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Old 03-08-2016, 01:18 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by twinresist2 View Post
Sounds like sandy is going to be the bait
I think so too

Last edited by student32; 03-08-2016 at 01:50 AM.
Old 03-08-2016, 01:49 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Very well written story!!
Old 03-08-2016, 03:18 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Excellent story!! camping here too
Old 03-08-2016, 06:04 AM
Aribaaa Aribaaa is offline
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Re: My adventure in the office

Nicely written TS
Old 03-08-2016, 07:56 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Eagerly anticipating updates coming up anytime soon
Old 03-08-2016, 10:05 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by Aribaaa View Post
Nicely written TS
Similar thoughts
Old 03-08-2016, 10:10 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

After giving my head a good shake I drained my coffee and opened up the files I needed to get stuff done.

I had just started getting down to my work when I noticed some commotion at the office entrance. Terry and Belinda walked in briskly towards Mr Liew’s office.

After a short talk at in his room they went to the meeting room.

From their body language, i could tell it was a heated discussion. Eventually all 3 of them were standing up and I could see their hands raised up, gesturing angrily at each other.

10 minutes later when Mr Liew stormed out, Terry and Belinda left the office too.

Belinda had her arms folded as she stormed out while Terry followed close behind talking into his phone.

This doesn’t look too good.

I went over to his room and Mr Liew spoke without looking up.

Mr Liew : Whatever you are doing James.... it better be over soon.... things don’t look good for our team…

He finished signing a couple of folders before looking at me in the eye.

Mr Liew : Is the team ready ?

I shook my head.

James : Soon…

I asked if everything is ok he said he will talk to me about it another day.

Mr Liew : I’m not in the best of mood for this now…

I nodded and left his office.

6.30 pm

The rest of the day is uneventful. Just the way I like it.

Work, clear your mails and get ready for the weekend.

I went home at 7.30pm, had a nice quiet dinner by the coffee shop before settling down on my bed with a good book by 10pm.

Without even realising it, I drifted off to sleep.

Alex and Hakim set up this chat group on wasapp and we kept each other up to date.

2nd July 2011



Alex was already at Hakim’s place early that morning and they shifted 3 suitcase of belongings over to Pasir Ris by lunch and called it a day.

I got dressed in simple plain clothes and left my house.

I was a little apprehensive about heading to the warehouse but I knew it was my best shot of getting what I wanted to get.

I haven’t been there in years since my childhood.

I alighted 1 street down as I walked towards the small warehouse of the charcoal supplier.

Yes, Charcoal, the black piece of petrified wood you use for your BBQ.

It’s not something valuable, not many people buy it these days since we use gas but it’s a old family business. I remembered heading down to the warehouse every week with my grandfather when I was young.

Old matured trees lined the street and a dirty old truck was parked out front.

The main shutter is closed, it always is, even for loading and unloading, the shop does it with a large door by the side.

Now I visit this place not for the charcoal.

I came for the Opium.

You see, Charcoal arrives on large barges from the sea back then. It’s easy to smuggle stuff within the bags of black gold and Opium is easiest to hide.

They would do it in bigger quantities back then and my grandfather would buy it weekly. Just a small pinch here and there.

As society progresses, Opium have fallen out of favour in the early 90s and it was not even viable to smuggle them into the country in large quantities. The risk you take is not worth it for the small amount of profit.

I overheard once the shop owner telling my grandfather that hardly anyone buys it anymore. That was during one of my last trip with him before my PSLE exams. My parents barred me from heading there once I got into secondary school.

Well my grandfather doesn’t smoke them, it’s just that certain gods he worships favors Opium if you get my drift.

The same musty smell greeted me as I knocked on the door.

It’s weekend in the middle of the industrial estate, there’s hardly anyone around but I know someone will answer the door. The owner stays in his shop.

Ah Hock… that’s what my grandfather calls him.

I expected a wrinkly old man to open the door, it’s been almost 2 decade since I last saw this man, he was in his late 40s then, he should be almost 70 by now.

The old door creaked and opened a crack.

Instead of Ah Hock, I saw a bangala worker.

Bangala : Boss… today closed…

James : Errr… I’m… I’m looking for Ah Hock….

He looked at me for a moment before looking back behind him and speaking to another person.

Moments later another man came to the door, he had a streak of purple in his dark black hair and he bit on a cigarette as he asked me what I wanted. He looked gruff and irritated and seemed to be in his forties.

James : I… use to come here with my grandfather last time….. to look for Ah Hock… I need to get something…. For the …. For the gods…. You know…

He looked me up and down before asking me to fuck off.

Man : Go fuck yourself… we sell Charcoal..

The door slammed shut in my face as I sighed and walked a few steps backwards to look at the shop.

There was a security camera pointed at the entrance and I have no doubt they were looking at me.

Even the red blinking light looked menacing as I looked at it.

Suddenly an idea struck me as I opened up my phone folder and searched for some family photos my cousins had sent via the chat group. I found one with my grandfather and immediately full screen it and pointed it at the camera.

I held it there for a few seconds before the door opened again.

That’s it.

Ho seh liao…. Don’t give me face see my grandfather also must give face.

The same man opened the door and I immediately spoke.

James : Just a bit… just a bit would do… I don’t need a lot …

He opened his shop door fully and gestured for me to go into the warehouse.

I tried to hold back a smile but before I could step in fully, he stopped me by the entrance and pointed to a altar beside his office.

Man : You should me photo… I also show you photo..

He pointed to the black and white photo on the altar and I immediately recognised Ah Hock.

It took a few seconds for me to register that in my head before I regained my composure.

James : W…Wh.. When did he pass ?

Man : Few months ago… Cancer… I’m his son..

James : Oh.... oh… you .. you are Tommy…

I suddenly remembered the name my grandfather always called out towards the back of the shop.

He looked surprised and asked to see the photo again.

He returned the phone to me and I tried not to dust off the charcoal stains that had been left on my screen in front of Tommy.

Tommy : What do you want…

James : Just a bit.

He considered my request for about 5 seconds before asking me to wait outside the warehouse.

I did as I was told and 5 minutes later, Tommy came out and gave me a cellophane wrapped package. It was no bigger than the old fifty cent coin.

James : How much ?

I’m not sure how much these things cost so I took out 3 pieces of 50 dollar bills.

Tommy took 1 piece and asked me not to go back there again.

Tommy : We no longer bring them in… just leftovers for regulars…. They’re all in their late sixties…seventies… I won’t entertain you again…

I nodded as I kept the package in my pocket and in my attempt to make conversation, I asked something stupid that made Tommy cast me an even more hostile glance.

James : All these still from Indonesia ?

His glare told me I had outstayed my welcome, I smiled awkwardly and thanked him before walking away.
Old 03-08-2016, 10:12 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

He lit another cigarette and spoke in a normal voice as I walked away.

Tommy : India… mostly from India these days…. Send my regards to your grandpa.

I gave him a thumbs up and added ;

James : He’s probably playing chess with Ah Hock now…

Tommy laughed, threw me a middle finger before disappearing into his warehouse.

I never saw him again.

I got back, changed the packaging carefully and kept my stash aside.

4th July 2011



I went over to Hakim and pulled him aside for a word.

James : Hakim… tomorrow… bring your mother to the polyclinic…

Hakim : Huh ? I got no more leave… she’s feeling ok actually…

James : Exactly… bring her… get a doctor’s opinion…. And stop eating unnecessary medicine…

Hakim : but it’s going to take probably an entire day…

I told him Alex and I would cover his work.

His priority is to get his mum to have a through checkup.

James : You’re not on leave tomorrow… you’re out on site taking measurements..and photos… you get what I mean ? …

Hakim nodded and thanked me for helping.

James : Oh.. by the way, it would not take an entire day…. Probably half a day or so should do… the rest of the more detailed referrals would take months though… haha

Hakim laughed and gave me the thumbs up.

Everything went smoothly for the rest of the week.

When Hakim turned up for work on Wednesday, there was no way to describe the look of relief and gratitude on his face. He showed up at 9am sharp for the 1st time since I started work at the office.

Hakim : James… there’s nothing wrong with my mother… just a little underweight and blood pressure a little low… other than that she’s healthy….Doctor just asks her to exercise and go out for walks more…

I have never seen someone look so relieved and happy as Hakim shared that piece of news with me. As happy as he was, he soon sank into a short bout of embarrassment as he realised that he had been letting his mother eat useless supplements for the longest time.

James : I’m glad she’s ok… that’s one more thing off your mind at least…

Hakim has schedule her mum to see a specialist for her knee since she complained that they hurt a little occasionally, but that referral would take a couple of months.

Hakim : Anyway James… Thanks man… for…. Helping to cover…

James : No worries la… we’re a team… instead of wasting leave for all these stuff…. Might as well we cover each other a bit, there’s no telling when I might need you to cover me too…

He gave me a thumbs up and got back to work.

Alex still comes to work early and leaves late but he no longer claims for the cab fare.

Terry and Belinda came a couple more times to bother Hakim and Sandy but it was nothing compared to the heated discussion they had with Mr Liew.

All in all, it was a good week.

A smooth week.

Too smooth it seems.

To the point it made me worry a little. It’s the feeling that bugs you when everything seems to be going your way.

I can’t explain it.

8th July 2011



Hakim said in the group chat that Farid has not returned home in 3 days.

He brought up the discussion and meeting over home cooked meal the last time he saw him and Farid agreed to show up. Hakim has been sending him messages the past couple of days pretending to check with him what he would like since their mother would need to prepare the food.

You see, the purpose of setting up the Saturday gathering had a few purposes.

Hakim would contact Farid with the excuse of wanting to pay him a lump sum and for him to get out of the house and stop making trouble for their mother since she is in ill health once and for all. He was not to return until Hakim nurses his mum back in a few months.

Next, to inform Farid that they will be renting a room out to Alex to make ends meet and that after that round of money, they would not be able to afford anymore due to their mum’s medical fees.

It would also serve as a subtle warning to Farid that should he cause anymore trouble, the tenant would call the police so he should watch his own stupidity.

Hakim and his mother have started shifting progressively with Alex’s help. Since they won’t be gone for more than 3 months, they don’t need to bring too much. It can be done over several days, shouldn’t be a problem. This they had accomplished easily. Only one final move left and they’re ready to go.

The dinner cum gathering the next day is fake of course and Hakim’s mother would not be there. She would be safely tucked away in Pasir Ris after she has prepared the food for a supposedly work meeting. Needless to say, she would be kept in the dark as well.

Sandy would never agree to be the bait so we had to keep it from her too, not after what happened.

Now getting Farid over to his place is but one part of the plan.

We needed him to stay.

Long enough to put the plan into motion.

There is no telling how long the discussion would take. It might be 5 minutes, it might be 10. Maybe 30.

No one knows.

Now if Hakim deliberately drags the discussion, Farid would surely catch on to it so we needed a reason for Farid to stay.

And that would be Sandy.

Unknown to Sandy, after the brother’s discussion, regardless of what mental state Farid is in, Hakim would demand that his brother make an apology to Sandy. He would say it was the only way she would not pursue the matter.

We planned for plenty of allowance.

I had given the timing of 9pm to Sandy for the move, take into consideration our plans for a home cooked meal, ideally we should be meeting around 7.30 pm.

We would be meeting up with Farid at 5pm.

Why 5pm ?

According to Hakim, between 5pm to 8pm would be the period Farid gets desperate. It was the timing he usually asks for money, without which, he would not last the night without his fix.

It also pretty much sets his mood for the evening.

Hakim : I tell him we talking about money at 5pm, he will show up at 5pm.

That was what Hakim said.

But simply showing up is not enough.

We know of course immediately after getting the money, Farid would rush off to get his fix. It’s a no brainer.

There is no way we’re going to give him the money at one go.

The sequence of event would go as follows , Hakim have his discussion with Farid while Aex and I wait at the next block. His mum would be at home, cooking, none the wiser to what we have planned and Farid would see his mum busy preparing for a home cooked meal.

Hakim would give Farid some money, enough to get his fix, but not enough to get him satisfied.

There would be 3 reasons for Farid to come back base on what we planned.

Being filial and come back for dinner with his mother. I almost rolled my eyes on this.

Two, the balance of the money he would be getting.

Lastly, Sandy.

He did say he likes Sandy even though it might be in the heat of his madness. Still Hakim did mention that even when Farid is sober, he says he likes Sandy and he felt sorry for his action although I very much doubted it.
Old 03-08-2016, 10:16 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Now, best case scenario would be Farid goes out after meeting Hakim, gets his drugs, comes back stoned and have a heavy dinner.

Opium is a analgesic drug that produces euphoric effects.

The safest way to consume it would be to smoke it thereby magnifying it’s addictiveness but prior to the arrival of the tobacco pipe, opium was consumed orally.

There is 2 ways we can use it, one to lace Farid’s food, let him sleep in his euphoric state. Hakim would personally call the cops once he’s brother is out.

Another would be to plant the opium on Farid, but chances are he would be having something more potent in his pockets.

If that fails, there is still Sandy.

When it comes to that, Hakim would call Sandy to head up since Alex and I are late and on our way over.

Farid would be called to the room with the excuse that Hakim wants to talk to Sandy for a while before his brother makes the apology.

Using that as a pretext to keep Farid in the room for a while, Hakim would call the cops while talking to Sandy.

Hopefully if all goes to plan, by the time the cops arrive to get his brother, it would all be over without Sandy ever realising her role in this.

She will only see the image of Farid being led away bringing a closure of sort to this whole fiasco.

If all else fails, Hakim, Alex and I would be more than enough to hold Farid till the cops arrive.

Even he is found without drugs on him, a urine test would reveal he was a junkie and with Sandy at the scene, she would surely take the chance to report Farid.

I hope it all goes according to plan.

There is only so much we could plan.

The rest we have to hope for the best.

9th July 2011



Hakim, Alex and I had a last minute meeting under his block before we parted ways 15 minutes later.

Alex and I spent the next 45 minutes staring at our phones 1 block away.


Our phone buzzed and right on time, Farid appeared.

My heart started to beat faster as Alex paced up and down, it finally dawned on us it’s starting.


Hakim text us saying that everything is going ok so far. Farid has left to get his fix but promises to be back for dinner by 7pm.


Hakim sends his mother over to Pasir Ris before heading back.

I don’t know where the time flew to. I only remembered drinking at least 4 cups of coffee with Alex at the coffee shop aong Bedok south avenue 3.

We firmed up the timing with Sandy in another group chat about the dinner and helping to move.

Sandy msg : Ok.. all wearing casual right since we moving stuff.

James msg : Yup.. I’m just in berms and t-shirt.

Sandy msg : Ok… I’ll do that too.

James msg : Wait for everyone... we head up together ok ?

Sandy msg : Sure..

Alex Msg : Ok..


I paced up and down the coffee shop as Alex looked a little dazed and tired.

There is this sinking feeling in my stomach. I cannot explain away the feeling.


Hakim msg : Farid is late…


Hakim sms : He says he’s on his way…

Our eyes never left the phone.


Hakim sms : He says 5 minutes more…

James : Alex, let’s go wait nearer the block…


The moment we left the coffee shop my heart dropped.

Sandy sms : I'm here... need the bathroom... see you guys up there...

It’s as if someone swung this heavy axe right into my chest as I felt my breathe leave my lungs.

Right across at the open air carpark of Block 70, I saw Sandy alight from a cab.

She was dressed in a white t-shit with short denim pants and shoes, she had a rubber band in her mouth as she collected up a good bundle of her hair trying to tie them up in a pony tail.

Diagonally In front of her at block 69 I saw Farid but he was not alone.

He had a friend with him and they walked in a relaxed swagger towards Hakim’s place at block 70.

Alex and I froze.


Sandy skipped up the steps to block 70 2 at a time heading towards the lift as Farid closes in barely 30 meters away.

It doesn’t look like he has spotted Sandy yet.

Immediately Alex tried to run towards Sandy but I held him back.

James : Wait.. wait… still quite far away… she can make it into the lift.

We slowed down to a brisk walk as we kept an eye on Farid. Suddenly he looked at his watch and tapped his friend on the arm and they quickened their footsteps.

James : Still got time… still got time…

Then I was hit with a chilling thought as I watch Farid and his friend head up the stairs of the open air carpark.


Those HDB blocks has lifts with security system. Guest cannot just walk right up, which meant Sandy probably has to wait for Hakim to send one down.

I started running.

So did Alex.

I only reached the end of the block when I saw Farid and his friend running towards the lift to stop the door from closing.

It all happened within a split second but I saw it.

That half a second pause Farid did when he realised who was inside the lift he stopped.

He walked in as Alex and I sprinted with everything we got.

I could hear the beeping of the lift as the door started to close.

I have to make it

Just a few steps more.

I managed to hit the open button the same time Alex jammed his hand into the middle of the closing door, causing the lift to buzz angrily as the door opened one again.

I entered the lift, trying to control my breathing.

Sandy’s expression was one of shock and horror as she plastered herself against the back of the lift, shivering where she stood.

Farid saw me enter and he walked right up to me.

Close. Real close.

Our chins almost touched each other as we looked at each other without a word.

Alex was right behind me, I could feel his breath on my left ear.

The lift buzzed again, angry that it had been held up so long.

Beep beep…..

beep beep….

Beep beep…………

The buzzer sounded like the heartbeat monitor albeit a angrier and more hostile version.

The beeping stop when the lift door closed with a thud.

But the beeping sound continued in my head.

Beep beep….

Beep beep…

Old 03-08-2016, 10:29 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

beep... Suspension.... beep....
Really looking forward to your updates!
Old 03-08-2016, 11:16 AM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Fantastic update Bro ilock! Thanks for another blockbuster in the making.

Anxioiusly waiting for the next suspenseful chapter.
Old 03-08-2016, 01:48 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Waiting for next update
Old 03-08-2016, 02:47 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Thanks for the updates
Camping for more!!!
Old 03-08-2016, 04:26 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Fantastic updates, my heart beat is beating very fast. More please.
Old 03-08-2016, 04:50 PM
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Re: My adventure in the office

Originally Posted by diputs1269 View Post
Fantastic updates, my heart beat is beating very fast. More please.
Mine is beeping very fast
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