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Old 30-07-2004, 01:16 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Tomahawk

But blurqueen12 is a rare find leh... By the way, how's the progress of the BBQ outing organisation? Haven't been tracking that thread... You guys let me know how this girl is like okay?

ME Too haven been trackin that thread...i seen nottiguy n kinky b4 in person. u can ask em how i look like.

can u help me cr8 a poll in the poll section ask who wanna go for bbq or ktv. juz wanna see response. i dunno how to cr8 poll ty
Old 30-07-2004, 02:13 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

juz broke up wif my bf... coz he dun truzt me at alll. i m so dizappointed in him ...never truzt me
Old 30-07-2004, 08:54 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by blurqueen12
juz broke up wif my bf... coz he dun truzt me at alll. i m so dizappointed in him ...never truzt me
Better reconsider lah, afterall it is fate who brought you together......
Old 30-07-2004, 09:05 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by blurqueen12
juz broke up wif my bf... coz he dun truzt me at alll. i m so dizappointed in him ...never truzt me
Now its time to be serious liao. Cannot TCSS......

Breaking up is part and parcel of any BGR. Look at it from a positive side, breaking up allow u to find a more suitable one. Trust is very important in any relationship. Sex and looks are just the bonus. If there is no trust, there is no point being together. Might as well just be sex buddies.

Cheer up my ger. There r many great guys here, though they may sound cheeky at times. Hey its TGIF..........
Nothing has changed much here
Old 30-07-2004, 09:22 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by foolish_
Now its time to be serious liao. Cannot TCSS......

Breaking up is part and parcel of any BGR. Look at it from a positive side, breaking up allow u to find a more suitable one. Trust is very important in any relationship. Sex and looks are just the bonus. If there is no trust, there is no point being together. Might as well just be sex buddies.

Cheer up my ger. There r many great guys here, though they may sound cheeky at times. Hey its TGIF..........
Still better to sort out the differences, trust can be built and must be gain not given. If he does not trust you, then you must prove to him if you still love him.
Old 30-07-2004, 09:37 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by blurqueen12
ME Too haven been trackin that thread...i seen nottiguy n kinky b4 in person. u can ask em how i look like.

can u help me cr8 a poll in the poll section ask who wanna go for bbq or ktv. juz wanna see response. i dunno how to cr8 poll ty
Uhhh... How do I get into your list of potential meet-up partners? I promise I won't go too far.

Old 30-07-2004, 09:42 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Tomahawk
Uhhh... How do I get into your list of potential meet-up partners? I promise I won't go too far.

Simply queue behind Bro Foolish.
Old 30-07-2004, 09:55 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by foolish_
Now its time to be serious liao. Cannot TCSS......

Breaking up is part and parcel of any BGR. Look at it from a positive side, breaking up allow u to find a more suitable one. Trust is very important in any relationship. Sex and looks are just the bonus. If there is no trust, there is no point being together. Might as well just be sex buddies.

Cheer up my ger. There r many great guys here, though they may sound cheeky at times. Hey its TGIF..........
Hopefully you can. Keke... And of course me as well. I will control.

To me, a good relationship is built up with trust, love, caring, sharing, and unselfishness. In a good relationship, either one of the party or both party is willing to sacrifice for each other. Be it, life??? , time, $$$, or anything else as long as it can make the person you loved, happy. And of course, happy is not what you think it is if it defeats the purpose of making the recipient appreciate.

Happy is felt by the party who received it. Very often, the giver thought that he/she is giving out love. But why does the receiver not appreciate? In my opinion, it's because the receiver does not feel happy or couldn't understand the love that is given. It could be a simple hug or a small present. But if the recipient thought that there must be something wrong for the giver to give a present out of nothing, then he will not be happy and it might defeat the giver's purpose in the first place. So this part comes with trust. That was why I personally find that TRUST IS THE ESSENCE FOR A GOOD RELATIONSHIP.
Old 30-07-2004, 10:00 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Five Stone
Still better to sort out the differences, trust can be built and must be gain not given. If he does not trust you, then you must prove to him if you still love him.
Sometimes, Trust cannot be proven or shown. Trust is basically a type of feelings. Faith. Of course it can be built as time goes by but it cannot be proven if the receiver does not choose to believe.
Old 30-07-2004, 10:03 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by blurqueen12
juz broke up wif my bf... coz he dun truzt me at alll. i m so dizappointed in him ...never truzt me

As I expected.... get on with life.... take good care of yourself...
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 30-07-2004, 10:04 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by foolish_
Now its time to be serious liao. Cannot TCSS......

Breaking up is part and parcel of any BGR. Look at it from a positive side, breaking up allow u to find a more suitable one. Trust is very important in any relationship. Sex and looks are just the bonus. If there is no trust, there is no point being together. Might as well just be sex buddies.

Cheer up my ger. There r many great guys here, though they may sound cheeky at times. Hey its TGIF..........

N foolish is the first to be on the queue.....
Ma sao khong the tha thu cho nhau mot lan
Old 30-07-2004, 10:13 AM
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Talking Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by foolish_
Now its time to be serious liao. Cannot TCSS......

Breaking up is part and parcel of any BGR. Look at it from a positive side, breaking up allow u to find a more suitable one. Trust is very important in any relationship. Sex and looks are just the bonus. If there is no trust, there is no point being together. Might as well just be sex buddies.

Cheer up my ger. There r many great guys here, though they may sound cheeky at times. Hey its TGIF.......... who do you have in mind to recommend her???? Mr Way, Ah Tu or........ME

seriously lah Blurqueen12

Bros here have oredi given you some v.good advice(s)......heed them & take care of yourself
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少了我的懷抱當暖爐 你習不習慣
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如果留下多一秒鐘 可以減少明天想你的痛
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Old 30-07-2004, 10:15 AM
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Talking Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Simply queue behind Bro Foolish.
Originally Posted by naemlo
N foolish is the first to be on the queue.....
Uncle Fool got to go home wash clothes for his wife.....remember
少了我的手臂當枕頭 你習不習慣
少了我的懷抱當暖爐 你習不習慣
我會耐心地等 隨時歡迎你靠岸
如果留下多一秒鐘 可以減少明天想你的痛
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Old 30-07-2004, 10:16 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by naemlo
N foolish is the first to be on the queue.....
Originally Posted by OceanEleven
Simply queue behind Bro Foolish.
Wa liao, I am trying to be serious and giving advice, u 2 must come and suan me is it. I am not queuing up coz I am not looking for a serious relationship lah......wei dun be so bad lah, ppl breakup we try to console her lah.

U 2 eligible or not? If yes, then go fill up an application form and queue up ok.

Please download application form here

Sigh........the things I do for my bros............
Nothing has changed much here
Old 30-07-2004, 10:20 AM
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Red face Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by foolish_
Wa liao, I am trying to be serious and giving advice, u 2 must come and suan me is it. I am not queuing up coz I am not looking for a serious relationship lah......wei dun be so bad lah, ppl breakup we try to console her lah.

U 2 eligible or not? If yes, then go fill up an application form and queue up ok.

Please download application form here

Sigh........the things I do for my bros............
wei.....want to TCSS come TCSS thread leh....wait tio kan again

(eeerrrhhh....are you sending the JE, C & D cupper to collect the form again ah )
少了我的手臂當枕頭 你習不習慣
少了我的懷抱當暖爐 你習不習慣
我會耐心地等 隨時歡迎你靠岸
如果留下多一秒鐘 可以減少明天想你的痛
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