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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 14-01-2005, 01:56 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Bros, just checking if the std rates for HJ+BM for legends still 80?
Old 14-01-2005, 02:15 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by tamade
Bros, just checking if the std rates for HJ+BM for legends still 80?

Yes, exactly was same with Kelly and Daisy; others do not know but would guess same.Assume reference is to body to body full nude sexy massage follwed by hand for release.
Old 14-01-2005, 03:35 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Hi Gunners,

Legend now is understaff and as bro. Pittsbull rightly pointed out, something got to give and so services think I will continue to stay at home.

Hi Bro gunners & zackTan,

Have been wanting to visit this Legend 3 but looks like I got to postpone it for a while.

Tks for your info. I guess got to let it settle down for a while first !!

But bro Zack Tan, what u doing at home ? pcc ? go other HC lah, why stay at home ? Haha.. joking ... joking ....

Cheers !!
Old 14-01-2005, 06:38 PM
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Re: Legends 3

bro zack is staying home analyzing the games tis weekend 2 earn some $$$ for his forray next week!!! heh! heh!

bro, just joking hor, hope u dun mind...

Originally Posted by gedangsa
But bro Zack Tan, what u doing at home ? pcc ? go other HC lah, why stay at home ? Haha.. joking ... joking ....

Cheers !!
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Old 14-01-2005, 08:55 PM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Wah, bro. Gunners and bro. Gedangsa, I not around, you make fun on me eh!,ke. Seriously, I'm a little tire as have been cheonging non stop for many years liao. So semi retire to give younger men like you more chances to burn your $. Now good boy staying at home to be with tigeress, so no need to PCC. Maybe like bro. Gunners suggested, watch more EPL at home also can.
Actually I visited Legend this week but after a short chat with lady boss and a little looksee around, I made a U-turn home. I'll tell you why on my next posting.
Old 14-01-2005, 10:48 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by johntan6969
dear bros,

for all those who like brown sugars , i think she is the best in the HC andFL market.

she speaks good english ,great body, big succulent non saggy breasts, clean shaven pussy and no children ie:tight. does not use lubricants so only natural juices.

I'm not promoting her but am one of her regulars

May make it more difficult to book her after this post.
Just tried Jamie today. I don't know how to say this and i don't wish to go into details but if u r gonna try Jamie then i suggest u forget about her and try your luck on other girls. She really ain't worth it. Trust me on this.
Old 15-01-2005, 12:29 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by Zack Tan
Hi Gunners,
Working late again eh? I like your rotation system leh. You must have learned this from your "boss" of Gunners, Mr. Arsene Wenger or ex-boss of Chelsea, Mr. "tinkerman",ke. You are right, good system to keep freshness. Be patient lah, let the new place settled down. No need to rush otherwise excess demands can cause prices to go up leh!
Sorry to report that one of your darlings is MIA..a Miss Joyce. Bro. Bohemian is correct. Heard from the grapevine that she could not renew her WP but understand that the boss is appealing. Keep your fingers cross. She may be back. However they are very hush hush about this..don't know why leh? Also Miss Coco and Miss Cindy are on leave this week, so I can't find good reason to come down from the mountain unless bro. Imom can be so kind to introduce lobang same quality as his avatar but he said only can find in the land of the rising no hope for me liao. I think I have to stay at home with my tigeress and be a good boy this week...sigh.
thanks, bro Zack, i feel vindicated... but still sad dat Joyce is gone

bro, u know of any other babes in Legend having the same gd attitude, service, looks & figure as Joyce to recommend? thanks.
Old 15-01-2005, 03:08 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by BeefCake
Just tried Jamie today. I don't know how to say this and i don't wish to go into details but if u r gonna try Jamie then i suggest u forget about her and try your luck on other girls. She really ain't worth it. Trust me on this.

mmm... something is fishy here. i met jamie today too and she said that a certain guy insisted on RAW and she die, die refused his request. this certain guy had also wanted to pay her more than market rate and still she refused. she is very upset that there are men out there insisting on going RAW despite the risks of STDs.

to all bros, please respect the fact that rubber protection is a must although we may believe we are STD free. no WL would like this kind of scenario of a no-rubber di di in their mei mei and definitely not even for above market rate offered. if any WL allows that, mmm... there's highly trouble brewing in months to come for her. please practice safe sex, bros.

no offence to anyone and cheers to all.
Old 15-01-2005, 06:06 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Hello brudder,
Going RAW?? No way! If Tigress hit the jackpot, I will lose everyting until POK!
BTW, brudders here, any reccommendation on gals in Legends who does CIM?
Old 15-01-2005, 09:21 AM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by goodgary
mmm... something is fishy here. i met jamie today too and she said that a certain guy insisted on RAW and she die, die refused his request. this certain guy had also wanted to pay her more than market rate and still she refused. she is very upset that there are men out there insisting on going RAW despite the risks of STDs.

to all bros, please respect the fact that rubber protection is a must although we may believe we are STD free. no WL would like this kind of scenario of a no-rubber di di in their mei mei and definitely not even for above market rate offered. if any WL allows that, mmm... there's highly trouble brewing in months to come for her. please practice safe sex, bros.

no offence to anyone and cheers to all.
I also had jamie today and she told me the same story about a customer who wanted it RAW. Fortunately for us, she had the common sense to reject him. She comes across to me as a well educated girl who can sense the consequences of doing it RAW with him. I don't think she was lying about the whole incident. She was quite upset about it and commented that although, customers pay them, they should also be given some respect and dignity. After all, they are also human.

Don't know about others who have tried her, but for me personally, she is one of the better Borwn Sugar in HCs / FLs. She doesn't have the attitude that most malay HC girls have. Treat her with respect and I'm sure she'll reciprocate. My few sessions with her have always been good.
Old 15-01-2005, 01:12 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by goodgary
mmm... something is fishy here. i met jamie today too and she said that a certain guy insisted on RAW and she die, die refused his request. this certain guy had also wanted to pay her more than market rate and still she refused. she is very upset that there are men out there insisting on going RAW despite the risks of STDs.

to all bros, please respect the fact that rubber protection is a must although we may believe we are STD free. no WL would like this kind of scenario of a no-rubber di di in their mei mei and definitely not even for above market rate offered. if any WL allows that, mmm... there's highly trouble brewing in months to come for her. please practice safe sex, bros.

no offence to anyone and cheers to all.
Hmmm... to set the records straight... I'M NOT THAT GUY !!! I myself condemn any raw action. It's so senseless...

Anyway, let me state what my problem with Jamie is. She is a nice lady with a nice body. Face maybe a bit aunty like. Massage can be considered just ok. That's where the good stuff ends.

Moving on, there is really nothing exciting about her or her specials. I'm sure most of us are more interested in the specials right ? She has this SOP attitude about her. The SOP and her business attidude to the whole thing just put me off. She just doesn't leave u wanting more or to return to her again.

IMHO, she really did a bad job of selling herself to me and i had no choice but to leave the place swearing never to visit her again. I'd rather try my luck with the other girls with better mentions in the thread.

Anyway, one man's food is another man's poison. U r always welcome to go and try your luck with her.
Old 15-01-2005, 03:56 PM
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Re: Legends 3

seems like tis HC is giving the others ard the area a really run for their $$$..
..mmmm will definitely dropby to chk out the is the operating hrs the same as the last HC, Angels that's used to b in allison?
Thze Man looking thru the Sex-solo-scope @ The Tip of Cold Cold Turkey Mt(I HV CCTV SEX-SOLO-SCOPE OK!!DUN WAYANG!)

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Old 15-01-2005, 04:50 PM
Zack Tan Zack Tan is offline
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Re: Legends 3

Bro. Bohemian, if friendliness and good services (good massages and good chats) are your prirorities over good look, then try Miss Kelly and Miss Daisy. Both are no looker but more than make up for the short coming with 1st rate services and friendliness. Miss kelly is smaller built than big boobies Miss daisy. But if your mood is more sensual, there is none better than Miss Coco.
Bro. Tigerwood, What are you doing in the HC, you should be out on the golffing lah!,ke. Actually if you are into brown sugar, flankly Jaime is a bit matured. Nice solid bode and nice personality though. Her "skills" could be better. I have on several occassions tried a brown sugar in Aven View HC called Cecillia. This gal is relatively new in the trade (joined in Aug.'04) but had been trained well in Javanese massages. She has got great hands. She is young , petite and slim. Smooth brown sugar skin. Though face is only so-so but have CFM look. She does not do FJ but her other special services are enjoyable. BTW she is local, speak good english and nice personality. To each his own but IMHO, she is one level up on Miss Jaime.
Old 15-01-2005, 06:27 PM
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Re: Legends 3

For fans of Miss Jaime, please don't get me wrong. I'm not saying she is no good. She has possesed a solid bode and her personality is quite different from the normal run of hc gals..should I said she is more "culured". She will appeal to some people who appreciate these. Miss Cecillia of Aven View HC is a different cattle of fish. Her appeal is her youth and freshness plus a nice chat. Very sexy and sensuous. Great massages in an attractive package. There you go.
Old 15-01-2005, 08:45 PM
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Re: Legends 3

Originally Posted by BeefCake

Moving on, there is really nothing exciting about her or her specials. I'm sure most of us are more interested in the specials right ? She has this SOP attitude about her. The SOP and her business attidude to the whole thing just put me off. She just doesn't leave u wanting more or to return to her again.

IMHO, she really did a bad job of selling herself to me and i had no choice but to leave the place swearing never to visit her again. I'd rather try my luck with the other girls with better mentions in the thread.

Anyway, one man's food is another man's poison. U r always welcome to go and try your luck with her.
I had Jamie last early this week and frankly i had a great time. Like what soem of the brothers here have said, she is unlike the other brown sugars in the hC line in the sense that she is very cultured and knowledgable, probably even highly educated by the way our conversation went and the topics we talked about - life, work, education, her background etc

I had a very fantastic time with her plus she has a super body and one of the best knockers (boobs) i have ever seen on a brown sugar. Perhaps you just couldnt click with her . Perhaps

Defintely a return for me ( with renewed capital injection of Vitamin M)
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