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Old 18-09-2004, 12:59 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

after doing that, i got the msg.. u need to install the language pack.. blah blah.. *sign* i install this xp weeks ago to prepare sp2 n now giving me problems liao.. should have stick with sun os..
Old 18-09-2004, 01:02 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

On the topic, I take a more skeptical view...

True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Old 18-09-2004, 01:09 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
after doing that, i got the msg.. u need to install the language pack.. blah blah.. *sign* i install this xp weeks ago to prepare sp2 n now giving me problems liao.. should have stick with sun os..
Hee! Better siam leow. We all bery bery ot leow.

Old 18-09-2004, 01:37 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

From all the postings that so many bros have contribute here in this thread. I personally feel that a lot of us are here because of previous relationship that makes us feel extremely hurt. And that's why we start cheonging, cheonging, and more cheonging... Now, I start to believe that most of us here in this forum, are deeply emotional. And each of us have our own story that is touching and hurtful...

For those bros who don't mind to share your own story here, please feel free to post it in this thread. I think a lot of us will be able to share your pain... At least it will make you feel better and you will know that you are not the only person that have been though it...A lot of us have been through such pain also...
Old 18-09-2004, 03:45 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by MachoDevilX
From all the postings that so many bros have contribute here in this thread....
Bro.. well said.. guess alot of us here have been hurt emotionally b4.. who hasn;t??... well, saw these 2 chinese poems somewhere.. think quite relevant for this thread lor... anyway, i've always think that the 2nd one is vy true...

爱你一生, 就算你我从前还是无缘
会伤的深越明白要放的 开
只要你愿意 我愿为你做更多

等着伤心不如 学会承受
错错错 一路走来是谁错
我会学着放弃你 是因为我太爱你

不是生 离死别
你却不知道 我爱你

I feel like a Newbie all over again... keke

Make |oVe.. Not War...
Old 18-09-2004, 08:08 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by LTPGTD
Bro.. well said.. guess alot of us here have been hurt emotionally b4.. who hasn;t??... well, saw these 2 chinese poems somewhere.. think quite relevant for this thread lor... anyway, i've always think that the 2nd one is vy true...

Bro, the two poems that you have shared, are really touching and I can seriously feel the same way as you.

I find that "True Love" is to be able to control your emotions (Hide away the sad and hurt feelings deep inside the heart) and accept the reality that two person can never ever be together. And if the girl requires any form of support in any means, the guy will still help her with all his heart and without any other intentions, and truly wants the girl to be happy... The feeling will really pricks the guy's heart painfully but what can the guy do other than just supporting her...The guy can do nothing other than just standing by her side throughout her entire life. This is "Wu Nai"...

Old 18-09-2004, 08:55 AM
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Re: What is True Love?

Bro MachoDevilX, thanks for the reput points and I totally can identify with your feelings....

Love, relationships and how couples end up together involves complex issues arising from past lives and karmas as well......generally it was believed why some gal end up with some guy probably because the guy has owed her in the past and this life was to come and repay her. sometimes when we see how come some guy love and show concern for a gal and in the end, not fated to be with her probably due to that he has owed the gal a great deal in the past, he could have ditch the gal and so on, and thus this life mission for him is to love back the gal with no strings attached, so as to correct the bad karma in the past.

It may seems fatalistic but all of us did encounter such "wu nai" in our relationships. I always think that whether above beliefs true or not is not the issue, at least it can help us to be more optimistic when we handle relationships that are dear to us and yet bringing us nowhere. Just like the example I quoted above, assuming the guy can treat the gal real well with no strings attached, thus in correcting the bad karma of the past, he is also preparing the way for the gal to appear who truly love him in this life time and may be the gal he has been showing care all these while, will be his love next lifetime to repay him. so the karma cycles went on and on all throughout love relationships. In that way, perhaps we can feel more comforted, as we realise our efforts may not go to waste in the end.

Put it this way, if we come across a gal that we truly like and we know despite our best efforts, we cannot be with her, be not despair, but we shld congrulate ourselves that we have done a honourable deed, because the law of nature is that what we sow, we reap. We have sowed love into someone and even if we did not receive love back from her, but we are assured that someone else will come along in its perfect timing and showerd us the kindness and love that we once had given out as well, just make sure we know how to cherish when it comes.

That's also another explanation on how come some couples can only stay together for a certain time and once that's over, they will break up. From what I know, people are attracted to one another based on the elements they need as defined by their Ba Zi. E.g. some gal may be attracted to me as she needs lots of "water" now and I happen to have a lot of "water" in my BaZi, but once the gal comes to a point when her luck cycle is into "water". too much water is not good for her as Bazi needs to be balance, therefore she will depart from me for no reasons after sometime and seek the refuge of someone with Bazi that will bring a better balance for her.

Quite cheem I know, but such beliefs to a certain degree have helped me to ride above the storms of some bad relationships in the past.......

I hope it helps you as well. You saw my PM ?
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Last edited by HighLife; 18-09-2004 at 09:03 AM.
Old 18-09-2004, 12:51 PM
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Re: What is True Love?


u a buddhist??
Old 18-09-2004, 01:34 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl

u a buddhist??

I am not, dun intend to be one as well. Just that some of these buddhist beliefs sort of gave me some meaning when you attempt to seek answers for your pains and struggles in the journey of love.

May be I have been too carried away, next time I will refrain from posting stuff that have religious connotations.

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Old 18-09-2004, 01:35 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Big Sexy
bro MDX i delicate this song to you..
N i dedicate tis 2 all the tcss ppl here including myself. Hehe!

这个家伙没事就长篇大论婆婆妈妈叽叽歪歪,就象有一只苍蝇,嗡.对不起,不是一只,是一堆苍蝇围着你,嗡嗡 飞到你耳朵里.

Old 18-09-2004, 01:43 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Microsoft
N i dedicate tis 2 all the tcss ppl here including myself. Hehe!

这个家伙没事就长篇大论婆婆妈妈叽叽歪歪,就象有一只苍蝇,嗡.对不起,不是一只,是一堆苍蝇围着你,嗡嗡 飞到你耳朵里.
to the great general,

I cant seem to understand your plan of attack. can enlighten this recruit to let me have a glimpse into your infinite wisdom and unfailing strategies ?
We always stand the strongest in the weakest moment of our lives.
Old 18-09-2004, 01:54 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by HighLife
to the great general,

I cant seem to understand your plan of attack. can enlighten this recruit to let me have a glimpse into your infinite wisdom and unfailing strategies ?
Attack? Not refering to him lah! Jus sharing some lighter dialogue found in 西游记 movie. u interested. Here the link.

Old 18-09-2004, 01:58 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Microsoft
Attack? Not refering to him lah! Jus sharing some lighter dialogue found in 西游记 movie. u interested. Here the link.
Oh I wonder you are Sun Zi and I am not.
We always stand the strongest in the weakest moment of our lives.

Last edited by HighLife; 18-09-2004 at 02:06 PM.
Old 18-09-2004, 02:05 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by HighLife
Oh I wonder you are Sun Zi and I am not.
Think i ot enuff. Better stick to the main topic.

Yes if u have watch the move.... The part where 至尊宝 total give up and decided to wear the ring on his head is quite touching indeed. Sometime i really hope i have a ring lidat 2 put on and forget all the misery.

Old 18-09-2004, 03:43 PM
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Re: What is True Love?

Originally Posted by Microsoft
Yes if u have watch the move.... The part where 至尊宝 total give up and decided to wear the ring on his head is quite touching indeed. Sometime i really hope i have a ring lidat 2 put on and forget all the misery.
Yup. I have watched the show also. That part is really very touching. Same as you, how I wish I can have such ring also...

And actually still got another touching show.. Qian Nu You Wen (by Chen Xiao Dong and Da S)... I presonally find that certain parts of the show is really touching and it shows all the sacrifices that are made because of Love. Really makes me have a lot of thinkings...

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