. Or in a woman in general.

She may be a skilled domme, but calling her 'professional' is an insult to other dommes who actually are professional.
I need info on this non Chinese. Anyone who can offer me info which can identify with H*** add, Ph**o, M**** number, W**k will be given a token of SGD$5** to SGD$1*** cash or for subs, I am willing to give 10 free sessions which my local tribute is SGD450/per hr X 10 = SGD4500

This is not a joke. Add me on my Wechat ID GoddessXenia to feed me ya.
I want this bastard.
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