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Old 27-06-2002, 02:28 PM
omnia omnia is offline
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Unhappy Difficulty in getting AV approval

heard on the grapevine that the av is getting stricter viz approval of new gals...understand that 3 hses were unsuccessful this time ard including tommy's joint
Old 27-06-2002, 02:31 PM
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New gal: Apple(1610A)

understand that 1610A's new gal's name is apple...not sure when she is starting wk but the feedback on her looks is that she is ave looking
Old 27-06-2002, 04:01 PM
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Re: Difficulty in getting AV approval

bro omnia, you really amaze me .... you work at AV? ... ha ha ha .. just kidding.

Yes that day all 3 new gals from L16 .... 1612, 1654 and one of Ah Yap's joints (don't know which one as they have 1606, 1606A, 1608 and 1610A)

Too bad for all.

Originally posted by omnia
heard on the grapevine that the av is getting stricter viz approval of new gals...understand that 3 hses were unsuccessful this time ard including tommy's joint
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 28-06-2002, 02:04 AM
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Cefiro on one month leave

This newest car in the house of cars is on one month leave
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 28-06-2002, 01:24 PM
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Wink AV, fls and okts

Originally posted by cuntking
bro omnia, you really amaze me .... you work at AV? ... ha ha ha .. just kidding.

Yes that day all 3 new gals from L16 .... 1612, 1654 and one of Ah Yap's joints (don't know which one as they have 1606, 1606A, 1608 and 1610A)

Too bad for all.

looks like with the "new" management in place at the av things are getting pretty hot not only for the china fls but also for the operators as well...

oh btw yap is not the operator of the a/m joints...i guess (although i maybe mistaken) that may also apply to tommy as well eh
Old 28-06-2002, 01:44 PM
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Re: AV, fls and okts

yes the 'new AV management" anger to from the FL issue has spill over to the operators ..... hmmm .... given your knowledge of GL, you should know that Ah Yap from 1606 is from the group of 1606, 1606A, 1608 and 1610A ... that's why their gals are shared among these houses and some don't even go out of the 4 houses to work.

Originally posted by omnia

looks like with the "new" management in place at the av things are getting pretty hot not only for the china fls but also for the operators as well...

oh btw yap is not the operator of the a/m joints...i guess (although i maybe mistaken) that may also apply to tommy as well eh
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 28-06-2002, 01:55 PM
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Wink Registered Operator

Originally posted by cuntking
hmmm .... given your knowledge of GL, you should know that Ah Yap from 1606 is from the group of 1606, 1606A, 1608 and 1610A ... that's why their gals are shared among these houses and some don't even go out of the 4 houses to work.

what i meant is that yap is not a registered tommy a registered operator ?
Old 28-06-2002, 01:59 PM
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Ah Yap NOT Registered Operator?

WHAT? Ah Yap is NOT a registered operator? ... I did not know that, I did go to 1606 before and Ah Yap was there serving me.... you sure know more about GL than me ... I kowtou to you ... hee hee

I was saying those 4 houses are under the same boss lah that's why they control and share the gals among themselves

Originally posted by omnia

what i meant is that yap is not a registered tommy a registered operator ?
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 28-06-2002, 02:08 PM
omnia omnia is offline
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Registered Operators

Originally posted by cuntking
WHAT? Ah Yap is NOT a registered operator? ... I did not know that, I did go to 1606 before and Ah Yap was there serving me.... you sure know more about GL than me ... I kowtou to you ... hee hee
I was saying those 4 houses are under the same boss lah that's why they control and share the gals among themselves
fyi just because a chap appears to be running a hse i.e. operating the phones and serving the punters...only gals that is! does not necessarily imply that he is the registered operator of the in point tommy at 1637 and perhaps now at 1612 too if i am not mistaken...understand that this practice is not illegal so long as the registered operator is ard...btw1606's registered operator is ah meng and i think his younger brother is the operator for 1608

Last edited by omnia; 28-06-2002 at 03:12 PM.
Old 29-06-2002, 12:41 AM
jamrud jamrud is offline
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jamrud deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
well I've read everything so can anyone tell me where to find this singtel and ICE? ( am a newbie here ) I need it urgently 'cause am very horny liao. havent fuck for 2 months.
Old 29-06-2002, 01:12 AM
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Originally posted by jamrud
well I've read everything so can anyone tell me where to find this singtel and ICE? ( am a newbie here ) I need it urgently 'cause am very horny liao. havent fuck for 2 months.
obiviously u have not read enuf .... there'a a post regarding Singtel recent status posted not long ago n there r 2 ICE at the moment .... which one u lookin for ?? s'pore or m'ysia wan ??
Old 29-06-2002, 01:57 AM
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Re: Registered Operators

bro omnia, well for me I just go to different house to experience and repeats the house if the OKT is nice and good at recommendations. Don't check if the guy who serve me is the registered operator or what so ever ... cannot ask Ah Yap for his business registration cert, right ... hee hee .. you should know that he is a big size guy .. wait I kana hammer ... ha ha ha

As for Tommy, I also never ask if he is the registered operator of 1612 but his uncle and aunty are also in the house.

What so ever, back to the GL gals and the ultimate Sextisfaction we are looking for.

Originally posted by omnia

fyi just because a chap appears to be running a hse i.e. operating the phones and serving the punters...only gals that is! does not necessarily imply that he is the registered operator of the in point tommy at 1637 and perhaps now at 1612 too if i am not mistaken...understand that this practice is not illegal so long as the registered operator is ard...btw1606's registered operator is ah meng and i think his younger brother is the operator for 1608
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 29-06-2002, 02:26 AM
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Free Ridders

bro jamrud, if you read EVERYTHING then you should know ... wa liao more free ridders.

Originally posted by jamrud
well I've read everything so can anyone tell me where to find this singtel and ICE? ( am a newbie here ) I need it urgently 'cause am very horny liao. havent fuck for 2 months.
We the BROTHERS of GL SAF, swear to have FUN by finding the BEST CUNTS!

"King's Latest Party Gals" thread will have the details of the GL 150 gals I had since July 2001

Go to "GL Newest Party Joint" thread for the latest GL updates with the help of all the brothers who PM or sms me or post in the thread.

Will be fading away from GL soon but as I said "No one retires from GL" .... who knows?
Old 29-06-2002, 01:47 PM
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Wink Gossip and pussycats

Originally posted by cuntking
bro omnia, well for me I just go to different house to experience and repeats the house if the OKT is nice and good at recommendations. Don't check if the guy who serve me is the registered operator or what so ever ... cannot ask Ah Yap for his business registration cert, right ... hee hee .. you should know that he is a big size guy .. wait I kana hammer ... ha ha ha

As for Tommy, I also never ask if he is the registered operator of 1612 but his uncle and aunty are also in the house.
it's not abt checking whether the chap who serves you is the hse operator...after awhile you may become friendly with these chaps and enjoy chatting with them abt gl and anything else under the sun over a cup of kopi...unfortunately the days when alcohol was allowed to be served in the hses hv long passed...that is where i get my gossip and i presume(pls feel free to correct if i am wrong) you get yr gl info fm tommy

as for being "kana hammer" by yap...hehehehe...the guy is a real pussycat when you get to know him...when i first met him, i was also put off by his appearance...however as they say, never judge a book by it's cover...certainly applies to yap and perhaps to ah hwa(2829B) too

so it does look like the "old man" continues to be the registered operator of 1612 eh...the grapevine of gl never fails to amaze me
Old 29-06-2002, 01:55 PM
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Originally posted by jamrud
well I've read everything so can anyone tell me where to find this singtel and ICE? ( am a newbie here ) I need it urgently 'cause am very horny liao. havent fuck for 2 months.
1667 for singtel and 2833 for s'pore ice or 2226 for m'sia ice
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