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warbird 17-08-2009 10:20 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by ansonsohna (Post 4014540)

bro warbird, me qte uneducated one, do you mean 商鞅变法? 卫鞅 = 商鞅? or u refering to another character?

if 商鞅变法, me search & look up & find that his life not very tokong leh... I tink your life better.... & I rather learn from u/bro jus/bro dybj life experience rather than some ancient knowledge. me attitude dam siah suay, sure kena call "lesser mortal" from elite one! :D

If below info is "chun", Shang Yang is one staffy bastard (I think he will classify FL/KTV as a 'non-essential activity') & also who finally kena karmaic retribution!...................................... ................................................

Hi bro,

Yes, 卫鞅 = 商鞅. I hv much to learn from his strategies n fearless attitude, despite his tragic death. He accomplished his goal of transforming Qin into the most powerful state n laying the foundation for 秦始皇 to unify all of China a century later.

He was a top alpha male.


Originally Posted by Oceanlee (Post 4014742)

Thanks for your invite warbird, I can only make it on SH for weekdayz.
if HH will be avail on sat, look forward with u and Bro Marc any of the SH.
maybe see Smeagol back in town oredi or not.

Or meet me at small joint outlet near Jln Besar for SH. :p

Hi bro Oceanlee,

OK. Is the small joint near Jln Besar called New World KTV?


Originally Posted by nabei (Post 4016101)
For Chinese history, hope bro warbird and oceanlee will like the following:


There are a series of lecturers from Prof 王立群 on 秦始皇, you can search for Lecture 1 and then continue. They tell you about power play and strategies during this period.

Hi bro nabei,

Excellent link! Thank u!


justime 18-08-2009 03:35 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird (Post 4012640)
……. I admire ur detached nonchalant attitude.

Your approach to the issue of unfaithfulness is very level-headed n pragmatic.

I agree that it's not difficult to tell if a gal is lying by carefully observing her nonverbal cues n body language, hahaha.

OK, if I know my BAO-ee 偷吃 n If I'm already bored w/ her, I'll just dump her by breaking off all ctc. No explanations necessary. If I still enjoy her pussy, I'll alter the terms in my favor, fxxk her until I'm bored, then dump her.

BTW, thx to u n bro DYBJ, I hv improved my negotiating skill. When a gal wants a long-term commitment, I'll now say YES, IF certain conditions r met...such as if she gives me complete satisfaction, if she is always available, if she doesn't eat outside, if...hehehe. There is a big IF I wont tell her: If I dun get bored w/ her. I'm gradually becoming an overconfident n unflappable bastard.;) !

This is great. Absolutely great! What took me literally years to learn, you condensed it within months. So happy for you bro!

justime 18-08-2009 04:02 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird (Post 4012640)
……. I admire ur detached nonchalant attitude.

Your approach to the issue of unfaithfulness is very level-headed n pragmatic.


Originally Posted by kurosaki ichigo (Post 4012458)
…… To cut the long story short, I dumped her after a few months of pleasure. It was nice while it lasted. Could have been better if it went on longer.

Justime's motto is true and stands the test ---> Be nonchalantly detached... I've used it before and the girl just comes crawling back to you even though she has her own tricks trying to ensnare you :)

I find that being detached to outcome serve you best. You just focus on the process itself and let corollary/consequence/result follow its own course. You will be surprised that the results will mostly align itself to your desires if you simply take care of the process, the “here & the now” so to speak.

Speaking of “the now”, let me borrow a quote from Bro Warbird’s post on his 'Picking Up gals outside KTV' thread (- good complementary material to this thread may I add) which I find very erudite.


Originally Posted by warbird (Post 4017430)

Why am I trying so many gals at the same time? I enjoy the game NOW.

As a student of Zen Buddhism, I try to live in the perpetual present moment, which is the ONLY reality. I dun agonise over my past, which doesn't exist AND I dun worry abt the future, which is also nonexistent, hahaha. I do learn from my past n plan for the future, but spending less than 1% of my time doing that though, unlike the majority of people who r preoccupied w/ their past n future which dun even exist...

Live every present moment well ur life will turn out fine.

Just my humble 2 cents. If some bros hv dissenting views, pls share w/ us here. And give ur reasons though.

Show me where ur past is. To me, there r ur current memories of the past, which r nothing more than biochemical reactions occurring in ur brain at the present moment.!

Let me share /recommend an amazing piece of work by one of my fave authors:

'Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience', by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi.

(Click on the link, it will take you 'wikipedia' which summarizes very well the main purport of his work.)

And by the way, if you adhere to the prinicples of "Flow" with regards to sex ... copious juices will flow, and you will be seen as a stud. :cool:

Good nite. Enjoy your read and be illuminated!

boyfoax 18-08-2009 04:28 AM

Re: Mistress
always thrilling to have another 'lover' :D:D:D

warbird 18-08-2009 10:08 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 4019713)
This is great. Absolutely great! What took me literally years to learn, you condensed it within months. So happy for you bro!

Hi bro justime,

I'm making progress...thx largely to YOU n Mr. Austin, hahaha.


Originally Posted by justime (Post 4019736)
I find that being detached to outcome serve you best. You just focus on the process itself and let corollary/consequence/result follow its own course. You will be surprised that the results will mostly align itself to your desires if you simply take care of the process, the “here & the now” so to speak.

Speaking of “the now”, let me borrow a quote from Bro Warbird’s post on his 'Picking Up gals outside KTV' thread (- good complementary material to this thread may I add) which I find very erudite.

Let me share /recommend an amazing piece of work by one of my fave authors:

'Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience', by Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi.

(Click on the link, it will take you 'wikipedia' which summarizes very well the main purport of his work.)

And by the way, if you adhere to the prinicples of "Flow" with regards to sex ... copious juices will flow, and you will be seen as a stud. :cool:

Good nite. Enjoy your read and be illuminated!

Hi bro justime,

Good advice!

We should all practice "FLOW" in our daily life, including sexual encounters.

BTW, supposing u hv 2 BAO-ees who dun know each other, would u try to bring them together to do 双飞?:D If the answer is yes, would u change CD when going from one pussy to the other?

Thx n good day!

justime 18-08-2009 07:50 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird (Post 4020122)
.....BTW, supposing u hv 2 BAO-ees who dun know each other, would u try to bring them together to do 双飞?:D If the answer is yes, would u change CD when going from one pussy to the other?

hi bro warbird, I have indeed done so. Twice - with different sets of gals. "Shuangfei" session between my mistresses is probably about six seven times in total.

Its probably quite fun if you can pull it off well. I must admit here that I did not do so well with regards to the execution bit.

These are some negatives that you need to take note off.

In general before you embark on such any ménage à trois activities, you must know the characters of your mistresses. One obvious corollary is that Jealousy (I guess it a natural phenomenon as it concerns their ricebowl) will rear its ugly head.

QQ (a singer in a recently renovated KTV) & ZE were both under my patronage about three years ago. I brought them together for some "shuangfei" fun. What happens on the ground is really quite different from my expectations. My 'porno' based perspective were literally thrown quite asunder when both girls do not react well in terms of lesbianic interactions. Yes, there are several pleasurable elements such as one licking the shaft while the other covers the testes (or gives you a nice ass rim), the different array of new positions that avail to you - missionary while administering cunninglingus is nice ..:p

It is the aftermath that concerns me. QQ & ZE will invariably ask about each other. They would try to dig out information on how much I pay the other party (I gave ZE more). Every little gift or tokens was met with comments such as whether the other gets similar gifts. The simmering jealousy is palpable & it somehow detracts a little from each respective individual Love Wayangs.

To be fair, both frankly they tried to conceal this aspect, but I was quite sensitive to the nuance. There seem to be an 'invisible presence' of the other party. Gradually, because of that, a feeling of ennui (or "sian") with both of them crept in, the writing is on the wall with the relationship.

This being said, I know that 'shuangfei' can successfully executed. Mike & Hua have many orgy sessions with their mistress. In fact I partook in several of the debauchery sessions, including a particularly memorable one whereby we simulated a Roman orgy with the use of white bed sheets. Its eight gals and three guys with sex toys!

What sets my 'brothers' and me apart is that, they are able to ignore & dislodge the 'simmering' vestige of jealousy & rivalry between their mistress. They are able to set aside this behavioural quirks. For me, I just cannot ignore the underlying nuances of the inevitable unhappiness & jealousy of my mistress.

The reason why Mike & Hua is able to successfully handle this is probably them being more focused on the sexual dimension whereas I sometimes do place importance on the 'relationship & interaction' element (the 'sweet wayangs'). In this regard, I got to give props to them, they can allow their mistress to be 'shared'. I, on the other hand, still cannot do so until today.

And in response to your questions, yes, its a "common condom". Initially, its a change & replacement with every new position & gal, but later the same one is used for both girls. :cool:

DO_YOU_BJ 19-08-2009 09:02 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 4021584)
QQ (a singer in a recently renovated KTV) & ZE were both under my patronage about three years ago.

Wow boss Justime, didn't know you also got singers
When you go HFJ, can jio me?
Me wanna eye open open to c u in action

justime 19-08-2009 06:44 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by DO_YOU_BJ (Post 4023037)
Wow boss Justime, didn't know you also got singers
When you go HFJ, can jio me?
Me wanna eye open open to c u in action

I don't have many singers under my patronage. Only three (one dancer amongst them but I classify her under the singer category as they got their work permit for only six months at a time) in my entire life.

Anyway for singers, I have to 100% defer to you as I am quite a greenhorn here. Don't know how to extract maximum value for money in their context!

Why I tend to shy away from singers is because their situation does not lend easily to what I want from my BY in terms of flexibilty of time (to accomodate mine).

You are absolutely right that in singers, you can easily control her movement(s) and whom she is seeing. It is the best possible BY prospect for those whose time is relatively flexible and/or whose timing dovetails nicely with a singers work schedule.

The opposite side of the coin is that a singer is also governed by the same constraint when it comes to seeing/entertaining me. I hate the notion of buying time for singers to accompany me as I don't want the entertainment establishment to earn this additional income from me. Afterall, I am already paying her equal to what she is drawing (monthly target of $6, 000 to $8, 000if I remember correctly).

Another reason why singers is not suitable in my personal context is that they must 'work' everyday of the week. For me I like my BY's schedule to fit into mine which can be rather erratic. And finally because they are on work permit, they cannot accompany me on my overseas travel if I so desire. (Bladdy company safekeep their passport!).

As an anecdote, I remembered that with QQ, I have to pay $1600 for two days to the joint* in order to take her off work. And on the second day was the onset of QQ's menses (da-yi-ma / yue-jing). $800 blow job! :rolleyes:

(For those who want to save money, the MC trick does not really work as in entails massive inconvenience. In a fit of 'cheapo-ness', I ever tried the MC trick to get my mistress off work on the cheap. Learnt that most HFjoints accept only hospital MC (not even government polyclinic ones). In this case, despite not succeeding with the MC ruse, I do agree with the establishment rules on this. If so easy allow MC, sure open to abuse!)

Finally bro DYBJ, if you have sort of a hybraid mistress-gf going with a singer, you will sometimes need to accompany her to buy 'xiu' dresses. Bet you probably went shopping at CP for 'stage dresses' at some point! ;) Can tell you which shops are good if you need to bring your singer BY/gf for stage dress shopping ....

Will jio you go Kabuki soon. Haven't been there since they renovated!

justime 19-08-2009 06:57 PM

Re: Mistress
All information at the above post is based on the 'old' Kabuki under the old management. Except for a veteran still very hot ang-pai (who continues to ply her trade at the newly renovated premise) & an occasional mummy that I utilise, the new Kabuki scene may be an unfamiliar terrain to me as far as comprehensive understanding in the Rules of Engagement is concerned!

Good reason for a revisit soon! :cool:

warbird 19-08-2009 07:58 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 4021584)
hi bro warbird, I have indeed done so. Twice - with different sets of gals. "Shuangfei" session between my mistresses is probably about six seven times in total.

Its probably quite fun if you can pull it off well. I must admit here that I did not do so well with regards to the execution bit.

These are some negatives that you need to take note off.

In general before you embark on such any ménage à trois activities, you must know the characters of your mistresses. One obvious corollary is that Jealousy (I guess it a natural phenomenon as it concerns their ricebowl) will rear its ugly head.

QQ (a singer in a recently renovated KTV) & ZE were both under my patronage about three years ago. I brought them together for some "shuangfei" fun. What happens on the ground is really quite different from my expectations. My 'porno' based perspective were literally thrown quite asunder when both girls do not react well in terms of lesbianic interactions. Yes, there are several pleasurable elements such as one licking the shaft while the other covers the testes (or gives you a nice ass rim), the different array of new positions that avail to you - missionary while administering cunninglingus is nice ..:p

It is the aftermath that concerns me. QQ & ZE will invariably ask about each other. They would try to dig out information on how much I pay the other party (I gave ZE more). Every little gift or tokens was met with comments such as whether the other gets similar gifts. The simmering jealousy is palpable & it somehow detracts a little from each respective individual Love Wayangs.

To be fair, both frankly they tried to conceal this aspect, but I was quite sensitive to the nuance. There seem to be an 'invisible presence' of the other party. Gradually, because of that, a feeling of ennui (or "sian") with both of them crept in, the writing is on the wall with the relationship.

This being said, I know that 'shuangfei' can successfully executed. Mike & Hua have many orgy sessions with their mistress. In fact I partook in several of the debauchery sessions, including a particularly memorable one whereby we simulated a Roman orgy with the use of white bed sheets. Its eight gals and three guys with sex toys!

What sets my 'brothers' and me apart is that, they are able to ignore & dislodge the 'simmering' vestige of jealousy & rivalry between their mistress. They are able to set aside this behavioural quirks. For me, I just cannot ignore the underlying nuances of the inevitable unhappiness & jealousy of my mistress.

The reason why Mike & Hua is able to successfully handle this is probably them being more focused on the sexual dimension whereas I sometimes do place importance on the 'relationship & interaction' element (the 'sweet wayangs'). In this regard, I got to give props to them, they can allow their mistress to be 'shared'. I, on the other hand, still cannot do so until today.

And in response to your questions, yes, its a "common condom". Initially, its a change & replacement with every new position & gal, but later the same one is used for both girls. :cool:

Hi bro justime,

Ths for sharing ur experience.

I hv not done 双飞 in my entire life. I see that there r unique problems associated w/ this sexciting activity if both gals r being BAO-ed by the same patron.

Many gals may object to using a common CD for obvious reason.


DO_YOU_BJ 19-08-2009 08:07 PM

Re: Mistress
I don't have many singers under my patronage. Only three (one dancer amongst them but I classify her under the singer category as they got their work permit for only six months at a time) in my entire life.
Ah i c

Anyway for singers, I have to 100% defer to you as I am quite a greenhorn here. Don't know how to extract maximum value for money in their context!
This one you can ask our very own Bro WarBird liao...

Why I tend to shy away from singers is because their situation does not lend easily to what I want from my BY in terms of flexibilty of time (to accomodate mine).
Yeah, if timing clash, really no point liao, but then again, aren't all these bitches operating at the same timezone?????

You are absolutely right that in singers, you can easily control her movement(s) and whom she is seeing. It is the best possible BY prospect for those whose time is relatively flexible and/or whose timing dovetails nicely with a singers work schedule.

The opposite side of the coin is that a singer is also governed by the same constraint when it comes to seeing/entertaining me. I hate the notion of buying time for singers to accompany me as I don't want the entertainment establishment to earn this additional income from me. Afterall, I am already paying her equal to what she is drawing (monthly target of $6, 000 to $8, 000if I remember correctly).
Ah bro, this is where ur terms flaw....doesnt mean you BY xxx amount, that does not include 买场, nego from the start so such unfavourable times could be avoided

Another reason why singers is not suitable in my personal context is that they must 'work' everyday of the week. For me I like my BY's schedule to fit into mine which can be rather erratic. And finally because they are on work permit, they cannot accompany me on my overseas travel if I so desire. (Bladdy company safekeep their passport!).
Wrong bro, you can tell the company that you're bringing her wif you to where ever for a fuck trip for how long, its actually very common. Guess you are pretty green in this area where singers r concerned

As an anecdote, I remembered that with QQ, I have to pay $1600 for two days to the joint* in order to take her off work. And on the second day was the onset of QQ's menses (da-yi-ma / yue-jing). $800 blow job! :rolleyes:
Lol this is what i call 人算不如天算
Just happened to a bro of mine 2 days back, after checking in, dig dig, bloody river bank overflowed, sian man lol

(For those who want to save money, the MC trick does not really work as in entails massive inconvenience. In a fit of 'cheapo-ness', I ever tried the MC trick to get my mistress off work on the cheap. Learnt that most HFjoints accept only hospital MC (not even government polyclinic ones). In this case, despite not succeeding with the MC ruse, I do agree with the establishment rules on this. If so easy allow MC, sure open to abuse!)
Sorry, this kinda things i dun do one, other people know damn sia suay man

Finally bro DYBJ, if you have sort of a hybraid mistress-gf going with a singer, you will sometimes need to accompany her to buy 'xiu' dresses. Bet you probably went shopping at CP for 'stage dresses' at some point! ;) Can tell you which shops are good if you need to bring your singer BY/gf for stage dress shopping ....
Tks bro but believe it or not, i dun accompany them for anything, we only meet when i say so.
Totally back and call

Will jio you go Kabuki soon. Haven't been there since they renovated!
Will do

justime 20-08-2009 02:10 AM

Re: Mistress
Excellent comments bro! (Particularly like the email style of point by point reply).

Like to state at the outset that I respect your preference to BY singers vis-a-vis normal KTV. It offers so many advantages as you so eloquantly pointed out in your earlier post. In fact, I would even venture to say that BY a singer is overall a better proposition.

Why I tend to shy away from singers is because their situation does not lend easily to what I want from my BY in terms of flexibilty of time (to accomodate mine).

Yeah, if timing clash, really no point liao, but then again, aren't all these bitches operating at the same timezone?????

For me there is one significant difference: a KTV gal can follow me home immediately half way during work or simply choosing not go to work at all without the need to incur hefty 买场 fees ($150 booking fee vs $800 买场). Do note that in the Havelock Road KTV, there is some penalty for KTV if they absent from work however.

All in all, a normal KTV gal generally has got more control of her time vis-a-vis a singer. This however may not be advantageous to you, but for my particular context & preference, it is an important consideration

......The opposite side of the coin is that a singer is also governed by the same constraint when it comes to seeing/entertaining me. I hate the notion of buying time for singers to accompany me as I don't want the entertainment establishment to earn this additional income from me. Afterall, I am already paying her equal to what she is drawing (monthly target of $6, 000 to $8, 000if I remember correctly).

Ah bro, this is where ur terms flaw....doesnt mean you BY xxx amount, that does not include 买场, nego from the start so such unfavourable times could be avoided

Guess I should have been clearer & more thorough in my elaboration. We all know that a singer's target is to achieve $6,000 in 'flower' sales in order for her to earn her basic salary that the company pays her - anything below this target, the company deducts from this target. We also know that to 买场 cost about $800 per nite.

When I proposed to QQ, my "allowance" to her is $6,000 per month. This includes the time when I take her for the nite, i.e. she doesn't work. 买场 money is to come out from this $6,000. To be fair to her, I set a maximum of four times per month (or about once weekly). Anything above that I 'top up'. I can actually squeeze more from her, but I did not want to do so.

Anyway, during the early throes of the relationship, when the novelty factor and desire is strongest, I called out at least three times a week. Hence the 'top up' is needed.

BTW, I only sparodically hang flowers, just a token $100 occasionally in QQ case!

.........I like my BY's schedule to fit into mine which can be rather erratic. And finally because they are on work permit, they cannot accompany me on my overseas travel if I so desire. (Bladdy company safekeep their passport!).

Wrong bro, you can tell the company that you're bringing her wif you to where ever for a fuck trip for how long, its actually very common. Guess you are pretty green in this area where singers r concerned

In my case, I already arranged for QQ to stay at my love nest rather than company's accomodation. The company gave me face by allowing QQ this arrangement. This subseuqently created a mini controversy as after QQ's precedent, several other singers also decide to strike out on her own. (Company provided accomodation is actually a friend of the boss, the establishment do earn/charge accomodation fees for the singers).

In addition, I also manage to take her out many times for 'quickies' without any fines due to my regular patronage at the establishment.

I don't know that I can bring a singer out for days on end without incurring a 买场 fee for everyday that she is absent from work. You are right, there are indeed several things that I still gotta learn from you here with regards to BY a singer! Any tips to share with this regard?

........ Learnt that most HFjoints accept only hospital MC (not even government polyclinic ones). In this case, despite not succeeding with the MC ruse, I do agree with the establishment rules on this. If so easy allow MC, sure open to abuse!)

Sorry, this kinda things i dun do one, other people know damn sia suay man

What to do... sometimes the scrooge / parsimonious feeling surfaces involuntarily! :rolleyes: but mitigating factor is that this idea is mooted by QQ herself here. She feels that saving my money is as if saving her money. "As If" is the operative word here.

..... Bet you probably went shopping at CP for 'stage dresses' at some point! ;)

Tks bro but believe it or not, i dun accompany them for anything, we only meet when i say so.
Totally back and call

I do indulge them. However, its always part of reward or as inducement for something I want. There is always strings attached. "My string!" (inuendo)

For the first time I bought QQ her two stage dress (which is cheaper than you think), I insisted & get bj in car as I drive all the way after her work to East Coast Park - with the requisite swallow. And then order her to bathe me Thai style when we get back at my Love Nest. Zhong Guo mei, despite my best training efforts, still lag behind the Thais (genetic?) in body massage baths I feel.

Also, sex act once done is taken for granted. Everytime I feel like public sex, I now expect & get it from QQ subsequently. More than the worth for the price of the stage dress & my time accompanying her in my persoal reckoning.

Will jio you go Kabuki soon. Haven't been there since they renovated!

Will do[/QUOTE]

Yup, must be done before Bro Warbird's departure. Sometime in Sep I believe?

sing11235813 20-08-2009 05:49 PM

Re: Mistress
Dear Bro DYBJ, Bro Jus, Bro Warbird,

The last couple of months have been busy like crazy in terms of the financial markets (i.e. good thing in terms of making money! hehe), but it does mean that I haven't had the time to execute my (debut) BY plan.

You may have read my previous posts in this thread about my thoughts on BY-ing non-KTV/FL/WL/etc MMs, because mentally I can't get excited about bonking a well-bonked MM. But, in reading the recent couple of posts, it occured to me that perhaps many singers in HFJ are also not very well-bonked?-- correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm a total newbie to the KTV/HFJ scene, but from my reading of the posts, it seems like the singers have to (a) work everyday; (b) are very expensive to take out; and (c) are much more "tao" than the regular KTV girls, and therefore would almost all say no to ST? So, is it the case that many of them (with the exception of those that are under BY) do not have regular clients who bonk them?

I understand that most (all?) would probably like to be under a BY. But, for one that is currently not under BY, would my offer of say a one-time arrangement of 6-8K for 1 week, or 10-12K for 2 weeks be an interesting proposition for them? (Bro DYBJ's expert opinion, please). I'm perfectly fine with them working throughout those week(s), and only bonking them during off hours. Or, paying $800 a few times during the arrangement shouldn't be a problem either.

Oceanlee 23-08-2009 11:26 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by marc5 (Post 4014892)
Bro OL, I still owe you a bottle ;). Will definitely arrange a session with you soon. We should invite bro warbird to discuss his latest strategy in "mistressing" :D


Bro Marc5, Its alright with me. As long as we make friends and reciprocate or I dun mind dutch. Otherwise treat it as on me. Do update me are we going to support your New Found 做秀 these coming week bah :D

Thumbs Up for U, as for me ..... my pics tell abit dun they :p
Cheers n Merry.

warbird 23-08-2009 12:03 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by sing11235813 (Post 4027500)
Dear Bro DYBJ, Bro Jus, Bro Warbird,

The last couple of months have been busy like crazy in terms of the financial markets (i.e. good thing in terms of making money! hehe), but it does mean that I haven't had the time to execute my (debut) BY plan.
.................................................. ....
I'm a total newbie to the KTV/HFJ scene, but from my reading of the posts, it seems like the singers have to (a) work everyday; (b) are very expensive to take out; and (c) are much more "tao" than the regular KTV girls, and therefore would almost all say no to ST? So, is it the case that many of them (with the exception of those that are under BY) do not have regular clients who bonk them?

I understand that most (all?) would probably like to be under a BY. But, for one that is currently not under BY, would my offer of say a one-time arrangement of 6-8K for 1 week, or 10-12K for 2 weeks be an interesting proposition for them? (Bro DYBJ's expert opinion, please). I'm perfectly fine with them working throughout those week(s), and only bonking them during off hours. Or, paying $800 a few times during the arrangement shouldn't be a problem either.

Hi bro sing,

Only bro DYBJ aka Mr Austin can answer all ur questions.

IMHO, ur offer for short-term "BY" seems quite generous.

I'm also more interested in long-term BAO-ing of non-KTV/HFJ gals, but it may be more time consuming n hence impractical for me as I live in Gotham City. Unless I can get frens to intro them to me...



Originally Posted by Oceanlee (Post 4035746)
Bro Marc5, Its alright with me. As long as we make friends and reciprocate or I dun mind dutch. Otherwise treat it as on me. Do update me are we going to support your New Found 做秀 these coming week bah :D

Thumbs Up for U, as for me ..... my pics tell abit dun they :p
Cheers n Merry.

Hi bro Oceanlee,

Too bad that I couldn't join u n Marc5 for the outing on Fri. Did u pick up some chio chicks?

We could go to DC n TAM this coming wk. I want to deepen my rapport w/ some gals there.;)


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