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Old 17-10-2007, 11:08 PM
si_pai_kia si_pai_kia is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Tried number 8 from piaoliangbaobei.

Doesn't quite looks like the picture but cute never the less.
Took quite some time to get to my place since its not a well know hotel.
Very friendly and obliging.
Smooth and fair skin like normal PRC.
B size boobs.
About 1.6m.
Looks 7/10.
RMB500 + 100
Old 18-10-2007, 12:39 AM
coco2008 coco2008 is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by HoKar View Post
I also tried 2 days ago, called a girl from 成都, petite and young (19+ yr old).

She was the one picked up my call, I checked in terms of services and prices (2 hour full services inclusive of massage), I specifically told that I want good service girl.

She came to the hotel about 20 minutes later, and started the massage for me.

After a good 20 minutes of massage, especially when I turn up and she started to massage my tights where my small brother already showing sign of energy, I looked at her, and she bend down to kiss me.

We had a long, long french kiss, while my hands were searching all over her, eventually one hand occupying the top, and the other below.

She's very wet for some reasons, and started moaning.

We continue to caress and our french kiss for a while, and eventually I turned her around, kissed her nice nipples.

Till the time where I could not hold on anymore, I started to enter into the wet and warm cunt.

We did it in a few positions, and eventually I cum.

I love her moan during the actual action, and her service is certainly worth the $$.

Name: Forgot since when she introduced herself to me, she was so shy that she spoke so softly, can't hear
Age: 19+
Height: Below 1.55 meters
Massage: 7/10
BJ: None (Frenching all the way, BJ was already not required, and not in my mind at all)
FJ: 8/10 (wet, with real moaning, I simply love it)
GFF: 9.5/10 (With the French kiss, and after action hugging, after action massage, certainly good GFF)
After having some taught and courage, finally called the number and asked for QiQi. Wow she answer, not a plank number , asked for her services; she did oil massage and charges as stated by bros. So I decided to tried her services in my hotel around north east 3rd ring.

Ding Dong, she arrived, looks wise fabulous and cute lady. Greeted and proceed into the room. She started massage, a rather detail one. After about an hour, the goldern question asked, so I opt for full services. It sure is an unforgetable one and she work hard to get my million soldiers out.

The whole process is just like GF with lots of tkss. Manage to know that she call Jennifer and origin From Zhejiang, so lonely bros in Beijing can proceed to call this number it is geniue or this number 13366938361 (she prefer bros to call this no).

Cheers and enjoy your night in Beijing
Old 21-10-2007, 04:21 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

So many fackos and OKT in this thread so I decided to do a recee on the "massage parlor" myself...

Yes, I'm referring to and Yes, I'm in beijing now

Took a cab to the address found on the website and had to make a few calls for directions. At the end, the manager (Li Li) sent a "little girl" out to fetch me from nearby.

The address is right in the heart of a residential estate, and with the shop located at the basement of a residential block (414 B1), it was not obvious at all.

Anyway, long story short (I may elaborate the details in futher posts) the place is pretty nice, cozy and friendly. I'm sure Li Li may be reading this post, but heck I still wanna to point out to the rest of the bro here she says she is a good photoshop user & photographer - meaning the gals u see on the website are real, but...

Ya, she owns that website and have 5-6 in house gal, plus a "network" of others (she claimed).

The 3 times I was there (3 days consecutively) was enjoyable and no prize for guessing who I had.

Nay, not that I'm endorsing this place; again it's a nice cozy friendly place to visit, tcss, have a coffee and watch DVD with the gals. Other than that, if you order home-delivery service, just take note of my comment about photoshop... and set your expectation accordingly.

Oh, just mention that you're recommended by a sillyporean guy who sells weight-loss products and you may be able to break the ice. (Hint: Li Li says weight-loss is a common topic among the gals...)

Bro Lanchio was there with me on the 3rd day, and even took some live pics of a couple of them. I think he is more interested in Li Li herself... becoz I also think she looks the best among all.

More FR later. Will be here for a couple more days, so if anyone interested to cheong, contact bro lanchio (number found somewhere above posts).

p.s. upz me if u like my recee
Old 21-10-2007, 08:36 PM
Mark Lim Mark Lim is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
So many fackos and OKT in this thread so I decided to do a recee on the "massage parlor" myself...

Yes, I'm referring to and Yes, I'm in beijing now

More FR later. Will be here for a couple more days, so if anyone interested to cheong, contact bro lanchio (number found somewhere above posts).

p.s. upz me if u like my recee
Good FR, Bro. Upz you alreadi.
Old 22-10-2007, 03:02 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Tried LiLi some time ago while in Beijing.... but only did a HJ with her since I was out of cash.

She had unshaved armpits and pussy, but a real urbane and playful girl

Face: 5/10
Boobs: B cup I guess? Not for the ideal boobs lover!
HJ skills: 7/10
Friendliness: 9/10

Probably won't try her again, unless I can't find a better one
Old 22-10-2007, 04:20 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Thx bro Mark for the upz!

Originally Posted by dsdwind View Post
Tried LiLi some time ago while in Beijing.... but only did a HJ with her since I was out of cash.
Oh, I didn't know that LiLi provide services too

She looks more like the boss around there and had to man the phones & great PR skills can tcss a lot. Bro lanchio, your chance man!

She sounded defensive when I spoke about negative comments abt her gals on the forum, but overall the feeling I get is that they are just trying to make ends meet.

Of the 3 times I was there, there were no other walk-in customers like me (a few hours each visit) except that we saw a guy who walk off shortly on the 3rd visit. That's why I say it's nice becoz you've a few gals with you on the sofa to tcss away & watch DVDs. IMHO, beats paying for those KTV sessions if you're out to get company and kill some time.

BTW, the gals are all young early 20s and what I like is that no males/OKTs around, so it gives me a sense of "safety" and ease. The massage is decent too, even if u don't opt for extra.

The reason why I'm there twice myself is because of the rapport I had with the gal (not Li Li) that service me; suffice to say that it was all spontaneous when we finally ended up in action, deep kissing and exotic positioning with whatever furnitures the massage room have to offer - I didn't even had a chance to ask for the price...hehe. (it's the standard rate @ 500RMB inclusive of massage - but I gave extra). That's the nice thing between going for a quickie and a nice massage to relax the mind/body first.

Wow, thinking about it again makes me wanna go back.

Disclaimer (again): The above are just my personal experiences, if you cheong long enuff, you know that a lot of it depends on the KC factor; whether you'll enjoy it as much. Gal's quality wise, it's NOT up to par for my standard, but at least they are young and playful.

Also, those are just in-house gals, they may have other gems for room delivery; u just have to negotiate & set your terms well on the phone, I guess. Bottom-line: that website is not a scam, just that the photos are misleading.

Last edited by goodpartner; 22-10-2007 at 04:36 PM.
Old 22-10-2007, 09:41 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Hello bros, i will be in beijing from 29th to 31 oct .....So if anyone wanna cheong KTV pls PM me ok? Or else i guess i'll go to that Lili's place and check out if the forum is true or not . Cheers! Wait for my FR on that place K?
Old 22-10-2007, 11:09 PM
lanchio lanchio is offline
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

I was in beijing here for 2 months already. Didnt cheong much due to lack of $$$ power, once in while sian some girls here got free services. Met some bros here sometime back....I be here till end of the month. My mobile is 13146058103
Old 23-10-2007, 09:51 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
Thx bro Mark for the upz!

Oh, I didn't know that LiLi provide services too

She looks more like the boss around there and had to man the phones & great PR skills can tcss a lot. Bro lanchio, your chance man!

She sounded defensive when I spoke about negative comments abt her gals on the forum, but overall the feeling I get is that they are just trying to make ends meet.

Of the 3 times I was there, there were no other walk-in customers like me (a few hours each visit) except that we saw a guy who walk off shortly on the 3rd visit. That's why I say it's nice becoz you've a few gals with you on the sofa to tcss away & watch DVDs. IMHO, beats paying for those KTV sessions if you're out to get company and kill some time.

BTW, the gals are all young early 20s and what I like is that no males/OKTs around, so it gives me a sense of "safety" and ease. The massage is decent too, even if u don't opt for extra.

The reason why I'm there twice myself is because of the rapport I had with the gal (not Li Li) that service me; suffice to say that it was all spontaneous when we finally ended up in action, deep kissing and exotic positioning with whatever furnitures the massage room have to offer - I didn't even had a chance to ask for the price...hehe. (it's the standard rate @ 500RMB inclusive of massage - but I gave extra). That's the nice thing between going for a quickie and a nice massage to relax the mind/body first.

Wow, thinking about it again makes me wanna go back.

Disclaimer (again): The above are just my personal experiences, if you cheong long enuff, you know that a lot of it depends on the KC factor; whether you'll enjoy it as much. Gal's quality wise, it's NOT up to par for my standard, but at least they are young and playful.

Also, those are just in-house gals, they may have other gems for room delivery; u just have to negotiate & set your terms well on the phone, I guess. Bottom-line: that website is not a scam, just that the photos are misleading.
I meant LiLi from the number mentioned above. For those who missed it, heres her number -> 13717590636
Old 24-10-2007, 03:06 AM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by lanchio View Post
I was in beijing here for 2 months already. Didnt cheong much due to lack of $$$ power, once in while sian some girls here got free services. Met some bros here sometime back....I be here till end of the month. My mobile is 13146058103
Bro lanchio, so you got your notebook PC fixed oredi I see.

I'm back in sillypore now... wish I could extend a few more days

Want to thank you again for showing me around places although I must say that for some reasons luck is not with me these past few days! Or maybe I'm better off cheonging alone...

Guess what? Last night after kanna "play out" by that KTV mamisan and left me horny, I took the plunge and gave those "barber shop" outside the place a try again... haha... this time round not as bad as the first time, at least I went back sextified.

If you got a chance to take on that mamisan, please give her a "good one" as a revenge

Enjoy the rest of your stay there. I'll make another FR post to summaries my Beijing adventure.
Old 24-10-2007, 10:31 AM
sinowacko sinowacko is offline
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My adventures so far....

been lurking for many years and not contributing but benefitting. so i feel it is time i share what i have been up to in Beijing. may not be new info but info nevertheless.
(no guarantees of service or quality, just sharing)


first one visited was Hua Du in CTS building (Zhong Lv Da Sha). a little old but quality is not bad. make sure you get a regular mamasan to get good service. the mamasan i know there is called Xiu Xin. mobile no. +8613811530808. just said you were intro by Wan Ge from Malaysia.
rooms: RMB1000 onwards, tips 400 all round

next i visited some other KTV behind Kempinski hotel. was struck by beauty of mami Miao Miao +8613910218178. was not a cheap place. rooms for 3 pax costed around RMB2000 icl drinks. tips 400 all round. at last gave up after few times as Mami play me out everytime after promising to follow me back to hotel

TianShangRenJian.(Passion) i think every bro knows this place. best IMHO except pay thru your ass for everything. saw a super model once but she wanted RMB5k to do it. luckily big head woke up in time.

Kuntai Hotel (Amethyst KTV) ChaoyangMenwai. good popular KTV but service going down since they have customers all year long. had a very good papasan name Chiu Tian (Autumn?) but he left and now the mamasans i know are Tung Tung and Wang Qi. convenient especially if you stay at Kuntai Hotel which is a good place at good price. KTV: rooms and tips same as Hua Du. make a booking as it is popular.

Now i go to Regal KTV. new place VERY NICE. what is special is every room is renovated with different wallpapers etc so that you have a fresh feeling though you go few nights in a row. my buddy knows a mamasan who really takes care of us getting the best girls and making sure we pay reasonable price. the sound system is also very good so you will enjoy yourself there. setback is that it is very pack every nite so you have to book in advance or wait like an idiot in the hall. will get name and number of mamasan to share. she is Mongolian, skinny but a looker herself. after visited this place never thought of anywhere else. normal room for 3 about RMB 1600 tips 400-500 depends on how high your tastes are.
Old 24-10-2007, 10:43 AM
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adventures so far.. cont...

Outcall bonk etc...

stay in Kuntai, so use their inroom massage services. expensive but i get turned on by their all white and tennis skirt uniform. they offer services if you sian them but they always start with some crazy figure like RMB3000. you can nego down and see how good your nego skills is and how bad you want it. lowest i got was RMB 1800 incl massage fees.
positive point is that they are fresh and they hardly do it. so do not expect acrobatics from them. you gotta perform for them.
once i got lucky and got one for free, but then she left. mind you, i had to do all the work and on hindsight if i had to pay for that one i would have been an idiot. none are model lookers but more like students look. good for those who like student fetish.

also called Li Fei from other bros FR and she was really good. really wet and has spasms in her pussy while doing it can really turn you on. She is now my OKT and each time i call her she recommends other girls and send them to me for same charge RMB 500 + taxi fare.
tried a few all young. i like really innocent ones who sometimes need you to teach them stuff. Li Fei has some on hand if you ask her. i beleive you can find her number from previous posts.

Taipan Winterless: went there once. tried 395 very sweet but could not massage if her life depended on it and refused to do anything else. was not satisfied so called another got 795 and was more friendly. refused to jerk me off at first so i tried last resort was to wank in front of her. midway she gave up and jerked me. grabbed her tits under her blue uniform but somehow she wasnt really turned on. maybe no chemistry
funniest thing was she ordered food for me and the waitress came in while there was a small towel covering my boxers only which i am sure had some cum stains on it.made me feel really embarrassed.

that's all from me. will try to update if i try anything else.
take care and cheers
Old 24-10-2007, 01:35 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

I found a new place for young beautiful chinese girls. Having tired two of them, feeling very good. Contact at 15300213289(mamasan).
Old 24-10-2007, 11:22 PM
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Re: Beijing Recommendations

FR on my beijing trip...

Stayed at the DaWan hotel, near wanfujin. That's the same hotel which one brother mentioned in a post earlier; it has a massage palor w/ special services at the basement. I didn't have a chance at it as I was out most of the nights, and had to keep someone company during other time (except for a quick look-see intro by the OKT on the facilities, which sucks - check the earlier FR by bro myko). Anyway, I hate those palors with males OKT that tout for businesses.

Visited the piaoliangbaobei massage palor a few times. Rather enjoyable except that the quality of in-house gals not good enuff. Massage services range from 48rmb, 98rmb, 148rmb. I had a spontaneous FJ quoted at 500rmb aftermath, inclusive of massage.

Tried those infamous China "barber shops" in the small alleys of 旧鼓楼大街 (“old drum building big street“). It was not what I expected.... a rather "shocking" experience for me. They are more like squatters - tiny/untidy/dark little shop houses about the size of a HDB room within. After this experience, I've a new definition of what is a "quickie". 50rmb for massage, 100rmb with HJ and 150rmb for BJ.

Bro lanchio brought me to a KTV which was well hidden along the same street.. Requested to ta-bao a gal directly from a mamasan; she brought me 3 gals on 2 attempts which I rejected, then when I offer her 100rmb for the trouble, she brought us to the KTV's "fish tank". Wow! 100+ girls to select from behind a one-sided glass wall. Quality-wise, still not that good but still managed to spot a cutie I like.

Unfortunately, there was a police scare just about the time I check in a hotel room in the same building - had to call it off. Shit... left me hanging. BTW, the minimal "room spend" at this KTV is only 480rmb (upwards) all in, exclude tips which is 300rmb and perhaps 100rmb for mamasan. I think it's quite reasonable but still did not want to waste money on drinks/ktv room. It's quite happening given a full-carpark size of a quarter football field outside.

Last but not least, we went to 唐会disco but was too early for the night to see much. However, the quality of gals seen roaming outside looks great!

That's about it!

The ktv FJ alone would have cost me 800rmb + room + tips for mamasan if not for the police scare. I was told the "premium" quality ones (not in the fish tank) would cost at least 2000rmb upwards!

Anyway, maybe it's a good thing...I saved almost S$200... and now that I'm back in Sillypore, I've booked a PENTHOUSE quality gal to spend the money this weekend! Methink such quality would have fall in the 2000-3000rmb range in beijing... so maybe it's better to wait for overseas talent to come sillypore instead or venturing out to look for them?

Last edited by goodpartner; 24-10-2007 at 11:48 PM.
Old 25-10-2007, 02:12 AM
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Beijing Recommendations

Originally Posted by goodpartner View Post
Bro lanchio, so you got your notebook PC fixed oredi I see.

If you got a chance to take on that mamisan, please give her a "good one" as a revenge

Enjoy the rest of your stay there. I'll make another FR post to summaries my Beijing adventure.
How much u paid for that barber shop? Maybe i going to try, is it exceptable? I called someone to come to my room to fix my notebook for RMB80, still in the process of repairing. I think i try to get that mamasan before i leave, dont mind paying RMB800 for her....
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