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Old 14-06-2008, 11:42 PM
leonard87 leonard87 is offline
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by EtherC View Post
Let's not bother about the little prick, he'll come round after he experiences first hand of how HDB, CPF and taxes function in Singapore. Then he can come and tell us what he thinks is right or wrong. Let him stand on whatever pedestal he wishes to place himself on. Years later he will realise how ambiguous life is.
coming to this forum is to see stories..its always nice to hear stories..but i wont ever like myself to be like that guy to betray his family..what does CPF and HDB income tax to come in with you betraying your family?If you save the money up rather than going for prc outside then you wont feel your not enough money..i am not saying i am a total saint or anything..i saying it in a neutral tone and way..its like addicted to can quit it but you keep saying its difficult then how are u going to quit it?..its like.yes guys like pretty girls but are u sure that gal can last their beauty for life?their boobs will sac even if she's so firm when u know her..
Old 15-06-2008, 12:12 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
coming to this forum is to see stories..its always nice to hear stories..but i wont ever like myself to be like that guy to betray his family..what does CPF and HDB income tax to come in with you betraying your family?If you save the money up rather than going for prc outside then you wont feel your not enough money..i am not saying i am a total saint or anything..i saying it in a neutral tone and way..its like addicted to can quit it but you keep saying its difficult then how are u going to quit it?..its like.yes guys like pretty girls but are u sure that gal can last their beauty for life?their boobs will sac even if she's so firm when u know her..

why are u veterans and newbies alike replying to the little prick? You dun even know if he is really a guy. For all you know, he could be some tight arsed my pussy is golden forumer from flowerpod. Jeez, let's keep to the topic shall we?

So why do guys stray? simple what....

I dun like having abalone everyday. sometimes eat sharks fin or try other simple dishes makes things more interesting. Do I feel good about it?

Heck no...but hey, I am human. I am open to temptations. And there are so many temptations in After all, it is human to err and divine to forgive.
Old 15-06-2008, 04:48 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by cumranger69 View Post

why are u veterans and newbies alike replying to the little prick? You dun even know if he is really a guy. For all you know, he could be some tight arsed my pussy is golden forumer from flowerpod. Jeez, let's keep to the topic shall we?
Because his thinking may represents a group or a class in our society and not entirely individualistic. I think we have a younger generation that are properly doctrinated with 'good' thinking but lack ability in applying those principles in real life. Like what bro 84gunner pointed out, we suddenly have a bunch of young scholars who can't u-turn in midlife to start thinking more like a human being.

As to the relations to the topic, man we have a live example here! Dun we all think like him, some time when we are young? I mean, come on, we turn out this way and we have our story. Journey back in time and see who we were last time la, see how much we've changed. If we keep seeing the same reasons (face it la, we almost have the same reason to stray) in this thread, it'll just be one simple boring obvious predictable message.
Old 15-06-2008, 07:01 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
i am not a married man..but to me a married guy shouldnt betray his own wife..shouldnt betray the sacerd laws of marriage..recently i did found out my dad like been visitng prc..becoz at nite i been checking his handphone..and found already 3 evidence..if i find more i will confront him with my elder brother..and if he still denys it i will bring him to the court and sue him for adultery...
this is saint toking? in the first place, why you visit this site?
Old 15-06-2008, 07:37 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Haha Bro jon2000sg, sch holidays lah ... wanna sue his dad for adultery some more
Old 15-06-2008, 11:05 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by jon2000sg View Post
this is saint toking? in the first place, why you visit this site?

haaa, married uncles cannot screw around by right mah. visiting this forum is to learn how to f
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Old 17-06-2008, 11:58 PM
leonard87 leonard87 is offline
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

i nv say i am a saint..i am also surrounded by temptation too..but i am trying to resist to my frens whose moral education is right and knows what is wrong and right and let them give advice..
Old 18-06-2008, 02:48 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
i nv say i am a saint..i am also surrounded by temptation too..but i am trying to resist to my frens whose moral education is right and knows what is wrong and right and let them give advice..
I suppose u r like 21 only?

Talking abt moral education here? Talking abt giving advice? and wat make u think they are so rite here? yes this might be a sex forum... but trust mi i believe there are much more samsters here giving more better advice

there are both side to a coin.... if u only choose to look at 1 side,then y bother to come this forum to try to act like a saint?

No pt zapping a kid la.... rather go upped someone with a gd post....
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 18-06-2008, 08:10 PM
EtherC EtherC is offline
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

You justify the need for Singapore's FT policy.

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
i nv say i am a saint..i am also surrounded by temptation too..but i am trying to resist to my frens whose moral education is right and knows what is wrong and right and let them give advice..
Old 18-06-2008, 09:27 PM
leonard87 leonard87 is offline
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by Tai_zi21 View Post
I suppose u r like 21 only?

Talking abt moral education here? Talking abt giving advice? and wat make u think they are so rite here? yes this might be a sex forum... but trust mi i believe there are much more samsters here giving more better advice

there are both side to a coin.... if u only choose to look at 1 side,then y bother to come this forum to try to act like a saint?

No pt zapping a kid la.... rather go upped someone with a gd post....
then what makes you think that your right when your betraying your own wife or gf?..if u intend to betray them then just leave them isnt it the best way
Old 19-06-2008, 01:38 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by leonard87 View Post
then what makes you think that your right when your betraying your own wife or gf?..if u intend to betray them then just leave them isnt it the best way
To mi having sex with a FL is just like any business deal here,i go up to her,get her services... and after tat i may come out as a happy or unhappy customer.... so to u this is betray? when there is no feelings involved

and u mention tat pcc when shoot out liao also the same thing rite? u got boobs to touch? u got pussy to lick mah?

Just ask any samsters here.... they perfer PCC or sex? pls be my guest....
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers
Old 19-06-2008, 03:08 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

I think fellow samsters have been kind to our young man here and have explained what needs to be explained. Believe you me you cannot get him to see your view at this point in time. Why? Because I was once like him. High moral ground and religious inclination. Not a right or wrong thingy, just your belief. So I think we should respect each other's view and CARRY ON our discussion on the topic.

I started to stray after 15yrs of marriage because once reject, twice reject, thrice reject, 4 times reject and I have NEVER asked for sex again. Pride? I dun know, you tell me!!

All I know is I am enjoying it now!!
Old 19-06-2008, 09:17 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by Prostate Intact View Post
I started to stray after 15yrs of marriage because once reject, twice reject, thrice reject, 4 times reject and I have NEVER asked for sex again. Pride? I dun know, you tell me!!!!
I know what you mean, it feels like having to beg for sex..damn humiliating,
sometimes they will say not tonight, tomorrow night..but when tomorrow night comes, they forget..
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Old 19-06-2008, 10:00 AM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Bros just ignore this boy la. He's still young and immature, hurt by his father's trysts. All of us who cheong have our own baggage and demons to deal with, so no point making ourselves unhappy counseling someone who doesn't want the advice.

2 cents.
Old 19-06-2008, 01:48 PM
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Re: Guys with Wife or Good GF still look for pros or flings. Why

Originally Posted by Prostate Intact View Post
I think fellow samsters have been kind to our young man here and have explained what needs to be explained. Believe you me you cannot get him to see your view at this point in time. Why? Because I was once like him. High moral ground and religious inclination. Not a right or wrong thingy, just your belief. So I think we should respect each other's view and CARRY ON our discussion on the topic.

I started to stray after 15yrs of marriage because once reject, twice reject, thrice reject, 4 times reject and I have NEVER asked for sex again. Pride? I dun know, you tell me!!

All I know is I am enjoying it now!!
Hye Bro .... you summed it up well. Most guys I think were goody-goodies until they reach point-of-no-return. Good to see you are enjoying it now. I am too, as I said in my earlier post.

I would like to ask all samesters a new question .... how often do you visit WL's? In my case at least 1-2 every month. In some months even up to 3-4 times. And I like to try new ladies ... variety keeps staleness away (hehe).
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