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Old 26-01-2010, 12:19 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

1stly, thanks to Bro Powertools for the contact.

Have had Wan Er's number for about a month or so now. As i have a regular office job, the earliest i can make it is probably 7pm. So hard to find a slot with her!

Yesterday i managed to squeeze in a slot and i was so excited. Promised an FR to bro Powertools, so here it is. For those of you who do not want to read a long FR please scroll right to the bottom for the stats.

LOOOoooOOooong FR:

Brief background on myself. Recently retired from the cheong scene cos i got hitched. Do not wish to continue the dark path (am trying very hard!).

I love to have 2 things in a massage; a very hard shoulder press, and done by a pretty woman with a fresh look (doesnt need to be syt but no aunties pls). From past experience, those massage joints who offer the 'special' menu actually have girls who give very good n hard shoulder presses, even more so than a proper-no-hanky-panky massage joint run by fat aunties! The problem is that when you reject these girls for their specials they get offended, give u black face and keep enticing you to part with more money. Some even stop the massage halfway when i refuse to have a hj. Sometimes i give in and have a hj but they will try and convince me to have something more, if i dont, then the hj becomes very rough. It is as if i owe them something.

So i was very happy when i chanced apon Wan Er's thread. Its been very long since i last up a girl other than my OC (ok ok, only afew months but i'm trying ok ). Set a time and proceeded to the destination. I was cool n calm. Even took the time to chat with the reception. Got the keys and went to wait for Wan Er in the room.

Once i closed the doors however, i became a nervous wreck. I have no idea why. Suddenly the thrills of meeting some pretty woman behind my OC's back went rushing through my head. Adrenalin levels were on a high! Thoughts of my 1st massage at BHC a long time ago ran through my mind. This is not my first time but somehow, i have the same newbie feeling.

How will she look like? Is she chio? How big are her breasts? Does she have nice complexion? Is she so legendary like her FRs describe her? More importantly, is she a tease?

As my mind raced through those thoughts a knock on the door and i knew the lady has arrived. I opened the door with shaky hands (no kidding, i was that nervous, i have no idea why) to reveal a cheery face.

Wan Er was dressed in a T-shirt n shorts. Looked abit like the taiwanese singer Ah Mei (Zhang Hui Mei), i thought. Ok was pleasant looking but as I wasnt a fan of Ah Mei, i cant say i'm impressed. Her ample bosoms were another story though. Even in a conservative T-shirt get up i could tell her breasts were huge! The bros did not lie in their FR.

We exchanged greetings and I told her i'll pop into the shower real quick. As i was soaping up, i could see through the frosted glass bathroom that she was changing into her massage outfit as well. OMG what a turn on! Immediately i had a huge erection and couldnt help it but add more soap to my rod and started stroking. Then it hit me; this is supposed to be a no hanky panky massage! Whoops , quickly washed off the soap and all naughty thoughts aside and dried up for my long anticipated session.

Noob as i was, i wore my undies and lied face first to bed. She promptly told me to take them off. So paisei i dunno why! We both tried to break the ice by talking about general stuff. I said my shoulders were aching the whole week and she duely targeted that area.

Hmmmm, strong hands, and yet, smooth fingers. As she moved herself into position above my lower back i could feel something familiar. OMG is it her pussy or her ass rubbing on my legs? I was very SCN at that time and yet i dare not turn my head to check. It was very subtly done but something was definitely brushing against my legs. Blood rushed to my manhood again and man, was this a good way to start things off or what.

Strength was good, strokes were very firm and she knew her stuff. Going through all those tensed up muscles is going to help me relax. Throughout she was quite chatty, i usually hate masseurs who chat non-stop as i would rather take the time to really think about nothing at all. There is something about Wan Er however that just draws you into her conversations. She is no bubbly syt but rather a confident woman who knows her strong points and how to ooze sexyness without being cheap.

She proceed to move on to my legs and spread my loins. Wow. i wasnt expecting a 'hai di lau yue' but to spread my legs this much made me excited again lol. She didnt help the situation by massaging higher n higher, stopping short of just where the sun-dont-shine.

Pass the hour mark and its time to flip me over. Omg i can finally feast my eyes on her porcelain skin and milky white cleavage. Her neckline would send our local girls into a jealous frenzy. It certainly will to my OC as hers is only a humble big A / small B cup. I have no idea if it was intentional, but she gave me plently of different views of her boobs from all angles. They keep jiggling in such a way that i suspect they are all natural. I can only wish i have the honour of confirming my suspicions hehe.

All this time, she had a variety of positions to keep things interesting. At one point my hands were rested on her shoulders and i could feel her smooth skin. All i can say is wow, are they smooth or what. Another instance, my head would be resting near her chest area, heavenly... At some stage there was even a suspicion that she held my limbs to her chest! But i just cant confirm it because of the position i was in. What a cock tease!

Then came the long awaited press points at my groin area. This woman really knows her stuff. When she press on some points my manhood will be at its full glory. Other times she would press on some other spot and it will go soft again. And so it went, hard soft hard soft hard soft hard. LOL I have yet to encounter such a flamboyant display of groin massage skills. She was playing with my tool without even touch it!

All good things must end and so did my 120 mins of fun with Wan Er. I must reitterate that however the teasing went on. I never once raised my hands to touch her and if i did, it was her massage technique and positioning that led to it.

It is my belief that what contributes to her attractiveness is her confidence and firm stance on not doing any 'special' services. If you were lucky to experience what i had, it is highly likely that she did it out of good will. Act proper and she most likely will give you a good time.

Overall a very satisfying experience. I didn't leave the hotel with jelly legs like during my cheonging days. I did however, leave with a sense of satisfaction that an SOP fj cannot hope to fufill.

Short FR:

Wan Er
Age: 30
Height: around 167cm
Face: 6.5 + 0.5 (6.5 becos i dont really like Ah Mei, 0.5 cos of the sexual tension)
Body: 6.5 (very slightly bah bah)
Boobs: D cup, suspect is natural
Strength: 8.5
Skin tone: 8.5 (very fair, almost porcelain)
Skin smoothness: (8.5 smooth as wax)
BJ/BBBJ: nil
FJ: nil
CIM: nil
AJ: nil
Damage: $70 + $20 room /2/0
RTM: definitely
Old 26-01-2010, 03:05 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by hyashi View Post
1stly, thanks to Bro Powertools for the contact......................
Short FR:

Wan Er
Age: 30
Height: around 167cm
Face: 6.5 + 0.5 (6.5 becos i dont really like Ah Mei, 0.5 cos of the sexual tension)
Body: 6.5 (very slightly bah bah)
Boobs: D cup, suspect is natural
Strength: 8.5
Skin tone: 8.5 (very fair, almost porcelain)
Skin smoothness: (8.5 smooth as wax)
BJ/BBBJ: nil
FJ: nil
CIM: nil
AJ: nil
Damage: $70 + $20 room /2/0
RTM: definitely
Walao bro...... u wanna create a record here ah???? One FR covers almost the entire page...!

but anyway, its a damn detailed FR. One of the best I've read in this Wan Er thread. Very frank. Very honest & very very open.....

U wait..... I will give u your well deserve 9pts. Just upz bro desmondo. Need to wait till tmrw afternoon.

Thanks again.
NEWBIES...... Read this before you proceed further or I'll zap u jialat jialat.....
Old 26-01-2010, 05:05 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Nice FR ... I can gurantee her @@ are au naturale..

Trust my eyes..
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Old 26-01-2010, 06:06 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by aczeta76 View Post
Nice FR ... I can gurantee her @@ are au naturale..
Trust my eyes..
With your vast experiences... I trust your judgment.. but you never know.. sometimes what you see is not what you get

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Old 26-01-2010, 06:23 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by Panda05 View Post
With your vast experiences... I trust your judgment.. but you never know.. sometimes what you see is not what you get

aiyoh.. i saw u post and I tot u out of retirement...


Next time I ask her to verify lah... (will hide in toilet and lock the door before asking)
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Old 26-01-2010, 08:04 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

hi bro can i have her contact?
Old 26-01-2010, 10:51 PM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Bros Hyashi,

Wow, good report, we can see another supporter. I will upz you when I regain my power.Most likely on Friday night. I believe those who love good massage definitely enjoy this thread. Let enjoy the massage .This coming "Tiger year" seem to be properous, Hope everybody make more money and continue to try all the masseurs.
Old 27-01-2010, 01:08 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by Willie View Post
no special technique or method loh, i think she treats all customers the same....maybe i talk cock more, so easier to get along. in any case, i probably have seen what you guys have already seen and nothing more

treat her nice and i am sure she will do the same for you.
Hm... are you suggesting i talk more cock with her?

Originally Posted by hyashi View Post
Then came the long awaited press points at my groin area. This woman really knows her stuff. When she press on some points my manhood will be at its full glory. Other times she would press on some other spot and it will go soft again. And so it went, hard soft hard soft hard soft hard. LOL I have yet to encounter such a flamboyant display of groin massage skills. She was playing with my tool without even touch it!
Good detai FR bro, will up you. By the way this is the part where she make me 对她又爱又恨.
Old 27-01-2010, 01:10 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

can i have her contact?
Old 27-01-2010, 05:05 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Thanks bros for all the ups. Will up back humbly if i can in future.

Also dunno why my FR ended up so long winded lol. Maybe cos its the 1st time a woman can make me feel so sextified without even looking at her naked. I'm sure alot of bros feel the same. Sometimes once the WL takes everything off, you get turned off because you see something you dont really like.

Some things are better off leaving to your imagination

Wan Er's FR
Old 27-01-2010, 07:35 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by powertool69 View Post
Thanks bro for your simple & honest FR. See your points so pathetic..... OK lah.... will upz u tis afternoon with 9 pts solid solid to bring u to +ve pts again
Thank you bro you really power no wonder your nick is Powertool69.
Old 27-01-2010, 09:36 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by hyashi View Post
Thanks bros for all the ups. Will up back humbly if i can in future.

Also dunno why my FR ended up so long winded lol. Maybe cos its the 1st time a woman can make me feel so sextified without even looking at her naked. I'm sure alot of bros feel the same. Sometimes once the WL takes everything off, you get turned off because you see something you dont really like.

Some things are better off leaving to your imagination

Wan Er's FR
haha.... bro, I like your frankness.....

It is very very true that sometimes we get turn off once these FL strips off there clothings. So..... like you said, somethings are better off leaving to your imagination.

You will go far in this forum.
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Old 27-01-2010, 10:39 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by hyashi View Post
Thanks bros for all the ups. Will up back humbly if i can in future.

Also dunno why my FR ended up so long winded lol. Maybe cos its the 1st time a woman can make me feel so sextified without even looking at her naked. I'm sure alot of bros feel the same. Sometimes once the WL takes everything off, you get turned off because you see something you dont really like.

Some things are better off leaving to your imagination

Wan Er's FR
Nice attitude. I have up u for bro aczeta76

Now u have power liao.."p
Looking towards 150... will return favor

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Old 27-01-2010, 11:00 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Have been trying to get a slot with her but so far no luck. Either she is fully booked or my timing cant suit her. Think have to be at least 2 days advance notice to book her but then I am a worker so sometimes is really very difficult to plan that far. Always last minute got issue crop up. But will continue to get a slot with her as just looking at the photos posted by Bro TS already make my mind wild.
Bro TS, i really like the recent photos you have posted. Any more new photos to share?
Old 27-01-2010, 11:47 AM
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Re: 2010 **** Wan Er - Professional Massage (No Hanky Panky) ---- pics inside

Originally Posted by eric66 View Post
Think have to be at least 2 days advance notice to book her but then I am a worker so sometimes is really very difficult to plan that far. Always last minute got issue crop up.
Try weekends, better chances. She only max do 3 a day as it can be quite tiring and she does not want to compromise her stds.

Hope you get to meet up with her soon.

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