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zerofighter 19-02-2010 12:31 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
Me:Take action?
Paul: Yup what r u waiting for?
Me: r u sure she have some feelings for me?
Paul: Whalan! yr shifu me have conquered countless cities b4! her eyes have given her away.
Me: Serious?
Paul: now the thing for u to consider is.. if u really win her heart. r u willing to compensate that idoit Zj for the wedding tables and of course the reno cost?
Me: Y nt?! if i can promise her a happier life. y nt?!
Paul: Great! l love yr style.

The next few days with Jolyn is as per normal. we would laugh and chat with each other whenever we r free. I will even walk her hm as our office is within walking distance from her place..

Jolyn: did she still called u these few days?
Me: nt much le. btw is the wedding table issue resolved?
Jolyn: he still insist that he shd take the share of the angpao money and my mum is furious.
Me: Have u really thought of spenting yr life with him?
Jolyn: do i still have a choice?...

At that moment i look at her tenderly in her eyes.....

Me: Yup u still have...
Jolyn: the papers have been signed.. too late le.
Me: but...................

Our eyes met each other at that most precise moment and we can read each other thoughts at that moment.

Jolyn: dun think too much k... i dun want to hurt u.....

Time flies fast... b4 we know it.. we r at her block already. i am quiet at this moment as i am too lost to say anything now.. nt daring to tell her bravely how i feel abt her. i feel like a complete failure!

Jolyn: thanks for senting me hm..

as she is leaving for the lift.. my emotions rise and unable to contain myself much further... i hold her hands and i hug her closely to my side. she did nt reject my hug and both of us r tearing in each other embrace....

Me: i do feel for u....
Jolyn: yup i can sense it.

Royster79 19-02-2010 12:52 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
Very good story... Keep it up!! :)

DuFu 19-02-2010 01:02 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
Wonderful narration. Thanks.

numb3ers 19-02-2010 01:05 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
wa lan...

Good one. TS pls continue.

naturegreen 19-02-2010 04:42 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
After reading your story, makes me feel so into it as if I am the male character in it. Can feel for you. Cool~

Lsy84 19-02-2010 05:02 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
TS! What a wonderful story! Pls carry on with the story! :D

zerofighter 19-02-2010 05:46 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
Holding her hands... we went to the playground... kissing her gently on her forehead...

Jolyn: that is sweet of u...
Me: i am a poor man with words.
Jolyn: dun say anything then...

That nite i cuddle her gently in my arms.. we did nt say anything much just enjoying the presence of each other...

Jolyn: it is late le.. 2mr still have classes..
Me: i sent u to the lift...
Jolyn: dun want wait i have an impulse to hug u again...

Once again i draw her gently to my arms...

Me: i love u.
Jolyn: thanks...
Me: let me sent u to the lift k?....
Jolyn: K..

Once she board the lift... i feel so empty again in my heart... i did nt go hm that nite... but went to the playground sitting on the same spot thinking of her....

zerofighter 19-02-2010 05:52 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
Thanks to all bros who upped me. appreciate that.

kensheeh89 19-02-2010 09:32 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
nice story bro.. keep it comin... cant wait for more :)

simple2kee 19-02-2010 09:36 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
good narration! camping for more. :)

TheGreatOne 19-02-2010 10:05 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
ahh! so this is the story you were saying...

nice narration of events, bro!

upped you for your efforts

zerofighter 20-02-2010 08:23 AM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
Bro Greatone,

Great to c u here. thanks for upping me. cheers!

zerofighter 20-02-2010 08:42 AM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
That nite i finally went hm.. feeling a mixed of feelings... happiness, emptiness.. Being a person poor with words, i decided to pen down my thoughts and wrote a love letter to her. I remember once i started to write.. my pain is slowly released too... it is a 2 pages love letter. whalan longer than than the GP eassy i wrote during my A levels. Next day of work, we met again... she smiled at me when she saw me. as usual we r early and quickily i pass her the letter.

Me: Erm.. a letter for u.. read it after work k.
Jolyn: a love letter? she giggled
Me: sort of ba...
Jolyn: thanks.

I still remember that day i am rather restless the whole day. Cant focus on my work well. How will the response be after reading it. In the letter, i confessed to her my feelings abt her. Even telling her i would bear the compensation if she decided to back out of the marriage. Having said that, i would still leave the final decesion to her, respecting whatever decesion she has made at the end of the day.

Immediately after every class she have took, she will come out of the classroom and tok to me.

Jolyn: what time u slept last nite?
Me: 3am ba
Jolyn: so late?..
Me: yeah loh, long time never write letters liao..
Jolyn: u eh.. btw if zj call me later, just say i nt free to ans the phone.
Me: r u still having cold war with him over the tables issue?
Jolyn: yup. i have been avoiding his calls since last nite.
Me: k.

Jolyn: Carol, when Zj call me later, just say i nt free to ans his phone.
Carol: k.
Jolyn: c u later. same place i meet u for dinner after work.
Me: all rite. ( I am overjoyed at that moment. Great can meet her again today).

zerofighter 20-02-2010 04:22 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
That day Zj called her a few times but she dun want to ans the phone. Towards the end of the day, he appeared at the office.

Zj: where is jolyn?
Me: Teaching.
Zj: can i wait here.
Me: sure.

Soon the last class ended and she apppeared. Upoun seeing him, she was rather surprised and wanted to rush off hm. but before she can do that, he grabbed hold of her arm...

Zj: i need to tok to u.
Jolyn: Let go of me!
Me: let go of her. watch yr behaviour, there r students around.
Jolyn: i dun want to tok to him.. her voice is choking with anger..
Me:Zj would u like to leave her alone for a while...

The students soon left and there is 4 of us in the office now including carol.

Carol: i have better make a move first.
Zj: pls dun embrass me in front of yr collagues. can we have a tok outside?
Jolyn: k...

I locked up the office and proceed to lot 1. I was thinking to myself: i may nt be able to meet for dinner and indeed my feelings is rite. I received a text form her..

Jolyn: Paiseh dun think for meet u for dinner liao... sorry...

My heart sank at that point of time... Feeling kinda of lost, i decided to attend my church service... it is a sat... i remember... somehow i feel at peace when i step into the church... i ask God: if it is nt yr will for me to be involed in this emotional entanglement... pls deliver me out of it... He did nt give me an answer that evening.. but somehow i feel at peace... emotionally prepared for the worst outcome: she may nt accept me after all...

After service that evening, i strolled to the east coast alone as my church is within walking distance from it. Listening to the sea breezes, i gazed at the waves rushing and beating aganist the rocks.. My mobile rang a few times but it is nt her who is looking for me... Paul and a few of my buddies r looking for me.

Me: Hello
Paul: r u k?
Me: Yup.. bro i need to be alone.
Paul; Sure, remember i am just a phone call away if u need someone to tok to.
Me: Thanks bro.

I dunnno how long i stayed at the beach... it must be ages... cos time to me has lost its purpose le... Finally i went hm, emotionally tired, drained... nt knowing what she will tell me 2mr...

Elfbird 20-02-2010 04:53 PM

Re: A girl whom i dun dare to love
jiayou man... hahaha... camping for more stories..

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