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Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Wa So 痴情one... I guess this is the power of love...
Lucky I did not go so deep in my own experience. Met ex from LV the f her all the way from her WPermit days to XZi and then thru her Macau stint. Later broke up due to differences and then she married another cheongster. Felt lost initially but quickly moved to a new bird after 2 months. Hope no bros kenna too chialat from involvement with singers ever. Quote:
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
湖南girl is one of the worse in china. Dont need to be hfl girl. Normal offer lady from Hunan is the same
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Sorry I mean office lady and student in Singapore all are the same as long as from Hunan . Remember Mao ze dong also from Hunan
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
![]() Was at 中国城 last night to witness how the managress chooped and favour her own province singer. A group of chinese men come from LV took the VIP room with the pool table. The managress intro him abt 4 singers and all had $500 during PPC. As usual last song of the night, all singers went on stage again,this time the managress pull the man out and ask him to hang $100 each for everyone on stage including the music teachers.On top of that hang $1000 for two other singers. So the song 明天会更好 goes on and on , suddenly the managress pull the man out again, tell him to hang another $3000 on singer no 27! When the bill came , the man was very angry and ask the managrss who is no 27, she was not in the room at all! he is ok with the bill except no 27, then the bouncers came and ask them not to made a scene,after some commmotion,they pay n left. We spoke to some of the singers and all of them said the managress favour no 27 because 同乡 and this is the first time those customer came to 中国城! Please be level head when hanging flowers, some ppl and place are really bad.
Former nick ZhongGuoB ![]() |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
http://samleong.shop/showthread.php?t=276444 Incident n witnesses testimony all here ![]() |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
i think the flowers there damn sick. i heard theres one guy who goes every 2 days and hang 500-2k for every girl and then 10-20k for the one he likes. i heard his record was 100k for his favourite. i went down for a quick look and i was quite awed by this power hanger. just wondering what kind of business or profession do u have to do to sustain this kind of hanging power man. dang. |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Why worry about power hanger background or what kind of biz they do!
If you not able to support your girl, surely someone will takeover, this is meat business, damages and stakes are high, like it or not.
^^ 一天为魔 ^^ 终身为魔 ^^ ~~人生最重要的,不是如何走得快,而是怎样放得下,练就平静淡泊的心,乃追求之极致~~ |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Low income people always sour over other peoples achievements lor dage, wats new.
So instead of standing together as MEN go out n attack the whores, they feel they can come here gong lan jiao weh n the prc whore will be theirs n exclusive wor. Looser mentality, see so many liao. N read back dage, they r all born from 1 particular looser el cheapo HFJ where u will see the most -ve point nicks in this forum lolzzz n all those who contribute even here, is always: I hear, I heard wahahahaha Bottomline, jiak buay dio sng lor lolzzz
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene Last edited by DO_YOU_BJ; 19-05-2012 at 01:44 PM. |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
im not dissing any guys who support those girls also. i'm just intrigued by how this "meat" business model works and what fuels the high damages and stakes, thats all. appreciate it if there are constructive comments instead of the "buzz off if u can't afford" kind. i just post sometimes in this thread as i feel that the industry is interesting. not looking to "compete" with anyone. |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
Oh is it?
Then tis post for wat? Quote:
Hangers we not keen nor bothered to know. Only 3 category keen on hangers. 1) Fucking kaypoh 2) Gay 3) Sour like fuck Which 1 r u ![]() Last, dun hear too much, everything heard from CB's mouth, bad for health ![]() Of fyi, the one who upped u 11pts was me!
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
i really don't support any girl becos i can't afford to. but that doesnt mean i don't have any friends from other countries. the no. 7 is a friend who was recommended by an agent to work in singapore. she thought shes here to sing. but end up at dongmen tio stunned by the culture of night clubs. its not like i knew her from dongmen. (oh u mean that can't happen? u don't have a friend who works in hfj or ktv by choice or by circumstances doesn't mean others don have) obv i can't do much to help her since im poor. and saying here that shes a nice girl, hopefully she gets more flower from people who frequent dongmen and read this thread. how does that equate to me supporting her? (oh and by asking other people to support a gd singer, is that sour?) bro, the problem here is u JUDGE and u are to quick to stereotype. u think that every guy is out there for a fuck. could be due to u seeing many such cases. but there are always exceptions. u think that people who are poor are sour. likewise, u could have met many. but how do u prove that there are no exceptions? all kinds of people out there. just becos u never meet a kaypoh like me who is poor but has a friend who recently ended up working in a nite club doesn't mean people like me don't exist. poor kaypoh friend = poor dude who can't afford to support a girl. ![]() |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
![]() From ur 1st post can tell liao Quote:
Ok lor, like that, we hv many ambassadors here who improve bilateral relations financially & sexually lol Quote:
DM & Macau same towkay same mgt n singer mgr at DM is the 师傅 of the singer mgr in Macau. These 2 joints r one of the very few highly contested joints that these PRCs wanna go to. Only the creme de la creme r selected by the joint not by agent to sing there FYI! Either ur a dumb ass taken for a ride by ur FRIEND or ur just a noob in the scene! Quote:
Simply put, by choice or circumstance join the land of the whores, still got wat friend? Got la, FUCK friend only lor Wah, poor still can go DM. Loafing eh hehehe Quote:
I feel u damn low lor I am sure i'm not the only one wif this tot at the moment. Come here ask bros to pump petrol while you drive the car. Steady la bro! Quote:
You think every gal come here is to be friend and not for money. Just because i met & can't be bothered if they can be friend or just for money, doesn't mean dun have ![]() No, not all just wanna fuck, some just wanna be fren mah, like you lor. Awwwwww so sweet~~~~~~ Quote:
Read back what u wrote lolzzzz Quote:
HFJs r for some n i'm sure u dun qualify so better leave her alone. U being there only makes her market worst!
The Choices We Make, Dictate The Life We Lead!!! The 4 Golden Rules in life: 1) 不要欺骗自己 2) 不要出卖自己 3) 不要背叛自己 4) 不要对不起自己 是你的,就是你的。 不是你的,不要抢! 人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多、而是因为计较的少 Officially Retired From The Nite Scene |
Re: Hanging Flowers Joints
when she told me (or rather the few of us) she coming to singapore to work, we were just ok great, can catch up and stuff, if u want to visit any places on ur free days feel free to call us since she did host us in some sense when we were over there. of cos, from a recent supper among the grp of us, i got to know abt dongmen and the system/culture. being the kaypoh that i am, i came here to post. to be honest, u mentioned "Only the creme de la creme r selected by the joint not by agent to sing there FYI!" thats cool. i didn't know abt which mgmt are linked or wat same boss as macau. thats gd info. i like reading/hearing abt such stuff. from what she said, an agent in taiwan introduced her the job. she may be lying of cos. but that doesn't matter to me wat. she can be a whore in DM but none of my business on what kind of deals she has with the clientele there. of cos she told us stories of the place, which is why i come here to kaypoh more. i think even being poor doesnt mean i cannot have a friend who works in DM and tells me abt her job/workplace or complain abt how she not enough flowers right? but doesnt mean i have to go hang her or wat. if ur sg guy friend complain his salary low, will u go donate part of urs to him. no wat. u sound like u don't have much friends or u simply think that girls are just meant to be fucked by guys and nth else. if u still think im bullshitting or spinning some tale, im willing to take this discussion offline and say even meet u in person and even get a mutual friends with the girl to verify what i've said above. PM me if thats the case. i'm willing to take the trouble just so u can have a more open view next time and not be so sceptical. |
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