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Old 27-10-2014, 02:10 AM
LonelyMalaysian LonelyMalaysian is offline
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

Originally Posted by lostlilvirg View Post
ah sorry sorry, too many pages, lost sight of the first one. Hehehehe

First loves are really the hardest to move on's not a cliche for nothing. All I can say is you'll feel better once you've found someone new, and from personal experience, until you'll keep gnawing at you inside.

I'm sorry that I have nothing constructive to add...I couldn't even offer to go drinking with you cos I've been sick lol

Take care, M!
Thanks buddy. Appreciate it

Yeah, First cut is the deepest. Listening to it now. lol.
Old 27-10-2014, 04:08 AM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

After dinner, we got into Kylie's car and she drove while I gave her the directions. KJ was all blur as he's still not quite sure of what's going on between me & his sister. We finally got to the front of my house, and they were in awe.

Kylie: "Wah, nice house!"
M: "Haha.. No lah ok only.."
Kylie: "Not gonna invite us in ah?"
M: "Err.."
Kylie: "Just kidding only lah! Hahaha.."
M: "Ehehe... I don't know.. I never brought girls into my house before.." Yeah right.
Kylie: "Hahaha.. Ok lah, it's getting late already. Goodnight!"
Liz: "Good night!!! Later SMS me ya.."
M: "Okok.. Goodnight!"

I was really tired that day, almost falling asleep as soon as I jumped onto my bed. I texted Liz for a while, nothing much but the usual mushy mushy stuff that couples talk about. I got out of bed to get a shower before sleeping. Looked in the mirror and... damn. I am a lucky fucker to get Liz while looking this bad & out of shape. I gotta do something about this. I started joining badminton and football, and because I'm not really the athletic type at that point, I lose most of the time or at least place my team at a disadvantage. Liz was supportive, and although I'm not a good player she's always there cheering for me. Whatever the outcome, her smile at the end of the day is all that matters. Many people question her choosing me over so many other better looking, sportier, better guys; and her answer is always the same.

"I chose him because he made me feel good about myself. He knows how to treat me well. He makes me happy, and most importantly, I know he loves me."

Life went on as usual after that day she spent overnight at my place. As it was really hard for us to find privacy, we got more & more daring. We started screwing everywhere in school, usually early in the morning or sometimes late in the evening after my badminton or football game. There were a couple of toilets that were secluded and classrooms that were used as store for tables and chairs, and we'd go there for our sexcapades. We had sex for breakfast, sometimes lunch & dinner before going home. A large portion of my allowance were spent on condoms (close to 200 bucks a month), and we made it a must after we got a scare when Liz's period came late once after doing it raw. Well, not exactly a must. We still do it raw once in a while, but much less than when we first discovered the joy of raw love-making. We were pretty discreet about it until one fine day at the end of secondary 4, after the final examinations. I got over to Liz's house and her parents & grandma weren't home. KJ was out to school, and Kylie was assumed to be at work as usual. It was around 3 in the afternoon and I was doggy-styling Liz on her bed. We got so carried away and forgot the room door weren't locked when Kylie swung the door open.

Kylie: "OH MY GOD!! LIZ!!"
M: "Shhhhiiiet!!"
Liz: "JIE!! GET OUT!!"
Kylie: "M WHAT THE FUCK??"
Liz: "GET OUT NOW!!"

I went limp immediately after she said that. I'm as good as dead. All I need is for her to tell their parents, and that's it. They won't allow Liz to see me anymore. What silly mistake we've done. How silly.

We clothed up and went downstairs where Kylie was looking furious, obviously angry. She had this look on her face that I'll never forget till today.

Kylie: "Liz, what the fuck was that?? I thought you'd know how to think for yourself!!"
Liz: "Jie.. I know what I'm doing.."
Kylie: "You know?? Do you?? You're only 16 for God's sake!!"
M: "Kylie, I know it's my fault. Stop scolding Liz.."
Kylie: "Shut up, I'll question you later."
Liz: "Why are you home so early? You're not supposed to be home!"
Kylie: "Yeah, and if I never came home early I will never know what exactly is going on between you two!"
Liz: "Jie.. It's what's between me & M.. We know what we're doing.."
Kylie: "How long has it been?"
Liz: "...a couple of months?"
Kylie: "M, I don't want to see you anywhere near Liz anymore."

There, she said it. I fucked up. I fucked up real bad. Liz began tearing up as she heard this.

M: "No, Kylie. I will not agree to that."
Kylie: "You're only 16 and you're screwing my sister. I thought you'd be mature enough to think of the future for the both of you. I trusted you, M. I trusted you to take care of my sister because you seemed like a nice guy."
M: "And indeed I am taking care of her."
Kylie: "How?? Tell me what the fuck are you going to do if she ever get pregnant? Are you gonna be able to provide for her? Oh, I forgot. Your family is rich. You ARE rich. That's why you think you can do whatever you want, right?"
M: "No."
Kylie: "Then tell me what should I do with the both of you??"
M: "Have you never been in love before? Have you not had any lust for your loved one when you were with him??"

That question struck her hard, like a slap in her face. She glared at me, not knowing what to say as I continued.

M: "I know all about your story with your ex. Liz told me. It's sad, yes, and I feel for you. But do you really wanna do this to your own sister?"
Kylie: "...."
M: "We are young. Yes, what we're doing is wrong, to a certain extent. But have you not been there before?"
Kylie: "...."
M: *lowers tone* "Look, Kylie.. I know you trusted me with Liz. And you knew as well that before we got together, I pursued her for 2 long years. You approved our relationship, and I'm sure you've seen something good coming out of it."
Kylie: "I'm not even sure if that's the right thing to do anymore."
M: "It still is. I think you'll have to trust me & Liz a bit more. I promise you that we will not get into any problems from our deeds."
Kylie: "I cannot place my sister's future in your hands."
M: "You will have to, sooner or later."
Kylie: "....."

Liz started sobbing, her eyes red.

M: "Kylie.. I don't know what else do I have to say to assure you.. I understand that you're just protecting Liz as a sister. I'm sure you don't wanna see Liz unhappy as well, right?"
Kylie: "...Yes."
M: "Then just let us be. I promise I will not hurt your sister in any way. I will not abandon her."
Kylie: "And I'm supposed to trust you?"
M: "We had to start somewhere. You know I'm a man of my words. Please, just let us be. We have every right to be happy.."
Kylie: "...Liz, is he really worth it? What you're doing with him, is it really worth it?"

Liz just nodded, sobbing uncontrollably.

Kylie: "...You know, I was young like the both of you. Our parents cannot accept that I was dating an Indian, and what more he left me later. I cried hard and stayed single till now. I even wanted to commit suicide a couple of times and till now I'm still feeling the pain from the break up. I don't want the same to happen to Liz, you understand? I don't care what the both of you are doing, I just don't want Liz to come back crying just like how I did a few years ago."
M: "I understand, Kylie.."
Kylie: "I never expected this from you, Liz. Guess you've grown afterall. I can only do so much for you.."
Liz: *sobs*
Kylie: "You two had lunch already?"
M: "No.."
Kylie: "Right. Liz, go wash your face. I'll bring you two out for lunch."
Liz: "..okay.."

(to be continued)

Last edited by LonelyMalaysian; 27-10-2014 at 04:41 AM.
Old 27-10-2014, 09:38 AM
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Wink Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

I wanted to say underage rape but there are no saints in SBF. Keep up the good story.
Old 27-10-2014, 09:48 AM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

I think that as both were the same age, can hardly be counted as statutory rape?
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Old 27-10-2014, 11:01 AM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

Originally Posted by LonerLoner View Post
I wanted to say underage rape but there are no saints in SBF. Keep up the good story.
Well, it's Malaysia we're talking about, so...
Old 04-11-2014, 10:17 AM
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Talking Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

Bro TS,

where art thou?

waiting for your updates man
Old 04-11-2014, 08:40 PM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

Originally Posted by JimmyNeutron View Post
Bro TS,

where art thou?

waiting for your updates man
Offshore for the past few days. Will be back with a post soon.
Old 05-11-2014, 11:17 AM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

Camping ....
Old 06-11-2014, 02:55 PM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

Liz's eyes were all red from sobbing earlier. The lunch with Kylie & Liz was awkward. The silence at our table was deafening. People around our table were looking at us, and there are still hints of anger on Kylie's face. I understand how she felt. If I had a sister and I walked in to her screwing a guy, I'd be mad too. I couldn't finish the bowl of kuey teow soup that I ordered earlier. All of our appetites were affected by what happened earlier.

Kylie: "Liz, I'll drop you home first before sending M home."

Liz looked up saying nothing, only nodding to what Kylie has just said.

We got up and left the restaurant. While heading to Kylie's car, Liz suddenly gave me a hug and whispered. Her sister saw what happened, but got into the driver's seat without saying anything.

Liz: "Text me when you get home.. Ok..?"
M: "Alright.. Don't worry, everything's gonna be ok.."

Kylie sent Liz home, and we watched as Liz alighted from the car and walked into the house. The ride home was a long and agonizing one. I was expecting Kylie to continue screwing me on the way home, but she did not utter a single word. We got near to my place when she took a detour to an alley behind a row of houses before parking and switching off the engine. There. I thought to myself. All hell is gonna break loose. I braced myself for Kylie's harsh and angry tone, but all I got was her calm and monotonous voice.

Kylie: "M.. You do know that I hold my sister dear to my heart, don't you?"
M: "Yeah.."
Kylie: "Tell me, do you really love Liz?"
M: "Err...yes..?"
Kylie: "How are things between the both of you?"
M: "Good, I guess?"
Kylie: "No arguments, no fights or anything?"
M: "Well there are some small fights and disagreements sometimes.. But I give in to her most of the time cos I don't wanna see her upset.."
Kylie: "She's spoiled, I'll give you that. You gotta be firm with her sometimes. Educate her!"
M: "Hmm.. I will.."
Kylie: "I know that she will eventually grow up and get in love and all that, but I just never expected it to be so soon."
M: "Okay.."
Kylie: "Do you see a future for the both of you?"

Heck, how am I gonna answer that? Isn't it a bit too soon for you to be asking me this question?

M: "Isn't it a bit too early to tell? I mean... Yes, of course I'm hoping there to be a future for the both of us. But we're simply too young right now and there are plenty of uncertainties that may arise in the future years."
Kylie: *smiles* "That's what I like about you, M. You're mature, unlike all the other guys that went after Liz."
M: "Hmm..."
Kylie: "I don't want her studies to be affected by being in love, M."
M: "I understand.."
Kylie: "Also, please try to stick around more.. Our dad isn't quite comfortable with the idea of her youngest daughter being in a relationship yet, so perhaps you can try to warm up to him a little bit."
M: "How?"
Kylie: "You're a smart boy, you'll figure that out."
M: "Okay..."
Kylie: "And please, for the love of god, M... Do it safe!"
M: "Huh?"
Kylie: "Wear condom, damn it!"
M: "Err.. I did?"
Kylie: "No you didn't. I saw everything."

She saw my boner?

M: "Err... Everything?"
Kylie: "Yes, EVERYTHING. The last thing I want to see is Liz coming home telling us she's pregnant."

Is she actually approving me bonking her sister??

Kylie: "It's normal to have sex in a relationship, M.. I just never thought it'd come this early for my sister.. So please, if you have to do it, play safe."

I really don't know what to respond to that. Kylie is actually giving me the green light to bonk Liz. What the hell is going on? I was getting a boner as she said that. Think of all the possibilities! Fucking Liz senseless while Kylie is in the room.. Wait, this is not the appropriate time for this. Stay down, lil' M!

M: "Alright.. I will.."
Kylie: "Alrite.. I'll send you home.. And please, don't tell Liz of what we talked about in the car today."
M: "Okay.."

She dropped me off in front of my house gate. I got out as soon as I could. I had to avoid the awkwardness that follows the conversation earlier, and most of all.. I need to clear my balls. The bonking earlier that didn't end with unloading built up the tension in my testicles, and Kylie's words didn't help keeping them in either.

(to be continued)
Old 06-11-2014, 03:20 PM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

welcome back...
Old 06-11-2014, 03:54 PM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

Originally Posted by kfng2 View Post
welcome back...
Haha, I'm not off for THAT long..

Slightly busy with work this couple of weeks, but I promise another post will follow up very very soon.
Old 06-11-2014, 04:44 PM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

feels long cause waiting anxiously for ur stories... enjoying ur story but feeling stress with the wait at times... keep up the good work...
Old 06-11-2014, 06:37 PM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

Long enough for KL gers..
More pkz
Old 11-11-2014, 12:22 AM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

keep on man..interesting ...dont stop over there
Old 12-11-2014, 12:57 AM
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Re: The story of my love life, my sex life.

1. so far the best story i had read in sbf. finished it in one reading.

2. hope u coping well.

3. based on my personal experience is don't go back to your ex as fb. it will make things complicated. u can get other girls.

4. Liz is really a sweet girl.
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