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Old 01-06-2009, 04:57 PM
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I start this thread as a discussion platform concerning the idea of “keeping a mistress” cum story telling session.

There are based on true life stories (with many learning points which I will periodically share). All stories are within the thread are either from a personal perspective or directly witness told first hand. Not heard from a friend of a friend variety.

I shall start from the present as it can kinda serve like a reality TV blog - “Current AFFAIRS” (pun intended). The outcome for the below story is still unfolding .....

The protagonists are four business associates who now become friends. Besides cheonging - all have kept mistresses.

A general description of Players:

Michael owns a string of factories in Indonesia and China. He travels frequently and he keeps a second “home” in these countries. Whenever he is in Singapore, he is the person who would initiate and jio the group to cheong. He is currently married with three children – all studying overseas. Despite having ‘second wives’ in Indonesia and China, he still always likes to have someone here in Singapore on call as well. He is the first among the group to have Singapore based mistress and he highly recommend it (“If suddenly horny, cannot travel to China just like that what, where got time to go KTV and romance …)

Terrence heads up an IT company. He is also its largest shareholder. His modus operandi is to join us for KTV sessions but then mostly never finishes the sessions with us. This is because he would invariably ta-bao a lady for a short time. Terrence is a type of customers girls like: He pays premium for his fucks – “Spoil the market Robert”, makes no qualms about “bar fines” for singers, always books the girls for the entire session and if time permits, usually dines them at a good Chinese restaurant after the deed is done. Terrence hardly does a bird more than four times. Lately however, he too is bitten by the “mistressing” bug. It is he who started us on the topic of exchanging our girls on our “retainer” because he seen “white panties covering the tight ass” of Hua’s soon to be ex squeeze.

Hua is also a businessman. He too is married with a child whom he is grooming to take over his business. He sometimes brings his son along with our cheong sessions because he wants to expose him to ways of doing business (incredibly with his wife’s blessing!!!). It is through him that all members of this got together in the first instance many years ago. First through business and then evolved later to become cheong buddies. Hua likes to keep someone on retainer rather than butterfly constantly. He does this for an on and off basis – never two months passed without him having someone on retainer. His calling card is that he likes to take the girls to his yacht and he houses them in his unoccupied condo at River Valley which he bought donkey years ago for investment purposes.

Jus, is the baby of the group although he is in his forties. He is divorced with two children. Of the Gang of four, he has the shallowest pockets but enough for some dalliance. A committed serial dater, he too has kept some mistresses (or rather Girlfriends as he is technically not married) on the side. Unlike the others who fishes almost exclusively at entertainment joints for their love mates, he cast his net further to include waitresses, stylist and students.

The Issue of the day:

Keeping someone on retainer is like a hit and miss situation. Although there is monetary transaction involved, some degree of emotions is involved (maybe subconsciously).

Three weeks ago, Terrence proposed that instead of ‘discarding’ a girl when some members of the group move on (sorry if it offends sensibilities to commoditize ladies like that!), he suggested that we “go green” and practice “recycling”

Hua has indicated that his mistress Xin2 (name is similar to that) is getting too sticky for his liking and that he intends to break up with her. He pays her SGD 8, 000 monthly and lets her stay at his condo. Terrence mentioned that Xin2 has nice ass and would provide a fine doggy position screw. He then went on to vividly portray a description of her ass – always can see glimpse of that white panties when the girl she straddles him (yes- we occasionally do bring our mistress to join us at KTV sessions). Can see the outline of camel toe and firm mounds of white fleshy ass – dam shiok!. In response Hua then casually remarked to Terrence to why not he take over Xin2 if Terrence is interested and she consented.

This led to the present issue: do we pass round our mistress (or gf) to your friends after you are through – even if all parties involved in the ‘transaction’ consented.

Terrence’s view is why not let the group “first right of refusal” if the girl is good. Good is defined as having a High Girlfriend Quotient and terrific in bed. His main thrust of the argument is that if the girl is agreeable there should not be any awkwardness among friends. “Go for tried and tested rather than fresh issues”. After all we recognize that all of us need variety and will invariably move on with our current squeeze - what is the harm in that passing on good ones to friends. “Not as if we are like bladdy footballers roasting…”

Jus’ view is that keeping a mistress is a little different from having just an ordinary shag. Emotions may be involved. And this may result in some degree of disquiet if you watch your friend getting on with an ‘ex”. (Hua and Mike: “then work towards ménage a trios what is the problem?).

To Jus, this is setting a dangerous precedent and the ‘game’ may inadvertently harm the friendship perhaps unconsciously. (Hua, Mike and Terrence: No it won’t. Not that we will be leaving our wives – at most throw the back fish in the river and continue to fish).

Jus is also concerned about ‘bedside talk’. There are things that you tell a mistress you would not normally tell your wives or friends. And you wouldn’t want to know your friends peccadilloes in bed. Hua generally see Jus' point but for Mike and Terrence, passing on your mistress to friends is a good thing. There is no disruption of income for the lass, if your friend occasionally horny still for ex squeeze can allow his to indulge a little (Mike says unselfishly: “my treat!"), giving your friend a proven product – (Mike: I personally do QC what more do you want?)

Inviting a discussion and testing the interest level on this post before proceeding …
Old 01-06-2009, 06:35 PM
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Re: Mistress

i guess its alrite to xchg mistresses arnd as long as she is agreeable to it. look in the first place what they want is financial stability. i dun think they are looking for love ya. the things is as long as the next guy can provide whstever they are enjoying nw and if the next guy can provide more...y not.

a word of cautio though. it might be good to send e gal for chkup for std. tis may sound not so nice but u dun know wat yr buddies haf since no 1 would actually admit passing e disease to her..

my 2 cents worth
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Old 02-06-2009, 10:38 AM
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Red face Re: Mistress

Hmmm Interesting topic. Let's see how far this discussions/story carry/flow thru.
Old 02-06-2009, 03:24 PM
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Re: Mistress

Common in Indo here. Rich guys sharing their GF and mistress and getting others to have fun when they are free. Dumping them when they got tired of them, some even had kids liao!

Upkeep of the mistress is not ex, as cost of living is low and money is easy to make. So the gals go down the chain, inevitably becoming a FL or go back to kampung where she will rise the kids if she has any, or moves about as a FL until they go back to their kampong where they PLACE their kids in others care.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 02-06-2009, 04:13 PM
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Re: Mistress

TS...u got a very interesting topic here...
would love to hear / read others' views too...
for is generally ok with 'recycling' GFs/mistresses...
me too understands Hua's pov about pillow-talk secrets... not too concerned about this...
as me dun talk much with these ladies...
they are there to 'appease' me sexual appetite...
if me wanted to would be talking to the MHA...
with regard to comparisons of bedroom performances...
me not concerned about it have confidence in meself...
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Old 02-06-2009, 04:16 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by ol'coyote View Post
TS...u got a very interesting topic here...
would love to hear / read others' views too...
for is generally ok with 'recycling' GFs/mistresses...
me too understands Hua's pov about pillow-talk secrets... not too concerned about this...
as me dun talk much with these ladies...
they are there to 'appease' me sexual appetite...
if me wanted to would be talking to the MHA...
with regard to comparisons of bedroom performances...
me not concerned about it have confidence in meself...
Hahahha, it is well known that Dewi Sukarno(japanese) is a spy for Americans. She spied on Sukarno, the first Indo president. Talked too much to a lady? thats what happened.

However, got to admit he is a super womaniser
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 02-06-2009, 05:07 PM
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Re: Mistress

so its a YES to changing around mistress so far..
but what mentioned is correct...women cant keep secrets...
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Old 02-06-2009, 05:22 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by bunnyrabbit View Post
so its a YES to changing around mistress so far..
but what mentioned is correct...women cant keep secrets...
remember this always...
they have more mouths than us...
but at least we have more heads than them...
so make use of them heads...
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Old 02-06-2009, 05:31 PM
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Re: Mistress

haha..yup bro...3 mouths for us to use!
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Old 02-06-2009, 10:57 PM
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Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by bunnyrabbit View Post
haha..yup bro...3 mouths for us to use!
haha, that's a good one!
Old 03-06-2009, 01:37 PM
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Re: Mistress

It is an ‘Unwritten Rule” for some to not touch the ladies that have sat with your brothers previously. For others, there are no such issues. It is fair game. The latter principle applies for this Brotherhood, although out of courtesy, we would usually ask “permission” first.

Many a times during a KTV/Nite Club scenario, there would be ‘tiny’ exchanges. Mike and Hua are most active in this department. If they are seated with a gal with firm tits and/or have pink nipples, they would invariably invite everyone to partake in it. View, grope, squeeze and tweak. Sometimes in a display of voyeuristic delight, pussy lips will be parted (if it is moist) for other brothers to inspect – with fingering to boot in some instances. These mini exchanges are an oft experience and no one bats an eyelid for this practices.

The passing on of a mistress is an altogether different experience. Yes, there are such “mini exchanges” (especially for Mike) while the lady are under retainer-ship. There is even some ‘ménage a trios’ sessions (which I will narrate later on if this thread is well received). However the full scale transfer of alliance to one member of team to another has not been done heretofore. It is like a footballer, not being on loan, but rather being transferred to another club after professing loyalty (Rooney/Everton, Cashley Cole/Arsenal etc….)

From Jus’ perspective, there is always a vestige of emotion – after being in a relationship (albeit buyer-client). Emotions can often develop from what that starts of as a commercial transaction. This is borne out by several misadventures whereby the mistress’ want to take the relationship further or can’t accept the ending of one. The crazy shenanigans, Fatal Attraction scenarios and wayangs are indeed experienced by everybody in the group at some point in their philandering pursuits. Mike and Hua although find such things a big hassle whilst in it - but in a perverse way enjoys the dramatic experience in retrospect (once such drama is passed).

As an update: Mike and Terrence have broached the subject with Xin2. She says that she is thinking about it as she has developed some feelings for Mike. (Mike & Terrence: Xin2 can win “Golden Horse Award” for feigned ‘hurt’ when he says “Ni bu ai wo. Ni ai wo de qian". = “You don’t love me. You love my money”).

Any way after some theatrics, including the amazing classic of "when I am with you, there is no one else in my heart mind and body"; Xin2 finally made a show of acquiscence and says that she will consider such a proposal. THis thereby proves the validity of Mike’s observation. (Terrence: She only trying to “terik harga” – push up price. But I will only pay less than what she receives from Mike. If not, no deal).

Instead of “wife swapping”, we have “mistress swapping” – a new ‘epoch’ begins (or not) as the story unfolds. $$$$$$$$$ .. give your odd now!!!!
Old 03-06-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: Mistress

i guess practically u guys will get bored with 1 gal after a period of time. its only a matter of time..

i am guessing..guessing that maybe the gal is worried after swapping, her odds of getting the same amount of love? no make that money wun be the same..but of course no risk no gain..if the gurantee of more money is available, i guess she would have agree much earlier..but of course she mux play hard to get..

maybe she trying the KC card with your friend?
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Old 03-06-2009, 01:58 PM
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Re: Mistress

I think Jus is the smart one. Just MHO.
Only time will tell. Its not as if even one transaction has been completed yet. Jus has raised issues that may eventually be a problem among the guys. Do tell us what happens later.

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Old 04-06-2009, 12:43 AM
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Re: Mistress

Drop by to provide a quick update on the situation. True to his word, Terrence did NOT offer more than Mike. The terms and conditions are as follows. SGD 6, 000 per month allowance plus SGD 500 housing subsidy. Xin2 is allowed to work to supplement her income but on condition that she cannot go to bed with customers.

Xin2 only today has completely moved out of Mike’s apartment in River Valley (without any undue fuss surprisingly) and is staying with her friends at Sims. Xin2 called Jus for advice on where to work even as she considers her options put forth by Terrence,

Jus recommends her to go for “No Mummy” places like Amani and Zara (Dong Men). Regular places like Las Vegas, TAM (where she first started) and Club Infinitude would place her in a dilemma. Mummy there expects to girls to ‘entertain’ (not talking about sex per se) their request in taking on their preferred clients sometimes till the wee hours of the night. If you did not indulge a Mummy her request, a girl can be rest assured that the Mummy will not push her services to clients subsequently. This may present a conflict should Terrence also demand to see her at the same time.

In a nutshell, it is like a bird in hand or two in the bush scenario for Xin2. There is a pun somewhere about “bird” and “bush”. Thinking from her perspective, it is wise to take up Terrence’s offer, supplement income by working and maybe meet another someone who may up Terrence’s offer to Bao her.

In the Grand scheme of things, it is Jus’ extrapolation that there will finally be no deal (or at most a very convenient short term arrangement) as the money proffered is too little to sacrifice Xin2 “freedom”.

The story unfolds ...
Old 04-06-2009, 02:57 AM
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Re: Mistress

SGD 6,000 per month allowance plus SGD 500 housing subsidy.Still need to work?
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