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Old 26-09-2002, 11:56 AM
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Re: Maximum respect to Rainman

Originally posted by Xecutive
I will be flying to Jkt tomorrow and have been following the posts by you guys and learning heaps. Just wanted to say thank you and my most maximum respect to Rainman and all the other contributors. I am staying at Hotel Mulia for 4 days and am now armed with all your info.
Tomorrow and that is today???/

I have a guest flying in at 6 and also staying at Mulia... U should see a Ang Mo, A very short Local and a ugly tall Chinese having Dinner at the basement Chinese rest... Samudera Steamboat...

Come over and say hi..


anything... Pm me.,.. Happy cumming to JKT
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Old 26-09-2002, 12:38 PM
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Cheers to RM

Our Dear RM,

so how u feel now?....hopefully head not swell 2 big yet.

Anyway u are a good bro....

Just hope u could spend more time with your bros on weekends....hehehe.....
Old 26-09-2002, 01:34 PM
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Re: Cheers to RM

Originally posted by Middleware
Our Dear RM,

so how u feel now?....hopefully head not swell 2 big yet.

Anyway u are a good bro....

Just hope u could spend more time with your bros on weekends....hehehe.....
I am waiting ... FR about encounter with yr gal from Sydney... KNN.. keep for 5 days then bonk... how was the reward???


Week-end.. This Sun I see u at 6 am at Gunung Gelis... tee -off at 7.. Okay?? oh.. BTW... safe trip home...
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Old 26-09-2002, 01:40 PM
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Originally posted by phenom

On th 22nd I'll be 40,000ft in the air heading for Frankfurt, while you guys will be on terra-firma banging away at the Jkt pussies. Maybe, with a little luck, there will be a chio gal sitting next to me and we could be making out in the toilet or on a row of unoccupied seats while everyone else is snoozing away.......Wishful thinking, but then who knows, I just might make it into the exclusive "mile-high club".
Presume bro Phenon alredi landed and busy bonking there... Hope to see u again and looking forward to yr FR..

Free on 10th Oct?? will SMS u then...

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Old 26-09-2002, 01:47 PM
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Practise first la


the Sydney one was nice to have around as she is very jovial ,,laugh all the time.... even taught me a few key words....hehe
but the sex part was disappointing....maybe the expectation build up was too high..... nothing great....yr normal to do tasks......over in < 15 min...knnnn....drink 2 much san miguel la....
see how my mood next week....may engage her private tutoring again....
seems like a non demanding gal...but who knows.... after some time become like contract is still good...

oh, the china horse i told u (met in Milles last Sun) is going for 10 M per month.....she say business very bad....HOW? any takers....

For golf, let me practise first la....otherwise.... kanna nicely from u.......( Nov or Dec)...

Save some energy for next week.... when i get bac....hehehe....
Old 26-09-2002, 02:33 PM
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Is that all u have to say after sleeping together for so many days prior the real action?? Yup... guess expectation built up over time and finnaly.... DISAPPOINTed..

Okay... don't take her in again next week... Then we arrange orgy at yr place.,..... Swee bo...
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Old 26-09-2002, 02:51 PM
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Chinese PRC at Surabaya

For Bro going to Surabaya...

there is one PRC... look wise maybe 5/10 and body okay okay.. She is having some trouble in Surabaya and is available for fuck..

Call her,, Xiao Yu.. phone


Tell her some friend intro from Jakarta... Write yr FR leh...I think SD 200 for overnight should be okay..

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Old 26-09-2002, 11:37 PM
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wow...damn ex man!

so like that ask for companion machiam no fun already right?

btw,the show for one person only eh?
Old 27-09-2002, 10:41 AM
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Re: 1001

Originally posted by iz259
wow...damn ex man!

so like that ask for companion machiam no fun already right?

btw,the show for one person only eh?
Jakarta is not a Cheap city lah.

The show is actually strip show.. Ratio I suggest is one gal to 3 guys for better enjoyment. U have 8 songs and she will dance and strip plus lap dancing. Then the usual rabu rabu.... strip u and give u a HJ either there or in the Toilet... If u are lucky.. Free BBBJ too....

But don't forget to tip them Rup 50 min if u cum....hahahaha

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Old 27-09-2002, 06:43 PM
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Re: Chinese PRC at Surabaya

Originally posted by Rainman
For Bro going to Surabaya...

there is one PRC... look wise maybe 5/10 and body okay okay.. She is having some trouble in Surabaya and is available for fuck..

Call her,, Xiao Yu.. phone


Tell her some friend intro from Jakarta... Write yr FR leh...I think SD 200 for overnight should be okay..

Bro Rainman

Back in Sin today, tiring day man... after last night....

Thanks for the inform about surabaya.......
Went to a few place to check out the scene, but before telling my ventures. The china girl I tried calling but her handphone cannot get through, speak Bahasa Indonesia one leh.... Dont know, maybe busy...

Anyway, of all the trips to Indonesia, saw one really choik one at Plaza Tunjungan yesterday. Model looked, she was sitting opposite me at Dome cafe. I keep observing her, a bit ang mo look, tall and short hair. I think look like some MTV VJ.... Some more got eye contact but your bro here no guts to approach. She wearing five match stick watch and looks like very rich type lah than I think after cheonging jakarta the pass few nights, a bit low on Rp, maybe it's my excuse not to apprached. Another one bites the dust.....

So go back hotel than go try to find the bar Bonkers, FYI the bar close already now change to Indian restaurant. So take a taxi to JJ at marriots, ask the hotel staff the location. Went it, BO LAUNG LAH! only a few mosquitos. So last stop, Statsium disco.

Was there around 10pm so I think a bit early. But after 11pm the girls start to come in.... But the disco, I think darker than Jakarta disco. Cannot see the girls clearly...Saw one cute girl? with her friends. So she invite me to join her and her friends. Then dance and drink with her. Ruba, ruba. She look ok leh, body also sexy. Then ask to follow me back to hotel, she say ok.
C.B. when going off then walk out of the disco, alamak. her face got pimples all over. Oh shit ! Was I drunk? Cannot reverse gear liew!!!!

BUT!!!! when she took off her pants, those very little bush one, Tight man.... can feel the tightness. Overall quite not bad. She says the usual crap. Students studying .....must go back home if mama, papa scold....

Lastly, wanna thank all bros for the cheonging session in Jakarta. THanks bro. rainman, middleware for the introduction....

bro middleware thanks for the offer to stay at your place. steady man...

See your again the next time.....

Old 27-09-2002, 07:06 PM
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thanks for the info !
Old 28-09-2002, 12:29 AM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: y Sunday? not earlier on Fri or Sat?

Originally posted by Rainman

Finish reservist alredi meh???

So confirm coming or not??
Bro Rainman

Finally finished my reservist.!!!

So..confirmed going to jkt/bandung on 1-4/oct. You will be there or back in sg? Think will try to go Embassy on wednesday, heard its ladies nite rite

Old 28-09-2002, 02:32 PM
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: y Sunday? not earlier on Fri or Sat?

Originally posted by wonsim

Bro Rainman

Finally finished my reservist.!!!

So..confirmed going to jkt/bandung on 1-4/oct. You will be there or back in sg? Think will try to go Embassy on wednesday, heard its ladies nite rite

I am here lah...

but 4th is a holiday in Indonesia leh...

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Old 28-09-2002, 02:35 PM
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Re: Chinese PRC at Surabaya

Originally posted by Rainman
For Bro going to Surabaya...

there is one PRC... look wise maybe 5/10 and body okay okay.. She is having some trouble in Surabaya and is available for fuck..

Call her,, Xiao Yu.. phone


Tell her some friend intro from Jakarta... Write yr FR leh...I think SD 200 for overnight should be okay..

This lady is back in JKT...

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Old 28-09-2002, 08:43 PM
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I was planning for a trip to Jakarta this coming 1st week of October.

Happen to come across this web map which bros going to Jakarta will defintely find it useful:

Just in case anyone decides to go there and walk alone in the streets at night, you can print out the map and use it for directions.
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