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Old 07-07-2006, 11:00 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

I still maintain my 'fuck buddy' relationship with her. So i guess it don't really matters to me. But I still don't dare to fart if she is around
Old 08-07-2006, 08:10 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by remyken
I still maintain my 'fuck buddy' relationship with her. So i guess it don't really matters to me. But I still don't dare to fart if she is around
"Silence is Golden". Sometimes best form of attack is defence.

Old 09-07-2006, 12:22 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Just seeking you guys opinions here. I have a guy friend (called him Sam) who falls in love for a 25 year-old girl (called her Jane). Both are my friends. Sam is an Engineer, Jane an Technical Assistant. Both are single and not in relationships. The guy definitely isn't, the girl claims she isn't. Everything seems 'problem-free', until one day, Sam discovered through some scribbles of writings on some rough papers on her desk that were written... ... 'I love Dick Yang'. This Dick Yang is Jane's ex-boss (a Supervisor), who left the company months ago. But the fact is this Dick Yang is a married man. Jane clearly upset of Sam discovering her secret love over Dick Yang, for fear Sam will reveal for others to know. But Sam is heart-broken over the fact she loves a 'wrong man', a married man. I believe this Dick Yang is just trying to get fresh from this girl. I do know this person as my acqaintance.

Sam questions Jane further. She claims she and Dick Yang are just friends. Jane denies there is any relationship between the two, although they still meet each other regularly, not with the other colleagues but just the two of them. This clearly upset Sam, he reveal his liking of her and plead her to give him a chance to be her boyfriend. I see this as Sam trying provide her an alternative to pull her away falling further, of course Sam do like her a lot. However, Jane still meets Dick Yang this day, and have yet respond to Sam.

My questions:
1) Do you think Jane and Dick Yang are as simple as just friends? (Note: Dick Yang is married)
2) Do you think Sam should give up altogether over Jane?
The universe is unprofound. A woman is harder to know. --Stephen Hawking
Old 09-07-2006, 12:51 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Kyser Soze
My questions:
1) Do you think Jane and Dick Yang are as simple as just friends? (Note: Dick Yang is married)
2) Do you think Sam should give up altogether over Jane?
It may that simple just as friends but may be another matter altogether. Let me put it this way, if Sam values Jane, then perhaps he should work harder and win her over completely, else continue to be a bystander in this matter. Like a guy getting a new GF while she has 3 relationships before him and all involve sex, will he mind, does he wanna continue to pursue?

To give up or not is not entirely in his hands, Jane is the final decision maker. Why not be gracious and woo her over rather then lamenting that she is in love with another man?

Old 09-07-2006, 02:26 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by remyken
After a few days, she called me and apologise for that incident. But she sound very serious that i do not ask her anything abt that nite or to ever mention it again.... She is still my fuck buddy up till today. but i never ever dare to question her on that incident since i still want to keep her as my fuck buddy. And I DO NOT DARE TO FART IN HER PRESENCE NOW!!!

WTF? up till now i still cant figure out wats wrong. She behave this way bcos her bf cant accomapny her that day or juz simply bcos i farted....................

U insensitive farting fellow, how can u be so ignorant to fart a medium sound fart when trying to do a missionary? you had a fcuking mission, not a farting mission! Don't you know that you would hurt her pride and ego to fart while u fcuk? It shows that you dun give a fart and what the fcuk!

And can't you fart b4 you fcuk? Thats common courtesy and you deserve to be fart! Fart you ok?

Haha....ok, brother...just offence ya? Will up you for your farting good story!!! Cheers.
Old 09-07-2006, 05:30 PM
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Smile Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
It may that simple just as friends but may be another matter altogether. Let me put it this way, if Sam values Jane, then perhaps he should work harder and win her over completely, else continue to be a bystander in this matter. Like a guy getting a new GF while she has 3 relationships before him and all involve sex, will he mind, does he wanna continue to pursue?

To give up or not is not entirely in his hands, Jane is the final decision maker. Why not be gracious and woo her over rather then lamenting that she is in love with another man?
Bro OceanEleven,

Thanks and my apology for making you the 'Aunt Agony'. You indeed provide a constructive solution. This is similar to what I have told Sam. Of course, since I know Jane personally, I did some analysis on her character with him. Generally, I do find her a nice lady in many ways.

I hope Sam will see my posting here. To Sam, no one is flawless. Open up your mind, stop being so stuck up and whinning things over. Be gracious and woo her over. Ultimately, Jane is still the final decision maker.
The universe is unprofound. A woman is harder to know. --Stephen Hawking
Old 10-07-2006, 05:34 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

U insensitive farting fellow, how can u be so ignorant to fart a medium sound fart when trying to do a missionary? you had a fcuking mission, not a farting mission! Don't you know that you would hurt her pride and ego to fart while u fcuk? It shows that you dun give a fart and what the fcuk!

And can't you fart b4 you fcuk? Thats common courtesy and you deserve to be fart! Fart you ok?

Haha....ok, brother...just offence ya? Will up you for your farting good story!!! Cheers.
Haha, bro dun like that leh... fart want to come out, how to control? Bad for the stomach you know... For now, i'll juz walk away from her, and fart
Old 10-07-2006, 06:25 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Kyser Soze
Bro OceanEleven,
I hope Sam will see my posting here. To Sam, no one is flawless. Open up your mind, stop being so stuck up and whinning things over. Be gracious and woo her over. Ultimately, Jane is still the final decision maker.
I think Sam needs to think more about the relationship, I mean not even started one but thinking of ending it. Why ponder and start whining and put it this way, who is he to question her integrity? Why not make the first move then decide the next move?

Prior to be anything but boyfriend already doubting her, this is a big NO NO. Go ahead, make her head turn and his feelings count.
Old 15-07-2006, 11:44 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Five Stone
I think Sam needs to think more about the relationship, I mean not even started one but thinking of ending it. Why ponder and start whining and put it this way, who is he to question her integrity? Why not make the first move then decide the next move?

Prior to be anything but boyfriend already doubting her, this is a big NO NO. Go ahead, make her head turn and his feelings count.
i'm not expert in relations, but something i learnt along the way, and is quite funny how we singaporeans handle relationships.

i think when a couple start seeing each other, they still entitled to go out meet other people, date other people (date doesn't include sex). only when they are condfirmed about 1 another, then maybe need throw in more commitment & agreement of not seeing other people on 1-1 date. give it some more time down the road. then call it steady & have more plans about the future together.

dunno why, but it seem many singaporean couples nowsadays like to rush into things.

i have a fren, parktor with 1 girl since schooling days, havent even met others girls, he can confirm that the current gf is the 1 he confirm, steady wanna marry. i felt he haven't seen enough to make a wise decision.

i also predict if there's some problems encounter in future, and if the relation fails, he will be feeling super rock bottom morale. sigh
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Old 15-07-2006, 06:48 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by red-perrier
i have a fren, parktor with 1 girl since schooling days, havent even met others girls, he can confirm that the current gf is the 1 he confirm, steady wanna marry. i felt he haven't seen enough to make a wise decision.

i also predict if there's some problems encounter in future, and if the relation fails, he will be feeling super rock bottom morale. sigh
I feel your friend has kind of '1st girlfriend syndrome'. Not actually a bad thing, it reflects he's a loyal chap. I agree that without going out with other girls might be difficult for him to make comparison. On the other hand, his reluctance to do so may be his current girlfriend has little bad points to complain about.

It all depends on individual's perspective. My view is there is no relationship that is permenantly rock-solid. Perhaps your friend's view is different. Or perhaps he is still green in exploring relationships.
The universe is unprofound. A woman is harder to know. --Stephen Hawking
Old 19-07-2006, 07:27 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

When you plan your wedding, consider this...

the Rule of 72.

Basically, it's a quick and easy way to figure out how fast an investment will double, with a certain interest rate.

So, let's say you got an investment earning you 10%. 72/10 = 7 years.
So if you took some money and invested it @ 10% and never touched it for 7 years, it would double.

So if your wedding cost $20,000 and you invested it instead, 7 years later, that $20,000 would become $40,000.

Another 7 years later, and it becomes $80,000.

Another 7, $160,000.

Another 7, $320,000.

Another 7, $640,000.

So let's say a young chap decides to put off marriage and start investing instead @ 25 years old. By the time he's 60 years old, he'd be $640,000 better off. Just because he decided not to spend $20,000 on marriage when he was 25.

Now of course, here's when it comes really useful: your ger really wants to get married and spend over $40,000 of your money.

Save $20,000, invest it at 10% per year, don't touch it and you'll be better off by $640,000 35 years later.

Something to think about, samsters....
Old 22-07-2006, 12:20 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by caycan
Save $20,000, invest it at 10% per year, don't touch it and you'll be better off by $640,000 35 years later.

Something to think about, samsters....
This is an idealistic scenerio, something that is always portrayed by Financial Advisors whenever they try to sell to their potential clients. Investment always involve risk. There is no clear-cut 'recipe' of earning 10% returns every year safely. You could have paper loss at any point of time. Few samsters here are Warren Buffetts.

I appreciate part of your point here, probably to have sufficient money before indulge into marriage. But will the passion between the couple still sustain when they have enough money? Like making money, relationships do not have a sure-win recipe.
The universe is unprofound. A woman is harder to know. --Stephen Hawking
Old 22-07-2006, 09:51 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by Kyser Soze
I appreciate part of your point here, probably to have sufficient money before indulge into marriage. But will the passion between the couple still sustain when they have enough money? Like making money, relationships do not have a sure-win recipe.
There are too much unforeseen circumstances to have such a idealistic scenario presented to you at all times. It is also the unpredictability in life that makes being alive so interesting. It is indeed nice to have things in our ways but always remember, in order to have a winner, there must be a loser.

Old 24-07-2006, 09:38 AM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Originally Posted by OceanEleven
There are too much unforeseen circumstances to have such a idealistic scenario presented to you at all times.
I fully agree, becos there's no perfection except for the one in your mind. Last weekend, she checked my hp and asked me on some phone calls I received. I began to freak out. Now asked all my buddies, dun call unless necessary and all smses kept minimal. she cried and I got into the same limbo I experienced before. haiz.
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Old 29-07-2006, 06:58 PM
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Re: Gers Are Still Gers

Girls to me are still very much unpredictable. This is an update what I have encountered recently. Sam was wooing this girl (Jane) for quite sometime. Likewise, another married guy (Dick) was also wooing her. In the end, Lyn chose Dick instead of Sam. I am quite puzzled till today.

Here's the comparison betwen Dick and Sam:
Dick: 28 year-old, average looking, Malaysian, graduate, married (promise her to divorce, to be with her), smoker, tattoo, humorous and outspoken (according to her), scheming (according to colleagues).
Sam: 29 year-old, average looking, Singaporean, graduate, single (promise marriage, if that's her priority), non-smoker, no tattoo, humorous and outspoken (according to my friends), helpful (according to colleagues).

With all rational analysis, Sam actually lost to a guy of lesser worth. In addition, Dick actually lost a substantial sum, if his divorce proceedings to go through. Bro OceanEleven, probably you can enlighten Sam and me. Is it the truth that girls only love bad guys? I offered nothing to Sam, and almost jaw-dropped when I heard this. I am really really puzzled as though Brazil has lost a football match against East Timor. I feel so sorry for Sam...

Maybe life is such a bitch.
The universe is unprofound. A woman is harder to know. --Stephen Hawking
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