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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 16-02-2011, 01:25 PM
ahkong ahkong is offline
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Lightbulb Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Actually when u see another person come in you can go off liao, dont even have to pay!!! Next time ask the gal u want this question "Are you the one doing the massage for me?" If not can forget it liao.
Old 16-02-2011, 02:32 PM
panapod panapod is offline
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by ahkong View Post
Actually when u see another person come in you can go off liao, dont even have to pay!!! Next time ask the gal u want this question "Are you the one doing the massage for me?" If not can forget it liao.
Thanks for the advice. Some of this massage places collect the massage fee before we start to strip. It was you you who collected the entrance fee from me. Next time I'll be sure to clarify... Ensure... And make sure sia... Tmd lol
Old 16-02-2011, 10:13 PM
punk8813 punk8813 is offline
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Bro try the 3rd floor... there is a Gem inside with good soild massage and very friendly lady in there. Heard she seldom around.....
Old 16-02-2011, 11:10 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by panapod View Post
be warned bros.

I went to BTSC last night in search for massage and release. Found the store that you you works in. Not bad at all considering the current standard in BTSC.

She ushered me into the cubicle and told me to strip. Minutes later, it was another fat PRC who came in and gave me my massage.
Bro if im not wrong..that fat PRC got bad reputation..she have been there for a very long time..I ever went to other shop which they told me she give a lousy service. evrytime past by I never take 2nd look.

Btw...went there this afternoon and saw that fat and two new girls..not my taste..few strps away got new shop got a time I go toilet cme out door close liao so went over to BWP to look for Linda.
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Old 16-02-2011, 11:21 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by punk8813 View Post
Bro try the 3rd floor... there is a Gem inside with good soild massage and very friendly lady in there. Heard she seldom around.....
Xiao Ling? Used to be from BWP?
If her, try luck during weekends

Go look c look c just now...
Fat lady shop, have many new stock...
next dr outside toilet, today got i newbie...
but see the damages posted... my wallet not willing to be damaged
forum no need so serious right?
Old 17-02-2011, 12:47 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

no one managed to get her (You You) contact??

except for you you, the rest cannot make it...
Old 17-02-2011, 09:28 AM
krackers krackers is offline
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

hi all sbf bros

been reading somewhat -ve views abt bt timah area and I just want to put my views in here too.

I'm not into massages v much and have only been to several outside of bt timah. and within, its only BTSC. but most (if not all) of them just want to get things done asap (within reasonable amt of time), get your money and wait on the next sucker.

its going to be v v hard to get a syt with silky smooth skin and soft racks for you roam freely and charge you $30 for a hj, especially in an area, wary of AV raids and if not, full of milfs.

for me, if I want quality massage, I will go for clean quality massage. I want specials, I will go for FLs or something similar for a pure romp where the price is all inclusive.

I don't really want to risk what I have achieved so far in my life just to get a curtained cubicle quickie. even if you are not really doing anything wrong, having the AV officer come up to me and ask me for my particulars to be recorded is embarrassing enough.

having said all those above and if you are still adamant that HC specials are for you, especially the ones in bt timah, i recommend

1) mic***l* from r*g**t (milf with HUGE racks)
2) q** x**** 2nd (slim milf in early 30s)


pm me if you want the * decoded.
Old 17-02-2011, 09:54 AM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

hi all sbf bros

been reading somewhat -ve views abt bt timah area and I just want to put my views in here too.

I'm not into massages v much and have only been to several outside of bt timah. and within, its only BTSC. but most (if not all) of them just want to get things done asap (within reasonable amt of time), get your money and wait on the next sucker.

its going to be v v hard to get a syt with silky smooth skin and soft racks for you roam freely and charge you $30 for a hj, especially in an area, wary of AV raids and if not, full of milfs.

for me, if I want quality massage, I will go for clean quality massage. I want specials, I will go for FLs or something similar for a pure romp where the price is all inclusive.

I don't really want to risk what I have achieved so far in my life just to get a curtained cubicle quickie. even if you are not really doing anything wrong, having the AV officer come up to me and ask me for my particulars to be recorded is embarrassing enough.

having said all those above and if you are still adamant that HC specials are for you, especially the ones in bt timah, i recommend

1) mic***l* from r*g**t (milf with HUGE racks)
2) q** x**** 2nd (slim milf in early 30s)


pm me if you want the * decoded.
Old 17-02-2011, 03:15 PM
xtechkkh xtechkkh is offline
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Bros... Help wanted to find a good FJ in BT area. Juz went during lunch time to BTSC ,recce the area , saw 2 big boobs ladies in shop. Not interested since FR stated their lousy service. Search all floor and corridor, came to nothing I like. Then go next door to BWSc none was found . So then took quick bite at the MCdonald, suddenly saw a hottie wit so short pant that make my dick smell her cunt juice type. Eyeing her from top to down. But she left quick towards the direction to BWP. Tried following her but lost the sight of her. Went to the BWP, recce all the shops cannot find her!! KNN cock already sleep looking ard. BROS..if u FJ this long hair, slim, tanned skin with tattoo at her ankle and behind her hips. Please PM me. She look like MINAH/Chinese. Not pinay or PRC. Must find her...please PM if any bros know the whereabout!!!!!
Old 17-02-2011, 04:22 PM
ahkong ahkong is offline
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Talking Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Originally Posted by xtechkkh View Post
Bros... Help wanted to find a good FJ in BT area. Juz went during lunch time to BTSC ,recce the area , saw 2 big boobs ladies in shop.
bro where in BTSC u saw the 2 big boobs ladies? can PM me?
Old 17-02-2011, 04:27 PM
rajjnu rajjnu is offline
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Can u please pm contact for big boobs ladies to me. thanks.
Old 17-02-2011, 07:58 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

so You You is at B1 near the carpark lift?
Old 18-02-2011, 10:54 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

My virgin fr,

Today afternoon, was at one of the mp at BT area. Saw that it's newly opened, so Mai tu Liao quickly opened the door and stepped into. The moment I'm in, quickly a tall syt walked to the reception desk and greeted me. Was told 45 min for $45 and 60 min for $60. Took up the 60 mins massage, was leaded to one of the cubic room. Total in all, there are three rooms, and entry into the room is not those curtain type, it sliding wooden door. So there no worry no privacy. Found out that all in all, there are three girls working in the mp. I did not get the chance to see the other two but from their voices heard, I guess they should be those mature type. But lucky I got the syt assigned to me . Best of all, all three girls are not prc, they are all Taiwanese!!!!

Quickly strip down and lied on the bed and wait for my syt. The syt is very chatty and do a lot of sweet talk to make me high. Massage is not bad, I quite like it. 30 mins later was asked to turn over, massaged for 10 mins and long waited GQ finally come. $50 for hj is what being offered. Tried to bargain lower but she said her $50 sure worth the $$$. So get on with hj, auto roaming is allowed. As the syt is wearing a short skirt, the access to her meimei is easy. I managed to pull down her panty and inserted one finger and finger her and best is, she give that slut face telling me to finger her harder and oh my she get wet so easily!!!. Then she pulled down her bra to expose her beautiful nipple. Nice rack she have@@ there . Best of all, while hj my small head, she still can sweet talk to make me go high~~~. With one hand busy with her meimei and one hand busy with her rack, in no time my small head blasted out my lust load, even when my load is released, she still carried on to hj me. After that I thought is the end of the session but she still came back to massage my head to end the whole session. Get changed and left the mp with a big satis smile.

Syt name: Michelle
Look: 7/10
Age: 24
Boob: B+
Body: slim
Service: hj $50 auto roam, finger allow.
Massage: 6/10

Hope you brothers will like my virgin fr and up me. If brother who want to know what is the contact to the mp, I will give those who got certain status. Thank you!.
Old 19-02-2011, 01:55 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Bro pm me location. Thks
Old 19-02-2011, 01:56 PM
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Re: Bukit Timah ACtion

Bro pm me the location pls. Thks
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