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Re: Mistress
1) For the Mistress Game #1, you might want to consider bringing on the works (seeing that it is YOUR first time trying it out too). Go for a slightly romantic ambience a little by bringing on scented candles and champagne (goes very well with my chocolate concoction I might add!). 2) It should be obvious here that you should not too enamored that you begin to invest in a whole lot of emotions (I gathered from your posting that you are quite an experienced “womanizer” so I need not talk more about it at this stage!). Also take note that a significant majority of Chinese mei mei is unaccustomed to such a special treatment. It may jolly well develop into a too strong crutch mentality that may well be manifested into being “sticky”. Again, do not worry about it now. Enjoy the moment when it comes. (And I can tell you it is indeed a very sweet moment – even after trying it out so many times, I still have a kick out of the “chocolatey fun” now). I will definitely share with you on how to handle both of these situations when it arises. 2) I think now that you may be beginning to see and experienced first hand the point that I am trying to communicate: mainly it is so much easier to introduce ‘kink’ elements in the sex when it is a mistress based relationship (vis-à-vis girl-friend based one). Yes brother, I have more games to share in the course of this thread – some of which (especially by Hua) can veer off the mainstream by quite a bit! 3) I cannot really comment on whether private doc or DSC clinic is better as I have never utilized the services of the DSC. It has always been private for me. I know that it is stereotypical but I have the impression that places like DSC has a long waiting time (from waiting to consult docs to getting the results etc). I may be wrong here – perhaps any brothers with experience care to enlighten? |
Re: Mistress
Update of Reality Blog
1) Terrence and Xin2 At last, things are starting to warm up a little with regards to the story development. The saga now plods along after a long period of inertia. I have finally found some time to call Xin2 to enquire on her well being. What I have learnt from the conversation is that: a) Xin2 has indicated to me that she might take up Terrence’s offer (she has not told Terrence yet and is waiting for Terrence to make the first move). She half jokingly told me to ask Terrence on her behalf and that if Terrence is not interested, I should be her Patron. (Just like many of us, PRC mei mei too likes to create options for herself – even when in a Patron, boyfriend or spousal relationship. It’s a natural and logical thing to do. What a smart partner and/or patron must do is actually create a false illusion in the mei mei range of options i.e. non viable options that appear ‘realistic’ to her mind. So that when she actually does exercise the so called options, she will invariably fail. And it usually leads to her swallowing her pride and come back to you – empowering you tremendously. More about this later!) b) Xin2 tried to run tables at Jade, Amani and Dongmen and finds it tiring (but of course!) and an alien experience after being away from the scene for 'so long'. I mentioned to her that she was operating on a mummy system the last time and that pushing doors to prospect for a tai might not suit her temperament as she is generally the non agressive sort. In order to thrive in this surrounding, she has to stretch her and learn to be agressive! (Some readers may recall that I had suggested the mummy-less system for Xin2 the last time. I just knew that Xin2 is not able to cope in such an environment and will be thus more receptive toward Terrence's offer.) c) She has also moved out of the apartment at Sims and is now staying with a friend (she told me about her new place but I have forgotten it) 2) Warbird & JJ For your convenience I shall quote Warbird’s latest report/post on the situation: Quote:
Not being too meticulous or calculative, but I think I have crossed the ten times fuck session that make the $1500 monthly “retainer/allowance/fee” worth it. (see my earlier post!) It is still going on very well in terms with Love Wayangs and sex (quantity if not quality presently). In fact, XH hardly going out to run KTV anymore. She seems to be always at home when I called. ANd when its work time, its no longer at Amani/Dong Men anymore but at one of the joints at Selegie/Peace Centre! By the way, despite the throes of lovey and dovey expressions by XH, I had actually wanted her to get off her ‘lazy ass’ and to work more as I have got other damsels* and work matters to take care of. In addition, I also don't want the situation whereby she realises at the end of the month her 'meagre' takings and start cajoling me for more allowance! (*Will post who these are later in this thread. It should be obvious that XH is not the only one that I have on my sexual plate :rolleyes:) XH is also getting a little bit more adventurous when it comes to sex. I requested that she put on a skirt without any underwear last night just in case we get randy and want to try it at a public place. She puts on a white micro mini skirt without any panties. I am sure some people must have gotten a couple of free shows as I can clearly see her pubes when she is getting on and off my car. (And no, we did not "do it" at a public place that nite as I wanted to catch the show "The Tonight Show - with Conan O'brien) All in all, mostly favourable developments for all the would be Patrons in the reality blog. Cheers! |
Re: Mistress
Thx for ur guidance. Actually I'm not very experienced. The day after I abruptly ended my patronage w/ my 1st BY, I started thinking abt her...:( It took me a few wks to forget her. She is young, tall, slim n very pretty... Quote:
You're amazingly adept in this game. You must be very charming, perhaps relatively young n handsome as well. What do u do if they fall for u? Have u ever BY-ed more than one gal at a time? Thx n good night! |
Re: Mistress
Remember in my earlier thread I mentioned that in order to be more 'objective' one needs to "tell it as it is" without fear of people looking down on you or deem you a "hao lian" (braggart)? Well this is an appropriate moment where I have to live up to my own credo. 1) I am only "relatively" young (when compared with the other members of the Mistress brotherhood). Only Terrence share the same decade with me - the forties! 2) Okay, I concede that I can be rather charming in the eyes of some girls. Not because I am blessed with good genetics but because I present myself rather well. I know how to maximize what I have (or lack of) and accentuate the positives. I will endeavour to meet up with you sometime in July when you back so that you can literally "see" what I mean. I will even share some secrets of mine! 3) Just a snapshot of my 'cheonging' history and experience. I have been exposed to the KTV/Nite Club scene since my early twenties (more than two decades!). It is my dad who took me there as he showed me the ropes on how to entertain prospective clients. Yup, I am a "sao yeh" of sorts – I am groomed to take over my family business. (I will also share in the course of this thread the many challenges I faced and how come I possess the “skill set” that I now have. It is literally forged from living life, making massive mistakes and learning and then later profiting from it. I sincerely believe that I can save a lot of heartache and pain for patient readers by showing them the pitfalls to avoid and the shortcuts to experience sexual fulfillment. As this skill-set is holistic in nature, it will rub onto other aspects of your life. Hence this skill can be translated as a life (and lifestyle) guide as well. I know that this can be done because I myself have been guided by mentors and have personally field ‘tested’ the validity of its principles against my own personal life experiences. 4) Yes, I think you have guessed correctly. In fact I am now BY more than one damsel currently. (I don’t count XH as a mistress per se!). One is in Thailand (two years now) and the other one is PRC national (ex waitress) here. I also have a ‘regular’ girl friend (who knows and more or less accepts my philandering ways – but still occasionally gets upset about it :rolleyes: ). 5) And now, in the spirit of sharing I talk about, I shall disclose one super secret: my nutritional supplement. This is not the usual ones which most readers know of* like tonkat Ali, ginseng etc…. And by the way, this is not ‘advertising’ at all: I got no monetary incentive whatsoever from this disclosure and recommendation. In fact I may run the risk of this being out of stock should word get round quickly and brothers start to buy it. The product is “Tribestan” (As far as I know, you can only get it in KK hospital pharmacy). It is recommended by a sexual specialist friend of mine. I field tested it and feel that it not only it enhances the libido but gives you energy and virility too! (Usual disclaimer applies: it may or may not have the same effect on you!). * I also take other supplements such as Nitric Oxide, Chinese herbs etc …. but the others are all the usual ‘suspects’ and commonly known ones. |
Re: Mistress
Re: Mistress
The product is “Tribestan” (As far as I know, you can only get it in KK hospital pharmacy). It is recommended by a sexual specialist friend of mine. I field tested it and feel that it not only it enhances the libido but gives you energy and virility too! (Usual disclaimer applies: it may or may not have the same effect on you!). * I also take other supplements such as Nitric Oxide, Chinese herbs etc …. but the others are all the usual ‘suspects’ and commonly known ones. ## ## ## Nitric Oxide?? |
Re: Mistress
I appreciate the frank disclosure of ur background n experiences. You hao lian? Quite the opposite. I suspect that u hv actually understated ur high social status n consummate skills as a seducer. When I showed JJ ur HP no, her eyes lit up n she said...oh, he is...I can see that she likes u, hahaha. Unfortunately, she is stuck w/ an old chi ko pek like me.:o Dun worry I'll take good care of her. Sometimes life is unfair: If I only had 20% of ur charm n charisma, 10% of ur physique n 5% of ur money....;) My experience is also laughable as my first visit to a KTV was Sep last yr.:( Now u all know why I'm working overtime to develop my positive body language n fearless attitude n become an overconfident bastard. Otherwise, I wont hv any chance at all, hehehe. BTW, I'll look into this product called Tribestan, thx. Good day! Quote:
What bro justime meant is that he is taking supplements n herbs which boost the production of nitric oxide in his penile blood vessels...;) Cheers! |
Re: Mistress
Thanks for the helping to clarify about "Nitric Oxide". Its exactly what I meant. I don't want to plug too much about specific brands in this thread so I intentionally left it vague (too vague I guess - apologies!). For those brothers interested to find out about "Nitric Oxide", do Google it, you will find loads interesting informatioin there. And you can get a lot of Nitric Oxide based supplements right here in Singapore OTC (Over The Counter). |
Re: Mistress
Reality Blog Update: Terrence and Xin2 …. “that’s what friends are for” (Part 1):
Readers of this thread will undoubtedly know that Bog updates sometimes move slowly. The Real Time in Real Life as opposed to television viewing ‘reality’ often does not run on scheduling timetable requirement. So why does this Reality Blog come in so quickly after my earlier update? It is because of another unexpected and unprecedented development and has now taken a soap opera like complexion in the story arc. (This happened on Tuesday June 30 around 1 pm) Take a read back if you have forgotten the story and issues of the Terrence & Xin2 reality blog. It tells in real-life / ‘real-time’ story of Mistress transferring activities among friends (and the attendant ‘ethical’ issues involved). After nearly a fortnight of not having everyone present at same table, the entire members of the ‘Mistress Brother’ finally came together today for lunch cum tête-à-tête (commonly known here as “liao tian” or TCSS) session at a Chinese restaurant. After discussing the economy and some business specifics, the topic invariably came to sex and girls. Jus, as per the earlier reality blog, then told his brothers about Xin2 asking him to communicate to Terrence about her purported acceptance of his offer. Jus also brought in the fact that Xin2 had jokingly mentioned that he should replace Terrence should Terrence not take up the offer. Terrence reaction surprised Jus. Instead of feeling affronted or even slighted at Xin2 suggestion, he commends that it is indeed a good idea. Terrence mentioned that he did not approach Xin2 to follow up on his proposal because he is actually busy ‘mistressing’ another girl from Macau KTV. In addition, he is also inundated with work after coming back from the Middle East. (I have purportedly met this girl but the impression I have of this “Macau KTV” girl is vague). Jus replied that he is cash strapped and have little bandwidth and stamina due to his latest “acquisition” of XH. Now comes the interesting bit: Terrence then offers to pay half of the $6, 000 retainer fee for Jus to temporarily take custody of Xin2 until he has more time in his hand- estimated to be one to two months. Mike joined in the fray by proffering to top up an additional $1, 500 and Hua later re-joined to provide further $1, 000 subsidies for this ‘venture’. In effect, Jus now needs to only ‘chute’ a token $500 monthly for him “enjoy” Xin2’s exclusive company for a period of time (of about one to two months). Knowing Jus occasional penchant to use football analogy, they mentioned that it is like players on loan to another club with Terrence still holding the players rights and the recipient club paying the salary. (Andriy Shevchenko). Implicit in the deal is that they reckoned that I would “train” her so that Terrence would reap a greater benefit later when my custody period ends. Please note that this discussion is not made under a high pressured business scenario but rather in the informal context of friends persuading another. (To be continued ...) |
Re: Mistress
[B]Reality Blog Update: Terrence & Xin2: "That's What Friends Are For!" [/B](Part 2)
I have to admit that I was a little surprised at the turn of event. Also I was a tempted on some level at the very compelling offer. Xin2 is definitely very pleasant to the eye and has a generally demure personality (as evinced by her acceptance of Mike’s decision to end the relationship and her leaving of his apartment without undue fuss). Yet there is an underlying “wild and adventurous” streak about her. And dam, her skin is silky smooth … Other points they made to compel me to accept this “once in a life-time offer: 1) I am young man (of course … relative to them) and that I should reward myself at their expense. The Elders giving to Junior a special treat. They put it that I must subsidized Mistress as it is a “gift” from friends and to refuse is tantamount to not respecting the intent and friendship behind the gesture.. Remember that I am the only one amongst them who has the most qualms over such a transfer. (Hua’s reservations on the issue are only minimal at best. And even then in this instance, he is actively inveigling me for my acceptance). 2) To my objections that Xin2 may not want to be treated like a chattel, they actually made a call to Xin2 (on speaker phone) in everybody’s presence (we had lunch in a private room) and repeated this ‘indecent proposal’. Xin2 accepted it without hesitation. She even added for not to delay and to start tomorrow if possible. (I was quite at a lost for words during the call. A commingling of different emotions had swept me during the call that rendered me a relative mute: Surprised (at the offer – caught me off guard), A little stirring of the lusty loins (in Sexpecations of a good screw … dam that is one smooth skin she got), Flattered (that Xin2 ‘like’ me to certain degree), Honored and touched that my friends would gift me this little present Confused (over the ethical issues) Afraid (of the implications that might affect our friendship) 3) Mike also tried to playfully use emotional blackmail by using such psychological tactics as presenting Xin2 a ‘second hand good’ from him and that how come I can accept other gals that other men touched but not one that is touched by him. This tactic did not work on me of course. I twisted around to say that if Xin2 so sticky that Mike has to ‘release’ her, why then foist this “burden” on me. 4) All three mentioned that by accepting temporary ownership, I am doing Terrence a favour as it will prevent other people from BY Xin2 in the interim. (“Come on, you are actually doing a favour for a friend and have fun doing it in the process – a perfect win-win scenario) 5) Terrence also reiterated that Xin2 Going through my “training” actually makes it better for himself. I do the “hard” work and he enjoys the spoils. I weakly replied that Mike had already trained her. But I was told that my methods are superior and that my stamina is better as I was younger. (Note that use of “older”/being more senior can be twisted to an advantage!) 6) Terrence also mentioned that if I get too attached to Xin2 subsequently, he will back off and let me have her. We all know Terrence style, always go for quickie relationships. We need not talk about whether the subsidy still applies. It is understood that I will have to carry on the burden of finance myself if this situation happens. There was no decision made during this lunch. It seem funny that a blog about Terrence and Xin2 had transmogrified into one about me. At the time of writing this blog, I feel that I will most likely decline the offer although a part of me is seriously tempted to take it up. (Even as I write this, I can feel my little pecker down below screaming to “take the bladdy offer!” …dam that flawless porcelain skin!) I invite your views please! |
Re: Mistress
If I can remember correctly, don't forget that the S$6,000 agreement is between Terence and Xin2, and it is not your agreement as per se. I would propose, instead of dwelling too much on this whether to accept or not this once in a lifetime offer, that you think of another alternative without having your friends to sponsor the retainership. Do it on your own, perhaps having to negotiate with Xin2 on a separate agreement. However, it might be too late now, given the fact that the current proposal was put across to Xin2 via the telephone conversation. Take it as a challenge to get her on your own. :) I doubt that you will fail. Don't forget Xin2 had already indicated that she took an interest in you, and you can exploit this to see if this interest will allow you have her based on your terms and conditions. My 2 cents worth. :) |
Re: Mistress
You do hv a sense of humor, hahaha. And I must also add humility to ur long list of attractive traits... Quote:
I think u should accept the generous offer for the "transfer" of Xin2 to be ur mistress. It should be a win-win-win situation for all parties. You will need to take more supplements to boost ur nitric oxide production though...:D Good day! |
Re: Mistress
//// A Small Announcement ////////
There might a a short lull in terms of my contribution to this thread for about 6 days starting from tomorrow. I need to fly urgently to Hong Kong for a business negotiation and then followed by a couple of days R&R at Macau (where I will inevitably contribute to Venetian's coffers again - yet to win even a single cent at that dam place!). Anyway, I shall get my Thai mistress, Paeng (Thai for "powder") to keep me company in my Macau sojourn. (Been nearly three months since I last met her). In my 'absence', please do keep the thread going if you can. Continue with questions, comments and personal stories. I really love to hear from you guys. I promise to 'catch up' on each and every posting made during my absence (and provide any relevant feedback/views) when I get back. Cheers! :cool: |
Re: Mistress
Have a safe trip! Enjoy urself!! My mistress-to-be JJ asks for some earnest money bcos she is worried that I may be too busy to BY her. I'll arrange to give her a deposit AFTER we spend a few hrs in a safe locale, hehehe. She says she is just waiting for me as she dislikes running KTVs n is not interested in going to DC or other joints for the next 12 days. My questions for bro justime: 1) Do u let ur mistress know that u r still hunting n/or bonking other gals? 2) When u go to KTVs, do u bring her along sometimes? Actually, she could be an ally in convincing other chio gals that u r a good man who will take care of them.;) 3) Do u try to KC her? 4) What do u do if she falls for u? Thx n good night! |
Re: Mistress
Hi bro justime,
I like to express my sincere thx to u for intro JJ. The other day I met her n gave her some earnest money. In return I took the oppty to consummate the deal.:D She is a beautiful young woman! She is wearing very little makeup n after looking carefully at her fair smooth skin around her eyes n eyelids, I'm now sure that she is indeed 24 as stated in the passport. She is 173 w/o shoes, has natural c boobs n good figure. Small bony frame n small hands n feet for her height. She is responsive, very wet n tight, hehehe. She does hv a few small pimples on the cheeks though. My problem now is to find suitable accommodation for her. Have a great time in HK/Macau! |
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