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warbird 03-09-2009 10:29 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 4069423)
.................................................. .................
But as can be guessed, I will not just passively wait out this 'lull' period(unless I consciously decide to chill out and take a respite - by choice). Ipso facto, I will endeavour to create options and choice for myself. It is precisely during this lull period that I 'replenish' my stocks (or indulge in the occasional FL)!

In my personal opinion, at any one time there should be three to four gal on standby for your booty call. My personal Optimal number of gals is three to four at any one time - already landed, not in pursuit. Any less does not have sufficient variety and is vulnerable to schedule conflicts. Any thing more than three or four, I will be too stretched.

What this means is that I too will be on the hunt/pwowl during the present period? :cool: If I find anyone better than XH or Xin2, I will 'cast' them aside for the newer flavour(s).

(As so wonderfully narrated by Bro DYBJ earlier, please note that this attitude of constantly on the hunt for better deals/options is widely practiced by most WL; if they find a better patron or bf, they will dump you unceremoniously).

Hi bro justime,

Ths for sharing ur personal strategies. Having 3-4 gals on call 24/7, ready for ur carnal desire, is a wonderful idea. But r all these gals being BAO-ed by u at the same time? It might be more than I need as I'm not young n virile like u. Currently, I hv two relatively young BAO-ees (aged 21 n 22) n I'm completely satiated. My didi is already struggling even w/ the help of Cialis, hehehe.


Originally Posted by justime (Post 4069497)
Bro DYBJ (or should I say Mr. Austin ... how on earth does this moniker come about?), Sir LD, Bro Warbird, Lady Latex Dolly (I am sure she will be reading this thread), bro Fishcer, bro marc 5, Your Excellency MM LKY,

I read with great delight your little romps and adventures. Sorry that I was unable to join in the fun the last evening/night. Woke up so dam late - must have practically slept at least 14 hours - and subsequently feel so lethargic to go out cheonging.

Anyway reading DYBJ's narrative about 珍珍 certainly piqued my interest in her. Feel like I just gotta meet her in person. (Will not be joining in the queue of 'suitors' so no threat from me whatsoever!)

What is it about hotly demanded gal that is so attractive and compelling? Is it the challenge factor that so engages us? (There is a psychological reasoning behind this phenomenon) :cool:

For the moment, I prefer HH timings as I want to indulge my Singapore GF who has been exceedingly patient with me. Pity that after his 'virgin' HH session I might get to see Mr. Austin, I would dearly love to meet him again - even in a non KTV context!.

If there is any outtings in the pipeline, could you please extend an invitation to me. I especially really wanna meet up Bro Warbird before he goes back to Gothom City!

Thanks ya all!

Hi bro justime,

We had quite a colourful grp the other nite.

I dubbed my dear bro DYBJ the moniker to his initial protestation. Why the nick? He is unique, playful, mysterious n unpredictable, global in that he is always on the move, from Asia to Europe, the Americas...hehehe. Above all, he has the big MOJO. He is the International Man of Mystery aka Austin Powers!!:D He has also been very generous in giving me his honest n frank advice.

I must add that I hv also benefited greatly from ur posts n personal advice. I thank my lucky star to be able to call YOU n Mr. Austin my frens.:p

BTW, I dun hv much time left n would like to meet up w/ u soon.

Ths n hv a great day!!

bobochan 03-09-2009 11:35 AM

Re: Mistress

justime 03-09-2009 01:06 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird (Post 4071313)
Hi bro justime,

Ths for sharing ur personal strategies. Having 3-4 gals on call 24/7, ready for ur carnal desire, is a wonderful idea. But r all these gals being BAO-ed by u at the same time? It might be more than I need as I'm not young n virile like u. Currently, I hv two relatively young BAO-ees (aged 21 n 22) n I'm completely satiated. My didi is already struggling even w/ the help of Cialis, hehehe.

To outright BY all 3-4 girls simultaneously is way beyond my budget. If you read my post, at any one point of time, it is two girls under patronage at any one time if outright BY.

Sometimes it’s the solitary BY – when it is premium 10K and above category. To stretch my dollar, I usually have to the hybrid arrangement (GF-Mistress) to make up the numbers and/or have FB and GF to supplement in order to make up the three to four numbers.

Admittedly I do have quite a high libido. To preserve virility, I do take supplements as per my earlier post. And there are occasions too that I enlist Cialis’ help.

Like you, age too is also catching up on me. Obviously I do not entertain all 3-4 every night. Therefore times I just indulge in TLC without doing the ‘jiggy’ in attendant. On average, I think I do cover at least twice in a week with every of my gals ~ give or take.


Originally Posted by warbird (Post 4071313)
….. We had quite a colourful grp the other nite.

I dubbed my dear bro DYBJ the moniker to his initial protestation. Why the nick? He is unique, playful, mysterious n unpredictable, global in that he is always on the move, from Asia to Europe, the Americas...hehehe. Above all, he has the big MOJO. He is the International Man of Mystery aka Austin Powers!!:D He has also been very generous in giving me his honest n frank advice.

I must add that I hv also benefited greatly from ur posts n personal advice. I thank my lucky star to be able to call YOU n Mr. Austin my frens.:p

BTW, I dun hv much time left n would like to meet up w/ u soon.

Wished I was there the other nite. Loved a spot of drama.

So our dear bro DYBJ is also hirsute like Mr. Austin? (Physiognomy cues for libidinous persons: Hairy forearms for gals and hairy backs for males?) : )

Know from your posts you will be back in Nov (hope to introduce you to M and Viet prospects then) but when will you be leaving this month?

warbird 03-09-2009 01:46 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 4071830)
To outright BY all 3-4 girls simultaneously is way beyond my budget. If you read my post, at any one point of time, it is two girls under patronage at any one time if outright BY.

Sometimes it’s the solitary BY – when it is premium 10K and above category. To stretch my dollar, I usually have to the hybrid arrangement (GF-Mistress) to make up the numbers and/or have FB and GF to supplement in order to make up the three to four numbers.

Admittedly I do have quite a high libido. To preserve virility, I do take supplements as per my earlier post. And there are occasions too that I enlist Cialis’ help.

Like you, age too is also catching up on me. Obviously I do not entertain all 3-4 every night. Therefore times I just indulge in TLC without doing the ‘jiggy’ in attendant. On average, I think I do cover at least twice in a week with every of my gals ~ give or take.

Wished I was there the other nite. Loved a spot of drama.

So our dear bro DYBJ is also hirsute like Mr. Austin? (Physiognomy cues for libidinous persons: Hairy forearms for gals and hairy backs for males?) : )

Know from your posts you will be back in Nov (hope to introduce you to M and Viet prospects then) but when will you be leaving this month?

Hi bro justime,

Having two BAO-ees at the same time may be necessary as one of them may hv 大姨妈 for 4-5 days.

I prefer to hv a longer-term RS w/ one n the 2nd one for shorter periods of 1-4 wks. The problem w/ longer-term RS is that the gal may want at least half the monthly allowance even when I'm in Gotham City. Tell her NO?

I hv not had the good fortune of seeing Mr. Austin's bare chest. But one thing is certain: He has long lost his British accent!!

Gals w/ hairy forearms hv strong libido? One Fujian gal I know well has hirsute forearms but although she enjoys sex she doesn't seem to need it at all.:confused: Perhaps the fault is w/ me.:(

I may delay my departure a bit n will return, hopefully, in early in Dec.

Pls PM or SMS me when u can meet.


justime 04-09-2009 01:22 AM

Re: Mistress
Hi bobochan, .... (again taking the innuendo bait), that's one hellava cute pussy picture that you post here!

Anyway, thank for your support. Please do feel free to post your views / perspective / stories here (especially if you are of the gender that your nick alludes to). Looking forward to your contributions bobo!


Originally Posted by warbird (Post 4071954)
.....Having two BAO-ees at the same time may be necessary as one of them may hv 大姨妈 for 4-5 days.

I prefer to hv a longer-term RS w/ one n the 2nd one for shorter periods of 1-4 wks. The problem w/ longer-term RS is that the gal may want at least half the monthly allowance even when I'm in Gotham City. Tell her NO?

I hv not had the good fortune of seeing Mr. Austin's bare chest. But one thing is certain: He has long lost his British accent!!

Gals w/ hairy forearms hv strong libido? One Fujian gal I know well has hirsute forearms but although she enjoys sex she doesn't seem to need it at all.:confused: Perhaps the fault is w/ me.:(

I may delay my departure a bit n will return, hopefully, in early in Dec.

Pls PM or SMS me when u can meet.

Hi Bro Warbird, was looking forward for a nice respite in SEP when I just got word of a monumental (pardon my French) F**K up that requires me to go overseas for a spot of troubleshooting. Not sure when I can be back. :rolleyes:

If I miss you this time round, Dec will defintely be good. BTW, M has just gotten her beautician diploma and will be trying for S-pass to work here. (Here's wishing her all the best!)

Loved your 'Mr. Austin' comment. Conjuring Bro DYBJ image in my mind's eye against your comment I can't help but smile.

Never viewed from the 大姨妈 angle. Now that you mentioned it, valid and good point (although there can be other non bleeding orifices that can be considered). ;)

Guess the idea of paying retainer when you are away is contingent on whether you want to continue with her and the the sum involved vis-a-vis your personal budget.

It should be obvious that regardless whether you indulge her financially during your absence or not, you still run the risk of your BY being unfaithful.

In essence, can you stomach the idea of subsidising her while she is having her own fun and/or looking at better prospect in your absence?

Let's face it, having some kind of hold/control on her by using the financial nexus is certainly stronger than none at all when it comes to continuing where you left off upon your return. Your 'generousity' will have some currency when you continue with her after the period of your absence. You can even leverage on this spirit of generousity by getting her to indulge your whims.

However, you alone must determine the value and worth of this hold (which may be quite tenuous). If you don't mind paying for an ASSet that you will not be using and the associated risk of her playing behind your back in your absence (almost an inevitable, ineluctable certainty), you can do so.

For me personally, only those rarest of gems do I extend financial support in my absence. I cannot speak for your BY as I have not interacted with them.

As an example, I do not give XH any financial support when she is in China. Although she is pretty sweet (and tender too), she is not irreplaceably unique. Yes, airfare etc to get her here is way within my budget, but in spite of this, I still intentionally delay giving her this money.

I want to play the field and audition (casting couch?) new talents this month. I see No point in paying for her to come here and then not do anything and/or leaving her alone with her own devices.

Yes, only when I cannot find an XH equivilant (better yet, a superior specimen) while playing the field, will I then give the airfare for her to come here.

(XH 'lazy' ways during her stinct in Singapore and general dependancy on my financial support during the last trip means that she does not have the wherewithal to come here just like that.)

Yes, admittedly I run the risk of losing her - a likely proposition. My hold on her currently is KC (which is very tenuous at best). Given the materialistic orientation, any generous patron or Robert wannabe who indulges XH at this point of time can easily ursurp her from me. However, because I have set myself up with nice options, I don't feel the pressure or need indulge her. That's why its always good to have options and choice. Choice not only in the form of gal prospect but also in the range of action that you want to take.

Having choices available precludes the scarcity mentality and frees you from being needy. And it is one of the surest way to empower yourself!

ansonsohna 04-09-2009 02:29 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 4073978)
..... However, because I have set myself up with nice options, I don't feel the pressure or need indulge her. That's why its always good to have options and choice. Choice not only in the form of gal prospect but also in the range of action that you want to take.

Having choices available precludes the scarcity mentality and frees you from being needy. And it is one of the surest way to empower yourself!

Bro Justime, I agree with this one million %.

Remember last time when we spoke about my cursh at IP? Feel devastating everytime she never respond to me. Now tat i got options and 选择, totally no hue her anymore. very the empower siah!

i now wl always remember to create choice for myself not only in gal but also career & other things.

just curious bro, what are yur thots abt the fierce singapore gal hitting her bf lampar? :D

warbird 04-09-2009 10:13 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 4073978)
Hi Bro Warbird, was looking forward for a nice respite in SEP when I just got word of a monumental (pardon my French) F**K up that requires me to go overseas for a spot of troubleshooting. Not sure when I can be back. :rolleyes:

If I miss you this time round, Dec will defintely be good. BTW, M has just gotten her beautician diploma and will be trying for S-pass to work here. (Here's wishing her all the best!)

Loved your 'Mr. Austin' comment. Conjuring Bro DYBJ image in my mind's eye against your comment I can't help but smile.

Never viewed from the 大姨妈 angle. Now that you mentioned it, valid and good point (although there can be other non bleeding orifices that can be considered).

Guess the idea of paying retainer when you are away is contingent on whether you want to continue with her and the the sum involved vis-a-vis your personal budget.

It should be obvious that regardless whether you indulge her financially during your absence or not, you still run the risk of your BY being unfaithful.

In essence, can you stomach the idea of subsidising her while she is having her own fun and/or looking at better prospect in your absence?

Let's face it, having some kind of hold/control on her by using the financial nexus is certainly stronger than none at all when it comes to continuing where you left off upon your return. Your 'generousity' will have some currency when you continue with her after the period of your absence. You can even leverage on this spirit of generousity by getting her to indulge your whims.

However, you alone must determine the value and worth of this hold (which may be quite tenuous). If you don't mind paying for an ASSet that you will not be using and the associated risk of her playing behind your back in your absence (almost an inevitable, ineluctable certainty), you can do so.

For me personally, only those rarest of gems do I extend financial support in my absence. I cannot speak for your BY as I have not interacted with them.

As an example, I do not give XH any financial support when she is in China.
Yes, only when I cannot find an XH equivilant (better yet, a superior specimen) while playing the field, will I then give the airfare for her to come here.
.................................................. ............
Yes, admittedly I run the risk of losing her - a likely proposition. My hold on her currently is KC (which is very tenuous at best). Given the materialistic orientation, any generous patron or Robert wannabe who indulges XH at this point of time can easily ursurp her from me. However, because I have set myself up with nice options, I don't feel the pressure or need indulge her. That's why its always good to have options and choice. Choice not only in the form of gal prospect but also in the range of action that you want to take.

Having choices available precludes the scarcity mentality and frees you from being needy. And it is one of the surest way to empower yourself!

Hi bro justime,

Ths for ur prompt, detailed n thoughtful reply. Quite sad that u hv to go overseas again to fix a big problem. I'm confident that ur business n operational acumen will save the day! But I'm going to miss u!!

As for paying an allowance to my first BAO-ee while I'm absent for 2-3 months, I hv not decided yet. We hv had a long, complicated n checkered RS. Even if I dun pay her a retainer, she will still come back if she is in a financial bind, as she has done in the past.

She has seen me w/ other chio gals n she knows that I dun really need her pussy anymore. That is the reason she voluntarily lowers her demands n we r back together.

Ths n hv a great trip!

Oceanlee 04-09-2009 11:04 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird (Post 4074595)

Even if I dun pay her a retainer, she will still come back if she is in a financial bind, as she has done in the past.

She has seen me w/ other chio gals n she knows that I dun really need her pussy anymore. That is the reason she voluntarily lowers her demands n we r back together.

Ths n hv a great trip!

Guess you had drilled into her, which she of all shore chose to embrace you.
Well done, you are such an aspiring patron .... :D

At times also inspire me .... :p

justime 04-09-2009 12:34 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by ansonsohna (Post 4074092)
....just curious bro, what are yur thots abt the fierce singapore gal hitting her bf lampar? :D

Hi Bro Anson, I think I know which incident you are referring to.
(Can you post a link so that all readers would be on the same page? Thanks Bro)

I actually have got lots of things that I want to expatiate on with regards to this.

1) Right off the bat, I wonder if most readers here made the connection that this incident is germane to the very concepts that we talk about in this “Mistress” thread. If the newspapers are to be believed, the victim is director in an International Property firm and that the shrew in question is ex-staff whom he financially supports for close to a year.

It should be bladdy obvious that the guy is not empowered in the relationship whatsoever despite him providing financial support.

Like you, I will not pass judgment or cast aspersions on his masculinity without knowing the full context of the case. Sometimes it takes inordinate courage to ‘turn the other cheek’ especially in public! The prima facie understanding however suggests a man literally succumbing to a very fierce woman that he emasculates himself (a very unattractive proposition to most women and so dam disempowering that I cringe!).

2) Just to let you in the know, I had planned to do a Masterstroke on “Taming of the Shrew”. Sometimes we find ourselves very attracted to the feisty lasses who are given to ‘physical violence’. The control aspect of this shrew is obviously different vis-à-vis a more submissive one (e.g. Xin2). You certainly need to apply different strokes to shrews in order to control her.

Just a little foretaste of what of what the strategy involves:

a) As a person who also desires to be high up in the dominance / alpha scale (to paraphrase Bro Warbird’s terminology), it will be difficult to share the same position in the totem pole with a shrew over time, despite how much control you have over her at the outset. You must be prepared to let the shrew go if she becomes increasingly domineering or given to physical abuse.

b) Tease out her deepest insecurities and use it to manipulate her.

c) Manipulate her inner circle…and have a hold over them.

d) Now this is extremely controversial - How to apply the right type of verbal & physical violence if need arises without it becoming assault and battery.

(People who familiar with me will know that I hardly lose my cool even in the most heated circumstances. I am very even tempered and my assertiveness is understated. It is a quality that Hua, Mike and Terrence admire about me.)

So it is very uncomfortable for me to elaborate the violence aspect. But like it or not, women with fiery tempers and a penchant for violence exists. Not all are sugar and spice. That’s reality! What is also reality is that some of us may also be very attracted to such feisty lass (Hua has a penchant for fiery babes – must be the challenge of taming of shrews that attracts him).

What I will only say now is:

Do NOT be manipulated on the amorphous notion of what constitutes a gentleman. Refer Sean Connery’s bond on how he treats woman. A ‘caveman’ approach to shrews when selectively used can be the most effective modus operandi. A man’s morphological advantage should not be just to tolerate/endure the physical abuse a feisty woman metes out; it must also be used to subdue her and to gain the physical upper hand.

So back to the case of the shrew with the shoe: while walking away is certainly a good option, it is not the only course of action. It is perhaps the right approach when you want to diffuse the attention from public eyes.

For this shoe wielding warrior, you must wrestle and dislodge the shoe from her, throwing it far away from her and then pushing her off and simply drive away - leaving her stranded. Alternatively, you carry her shoes with you (after wrestling it from her) as you drive off, leaving her barefoot and stranded.

For those with extreme sangfroid, after driving off, make a deliberate halt, reverse the car to be beside her and then throw a ten /twenty note (with the instruction to "take a cab". Drive away calmly despite the inevitable protestations and profanities!

3) I will only pass a cursory remark here at this point in time (maybe readers like take this up and generate some discussion on this if interested) to say that prominent and successful Chinese business personalities are derisive over the Singaporean male over how they treat their women. They claimed that the Singaporean male is practically emasculated (actually eunuchs – among the more polite terminology). My protestations that we simply like to pamper our women and are imbued with the western notions of chivalry are met with derisive laughter.

I have to sadly agree to a large extent on their observations. I have yet to see a WL manipulate or display such conniving attitude when serving a successful Chinese Businessman patron. They simply will not tolerate any nonsense – it is always the “my way or the highway” (plus the occasional serving of violence as interest).

Hua and his Chinese associates are really “old” school. If any women dare to even slap him, they will retaliate – and hard! Sometimes even a display of an attitude of petulance earns a WL tight slap. I have witnessed this first hand on at least two occasions when with Hua’s associates, much to my disquiet!

I have a lot of anecdotes on the feisty women / shrew but I shall wait till later to share when it comes to the “Taming of the Shrew” masterstroke.

justime 04-09-2009 12:58 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by warbird (Post 4074595)
As for paying an allowance to my first BAO-ee while I'm absent for 2-3 months, I hv not decided yet. We hv had a long, complicated n checkered RS. Even if I dun pay her a retainer, she will still come back if she is in a financial bind, as she has done in the past.

She has seen me w/ other chio gals n she knows that I dun really need her pussy anymore. That is the reason she voluntarily lowers her demands n we r back together.

hmmm... a very quick question if I may, have you 'analysed' the reasons why she have such a hold on you?

Devil's Advocate time: Why not move on to newer pastures - especially given that there are baggages ("long, complicated n checkered RS") involved and that you have many new prospects in line?

Your response to the above may give you a cue/clue to your Achilles' heel in your emotional make up when it comes to dealing with women.

Not sure if you have read /applied NLP techniques when it comes to seducing women. If you are familiar with the concepts, do you know what modality that she is operating on when interacting with you?

bobochan 04-09-2009 02:41 PM

Re: Mistress
Nah i'm a fake cheesepie, true blue kkj hehe. I'm enticed and hooked by the sexplosion of machiavellian intelligences here. It's akin to watching Sun Tzu, Kong Ming and Lu Xun discussing stratagems, Priceless.

I'm lowly in the casanova scale to offer any views, perspective or stories, i would say i'm more like a Lega Pro player observing and comprehending the workings of the Serie A. Given that this thread is simply incredible, had to jump in here with my virginal post to show my utmost reverence for the grand masters here, "in the act of prostrating" . :)

warbird 05-09-2009 11:16 AM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by Oceanlee (Post 4074704)
Guess you had drilled into her, which she of all shore chose to embrace you.
Well done, you are such an aspiring patron .... :D

At times also inspire me .... :p

Hi bro OL,

No, this gal still thinks she is a "Goddess" n all men must worship her.


Originally Posted by justime (Post 4075023)
hmmm... a very quick question if I may, have you 'analysed' the reasons why she have such a hold on you?

Devil's Advocate time: Why not move on to newer pastures - especially given that there are baggages ("long, complicated n checkered RS") involved and that you have many new prospects in line?

Your response to the above may give you a cue/clue to your Achilles' heel in your emotional make up when it comes to dealing with women.

Not sure if you have read /applied NLP techniques when it comes to seducing women. If you are familiar with the concepts, do you know what modality that she is operating on when interacting with you?

Hi bro justime,

She is one of the very few gals in my lifetime I hv had any KC.

After much introspection, I believe the main reason is that she is very similar to my OC (when she was young) in looks n figure. In addition, they r both kinesthetic, very cold, often moody, aloof, arrogant n always play hard to get!! Just like my OC, this Fujian gal XX also refuses sex when she is not in the right mood!!

XX was stunningly beautiful when I first saw her a yr ago. Although her looks hv deteriorated a bit, she is still aesthetically pleasing to me. She is still 168, 49kg, perfectly proportionate n got meat in all the right places. She still doesn't hv onc oz of fat. And her cunt is still as tight n as wet. She still gives very little service which makes me wanting MORE. I guess I'm a glutton for punishment.

BTW, I just realised XX's sensory modality a few days ago. Wat a
revelation!! I'll use this knowledge to control her, hehehe.;)

Luckily, her hold on me is very feeble n I can walk away anytime, hehehe.


werewolves 05-09-2009 07:02 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 4063721)
The strategies you described are Neuro-linguistic Programing based strategies. It is generally effective and forms the bulwark of most Success coaching paradigm today (such as Anthony Robbins and even Adam Khoo / Barny Wee locally).

Do know that aspects of NLP has been modified to “speed seduction” techniques and have spawned a sub genre in the fine art of “buaya-ing”.

Although, many seduction technique authors do mention cultural variables, it is often cursory and not substantive. There is also a slightly ‘western’ slant (which still useful given that humans beings are mostly the same everywhere). Also do know however, that seduction techniques espoused by these authors need fine tuning – more so if applied in the KTV scene.

I found some NLP based "speed seduction" type videos on the net that some bros may be interested in (just skip the first few and start with vids 5 onwards).

Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction®: Beyond Dating Tips - NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Training - Experts forum

Also, wanted to say thanks for the extremely entertaining and informative thread :D

ansonsohna 06-09-2009 12:48 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by justime (Post 4074957)
Hi Bro Anson, I think I know which incident you are referring to.
(Can you post a link so that all readers would be on the same page? Thanks Bro)

Like you, I will not pass judgment or cast aspersions on his masculinity without knowing the full context of the case. Sometimes it takes inordinate courage to ‘turn the other cheek’ especially in public! The prima facie understanding however suggests a man literally succumbing to a very fierce woman that he emasculates himself (a very unattractive proposition to most women and so dam disempowering that I cringe!).

Do NOT be manipulated on the amorphous notion of what constitutes a gentleman. Refer Sean Connery’s bond on how he treats woman. A ‘caveman’ approach to shrews when selectively used can be the most effective modus operandi. A man’s morphological advantage should not be just to tolerate/endure the physical abuse a feisty woman metes out; it must also be used to subdue her and to gain the physical upper hand.

......For those with extreme sangfroid, after driving off, make a deliberate halt, reverse the car to be beside her and then throw a ten /twenty note (with the instruction to "take a cab". Drive away calmly despite the inevitable protestations and profanities!

.....“Taming of the Shrew” masterstroke.

As per bro justime's request, the link:

don't know why, but i have been following this discussion with great interest. of the many discussions & different forum i read, yur one single post oredi got more value than all combine.

for me, got discussion on strategy on handling fierce violent woman, culture difference, tock abt wat to do in the situ itself ...... no wonder everytime i read tis thread i got intellectual orgasm! :D

tks bro for taking the time & trouble to anwer a noob padawan request

ansonsohna 06-09-2009 12:53 PM

Re: Mistress

Originally Posted by werewolves (Post 4079164)
I found some NLP based "speed seduction" type videos on the net that some bros may be interested in (just skip the first few and start with vids 5 onwards).

Ross Jeffries Speed Seduction®: Beyond Dating Tips - NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Training - Experts forum

Also, wanted to say thanks for the extremely entertaining and informative thread :D

tks for the links bro werewolves. quick click looks interesting. 看起来my afternoon got some personal development training time. up you (wait abt 24 hrs cos I just up someone) in sincere kum siah.

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