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bangbangben 30-04-2008 04:50 PM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex
Erm.. is TS the She or the He?
or is she or he... a... she + male?


I didn't noe hand foot mouth got close primary and secondary sch.

Frankiestine 30-04-2008 04:52 PM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by bangbangben (Post 2738494)
Erm.. is TS the She or the He?
or is she or he... a... she + male?


in this forum especially if some one claims to be a char bor always take it with a pinch of salt...:p

wooshiedot 30-04-2008 04:56 PM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by yang punk (Post 2738222)
Miss Woo...
Since you didn't give your age I presume that you are both in your early to mid 20s? Basically there is nothing wrong with both of you. Sad to say if we men are honest we are far from the being the studs that we hope to be or you ladies hope to have.

Honestly most of us when young, would ejeculate before the lady unless she is highly sensitive and can cum easily. So for the smart guy if he wants to please the lady then he must be prepared to work hard. The trick is lots of foreplay... use lips tongue fingers... sex toys if she don't mind. Most ladies love oral sex and the man's tongue can outlast his dick anytime! (Ladies... men love to be blown too and bj also helps him to last longer when it cums to fj).

That said, Miss Woo, you have to ask yourself... is your self sextisfaction the most important factor in your relationship? If yes... then I am sorry to say you are both a mismatch. Better to face the truth now than later. But if his other qualities make up for his lack of virility, than a good heart to heart talk with him should do the trick... provided his ego can take it. Suggest to him more foreplay, oral sex, use dildo or vibrator to let you cum a few times before he insert.

The good thing is with age, he should be able to last longer.

All that you above, I did take into consideration. Have resorted to watching porn just to instruct him but...results stil the same. As per what some bros here have suggested; desensitise his male member.. i did that too.. n also held him back from coming by pausing the activities. I'm not an expert but i have my fair share of experience to try those methods 1st.. to no avail.

For info, I donot think it is premature ejaculation. He comes fast like les than a few mins.. and it is frustrating for me. I believe for him so; cos despite what my mouth says abt me feeling fine, i think my face does show disappointment?? face is like an open book.

I know all men has ego and I have tried to put it down gently n nicely.. When I suggested that we get another person in, he balked at the idea to be honest and I tried to potray it as it would be enriching and would help our sex life. As it is, we are planning or rather in talk of getting married to each other though nothing has been planned.

He sleeps everywhere and anytime. When he happens to skive off work for 2 hours in the noon, n i happen to be home. I ask for it and he tells me he is tired..let him sleep 1st.

Nightfall, same thing. N then when we eventually do it, he comes fast.. and sleep comes fast too.. so no chance for a 2nd time. Same thing if you guys are thinking how abt weekends.

He is kinda not really into sex. Like he has his urges n I accomodate him all the time; im fine with it anytime. But those urges aint often? Beyond those urges, when I do try to "teach" or encourage something else, he aint keen to learn. Like you know if that person does not have a passion for it..he'll seem kinda "go-along-with-it cos-u-want-me-to" N we're both in our late late late twenties so no reason why this sorta things happens..

x_ylx 30-04-2008 05:01 PM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex

A few things you can get your bf to try.

1. Mentally calculate some mathematical table like 2's exponential table i.e. 2^2=4, 2^3=8, ..., 2^12=4,096...
yep, you get the drift. the number gets "exponentially" bigger as u go. If your bf concentrate on getting all the numbers right, chances are he gets to prolong his climax as his mind is preoccupied with something else and not so aroused.

2. Whenever your bf wants to climax, he should pull out of you, squeeze his penis tightly, flex his stomach muscle and the muscle between his testicles and his anus for 5~10s or until his feeling of climaxing reduce. This will restrict the blood flow to his penis and delay the climax.

3. Change position. There are some positions where he might get a lot of rubbing thereby heightening his arousal and causing him to climax. Change to a position where the rubbing is reduced on his part but the pleasure for you is still good. For me, one such position is when my partner is on top and I am rocking her forward and backward (not upward and downward movement). At this position, my partner can climax 3~4 times while I am still fine.

4. Just do it. Sometimes, try to just do the plain old simple screw without all the foreplay. Some people just get too pumped out with kinky foreplay and cannot hold the flood gate after that.

5. Work on physical fitness. Areas to focus are stamina and stomach muscle. Stamina is quite obvious. I read somewhere about why stomach muscle but I couldn't remember already. Maybe something about restricting blood flow.

Lastly, if all the above still don't work, he should see a doctor. He might need some medical help.

Good luck!

wooshiedot 30-04-2008 05:04 PM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by Frankiestine (Post 2738499)
in this forum especially if some one claims to be a char bor always take it with a pinch of salt...:p

I'm a she.. and pls for goodness sake, I know there are "bo liao" ppl ard who just wants to spark off some topic for some attention or to play pranks.. or watever!! I dont know and I dont care why but I'm not here to do this.

I've read a few of the threads, tried to find info b4 on similar cases.. Did not manage to and I ended up starting this thread. You think I fancy starting one??

I just do not wish to have to resort to an affair or two time my bf..I'm not married to him yet but in a way I'm just trying to preempt the situation by dealing with it first, not when serious cracks start to appear.
He is a nice guy and in all aspects he is gentle and nice and everything.. I want to marry him and I do not wish to hurt him with an affair when Im eventually married u see?

Sutali 30-04-2008 05:10 PM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by Frankiestine (Post 2738499)
in this forum especially if some one claims to be a char bor always take it with a pinch of salt...:p

Haha bro, 99% fake :D

wooshiedot 30-04-2008 05:10 PM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex

Originally Posted by x_ylx (Post 2738517)

5. Work on physical fitness. Areas to focus are stamina and stomach muscle. Stamina is quite obvious. I read somewhere about why stomach muscle but I couldn't remember already. Maybe something about restricting blood flow.

Lastly, if all the above still don't work, he should see a doctor. He might need some medical help.

Good luck!

I failed to take that into consideration. Perhaps it really is his stamina. He is tall and lanky, n despite my naggings on headin to the gym to pump up some muscles on the arm and shoulder, he is too lazy to move his butt. But difference was the only reason I wanted him to do that was because my cheeks ached when he wants me to lie on his shoulder (not much padding..) n his elbom kept jutting into my hip bone when he cuddles me.

Now I think all the more he should do that.. Just never realised the part abt muscles and stamina.


poorman4sex 30-04-2008 05:14 PM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex
I did not want to post it here but as usual the lady's PM is full... haha...

Tell him or talk to him....
-dun concentrate too much on the dick. When guy make love, they like to concentrate on the feeling on the dick inside the pussy, this makes us cums fast.
-open his EYES~ fucking with eyes closed cums fast too as his mind will be concentrating u know where...
-soft talk, sex talk to him when making love... eg. slowly dear... kiss me.... hug me..... suck my breast...
-tell him to concentrate on the other parts of your body... he should not be just exploring the pussy hole right ?

as for you, you too need to play a part.....
-shift his can try to kiss him when he is bonking away, this will distract him abit
-go on top and take control too, he dun change pattern then u change lah

many times man just bang away like banging a wall and thought that the woman below will be happy too...which is not true of course and normally this will lead to the man cumming 1st as they concentrate too much below..

michaelrocksam 30-04-2008 05:56 PM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex
Sister Wooshiedot,

Have u heard of the stop and start technique? Ask him to try it, overtime he will improve his timing.

Every young man who just started and with not much experience will cum faster.

The other thing is that the state of health plays another part. A guy with weak kidneys cannot cum too often.

Dun use the the missionary position, it makes some guys cum faster, as the angle may cause greater tension to the penis.

If u need further advice, just let me know.

Happy bonkee ! :*)

Rexell 01-05-2008 12:30 AM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex
For me, it is how often i use my dick. Last time when i was younger, average time need to cum is about 15mins. But now, i need about 45 - 1hr+ to cum(from the time of insertion into pussy).

Why? Because my dick is no longer as sensitive as when i was young. It is no longer as sensitive because i think my dick is overused. When you fuck too much, the penis becomes less sensitive and thus, more stimulation is needed to reach ejaculation. Just like construction workers have less sensitive hands compared to an office worker.

And when you fuck too much, you are no longer as excited. E.g you no longer feel damn excited when you strip and see a gal naked. Whatever kinda nehneh or cb doesn't really make you nosebleed anymore.

Anyway, what i'm trying to say is to get him to fuck you more, or pcc more. But it is a long term method. If you want short term method, fast and cheap, drink 3 cans of stout before fucking. Assuming he can take it, his dick will be hard and he can last longer. Enough stout desensitises the penis. Works for me... Another thing, he must be willing to satisfy you. If he is half-hearted, then nothing can help you.

heatingup 01-05-2008 12:54 AM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex
Hi attached lady,

I have the same problem of premature ejaculation. The cause of my problem is the lack of sexual intercourse. If I only get to do with my wife once a week to ten days, I come really fast, 1 to 2 mins. If I get to screw her twice in 3 days, i last about 30 mins.

For a more scientific response, see
"Premature ejaculation: current and future treatments"
Asian Journal of Andrology
Volume 10 Issue 1 Page 102-109, January 2008
Blackwell Synergy - Asian J Andrology, Volume 10 Issue 1 Page 102-109, January 2008 (Article Abstract)

Don't hurt his pride directly or indirectly. That will only aggravate his & both of your problem.

Best wishes.

Rexell 01-05-2008 01:11 AM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex
If you are really interested in a demo, and your bf is not comfy with you being fucked by another guy, you can pm me and i will try to arrange with my fb for a demo. If he is not too interested, tell him that the gal's body is just like the gal in the slimfit ad. ;)

peacegal 01-05-2008 01:21 AM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex
y don u try getting some sex toys for both of u to go along with the process. prob can spice up ur sex life??

PM mi if u r interested! i do noe of some lobangs. haa.;)

Gentle Boy 01-05-2008 01:58 AM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex
Sis Wooshiedot,

You said your bf comes too fast and therefore I assumed you did not enjoy the desire sexual fulfillment that you had always wanted. Btw, sexual enjoyment is not limited to sex only. Most of the time, female can last longer and therefore do not reach climax earlier than men. As such you will realise that before you reach climax, your bf already does and the action stops. Men usually gets tired once he achieve orgasm. Few ways you can try which some bros have suggested:

1. Get your bf to rest when he is about to reach climax
2. When he stop, squeeze his testicles to get him to relax
3. Continue this action until he cannot take it and eventually got no choice but to shoot

Another way is to enjoy your sex (have orgasm) without making love:

Teach your bf to find your g-spot and stroke you to orgasm. This may takes some time for your bf to learn. But be patient, once he get the hang of it, you will not only enjoy the sexual fulfillment but also he will be more confident since he can bring you climax. After fingering you to orgasm, I am sure you will still have the desire or urge for him to make love to you.

But the challenge here is to get him to be willing to learn this. You have to have a serious talk with him. If you can't, then while both of you are having foreplay, take his hand to stroke you and show him you are enjoying when he touched your sensitive area. This will also give him the confirmation that that is the spot so that he can take note of it. I hope this will help you because it had helped me.

aces68 01-05-2008 10:38 AM

Re: Attached lady here needs sex
Sis Woo,

I think if there is a mismatch in sexual drives, it's a big problem. Most guys with wives who have low sex drives will probably attest to this. It is the same in my case as OC has low sex drive.

As for PE, I can say that your bf is quite lucky to have a gf like you who is willing to help. I don't know if this helps but you could try :-

1. Ask him to exercise his PC muscle (you can do a google find out more).
2. Have sex in the morning, for me I find that I last longer in the morning.
3. If PE is still a persistent problem, I think your bf should develop other skills like cunnilingus...but I suppose it all depends on what you like.

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