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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 18-07-2007, 02:49 PM
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BW at BTSC Raided

Hi guys,

SlackWars and I was at the scene of crime yesterday at 8.15pm. All the PRC girls were rounded up by AV. Saw a man with a guilty look standing among the girls, may be customer caught red-handed. I hope he is ok..

Anyway can anyone help Brother "SlackWars" on his SB a/c? He cannot post, only can see.. thanks
Old 18-07-2007, 05:07 PM
DTCEPL DTCEPL is offline
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided


SlackWars and I was at the scene of crime yesterday at 8.15pm. All the PRC girls were rounded up by AV. Saw a man with a guilty look standing among the girls, may be customer caught red-handed. I hope he is ok..

Well if that gentleman was caught with his pants down and cock bare, then he will be taken to central station, lock up and pending someone above 21, Singaporean, to bail him out. Then await prosecution, if any, probably it will take months, ended up even the IO have been changed several times, and the gals being rounded off and send back, already be back in S'pore with another name and new passport.....the poor guy still don't know his faith.....thats how efficient our PULLEY FOrce is.
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Old 18-07-2007, 05:26 PM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Hope he can get off with a warning man...............
Old 18-07-2007, 05:30 PM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

is sunny still there ?
Please give me some time , I'll surely return ups for your kind remarks !! Thank you
Old 18-07-2007, 07:05 PM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Wow lau jus nw 2pm+ went 2 BTSC B1 only,lucky nothing happen if nt hw 2 answer 2 my company somemore during office hr..Tink better stay clear frm here
Old 19-07-2007, 08:29 AM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Well if that gentleman was caught with his pants down and cock bare, then he will be taken to central station, lock up and pending someone above 21, Singaporean, to bail him out. Then await prosecution, if any, probably it will take months, ended up even the IO have been changed several times, and the gals being rounded off and send back, already be back in S'pore with another name and new passport.....the poor guy still don't know his faith.....thats how efficient our PULLEY FOrce is.[/QUOTE]

Yes, don't know what's happening with them nowadays... Like that Regan guy who drove the test car and killed the sales gal. If there is no hooha on the car forum, think his case may never come up. Then Ben Goh's drunk driving case - took place in 2004, now then brought up in court. Christopher Lee's drunk drinking took place after Ben's incident, but the hearing took place before Ben's. Eh???? why like that?
Old 19-07-2007, 08:44 AM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Originally Posted by orgasmatron View Post
Hi guys,

SlackWars and I was at the scene of crime yesterday at 8.15pm. All the PRC girls were rounded up by AV. Saw a man with a guilty look standing among the girls, may be customer caught red-handed. I hope he is ok..
How quick are these raids? And how noise are they? Coz most of these MP or TN places, the walls are damn thin...You can hear an ant crawling from miles away! Can't the bro hear it coming and pull his pants up?
Old 19-07-2007, 08:50 AM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Originally Posted by pocketrocket View Post
How quick are these raids? And how noise are they? Coz most of these MP or TN places, the walls are damn thin...You can hear an ant crawling from miles away! Can't the bro hear it coming and pull his pants up?
when u super shiok, will u even be bothered bout other things? dun think he had a chance... keeping fingers crossed for him...
Old 19-07-2007, 12:56 PM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Originally Posted by DTCEPL View Post

SlackWars and I was at the scene of crime yesterday at 8.15pm. All the PRC girls were rounded up by AV. Saw a man with a guilty look standing among the girls, may be customer caught red-handed. I hope he is ok..
Well if that gentleman was caught with his pants down and cock bare, then he will be taken to central station, lock up and pending someone above 21, Singaporean, to bail him out. Then await prosecution, if any, probably it will take months, ended up even the IO have been changed several times, and the gals being rounded off and send back, already be back in S'pore with another name and new passport.....the poor guy still don't know his faith.....thats how efficient our PULLEY FOrce is.[/QUOTE]

what's the charge?...last time i checked, prostituition is not a criminal offence...only solicitation...
Old 19-07-2007, 01:19 PM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

sometime i feel its not worth going to TN,you got to pay and take the risk(AV raid) the gals in BW is quite chio and all the gals change also.the new boss just take over BW,as its is expected there will be a raid for this BW,so dont dare to take the risk to go in whenever see the chio PRC walking ard.
Old 19-07-2007, 03:38 PM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Originally Posted by escobar43535 View Post

what's the charge?...last time i checked, prostituition is not a criminal offence...only solicitation...
I guess we are really at the mercy of the ppl that caught us in action......that's what worries me....
Old 19-07-2007, 05:22 PM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Hi Bros! I had to go to POSB to get some cash at BW. Exited from the 3rd floor and to my suprised, most of the TN shops were closed. Ask an uncle nearby what happened. He say kena raid yesterday! The TNs' at BW, IMHO, are very opened to public view. People who frequent there to shop probably complained about the TNs. I did not recce at BTSC as I was hungry and went to the foodcourt to eat. To my fellow bros, I think we should stay away from those 2 places for a while.
Old 19-07-2007, 07:46 PM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

The standard of BW has dropped ever since there was a change of management and the entrance of all the PRC girls. I paid BW a visit about a month back and it was really a waste of my time and money. I think none of them can be compared to Jess
Old 19-07-2007, 08:48 PM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Jess is good.......... the sensual fingernail massage!
Old 20-07-2007, 12:13 AM
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Re: BW at BTSC Raided

Originally Posted by orgasmatron View Post
Jess is good.......... the sensual fingernail massage!
Yes, cannot forget her big boobs !!
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