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Old 02-09-2024, 04:11 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Tried Momo on SLG last week.

Hard to recommend because this is the the first time I’ve tried someone so painfully average.

Everything she does just on point, includes bathing for me and HJ and BJ.

Not say very friendly, but mainly because she is very serious during the deed.

Don’t have any stand out points. Told me business was slow.
Hard to recommend, won’t RTM

Last edited by Javabeans; 02-09-2024 at 09:24 PM.
Old 02-09-2024, 04:12 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Visited this gal over the weekends, she's basically WYSIWYG with red lipsticks on, close to no ps and her looks kinda resembles ex tv host sharon au imo. Her boobs are probably huge Bs, very nice grabable pair, not too big not too small. Very chatty as well although massage and sensual are not exceptionally outstanding but still decent and for the price it's pretty not bad. Might rtm her for the 90mins ear digging in the near future as well, heard she's pretty good at it.
Old 02-09-2024, 05:14 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by L00k View Post
How is her looks ? Will try soon when free.
Yi An is foxy milf looks, got a bit of age, elegant and classy, her photo listing mainly is discount on eyes area, in person can see got a bit of wrinkles. Very good massage and service
Old 02-09-2024, 05:16 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Looks: Face not as sharp as photos, a bit wider.
Body: got meat, not fat. looks decent
Shower: Helped me shower, didn't get in together though.
SN/FN: Wore a tight fitting massage clothes(?) during service, but let the boobies out. The same one as the 2nd pic, next to the one with tshirt
Massage: Got effort, but didn't put too much strength, maybe cos I skinny. Yi An is better in this regard
Sensual: Knows how to work her fingers. Better than squishing me with boobs
BBBJ/CIM: Trooper. Usually I take a little bit longer, and most will let go from mouth and try to use hand. She just go on and on until I release.
Service: No phone, no shortchange of time. I blew my load 30mins in, told me to lie down for a bit while she go brush teeth. Come back massage my leg/groin area and tcss until 50min tell me go shower, but this time alone
RTM: Massage-wise no, BBBJ/CIM yes. Think she going back for mid autumn fes and coming back afterwards
Old 02-09-2024, 06:12 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by poopdepoop View Post
I don't understand, isn't Jap FL $550+?
As in given the uptrend in China FJ pricing, might intersect with JP soon.
Old 02-09-2024, 06:48 PM
UrbanDecal UrbanDecal is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Saw a few reviews on xiao mi and went to try after a hiatus. First 20 minutes was just lying down in silence, she try to ask a few questions but I was quite tired so one worded answer. Her massage got strength but no skills. After 20mins I think to myself, buey sai, like that majam like waste money then I try to open up conversation. Slowly she warm up and then banter a bit.

After a while she started service and I'm quite impressed by her bbbj. Suction gao gao and she can go a long time. I really have to give it to her on her service because I very hard to cum one. End up extend time and she 30min bj, 30min hj, 30min bj. really no stop and make sure you enjoy your money spent.

Looks-wise and body, not really my type as I like big neh neh big butt. But her butt is soft and perky. Those kind is really like peach, and is natural. Had a blast playing with her butt man. Some butt looks nice but is hard (because go gym) but her one is natural so looks nice and damn bloody soft and smooth.

Will RTM for novelty and service sake (still like big neh neh). If you like petite girls/service, definitely recommend bro and I don't think you can find someone who can consistently bj you for 30mins straight and her mouth hanging onto your dick to dear life. Plus point she very like cleanliness (her towel and pillow got this lavendar thingy smell).

Last edited by Javabeans; 02-09-2024 at 09:40 PM.
Old 02-09-2024, 07:35 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Any FR for Xena?
Old 02-09-2024, 07:56 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by kombust View Post
As in given the uptrend in China FJ pricing, might intersect with JP soon.
ooh ok, don't think will be that fast la. now still ~250-350, above that less customers already
Old 02-09-2024, 08:03 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Looks : Young MLIF with at least B++ cup
Massage : head and face massage pretty good
Sensual : She was quite sensitive upon touch with limited access, hj only
GFE : Gentle, Demure, lovely
Old 02-09-2024, 08:57 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Closure for GiGi

Doing a shoutout closure for GiGi. Had my last session (I think) and did ask her to let me know if she is still gonna work before leaving in a few days time. She is going for her well deserve break before heading back. Never really did any closure for any ML before but for her, I will. Her work ethics is simply commendable. Will give her an excellent service award if I can!

I don't think any ML I have met in my entire chionging life can match her in terms of work ethics. Maybe I didn't meet any like her before. What a comfortable setting and session each time I was there, with the passion to excel and improve whenever she can.

Pre session - Tea, soups and your favourite fruits (not general fruits). She will ask a few hours prior if I wanted any soup and will start cooking so that I have a hot healthy broth when I arrive. If you book her early, she will head to the market to buy your favourite fruits in the morning.

Shower - I was super impress when she uses the same exact towel each time for me, knowing I am a little of a hygiene freak. She even told me this towel was reserved for me and was never passed to anyone else. I discovered this when I realised it look like the same towel I used each time, asked and was thus amazed any ML would actually do this. Past MLs will usually tell me to bring my own.

Massage - She uses a minimal of 3 towels per person for massage alone. Changes all the towel for every new customer. She uses a hell lot of Dettol for washing. Her massage is on point and with effort. She is very confident and very pleased with her massage skills. Always boasting in front of me, lol. Recent months she even added a heat pad where she moves it around the back while massaging other places. Then over time she also added a small round bolster for the forehead and a longer one for the legs, all in the name of making the customer relax and enjoy the process. If she has anymore time here, she will definitely go learn JG for sure.

Sensual - She has her boundaries, and has stick to her principles which I respect and also what I loved about her. Her sensual is, in truth, much better than many of the MLs I know. Even with 2 sessions per week for her entire stay, I have managed to get my rod up and hard the moment sensual start. She does it with feeling, and I can sense it and that translates to rock hard rod . Sometimes while I laid there and fell asleep while waiting for her to wash up, she did not come wake me but instead gently close the door while she goes clean up outside. Once she was prepared to sleep on the couch just so she does not disturb me. I woke, very surprised why it's all dark, quickly washed up, woke her in the couch and told her to go rest and took my leave.

Post Session - Back to the table, relax, drink some water, eat some fruits. Chit chat before leaving.

I believe there is some form of friendship established and I do not wish for her to come back into this line. But of course if she needs it, then I welcome her with both arms. Wishing her all the best and with that work ethics and sincerity I am sure she will do well.

Last edited by Javabeans; 11-09-2024 at 09:11 AM.
Old 02-09-2024, 09:57 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Special Spawner View Post
Closure for GiGi

Doing a shoutout closure for GiGi. Had my last session (I think) and did ask her to let me know if she is still gonna work before leaving in a few days time. She is going for her well deserve break before heading back. Never really did any closure for any ML before but for her, I will. Her work ethics is simply commendable. Will give her an excellent service award if I can!

I don't think any ML I have met in my entire chionging life can match her in terms of work ethics. Maybe I didn't meet any like her before. What a comfortable setting and session each time I was there, with the passion to excel and improve whenever she can.

Pre session - Tea, soups and your favourite fruits (not general fruits). She will ask a few hours prior if I wanted any soup and will start cooking so that I have a hot healthy broth when I arrive. If you book her early, she will head to the market to buy your favourite fruits in the morning.

Shower - I was super impress when she uses the same exact towel each time for me, knowing I am a little of a hygiene freak. She even told me this towel was reserved for me and was never passed to anyone else. I discovered this when I realised it look like the same towel I used each time, asked and was thus amazed any ML would actually do this. Past MLs will usually tell me to bring my own.

Massage - She uses a minimal of 3 towels per person for massage alone. Changes all the towel for every new customer. She uses a hell lot of Dettol for washing. Her massage is on point and with effort. She is very confident and very pleased with her massage skills. Always boasting in front of me, lol. Recent months she even added a heat pad where she moves it around the back while massaging other places. Then over time she also added a small round bolster for the forehead and a longer one for the legs, all in the name of making the customer relax and enjoy the process. If she has anymore time here, she will definitely go learn JG for sure.

Sensual - She has her boundaries, and has stick to her principles which I respect and also what I loved about her. Her sensual is, in truth, much better than many of the MLs I know. Even with 2 sessions per week for her entire stay, I have managed to get my rod up and hard the moment sensual start. She does it with feeling, and I can sense it and that translates to rock hard rod . Sometimes while I laid there and fell asleep while waiting for her to wash up, she did not come wake me but instead gently close the door while she goes clean up outside. Once she was prepared to sleep on the couch just so she does not disturb me. I woke, very surprised why it's all dark, quickly washed up, woke her in the couch and told her to go rest and took my leave.

Post Session - Back to the table, relax, drink some water, eat some fruits. Chit chat before leaving.

I believe there is some form of friendship established and I do not wish for her to come back into this line. But of course if she needs it, then I welcome her with both arms. Wishing her all the best and with that work ethics and sincerity I am sure she will do well.
You must have been a super regular of her to receive such great pre- and post-session treatments. I have not been able to book a slot with her the last couple of weeks, the day-time slots being quickly taken up. I remembered it took two sessions of fighting off my hands from fondling her pussy from outside panty before she became totally relaxed and comfortable with me, giving firm strong massage, dfk with gfe, boobs fondling, hj etc Sessions with her were exciting and sweaty for us! GiGi was a great ML with superb work ethics (always giving 15 mins allowance before having the next customer) Kudos to her, wish her well and was very glad she was not caught in any AV action! (She did not put up advert during an AV period which targeted Central region premises. I thought she was one of the thirty victims in the raid. But discovered she laid low and was relying on regulars during that period).
Old 02-09-2024, 10:24 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Ditto most of the compliments you have for the high work rate Gigi.

Wish I could have met her more frequently …. Alas …. Just too many things happening on my end.

Don’t ever want to see her back in this line too like what you have said.

Sorry to use your post to share my inputs.

Originally Posted by Special Spawner View Post
Closure for GiGi

Doing a shoutout closure for GiGi. Had my last session (I think) and did ask her to let me know if she is still gonna work before leaving in a few days time. She is going for her well deserve break before heading back. Never really did any closure for any ML before but for her, I will. Her work ethics is simply commendable. Will give her an excellent service award if I can!

I don't think any ML I have met in my entire chionging life can match her in terms of work ethics. Maybe I didn't meet any like her before. What a comfortable setting and session each time I was there, with the passion to excel and improve whenever she can.

Pre session - Tea, soups and your favourite fruits (not general fruits). She will ask a few hours prior if I wanted any soup and will start cooking so that I have a hot healthy broth when I arrive. If you book her early, she will head to the market to buy your favourite fruits in the morning.

Shower - I was super impress when she uses the same exact towel each time for me, knowing I am a little of a hygiene freak. She even told me this towel was reserved for me and was never passed to anyone else. I discovered this when I realised it look like the same towel I used each time, asked and was thus amazed any ML would actually do this. Past MLs will usually tell me to bring my own.

Massage - She uses a minimal of 3 towels per person for massage alone. Changes all the towel for every new customer. She uses a hell lot of Dettol for washing. Her massage is on point and with effort. She is very confident and very pleased with her massage skills. Always boasting in front of me, lol. Recent months she even added a heat pad where she moves it around the back while massaging other places. Then over time she also added a small round bolster for the forehead and a longer one for the legs, all in the name of making the customer relax and enjoy the process. If she has anymore time here, she will definitely go learn JG for sure.

Sensual - She has her boundaries, and has stick to her principles which I respect and also what I loved about her. Her sensual is, in truth, much better than many of the MLs I know. Even with 2 sessions per week for her entire stay, I have managed to get my rod up and hard the moment sensual start. She does it with feeling, and I can sense it and that translates to rock hard rod . Sometimes while I laid there and fell asleep while waiting for her to wash up, she did not come wake me but instead gently close the door while she goes clean up outside. Once she was prepared to sleep on the couch just so she does not disturb me. I woke, very surprised why it's all dark, quickly washed up, woke her in the couch and told her to go rest and took my leave.

Post Session - Back to the table, relax, drink some water, eat some fruits. Chit chat before leaving.

I believe there is some form of friendship established and I do not wish for her to come back into this line. But of course if she needs it, then I welcome her with both arms. Wishing her all the best and with that work ethics and sincerity I am sure she will do well.

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Old 02-09-2024, 10:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Time to put together a MR for this lady whom I feel deserves one!

Looks: Very lovely and attractive eyes. She certainly looks good in person and has a great demeanor. I like the black dress she was in when we met. She looks so dainty.

Body: Fair and has meat at the right places for me. I was indeed glad!!!

Breasts: Natural, sensitive and reactive. Handful to cup. (B? My bad, I am not good with breast classification) Her moans when you stimulate her tits certainly up the tempo in the room. Please handle her tits with care. Please!

Massage: She tries hard to cover lots of areas across my body. This includes asking you to be on all 4s Hardworking and sincere lady in this regard.

BM: she goes really slow .... uses her nice tits to tickle you from your thighs to .... I never had it this good, frankly.

HJ: for me, patience is the key. She has loads of it. She reads me well and controls the rhythm according to how she reads my reaction. Very cheeky lady, I should say. Other stuffs, YMMV.

Time watcher: not at all. Similar professionalism as demonstrated by Gigi. I adore these 2 ladies lots for not being time watchers and not making me feel like a customer. Tea lovers fall in. I am a tea fanatic. She has those tea set that Gigi has. Great to chat over tea, IMO.

Communication: She is a good communicator. Positive mindset lady and I got to give it to her. I am sorry for unwittingly making her share some unhappy memories.

Damage: as per advertised plus tips (been a long time I requested to add duration during first visit)

RTM: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes (don’t worry, I have already RTM and her service consistency is good!)

Note 1: Ah Boi snr bro, sorry that I visited Xue Bai more vs the 2 recommendations from you. Paiseh. One of the lady refused to reply me. The other one, I’ll update you soon

Note 2: Tom666 snr bro, this lady is highly recommended . Your turn to recommend me, wait until erm ….

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Old 02-09-2024, 11:13 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by poopdepoop View Post
ooh ok, don't think will be that fast la. now still ~250-350, above that less customers already
jp fls might become 400-500 as i see more okts coming in. standards might drop as well especially in the looks department.

for china fls, even milfs are asking for 250++. high end ones trying for 400-500.

dunno if i should be happy or sad.
Old 02-09-2024, 11:29 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by kombust View Post
jp fls might become 400-500 as i see more okts coming in. standards might drop as well especially in the looks department.

for china fls, even milfs are asking for 250++. high end ones trying for 400-500.

dunno if i should be happy or sad.
the quality dont have much to do with price after ~300 imo, my 400/+ experiences haven't been much better than ~300 ones. oh well not much we can do, also verring offtopic for this thread lol
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