View Full Version : Indian guy and Chinese girl coupling - Whats's ur take?

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03-05-2013, 10:23 PM
Apart from what Jolie described her Indian boyfriend, what do Indian men say or do to get Chinese girlfriends? Dat is the question. Learn n improve yourself. Any one with real life experiences can answer n contribute? Thank u.

03-05-2013, 10:53 PM
Seems pretty common these days. Looks like Chinese gals prefer Indian guys. What do the masses here think? Would like to know your 2-cents worth especially from Chinese guys.

Are Chinese girls slowly prefering Indian guys over Chinese guys? Let the discussion begin..

They can't get the white and rich neither yellow and rich, so black one is the alternative.

04-05-2013, 02:26 AM
They are rapists. They all look the same. They all look like monkey

05-05-2013, 11:18 AM
Jolie, u are a low class xia jain person. U disgrace your parents.

05-05-2013, 11:18 AM
Jolie, u are a low class xia jian person. U disgrace your parents.

05-05-2013, 04:32 PM
They are rapists. They all look the same. They all look like monkey

Jolie, u are a low class xia jian person. U disgrace your parents.

what s the fuck??? this is unbearable to imagine or see....
sorry to say but indian are the worst guy can imagine with any girls except their own race...their color is so horrible....white people are white, it s fine, arabian or indonesian or malay are brown is fine, black people are black is fine too....BUT INDIAN PEOPLE ARE SHIT COLOR SKIN, NEITHER BLACK NEITHER BROWN BUT LIKE THE SHIT COLOR YOU FLUSH OUT OF THE TOILET

You guys need urgent help. But, please don't come to me for that - I would rather not meet you :mad:.

05-05-2013, 08:22 PM
Jolie, u are a low class xia jian person. U disgrace your parents.

I don't know what is the exact intention of you posting this comment. You are entitled to post anything you like and everyone is entitled to their own opinions of your posts as well.

If your intention was an attempt to belittle me, I know my self-worth. No one determines it except myself.

My parents do not feel disgraced. In fact, they are proud that they give me the gift of sight not to discriminate people based on their skin colour, but to see the beauty of this world.

If what your mind perceives through your eyes are the negativities you had splashed on this forum, your cornea will be very much more meaningfully appreciated by people who are living in darkness 24/7.

05-05-2013, 10:05 PM
I don't know what is the exact intention of you posting this comment. You are entitled to post anything you like and everyone is entitled to their own opinions of your posts as well.

If your intention was an attempt to belittle me, I know my self-worth. No one determines it except myself.

My parents do not feel disgraced. In fact, they are proud that they give me the gift of sight not to discriminate people based on their skin colour, but to see the beauty of this world.

If what your mind perceives through your eyes are the negativities you had splashed on this forum, your cornea will be very much more meaningfully appreciated by people who are living in darkness 24/7.

Very well said. Clap clap. ..

06-05-2013, 07:55 AM
I don't know what is the exact intention of you posting this comment. You are entitled to post anything you like and everyone is entitled to their own opinions of your posts as well.

If your intention was an attempt to belittle me, I know my self-worth. No one determines it except myself.

My parents do not feel disgraced. In fact, they are proud that they give me the gift of sight not to discriminate people based on their skin colour, but to see the beauty of this world.

If what your mind perceives through your eyes are the negativities you had splashed on this forum, your cornea will be very much more meaningfully appreciated by people who are living in darkness 24/7.

they live in darkness can t help it if there ppl like that ard, its sad if u value sum one cos of thier color of thier skin, sadly too many of them think like this:rolleyes: a divided nation will surely fall,hopefully not in my life time.

06-05-2013, 09:28 AM
Singapore woman are bangali slut.

15-05-2013, 03:43 PM
I am going to bring this matter to the authorities.The TS is posing a threat to the unity between the diff races in Singapore and also to the one who said Indians are "Shit Color".I will make sure they track you down and charge you in court.To the other bros here,Have a good week ahead!

02-06-2013, 01:46 PM
in 2013 i can't believe there are still questions about different races getting together. Can anyone be free to do what they want??? I have seen many many mixed cpls, always the same scenario him being indian her being chinese/singaporean/whatever though, but they seemed perfectly fine and happy...

let them be...you dont like it?? have more beer....

02-06-2013, 02:11 PM
everyone has freedom to choose their boyfrined/girlfriend and partner...regardless of race and religon....

02-06-2013, 09:42 PM
Quite a handful of guys are getting wives who are thais/prc/viets /pinoys. In fact i know quite a few friends who got themselves young hot thai girls as wife..

So then please enlighten me why cant a chinese girl be with an indian guy? Or any othrr races?? How strange.. :confused:

03-06-2013, 10:35 AM
They are rapists. They all look the same. They all look like monkey

Jolie, u are a low class xia jain person. U disgrace your parents.

Singapore woman are bangali slut.

arius3, you may need to explain yourself before the judge. :rolleyes:

I personally am hoping it will be sooner then i expect. ;)

08-09-2013, 12:25 PM
Has any one seen a case where an Indian man bought his Chinese/Malay/white girlfriend a car/condo/house? The property is put in his girlfriend's name. If not those Indian men aren't KCed by their girlfriends of another race. Cases of S'porean Chi. men who bought a property for their KTV girlfrens in PRC/Vietnam r common.

What's so unusual? Some blond Caucasian girls fall for Negro men. Increasing numbers of Caucasian Christian girls in Europe n USA marry Muslim men in their countries, then convert to Islam n wear hijabs. Japanese girls fall for Balinese beach 'cowboys'. A few S'porean Chinese women marry PRC men. What is it the Indian man says/does/buys for his Chinese/Malay/white girlfriend? I wanna learn also.

10-09-2013, 02:26 PM
MrStyleKing, dat's my point. If a man, whatever ethnic group has lots of money to splurge on his girlfriend, KTV hostess or Thai WL, he can have fun with her. If not learn to sweet talk like an Indian man. I won't b surprised if girls of whatever skin colour marry Watusi tribesmen, pygmies, African bushmen, Australian Aborigines n Eskimos.

10-09-2013, 09:20 PM
Tonight episode of the talk shows the economic of marriage, a lot of figures taken from gods know where. However, there are points noted.

The year of the tiger, 2010 saw the lowest marriage in this country, probably Chinese couples are waiting for another year. And we had drive thru the crisis still, people are saving. Actually good choice, but that's just mine feelings.

The % of male getting marriage overtake the females, for the past 40 years but, the producers did not venture further. I am referring to a high increase in FT marrying into this country, also inter races marriage of Indian with Chinese. And others too.

The pain of interracial is only one, the behind the back talks of say a black man dating a white girl. If you guys think you are open minded? I had try and wrote in the other threads too.

I saw a blanglah checking PT H2R16 Michelle's charging she took the deal, the door is closed. Later on mine meal had no taste, another time you guys walk the street of RLD, such as PT you seen a similar scene. Stand outside the lock door, imagine the sex going in and you decide could you be open minded even for Malaysian call girls.

10-09-2013, 09:46 PM
There are many reasons, why chinese girls are going out with indian guys, esp the darker indian guys. First of all, it is genes, a chinese scientist, once stated, that the asian DNA, came from Dravindans (the tamil speaking indians). That means, Chinese, Japanese, pinoy, thais, malays, all have natural black/brown hair and eyes.(dye hair, no count).

So the Dravindans, are actually the pioneer asian genes. That will explain basic attraction. The Dravindans themselves, also evolved from the Africans. Back then, India and Africa, were joined together. Peeps in the indian side, had more fruits, water and many natural resources, so they learnt to be more kind and share with others( although, some still are still savage and still rape girls, lol, look at the world rape index, S.Africa first, India, 2nd. lol)

Like every human speices, the early africans and early indians, moved to new territories, with the africans moving to the west side, while the indians to the east side. Thus new cultures are born, but still a basic attraction to indians among asians, is still there. I had thai, japanese, korean and of course our local chinese ladies, and once you know how to stare into their eyes and attract them, it is easy. All this is gene based.

No malice towards other races, cause as a Dravidan myself(a tamil speaking, dark, 1.9m tall singaporean born indian), i regard the rest of the asians, as diffrent versions of the Daravidan gene, even if you are a chinese or korean.

End of the day, attracting ladies, is based on your ablities, either you have it or you don't. We gave the world, how to make love, to a woman and make her feel high, in the kamasutra, when the rest of the world, are still clueless about women, it is in our gene, to attract ladies. Just ask Gwen Stefani. Lol.

11-09-2013, 11:01 AM
MARAVIS or Siva Ram backwards, I presume. Attraction can b learnt. Gazing into girls' eyes. What do u say to girls to attract them?

11-09-2013, 11:07 AM
I'm heterosexual. Chinese male. We're all originally from Africa.

11-09-2013, 11:13 AM
Nothing to lose trying dat line. Having some good looks helps too.

11-09-2013, 10:31 PM
To bro Adonis: Just gaze into their eyes, and tell them their good qualites and be sincere about it. Ladies love that and they love complements. Of course, how you present it matters, the most. You can say the right words, but the manner of how your present it, and your body language can be taken wrongly.

Once i even had a local chinese lady, who came up to me and asked me if i was a anglo indian or had any angmoh genes, because i was like checkeing her out and she caught my gaze. I, replied that even my all 4 of my grandparents are born in Singapore, but i know, that was just a conversation starter, from her, cause, i got the basic attraction part done. End of the day, that was another statisfied lady, who knew how to please and was pleased by me.

Like i said before, it is all within you, if you can attract ladies and from diffrent races and backgrounds. I have chinese friends, who can't attract local chinese girls, but somehow ended up marrying russians or ang moh ladies. As long it works for you, just be happy, with your conquests.

14-09-2013, 07:54 AM
indians are devil and pervert.

14-09-2013, 11:26 AM
MARAVIS thanks for your tips. What r the most expensive gifts, presents, motorcars, condos, etc dat u have given to any of your past local Chinese/Korean girlfriends?

14-09-2013, 05:03 PM
bangali are bullshit.

15-09-2013, 01:31 AM
bayi are cheekopek.

15-09-2013, 09:24 AM
FBI = Fuck By Indian

15-09-2013, 02:49 PM
To bro Adonis: No man, did not get them any expensive gifts. Went to Australia with a Korean babe and i sponsered everything in the trip, that is the most expensive thingy, i did. At the most, book those nice hotel rooms with Jacuzzi, so that can have sex in the Jacuzzi, is the most common request among the ladies, lol.

Actually the peeps that are most upset about Indian guys being with Chinese girls, is actually the Indian girls. Cause they feel that the chinese girls is stepping into their territory. Already local indians are the minority here, only 7% of the population, the banglas and india expats already outnumber us and they feel that the chinese girls take the best looking and high earning indian fellas, so they are not too happy with the chinese ladies. Look at our indian MPs, many of them, got chinese wives.

It is also a girl thingy to fall for garang guys. Many local indian guys are quite garang, their NS, serve at Guards, Commandos, all those warrant, Enciks, i know also quite garang, i am sure, many local fellas know this. The thingy is that girls like men, who take care of them, and treat them well, but at the same time, is still a man and does not bend over backwords, for them and do their every bidding.

Just be a man, be confident of your ablities, be happy and everything in life will be good. I would say, i am just above average looking, but there are many times, i was even apporached by ang moh ladies at orchard, who just come up and chat with me. Even when i go overseas, like Australia, UK, US, or Europe, just be friendly and be cool. I am not loaded with cash, i don't even own a car, but yet i got my share of ladies in bed.

Does not matter what your race is, fellas, it is your personality that counts

16-09-2013, 12:17 PM
I m a bit taken aback by what u just posted. I take my hat off to u. Where do u normally treat your girlfriends to lunch or dinner? 5 * hotel restaurants? What language (apart from Kama Sutra, the language n techniques of love) do u use when talking to your PRC girlfriends? English?

Tamils r Dravidians, not Dravindians. Another major ethnic group in India r the Aryans.

16-09-2013, 12:53 PM
Tamils r Dravidians, not Dravindians. Another major ethnic group in India r the Aryans.

bro r u from indian ? seems you know a lot about there.

I just love indian ladies ... :p

16-09-2013, 01:32 PM
my new colleague who is a indian guy is dating a chinese girl.... is it very common nowaday? hmm. hahaha. :)

17-09-2013, 11:12 AM
i always feel they are 汉奸

17-09-2013, 11:19 AM
Got a lot of chiobu friends who have indian boyfriend.

most of them comment that indian guy got charisma and romantic.

17-09-2013, 11:43 AM
Got a lot of chiobu friends who have indian boyfriend.

most of them comment that indian guy got charisma and romantic.

Hi Townsend. Can u ask those chiobus what they mean by charisma n romantic? R those terms euphemisms for money given to them?

fdomme, I'm a S'pore born n bred Chinese guy.

17-09-2013, 12:42 PM
my new colleague who is a indian guy is dating a chinese girl.... is it very common nowaday? hmm. hahaha. :)

Because bayi and cheekopek and chinese girls are cheap bangali slut.

17-09-2013, 12:45 PM
They all have mental problem.

17-09-2013, 06:34 PM
Never believe and listen to the bayi. They are all bullshit.

18-09-2013, 09:57 PM
To Bro Adonis:

Well it is the norm and written rule, that the guy pays for dinner. I tell you, ladies, would love to make full use of a guy, and once you show them the good life, they want more. So, no to all those expensive resturants, cause after that, you will have a hard time keeping up with future dates.

Go somewhere fun, where it is affordable and not so cheap, like swensens and get fun food, like ice creams or cakes, that can arouse the mood. Don't chat about your work, or how much you earn(sluts who like that, just wanna suck you dry). Keep your conversations, fun and local, with a good lanaguage.

My tonality and voice sounds good, but i don't have a ang moh slang, infact i get upset a bit, when sometimes, girls, ask me if i am anglo indian, born in UK, or have a british father, when they hear me speak. But then i also realise, that it is a turn on, invest in good cologne( i use Davidoff cool water all the time, finish 1 bottle in 1 month).

You are the man, so slowly make the first move, start with the hands and be cool and flirt away. I tell you, i got into situations, where even married or much older ladies, lie to me, so that i mistook them as single young ladies, just to have sex. The oldest i had is a 39 yr old lady, who bluffed to me, that she is 31 and we ended up having sex, in all the rooms of her condo( she is chinese), untill i discovered the truth ( i was 25 back then).

I had good and bad experiences from ladies from all races. One of my friends( a chinese guy) is dating a indian girl and soon they are gonna get married and she speaks excellent Mandarin( she is a nurse). So it happens everywhere.

The problem is, for us guys, is that now women know what they want, and to them race is not a issue. Indian guys, also have a reputation of being wife beaters, drunkards, having multiple affairs with ladies and yet when it comes to pleasing a lady, we somehow know how to please them so well, that they ignore our mistakes. Most of it, comes from our genes, but fret not, chinese bros, you can learn, it is not the size of your dicks( although i do admit, this does play a huge part), but seduction and sexual chemistry exists among all races, does not matter what race, it is. Go out there and taste the exotic flavours, in all ladies!!!

21-09-2013, 08:48 AM
Bayi are rapists.

23-09-2013, 04:49 PM
Bayi are rapists.

328 posts of insane rants and puerile nonsense. Stop wasting my time and valuable bandwidth with this shit and fuck off out of this forum.

Does your mummy know you're visiting these naughty websites instead of doing your homework?

28-09-2013, 07:35 AM
My Singapore India cousin is has been with a Chinese girl for many many years... Her mother still hates his ass, no matter how much money he makes and how well he takes care of his woman.

28-09-2013, 11:13 AM
My Singapore India cousin is has been with a Chinese girl for many many years... Her mother still hates his ass, no matter how much money he makes and how well he takes care of his woman.

life not easy for them :D

29-09-2013, 09:47 AM
To Bro Adonis:

Well it is the norm and written rule, that the guy pays for dinner. I tell you, ladies, would love to make full use of a guy, and once you show them the good life, they want more. !

seems like all the eastern ladies play in this way, now all traditional value lost, just want $$ and happy life :D

29-09-2013, 10:26 AM
Hi Townsend. Can u ask those chiobus what they mean by charisma n romantic? R those terms euphemisms for money given to them?

fdomme, I'm a S'pore born n bred Chinese guy.

maybe not $$ given to them but spend on them.

I think indian woman are more conservative than chinese woman now :D

29-09-2013, 07:37 PM
i think maybe because certain indians got the angmo look and feel? thats why got chinese girls dig em

29-09-2013, 08:43 PM
i think maybe because certain indians got the angmo look and feel? thats why got chinese girls dig em

ya most western and north indian just like angmo, but some chinese girl can marry any race :D

30-09-2013, 11:49 AM
my new colleague who is a indian guy is dating a chinese girl.... is it very common nowaday? hmm. hahaha. :)

old people maybe cannot , i think more and more will happen for youngsters :D

01-10-2013, 12:22 PM
old people maybe cannot , i think more and more will happen for youngsters :D

Yes agree for so called Y generation more and more cross-race marriage will happen :D

01-10-2013, 02:14 PM
Indians usually can converse better and woman like to talk..

01-10-2013, 04:02 PM
My Singapore India cousin is has been with a Chinese girl for many many years... Her mother still hates his ass, no matter how much money he makes and how well he takes care of his woman.

lol. Why ? :D

01-10-2013, 04:21 PM
Mayb its just that indian guys are bigger.. :(

01-10-2013, 09:48 PM
i used to avoid this topics casue is such a taboo for me
anyway a nation that evovle, alot of things change, for better or good
china also been thru this for thousands years
the han people (ie us) is of mixed blood of many generations
so is part of evolution
and history has thought us that other races (even the conquerer) always felt inferior to han(due to economy n culture) and try to be like han ppl n their next generations married with han ppl is very general. slowly they all become part of han ppl, n lost their fatherhood identity. not sure this is wat happening now but let see for another 20yrs. an interesting question, if the next generation the mix blood married to chinese n give birth, wat race will the couple put for his kids?

02-10-2013, 01:41 AM
Errr what are you trying to say?
Spore is too small and young to have such mix generations like wad you say

And China historically is way too big for a foreign conqueror to assimilate n its conquerors end up adopting Chinese practice n culture but some like the Manchus still have policies forbidding inter racial mixing.

wats in play is more racism in Spore which is common in every country in the world but spore try to keep it under wraps n don't openly discuss it other than in general PC terms.

And Indian Chinese coupling is not the main mixed blood coupling in spore now or likely in 20 yrs time. And mixed couples must each have a lot of offsprings like 10 to 20 in order for wad u say 2 happen

02-10-2013, 12:20 PM
Indians usually can converse better and woman like to talk..

bro that is for SG english educated girls only.

So in SG, more indian guy / Chinese girl couple, or more Chinese guy / indian girl couple ? :D

03-10-2013, 12:24 AM
And Indian Chinese coupling is not the main mixed blood coupling in spore now or likely in 20 yrs time. And mixed couples must each have a lot of offsprings like 10 to 20 in order for wad u say 2 happen

bro agree, SG is more conservative than the US, and mix-race-family still has long ways to go here :p

03-10-2013, 01:25 PM
I think the sg gals simply just like a black cock, else i don't see why they would want to be together with an indian.

04-10-2013, 10:53 PM
Maybe Evolution... Now day I see a lot of Chinese gals prefer other races rather their own. Like today I saw this Hot Chinese teen early 20s with a Malay dude, hugging him from clementi to city hall.

What are we Chinese guys doing wrong ? Confused of these woman's now days.

But so far I seen a lot Indian Chinese couple happily married and become Wife controlled zombies... :D

Very soon everyone will be beige in colour.. Kakaka.

05-10-2013, 12:00 AM
As long as our sg gals are not with some foreign talents.. I m fine with it.. ;)

06-10-2013, 12:55 PM
Matcycle: I don't think you don't know much about the local indian guys here, we got a reputation of wife beaters, rather than wife controlled zombies.

lots of girls, are naughty out there, and want to be spanked and plus they want BBC( Big Black Cocks). So, we shall give them, what they seek. Lol.

06-10-2013, 01:15 PM
Maybe Evolution... Now day I see a lot of Chinese gals prefer other races rather their own. Like today I saw this Hot Chinese teen early 20s with a Malay dude, hugging him from clementi to city hall.

What are we Chinese guys doing wrong ? Confused of these woman's now days.

bro nothing wrong with Chinese guys, just Chinese girls are more open, and lot of them $$$ oriented :D

06-10-2013, 01:35 PM
As long as our sg gals are not with some foreign talents.. I m fine with it.. ;)

bro i dont think so, sg girls very open type :D

06-10-2013, 01:52 PM
bro that is for SG english educated girls only.

So in SG, more indian guy / Chinese girl couple, or more Chinese guy / indian girl couple ? :D

i like indian girls, but find a indian wife seems more difficulty :p:p

06-10-2013, 07:21 PM
bro i dont think so, sg girls very open type :D

SG girls follow $$ :D

06-10-2013, 07:31 PM
i like indian girls, but find a indian wife seems more difficulty :p:p

agree bro, me too want but not easy to find here

06-10-2013, 08:33 PM
I was in Orchard today and came across a Chinese bro with an Indian sis. ;)

07-10-2013, 12:59 PM
Matcycle. U might b mistaken. Dat Chinese girl might b Malay. Some Malays look fair n some Chinese look v dark.

07-10-2013, 10:28 PM
anyway there is already a chindian community exist in Spore/M'sia
so r they really active?

for me my mum will beat me to death if i married other races. am chinese

14-10-2013, 04:25 PM
indian are shit color ...what can you do about it!!!
it s the true....put the photo of indian person after your shit and you can see...
what the fuck I do care about the authority...
you can not hide your shitty face...even you have Singapore or America passport...
you should report your uncle who rape people every one hour in your country.

22-10-2013, 12:03 AM
indian are shit color ...what can you do about it!!!
it s the true....put the photo of indian person after your shit and you can see...
what the fuck I do care about the authority...
you can not hide your shitty face...even you have Singapore or America passport...
you should report your uncle who rape people every one hour in your country.

Spider7173: Why so anti them. I do see some Indian guys and gals are ok. Some really messed up.. Like my neighbor 10am fucked up drunk and beating his wife, pissing, shouting outside.. Pity the children tho..
The aunt damn nice one the husband damn asshole.

22-10-2013, 11:30 AM
Dont know why only pointing our Indian guy and Chinese girl couples. Haha

But anyway I think the number of such couples is increasing. Generally, the number of interracial couples is on an upswing as well.

More people are doing it because Singapore is small.And unlike other countries where races can afford to stick to each other, Singapore's scene is such that Chinese will mix with Malays, and Indians and everyone just gets into the whole mixing bowl. Schools, workplaces and even the way HDB flats are allocated provide the spring board for these things to happen.

HOWEVER, while there is an increase, there still exists a number of people who SWEAR never to get into such interracial coupling. Just last night I overheard this guy telling his female friend that because he is chinese, he would never consider anything "darker than my white skin".

So dont hate on such couples! There are Indian girls with Chinese boys and Malay girls with Chinese boys too. ALOT of them. And I know for a fact that most of my Malay friends are in relationships with Chinese boys.

03-11-2013, 11:58 PM
Dont know why only pointing our Indian guy and Chinese girl couples. Haha

But anyway I think the number of such couples is increasing. Generally, the number of interracial couples is on an upswing as well.

More people are doing it because Singapore is small.And unlike other countries where races can afford to stick to each other, Singapore's scene is such that Chinese will mix with Malays, and Indians and everyone just gets into the whole mixing bowl. Schools, workplaces and even the way HDB flats are allocated provide the spring board for these things to happen.

HOWEVER, while there is an increase, there still exists a number of people who SWEAR never to get into such interracial coupling. Just last night I overheard this guy telling his female friend that because he is chinese, he would never consider anything "darker than my white skin".

So dont hate on such couples! There are Indian girls with Chinese boys and Malay girls with Chinese boys too. ALOT of them. And I know for a fact that most of my Malay friends are in relationships with Chinese boys.

white skin....bro u sure they r white.

04-11-2013, 07:58 AM
What's the purpose of this thread? What's other business got to do with us :confused:

Do we as a man have to be the sort of KPO person who will like to poke our nose on other people business like those obasan gossip mongers who got nothing better to do in life?

01-05-2014, 06:01 AM
I do not want my daughter to wake up and and face a black monkey everyday.

03-05-2014, 08:31 AM
Bayi all look like devil.

03-05-2014, 11:11 PM
What do Indian guys tell those Chinese girls? How n what do they do to make those Chinese girls fall for them? These r the questions. Learn.

04-05-2014, 12:25 AM
What do Indian guys tell those Chinese girls? How n what do they do to make those Chinese girls fall for them? These r the questions. Learn.

It is a matter of the heart.

The colour of the skin does not eat into the pie. ;)


04-05-2014, 12:58 AM
This is nothing new TS....i once saw an Angmoh lady with a Chinaman...

04-05-2014, 01:28 PM
Indians usually can converse better and woman like to talk..

You mean tua pao?

04-05-2014, 01:36 PM
Both of my parents are mixed and I was raised in an expatriate environment so in my opinion, so long as both the lady and gent get along with each other then it's OK. I don't think there's anything wrong with mixing races and not mixing them. At the end of the day, it's all about the couple's happiness.

05-05-2014, 06:53 AM
Bayi are pervert.

03-09-2017, 11:02 AM
I actually find it a huge turn on to see Chinese gals fucking Indian guys. I am Chinese btw.

03-09-2017, 11:05 AM
Bayi are pervert.

I see dark dark eeeeeeeeeyeh

03-09-2017, 11:23 AM
Putting in my single cent worth of thoughts...

Cross racial is common nowadays... and people are more open to their choices... but there are always some people who still live in the stone age...

Peace brothers and sisters... make love not war... literally

03-09-2017, 11:36 AM
Becos indian girls going for chinese men. Thats the reason they cant get their own skin. And a minority chinese girls are losers , dumped by their chinese men thats why go for indian

03-09-2017, 11:47 AM
My dad is chinese and my mom is malaysian indian. and most of our relatives are the same. guy indian and married to chinese lady. our family is a multi racial family and honestly I enjoyed it a lot. Lots of functions to attend. muslims, christians, buddhist and hindus. so we attend all occasions and i feel that our bonds are very close.

03-09-2017, 11:57 AM
This post dated originally from 2008...if you bought Bitcoin then you are a millionaire now..